Thursday, January 17, 2019

5G, spearhead of robotics/AI--what does this mean?

5-30-2018    For example, 5G networks will allow factories to cut cables to their machines and put more intelligence into both edge computing and the cloud.  This will lead to cheaper robots, quicker change times and much more flexible production.  And the high speed of 5G will give machine operators real-time insights on the overall status of the project, and provide the opportunity to explore machine learning and predictive maintenance, which reduce expensive downtime.
  The impact of 5G on factories is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how the speeds of 5G will reshape the world of the internet of things and mobile devices.  While 4G revolutionized the smartphone experience, 5G will have an even bigger impact on other smart consumer “things” such as autonomous vehicles.  Everyone is talking about driverless cars and its impact on our lifestyle.         
  Though still in the infancy stage, the autonomous vehicle network will heavily rely on next-gen mobile networks to handle the high levels of data across all areas — such as car diagnostics and journey details that will rely on real-time data to navigate around.
  5-9-18   However the sheer scale of 5G means that current data analytics capabilities must evolve. That means operators must invest in AI if they expect to take full advantage of the potential of 5G.
  There are two complementary areas for the application of AI.  First, as a productivity driver in the product development process, and therefore time to market; and second, to power autonomous intelligent platforms for IoT and other customer-facing services. Together the tangible benefits of AI are significant for operator business growth, margins and the delivery of the all-important customer experience.
  The stakes couldn’t be higher.  Here is what AI will mean for mobile operators.
  AI brings the ability to enhance the development lifecycle. Integrating machine learning across the DevOps process will result in significant productivity gains and faster time to market. Operators already see significant efficiencies from increased automation across DevOps, but more sophisticated forms of machine learning will deliver improved uptime, predictive defect detection and root-cause analysis. These will come from the integration of AI into specialist machine-learning toolchains that can be used to support many use cases.
9-9-18   Yet 5G is not a slam dunk for telecoms companies.  A recent survey conducted by consultancy Bain found that of the 19 largest global mobile phone companies, just over half, said they saw no near-term business case for the technology.  “When it comes to 5G many telecom executives seem to have lost their faith in the power of technology to deliver more,” said Herbert Blum, who authored the report.
  5G may not be an overnight sensation but it is set to grow rapidly in the countries where networks place an early bet on the new technology — as long as expectations are kept in check.
  Thus the absolute tyranny of the fallen ones has beget an absolute power that is a black sphere, the counterfeit to the sphere of the Great Blue Causal Body of the universe. That Great Blue Causal Body contains within it the inner blueprint for every lifestream—and the God-momentum of power with which to fulfill that blueprint! …
  When the bodies have been separated by violent and aggressive means, such as those forces which are abroad in the land--the misuse of rhythm, the misuse of substance taken into the body as food, drug or stimulant, the misuse of the currents of mind and emotions, and so many conditions such as the splitting of the mind of children through the media, through the television--when this is present, we cannot lower the ray of the will of God into the crucible of self. For the four lower bodies then do not represent a satisfactory chalice to contain the energy idling, then, at the nexus of creation.
  Let the four sides of the pyramid be aligned.  I command it!  I demand it!  I call forth your energies from out the Great Central Sun!  I expel! those forces of the fallen ones.  I bind! them in the name of the Christ, in the name of the I AM THAT I AM….
Here where the sign of Gemini is the Mind of God for action in concentration the perversion of the light was in the mechanical creation of a robot in imitation of the Gemini Mind--absolute travesty against the Almighty!  And yet the fallen ones carried off their scheme--and it seemed for a time that they would carry the day!
  They created then a robot manifestation with a superficial ability to deal with mundane information but lacking the depth of the prongs of love/wisdom that come forth out of the threefold flame.  This then seemingly practical yet highly spiritually impractical robot began to overrun that civilization. The challenge to sons and daughters of God was to use then the Gemini Mind to confute, refute, denounce, bind! and remove from Mercury those manifestations--an absolute usurpation of the creation of the Almighty One.
  As we saw the challenge and as we were taught by God Mercury we knew that unflinching devotion to the will of God, the drawing within of energy to the diamond-point of the Self, the wielding of the sword of blue flame and the mastery of the action of fohatic keys would result in the victory. 
  Fohatic keys, blessed ones, are molecular formulae that are used for a particular release of the energies of the chakras.  These energies when coded in certain manifestations,can bring to pass in the matter-plane any form of manifestation, any intensity of the seven rays for a specific action or challenge.  You will note that the black magicians have perverted these keys and set their perverted keys to music, played that rhythm and that music and thereby caused enormous quantities of energy to be drained from the children of God.    
                           -Morya:  10-8-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet
  I AM therefore the challenging and the binding of the personal betrayers of the Messenger who even in this hour do attempt to hatch their plots against the light! I speak because I know whereof I speak, and I AM the ascended master El Morya.
