Sunday, January 13, 2019

Will you then out of a heart akin to God’s own heart

   Will you then out of a heart akin to God’s own heart learn to be patient with individuals at various levels of development?  Do not expect too much of those who, far down the ladder of life, leap childlike toward what may seem to you only a bauble or a trinket.  One day they will come to understand infinite values….Oh what a pity it is that men do not understand the need for patience toward other parts of life!…How necessary it is that men learn not only to receive the Mercy of God but also to extend it graciously to others.  Let us then build a tower of light and hope in the world that shall shift man’s interests and intents from the mundane to the heavenly and…polarize his consciousness to the goal of rebirth in Christ.  Thus he moves toward the gentle Christ-attainment that thunders forth the peal of universal purpose made available to all because it has been realized by one.     
                                                -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:42
  Blessed ones, rewards may come late.  They may come after lifetimes when you come full circle to lay your crowns before Him, to give God the glory and to recognize that the highest reward is not greatness of itself but to be the servant of all and to be the instrument of the greatest light.  I come with this scepter of the Shepherd’s crook that is my Son’s and I tell you that the Mother-flame in the Church must be restored fully.  I tell you, beloved, that even in his life the apostle Peter never completed the assignments given to him by Jesus, neither when he was with him following the resurrection nor after Jesus’ ascension--to the present hour….
  Even so the ancient prophets were married.  Even so some who later became saints and came apart from the world were married in the beginning, such as Siddhartha.  And you know, beloved, that my own Son shared a beautiful love with his twinflame, Magda, who held the balance for him, even as I did, as he pursued a mission of immensity, holding the sacred fire of the Divine Mother in the full mastery of his chakras.
  Blessed ones, take heart then, for the corruptions of the old Church must pass away with the structure itself.  Souls must be liberated.  Devils who have crept in, as the fallen angels who perverted the temples of the Mother in Lemuria, must be bound and judged.  This temple, this inn, this holy church is to us the new wineskin for the new wine.  It would be impossible, beloved, to deliver the magnificent teachings on marriage, the balancing of karma, transcending of human marriage and entering into the marriage made in heaven given the old wineskins of orthodoxy.…
  Intercession comes then through the sponsorship of lightbearers.  And when lightbearers consider the world they must not impute to the world the purity of motive or the faithfulness or even the desire for attainment or a golden age that lodges in their own hearts. This is one of the most important lessons that I must teach to my children and sons and daughters as they newly take up life on earth.
  It takes some time to realize that most of the world does not share your zeal for heavenly things or the abstentions from the fun and frolicking that most people engage in.  And therefore a life that is full of the joy and bliss of heaven, the communion of saints, has no appeal to those who must have the noise and raucousness of this planet.…
  Blessed ones, the highway of our God is traversed only by saints and cosmic beings.  But you are not free to take the next step except you enter the next initiation.  But having two feet on the edge of this road where heaven begins and earth leaves off is a very momentous gift and a very momentous occasion.  Think about it often and pray to the archangels to give you those tests where you might take a single footstep forward.
  Sometime along this highway the grand initiations leading to the resurrection and the ascension may be accorded to you.  Thus when you are on the highway of our God you may find that the change in vibration is altogether natural and not so sudden in the reentering into higher octaves.  I am therefore expressing to you the gratitude of the Hierarchy of Light for your diligence in this service….
   And Death is not only a false hierarchy, an absolute Evil and a band of demons, it is the false belief that the self must pass away as mortal.  This false belief rests on the mistaken idea that you are mortal.  Therefore affirm your immortality….
  Be able to hold onto that which must be held onto, which is the Teaching and the Word of God.  Be able to let go of that which you must let go of.  This is a very important lesson in life, and it is part of the decision-making process.  Above all, beloved, when there is no answer or solution (or decision forthcoming) to a particular knotty problem on the world scene, at home or in the Church, I ask you to call to my heart.  For my immaculate heart does hold the original blueprint for every event and eventuality that could come forth out of the creation of God.  It is a very strong inner blueprint, and it may be called up on the screen of the mind before you in your sanctuaries….
  It is wonderful, beloved, to contemplate life and its opportunities before you and to be able to plan your life and plan it in keeping with the divine plan and find no pain in embracing the will of God and no sense of struggle in surrendering the anti-will.  To see the rest of your life, from this very moment on, as an opportunity to become God--this, beloved, is the greatest news of the Everlasting Gospel.
  Amplifying it in your hearts now, multiplying your heartflame by my own to the fullest extent of the mercy of the Law, I, Mary--servant of the Most High God and of His sons, Archeia of the Fifth Ray, beloved of Raphael and of all my children, sons and daughters--do now consecrate Central America, Cuba, all islands of the Caribbean to my immaculate heart with a fervor, a righteousness and a wrath of the Cosmic Christ.  Thus the fire that descends is heaven’s answer to your call.  It is more than a consecration.  It is a purging and a judgment.  It is a branding as with a branding iron, and it is a divine decree!
  In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, by the Shepherd’s crook of my Son, I, Mary, infuse the entire territory with light and I say to you, beloved, Onward, march!--north, south, east and west throughout Central America and onward to the very southern tip.
  Let us keep in mind the God and Goddess Meru and their call to educate all people as to the knowledge of the hidden man of the heart, the holy Christ-flame, the interior light.  This is our call and our calling.  And in this hour therefore our legions attack all centers of voodoo and witchcraft permitted by the church fathers throughout Central and South America right within our own tabernacles and temples and cathedrals.  Blessed ones, the accommodation of the Roman hierarchy to the superstitions and black magic of the people of Central and South America is a crime of the first magnitude against my Son and his little ones.  For millions have been trapped into the astral plane, the psychic, and cursed to Death and Hell itself while the priests have stood by to allow the people their superstitious and evil practices rather than challenge them and perhaps lose members or control or money for their coffers….
  Blessed hearts, indeed these fallen ones move against all who attempt to represent Christ.  Therefore know that they always know where are the highest initiates and who are the Keepers of the Flame.  They know their day is done when confronted by the call.  They have seen their cursings literally dissolve and decompose, and they know what the source of that call is and who is the mouthpiece thereof….
  When you look at the ills of society and realize that it is the fallen angels, the Satans, that have originated and sustained these you will understand just how far-reaching is the support for the Church of Satan even without affiliation.  Let the judgment then begin with the source and the head and let it proceed throughout the world.  For this world must become the cradle of the divine Manchild and a golden-age civilization…. Therefore the hosts of heaven rejoice and the angels serve a heavenly mass in the Temple Beautiful.  May you know that our love is with you forever and that we look forward to the day when we may walk with you on the highway of our God.  The benediction and grace of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be upon you forever and forever, amen.
(by Ruth Hawkins)
                                 -Mother Mary:  4-21-1987 at Dallas via Messenger of the 
                                     Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet
  In numerology with a= 1, b = 2, c= 3, etc. to i= 9 and j=1 we have some words totaling 30 and totaling 39:
Sanat Kumara, betrayal, greed, solstice, horses, Ulyanov*, commune, bondage, serene, deodara= (each one) 30
straight, Confucius, Roe v. Wade, wholeness, Anton LaVey= 39

*V. I. Ulyanov was Lenin's actual name, and he had incarnated as I. Loyola and as A. LaVey as well, according to Kuthumi' 1976 Pearls expose on false teachers and false teachings..    -r.

     Shasta on 1-13-19
           western bluebird

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