Saturday, March 2, 2019

Will you remember?

  Hail, sons and daughters of Liberty!  I come in the God-free being which I AM and which you are.  The masters have told you before and I will tell you again that the line that separates us, the one from the other, is this:  that I know that I AM God-free and you know it not--not to the fullness of manifestation.  In your hearts there is the kernel of Christ awareness.  In your hearts there is that light which lighteth every man and woman who cometh into the world.  And therefore the testing, therefore the battlefield of life, therefore We come.  And you are here and now proving, proving whether this soul can endure in the flame of the God-free being which you are.  
  The Lord Christ came not into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might have that Life eternal which I AM.  Therefore I do not come with condemnation yet my light as the invulnerable, invincible flame of God-obedience is an offense to the darkness which, as the residue of the subconscious, remains within you.  Do not consider then that I entertain even a moment of condemnation but understand that when you feel the intensification of sons and daughters of God ascended in your midst, that intensity will draw out that darkness and that density that is moving against the Sun of the light of God within you. We come for the exposure of the lie and the lie of the fallen ones.  Its exposure is never condemnation but opportunity to each one to live in the Life abundant.  
  Sons and daughters of flame, you must see your life as God’s love, as opportunity to be God-free twenty-four hours a day.  Each day, each hour you are called upon to prove your God-freedom from stresses and strains, from mounting pressures of your service.  We can do aught but give to you greater and greater opportunity when you have called forth opportunity in the form of initiation, consecration and the new birth.  We cannot make life easy for Our chelas....
  Let us understand that every delay in the battle is costly--some more costly than others.  You cannot afford to decide when an indulgence of the self can be tolerated by cosmic law and when that indulgence will break the already taut strings of the lute of the God Harmony.  Understand, children of the Sun, given the cycles of the moon and the almost total penetration of moon substance through the mass subconscious that We have very few stalwart ones among mankind on whom We can count in the rising tide of the magnetism of the moon.
  We know We can count on our chelas as they bask in the radiance of our dictations. When all goes well We can count upon Our chelas, but We are daily testing to see who can be counted on in the hour of the greatest stress when fear overwhelms the soul, when doubt inundates the four lower bodies, when dark clouds on the horizon eclipse the light of the Sun and moon and stars.  The chela who continues to walk and continues to be a God-free being—that one is called to higher service of the legions of light while he yet walks in time and space.  
  I see America.  I see America yearning to be free, yet I see America without the vision of the victory of the golden age, without the Teachings on the path of enlightenment given forth from the heart of Gautama Buddha.  I see souls sincere who are in the grips of discarnates and very fierce demons of hatred and of betrayal.  Those whose souls are souls of light cannot take the manna given to the children of Israel in this age because they must reject the concept of the Great White Brotherhood, the concept of Hierarchy.  And their rejection is not based on freewill but upon their programming, upon the manipulation of their consciousness and the sowing of those dark seeds of the fallen ones in their very own four lower bodies.  
  I  send forth the call to the Great Central Sun to return to mankind and to the children of life here on Terra their own native freewill that they might choose according to the fiat of Joshua, Choose this day whom ye will serve (Josh 24:15).  Let them be free to choose God!  Let them be free to choose truth!  And in that freedom if they choose the not-Self and they choose the error, then I say at least it is in keeping with God’s Laws.  They have chosen by the freedom of their soul freedom.  
  With the Divine Mother then I appeal to the Divine Father.  I appeal to Almighty God that unto America there might be given from my own causal body the vision of the victory, the understanding of the path of obedience to the inner Law of  Self, the understanding of sacrifice and surrender, the understanding of the rocky road; for you must be tested by adversity, by unpleasantness, in all those things which are not of your liking.  Then and only then will We see who are the disciplined ones who will face the terror of the world dragon, who will stand and face that dragon with hands upraised, confident that the light of the Presence will flow to turn back the raging and the sea....
  Who will dare stand in the land?  Who will dare stand in honor and in integrity to proclaim the true standard of the law?  Who will dare to resist the compromise for popularity?  Who will dare to stand with the Mother and the child of the Christ of the heart of all sons and daughters of flame?  [Audience rises.]…Hierarchy is tired of children, children on earth who follow the teacher and who refuse to become the Teaching!…
  Will you remember?  Will you remember, hearts and souls of light, that We can give forth the light, We can allow you to feel that light as in the mountaintop experience of your communion in the holy of holies, but the Law requires that you come down from the mountain and sustain the flame of the Law without anyone to continually nourish your lamps with oil?….Why, constancy, determination and will—these are but the beginning!…
  I want to see you pass your tests--not halfway!… You must call to the mighty seraphim and cherubim and to those who keep the way of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  You must keep the flame of the Ark of the Covenant, your covenant between your soul and your Maker which God has established from the beginning…
  Do you know what it is like to be among the great teams of conquerors and to have as it were your sword and your shield and your armament stripped from you?   That is what We experience when We are ready for the attack and no one calls Us into action, no one in this octave bids Us come to do battle on behalf of the children of God.
  Think about those who take their stand for light in the Soviet Union, in China, in every nation on Earth who have not the Law.  Neither do they have the contact with our octave.  Think of those who walk by the light of virtue, integrity and the honor flame within and who have recourse only to this aspect of the God whom they know.  Think!       
                   -Godfre:  2-22-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger E C Prophet


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