And surely you do not think--you who lurk as spies against the light--that I have fear and doubt or that I am paranoid.  For if you do, you have truly misapprehended the ascended masters who are real and who stand in your presence as well as in the presence of the Messenger, who know your heart and soul and mind and are not fooled--though you think you fool the light, though you think you fool the activity of the light.
  God is no fool, and God shall not be mocked.  For His will does appear, and it is an unlikely will (according to the human reason and the human calculation).  But the schemes of darkness must all come to naught.  And we will endure until the Lord’s judgment.  We will endure until you yourselves tire of the infamy that is upon you and see clearly that God-reality is there for you also to espouse and to be a part of.    
                                             -Morya:  4-2-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
  Beloved hearts of light, think therefore of the seed atom at the base-of-the-spine chakra.  You think of the ascending Kundalini, but I think of the descending light of the Mighty I AM Presence that first did descend to plant the seed.  And therefore the rising Kundalini was first the descending Kundalini.  And that which does descend from the Mighty I AM Presence must ascend.  Let therefore the Mother-flame rise in you, and you also will rise.  Let your star appear!  And let your grief contrived by resistance to the heart of the One now be dispelled.  And let your fear inordinate, dwelling in dark corners of the recesses of the mind, come out. …
  And all who are my disciples truly in word and deed, in act and love, receive now the completion of the circle of fire with my own heart.  Therefore no names will be named to be included or excluded, for the number and the sign of the disciple is the internal Word and its internalization by the I AM.  I understand who you are; let those who understand who I AM prove it therefore by being as I AM.
  You may be like me without fear.  I am not some sort of mummy or cement statue, sterile and silent!  I move among the children of life, and I am determined to fight a fairly good fight for the victory of the light in this nation and India and in Russia and in every nation….The seed atom in the base of the spine chakra, beloved hearts, does contain the seed of my own life and victory and overcoming.  For to each one God gave a single seed that the flower of the Mother might appear….
  If you surround your children with too many things, too many points of entertainment and diversion, when will they ever go within?  You will make materialists of them instead of devotees ready for the rigorous path of the ascension….
  Let us rid ourselves of the notions of an indulgent West and realize that this nation was not built on indulgence or indulgences paid for to the Church, but it was built upon hard work—those of proud and determined spirits who took the path of initiation and went west to discover the new space of the Buddha that one day you would call your own….
  The people of this world are not as foolish as the power elite may think.  They are not as foolish as the high-handed take them for.  And one of these days those whom they have mistakenly called fool will rise up to pull the rug out from under them, and they will not quite understand what has happened to their empires….
  Now what do you think of teachers who themselves are heartless and have not the Holy Spirit?  They use neither heart nor hand, thus train only the intellect and consider those intellectually trained, educated.  This is not education. For the intellect itself is but a piece (and a fragmentary piece at that) of the universal Mind of God omnipresent.  Heart, head and hand therefore means truly the mind of Christ, the heart of Christ, the hand of Christ.
  Let us not bring up animals; let us not rear robots.  Let us have children joyfully, fully understanding that the outer development of the four lower bodies is always to key the inner heart and the inner self and to unite the inner expression with the outer--to ignite the flame in the bowl, to bring that union of the inner self into full cosmic integration with these vehicles, that we might see walking the earth truly children of the heart of the living Word….
  I love my job, I love my work.  See that you do also, for I do not like to hear and feel the strident vibrations of those who work in dislike of their work.  It is a sacrilege, for all work is holy and is the holiness of God.  Nothing is rote, nothing is drudgery.  Every act is an opportunity to be God.       
                           -Gautama Buddha:  12-31-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
  Of course we don’t create our conscience.  We create the milieu in which we can listen to the inner voice of the Holy Christ Self who is our conscience.  If we have created a milieu of non-listening, of allowing our senses to be constantly bombarded, our conscience can’t be pricked because it is nonexistent.  So we have to create a conscience.
  Creating a conscience is like finding a flower that is almost dead from lack of water. You go to the flower and carefully loosen the soil baked around it; then you gently, slowly give it water.  You love it and you bring it back to life and you speak to it.
  You have to call forth your conscience from the dead like this:  “Lazarus, come forth!”   And for the Lazarus of your conscience to come forth you must be on your knees, apologizing profoundly and desiring forgiveness for silencing the voice of conscience….
  The robotic part of us wants a robotic messenger with a robotic list of do’s and don’ts.  That robotic self is founded on a profound fear and anxiety situated deep in the unconscious.  It usually has to do with the memory of the first willful separation from God through disobedience to His Law of Love, the first moment of not trusting God, of accepting the questioning mind of the serpent and his seed.   
               -Messenger E C Prophet:  2-7-1992 at Summit University, RTR, Montana


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