-service passageway connecting Nisman suite and another suite
-service passage door at bottom
...a third access to the department of the Le Parc building in Puerto Madero, where they detected a footprint and a fingerprint.
According to the agency DyN sources close to the cause, the passage communicates the apartment in which Alberto Nisman lived with another house, which is inhabited by a foreign citizen (a Chinese tourist, one news article stated) in which they are located air conditioning equipment.
The corridor is a narrow gorge, DyN reported. The air conditioning units are located against a long wall and on the opposite side there is a kind of protection bar, which is used by technicians who are called to repair the refrigeration equipment.
At either end there are small metal doors, which the researchers try to determine in what way, if any, could be closed and locked inside. In that passage, the researchers detected a recent appearance on the floor, and a fingerprint on the protection bar.
Both traces were already raised and sent to be analyzed, to determine if they correspond with a technician in repair who had acted there recently, or represents something different. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://www.lanacion.com.ar/1761863-este-es-el-pasadizo-que-entra-al-departamento-de-alberto-nisman&prev=search
1-24-2015 The journalist who first reported the death of Argentinian special prosecutor Alberto Nisman last Sunday has now fled the country, saying he feared for his life. This is according to reports on Israel’s Ynetnews (English) and Walla (Hebrew) news sites, based on tweets on the online Argentinian Journalists’ Forum.
The journalist, Damian Pachter of the English-language Buenos Aires Herald, reportedly tweeted that he decided to flee after noticing “suspicious surveillance” following him. According to Walla, he also “received hints” that he should leave. He said he left without even stopping at home to collect clothes or belongings after receiving warnings that there were unknown persons waiting for him at home. He left his car at the airport parking lot. https://forward.com/opinion/213423/reporter-who-broke-alberto-nisman-story-flees/

I didn’t want to stay too long in any one place, so I walked over to a gas-station joint nearby. My friend contacted me and said: “I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” I was sitting around there for two hours or so when a very strange person came in. He wore jeans, a jeans jacket and Ray-Ban sunglasses. I noticed him immediately but stayed where I was. He was sitting two tables from me.
I had the feeling someone was after me and I’d get shot from some strange angle. But then I suspected my taxi driver even more. I figured he’d stray and take me off somewhere. Meanwhile, text messages were sent to my two best colleagues, a friend and my mom. They were told where we would meet: Buenos Aires Airport. I couldn’t spend any time on the phone because I was being surveilled. When my mother arrived she of course cried but remained calm. We discussed a few things and I told her to leave. Then my journalist friends came and we did an interview that has already hit Argentina’s top newspapers. I was flying back home, to Tel Aviv, as I always wanted to.
I have no idea when I’ll be back in Argentina; I don’t even know if I want to. What I do know is that the country where I was born is not the happy place my Jewish grandparents used to tell me stories about.After I left Argentina I found out that the government was still publishing wrong information about me on social media. The Twitter feed of Casa Rosada, the Argentine presidential palace, posted the details of the airline ticket I had bought, and claimed that I intended to return to Argentina by February 2 — in other words, I hadn’t really fled the country. In fact, my return date is in December. Argentina has become a dark place led by a corrupt political system. I still haven’t figured out everything that has happened to me over the past 48 hours. I never imagined my return to Israel would be like this. https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-a-journalist-flees-argentina-for-israel-1.5364933
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