Friday, June 10, 2016

the part of wisdom but also of faith and love for them to be truly kind to one another

  How can I or any of the minions of heaven expect individuals to be truly kind to one another when they themselves feel that their acts are autonomous and in no way interconnected with the acts of others?  Once they learn the great law of karma and understand that there is an interaction between lives they will understand that there is an interaction between lives, they will understand that it is not only the part of wisdom but also of faith and love for them to be truly kind to one another, to work together for the fruition of a world and a cosmic order--but to be no dupes of the divisive forces that assail all that is good and pure and real.
  Men have created various dogmas both religious and political.  They have said, we are of this order or we are of that order, we are of this persuasion or we are of that persuasion.  The division of humanity's thought into feelings that support one system of truth to the exclusion of all others is not at all productive of oneness--true oneness as God intended for His children.  A oneness that is superimposed upon groups of people without their realization of union with the Father and the Son, without their faith in the wholeness of the body of God can produce only a very limited manifestation--one that is incapable of holding the beauty of the cosmic concepts from within--but exhibits only an outer amalgamation of distorted views.     -Archangel Michael:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:47     (Teachings of the Ascended Masters dictated to the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet)

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