Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mastering the desire to escape from reality is a test

  1)   In Astrology of the 4 Horsemen, 1991, the author Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote:

  (Neptune, symbolised as the trident in balance, raised up and consecrated to the good of all life, is associated both with spiritual transcendence and "with all methods of avoiding reality.”  That is, any virtue has an antithesis or potential downside or misqualification; Neptune, Mars, Uranus and Saturn comprise the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  -r)  
  Mrs. Prophet wrote:  “the foundations of Western civilization are rotting from beneath and the surface dwellers are unaware of it.  When something rots from underneath---whether termites are eating away at it or the cement is crumbling or the earth itself is eroding--the collapse is sudden.  And when it comes you go through the floor--boom!…
  “If we do not elect to take this path (of overcoming through awakening), the negative elements of Neptune will fill our vacuum and take over to diffuse and dissipate the areas of life….Without a true, liberated spirituality the nation cannot help but be in psychological bondage….The enemy within works against us through our psychological problems and the enemy without works through the stimuli that we use to dull our senses to these very problems.  So we must be alert.”  -pp. 223-4
2)  In the Messenger's Odyssey of Your Soul, 2011, pp. 64-8, one finds:
  “Any of them who ate the honey-sweet fruit of lotus was unwilling to take any message back or to go away, but they wanted to stay there with the lotus-eating people, feeding on lotus, and forget the way home.  I myself took these men back weeping, by force, to where the ships were.”   -Odysseus in book 9 of The Odyssey
  Mrs. Prophet wrote:  “Odysseus ties them down securely and warns the others not to taste of the lotus for fear of forgetting their home.  In haste  Odysseus and his crew depart the idyllic but dangerous land….The desire to escape from stressful or difficult circumstances can be a strong temptation.  Mastering the desire to escape from reality is a test everyone of us will encounter at some point.  Will we give up when the going gets rough, will we settle for living in a dream world?  Or like Odysseus will we conquer the temptation?  Accepting and engaging the reality of life's challenges presents us with opportunities to achieve greater self-mastery.
  “Often a fear of pain or failure is at the root of escapism; sometimes that fear stems from a lack of self-confidence.  Whatever its source it can cause us to avoid necessary challenges and to succumb to a dreamlike stupor.
  “Because fear offers us an excuse not to do something, an excuse to avoid challenges on our odyssey it can block our victorious journey through life.  Fear has many faces, many disguises….If we delay making decisions and taking the necessary steps to make our dreams a reality, we may believe that we are keeping all our options open; but is this really so?…Fear can be a warning of danger we need to avoid, but fear that is not dealt with can paralyze us when we ought to keep moving forward.  Courage does not mean an absence of fear; rather it is that which allows us to keep moving forward in the face of fear….
  “Another related challenge in this trial with the lotus-eaters is a tendency to be easily influenced by others….Chronic escapism can lead us to what I call “sweet death.”
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3)    “We become so insulated by the contraptions of a synthetic society and the convictions of our own minds that we have no link to reality…(yet) the transition from unreality to reality will be just as natural as awakening from an unpleasant (or overly pleasant) dream….Little do we know how necessary to our everyday life is the faculty of discrimination--the ability to distinguish between the unreal.  Without it it is impossible to determine our beginning or our end.”  
-Messengers M and E Prophet:  Path of the Higher Self, 2003, p. 5-6.
4)  At p. 230 of Preparation for My Mission, 2009, by ECP:
  “Not one senior camper was ever asleep before 10 p.m. at the earliest.  Patrol duty in their camps was a continual fight with the unrelinquishing spirit of the times.  These girls were physically matured and of above-average mental competence for their age.  Why not let them relax in the recreation hall for an extra half-hour and even invite neighboring boys’ camps for some wholesome natural fun?  Their seclusion was not natural” -Elizabeth Clare Wulf wrote, circa 1957, of Vermont summer camps.  In retrospect she wrote:
“At that time considering becoming a teacher myself, I gave a lot of thought to appropriate discipline for my own girls.  Although they had made a good start, I had gradually come to understand that even the 11 year-olds had their problems.”
5)  “he may experience feelings of depression, anxiety and loneliness that seem wholly unnatural.  The latter may be accounted for by the fact that his own twin flame is in need of help and is actually pulling on him for assistance to escape from the pits of astral darkness.  Thus he will be obliged to overcome not only the weight of his own karma but also that of his other half before he can move forward in the light.”   
-Messengers M and E Prophet:  Path to Attainment, 2008, pp. 10-11
6)     “Unlike the ordinary battles fought between parents and children, our (between Erin and Elizabeth Clare Prophet) conflicts had revolved around her efforts to get me to pay attention to divine reality.  I had escaped her world and my frequent illnesses—asthma, colds and severe eczema—through fiction.  My early teenage years were spent inside historical novels, mysteries and romance.”   -Erin Prophet:  Prophet’s Daughter, 2008, p. 13.
 7)  “But I would point out that in the waking state it is not healthy constantly to indulge in reverie; it can even be a dangerous thing, a means of escape from the lever of decision and the shuttle of conscious self-determination in which we must engage our forces…Alas, such idle reverie while avoiding the tests of the hours, thus wasting the measured beat of life’s opportunity, tends to remove the soul from its centeredness in the divine prerogative to be, and to be conscious.”   -Messengers M and E Prophet: Lost Teachings of Jesus, 2, 1986, p. 398
8)  The Hierarchy feels that only the most severe discipline (which is only possible for within one’s own person) will enable the soul to develop the fortitude to withstand the arguments of the suicide entity when the soul must face and conquer this enemy in the next round of her existence.   -Messengers M and E Prophet:  Path to Immortality, 2008, p. 341
9)   “Siddhartha became pensive and preoccupied and restlessly set out on four journeys which presented in turn the ‘four passing sights.’  He immediately resolved to renounce the world and seek an escape from suffering.  According to legend his son was born to him the very day he decided to abandon family, fame and wealth.” 

-Messengers M and E Prophet:  Climb the Highest Mountain, 1972, p. 108.  
-Noah at Yerevan, Armenia

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