Tuesday, March 26, 2019

the immaculate idea God holds for you

1)   To the mankind of Earth I bring the greetings of the Great White Brotherhood and the blessed all-enfolding consciousness of the all-seeing Eye of God which I represent in my special services to the Great Karmic Board!  Mankind in functioning as they do in relative limitation--the grossness of which like a veil has isolated and separated the wonderfully made parts of creation into rival rather than harmonizing forces--has presently prevented the blessed people of Earth from having the full enjoyment of those wonderful daily opportunities which exist so abundantly all around them!    
  That supreme forces for their freedom are now operative, that the Mind of God and the all-seeing Eye (consciously enfolding “all-knowing” presence of divinity) have from the beginning established and decreed their eternal victory and freedom in the light seems poor consolation to these temporarily bereaved ones whose painful separation from their divinity with its unlimited power seems so real while those same great powers seem so distant and unreal!    
  Constantly in Our longing We have directed mighty healing currents down into the chalice of the human heart!  Beams of intelligent light rays have swept the soul of man, probed the depths of human despairs and rendered untold blessings upon millions through the years of civilization’s chronological existence….
  Now let me pay tribute to those servants of God still in physical form, yet treading that squirrel-cage-like existence where they remain bound to the karmic and dharmic wheel, trying all the while to find God and establish once again the full light of heaven in the temporarily darkened rooms of their own souls, and yet while still struggling with karmic ties of immense proportions, loving God and man enough to choose to be a focus of light according to their highest and best understanding.  These initiates in various stages of development comprise Our physical body, the material anchorage for the activities of the Great White Brotherhood.  Some are probationary chelas, others more advanced, yet all are going through countless tests to see if they will be able to rise above mere vanity of outer personality worship and adore instead in the shrine of their own divinity and the divinity of one another.   Some are destined to be full-fledged Brothers of the Diamond Heart or Golden Robe!  
                           -Elohim Cyclopea:  Pearls of Wisdom 4:25
2)   Won’t you please try to understand, regardless of how wise you may feel you are or how simple you may think you are, that none of these ideas you hold about yourself are important by contrast to the immaculate idea God holds for you!…
  Yet the cause and core of disease, unhappiness, shadow, pain, jealousy and confusion of mind is ever the stoppage of the wisdom-power-love flame from within out and a stultification of the flow of light and harmony into your mind and heart.  This can only occur when you succumb to the pressure of mass thought and feeling of that which is directed at children of light for the express purpose of stealing their energy to animate human creation!…Yet it is the prerogative of each lifestream to be the keeper at the gate of his own consciousness and make for himself a complete and orderly determination by freewill of that which shall be manifest in him!     -Rose of Light: Pearls of Wisdom 5:22
3)  Seeing that all harm eventually returns to the one sending it forth, would it not be well for all true alchemists to take the vow of harmlessness, at the same time recognizing that the defense of truth and freedom sometimes necessitates making a choice between the lesser of evils?…
  Thus the loving purposes of God come to fruition in man as He originally intended them to do, for the Garden of Eden was a place where the beauty of communion with the Lord and the understanding of His Laws could be imparted to man.  It was intended to be the most beautiful school in all the world where the dreams of God could flow through the branches of the tall trees, where the billowing clouds of morning, of noon, of even would be highlighted by the sacred glow of the luminous Sun, “a light to light the day.”  
                                           -Saint Germain:   Pearls of Wisdom 13:12
4)   Too long has this Earth held the balance of negative energy, and therefore the great cosmic Law demands that this Earth shall manifest the freedom and light God intended!…O mankind of Earth, look well and learn:  responsibility to the great cosmic Law and Light is eternal....
  America is a great cup of light into which We are so anxious to pour the fullness of ascended master consciousness that it shall emit the light of example unto mankind...The governments of nations have for too long yielded themselves to the power of the money beast.     -Morya:  7-3-1971 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet
5)    Thrust forth the concept of the commonweal!  God has thought first.  On the magic carpet of man’s freewill He may glide upward or downward.  The sword at the gate of Eden keeps the way of the Tree of Life.  
                                          -Morya:    Pearls of Wisdom 14:33
6)   As the interminable night of uncertainty in unreality plagues child-man the long-suffering nature of God attends the hour when the darkness of aloneness will give way to the dawn of His all-oneness, His Be-ness in the Central Sun of reality.  Then all mankind shall see the emergence of the greatest consecration to purpose, the greatest comfort of heart and the highest delight of mind and being.
  The concept of oneness is ever an outreach through the doorway of selfhood to the magnificence of the divine intent, fashioned from the beginning through the orderliness of the consciousness of God….
  Simplicity is the keynote of spiritual discernment.     -Enoch:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:34
7)   Not very many fallen ones or Watchers can actually hold the consciousness of millions of people in their grip, especially their own slave race which they have positioned here and there among the races of men.  Realize then that such influence is indeed ungodly.  And now you may understand the source of what Mother has called aggressive mental suggestion.  It comes as an emanation of these forcefields of the Watchers….
  You see therefore that the cooperation of fallen ones as heads of state, in the community of international bankers, in the manipulation of the economy and education is almost as though it were conducted as an orchestra.  Well it need not be because, you see, the very brainwaves of these computerized automatons, abiding in the bodies that still bear resemblance to the giants of those days, simply send their thought waves. And they register simultaneously with a simultaneous intent upon all.  All of this explanation can be summed up in the simple words:  birds of a feather flocking together.  They are indeed, blessed hearts.  And they are as a blanket covering the earth and holding back the lightbearers.
  I come because I am well pleased in your incisive exercise of the science of the spoken Word.  And I said to the archangels and to my Lord Sanat Kumara:  would it not be well for me to deliver to the Keepers of the Flame on earth this understanding of the presence of the Watchers, the nature of consciousness and specifically of their interconnected auras and computerized consciousness?  Therefore now when you give your invocations for the judgment you can realize that this iron hold which is also reinforced by extraterrestrials--visitants from other systems in their most advanced scientific vehicles--this then presents an iron band that must be challenged and must be broken.  And therefore it is written:  “I will break them with a rod of iron.  I will dash them in pieces.”  It is as though with iron and brass they had created a prisonhouse extending as a grid around the entire earth.  And how is it broken?  It is broken by the fohatic key of Our Word--by the release of light from Our heart, as the heart of God is also the heart of Mother in the earth.  It is broken by the light of ascension’s flame within you!
  Do you understand, beloved hearts, why Serapis Bey has sought and gained for you such dispensations of light of the pressing out of whitefire that you might see that the rod of iron is the rod I raise of Omega light in the negative polarity of the matter-universe, and that your own Kundalini fire is the essential element as ascension’s flame rising within you--‘gainst which all of the armaments abuilding, all of the forcefields, all of the computers and mechanizations of the Watchers cannot prevail?  Truly it is purity’s light.  Truly it is whitefire!  It is the inner action of the ruby ray coming forth as a laser beam out of ascension’s fire that is able to bring challenge and judgment unto the Watchers.      -Enoch:  12-29-1980  at Camelot, Los Angeles
-Messengers trained by Morya and Saint Germain

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