Wednesday, January 16, 2019

the power of human greed and human error has caused the Christ-image actually to be almost completely concealed

-morning at Lake Siskiyou
   It is the glory of God that is essential, and the recognition by your own Mighty I AM Presence that you have performed a service to the light is sufficient in itself!  For this is the honor of your Father which is in heaven.  And it was to Him that I dedicated the energies of my own lifestream, and it was to Him that I stood approved and stand approved.
  The honor of mankind means nothing to me; for I have observed that while they honor me with their lips and while they worship me with their lips and their services and their ordered services, they despoil the children of men and they smite their brother, and they exalt their outer consciousness and they fail utterly, in many cases, to outpicture the Christ consciousness.
  And it is this that I desire of them, and it is this that I desired of Jerusalem when I wept over Jerusalem and I said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that stonest the prophets and killest them that are sent unto thee, how oft would I have gathered thee together, even as a hen gathereth her little ones under her wings, and ye would not!  O ye would not!”
  I am well aware that the selfhood of man is a garment which in itself clothes the holy flame of divinity.  And I do not ask that you shall destroy that garment by pulling the threads of the garment out, one by one, until it is rent and tattered.  But I ask rather that you transmute each tiny thread so that it does not manifest the eccentricities of the ego but rather manifests the holy Christ-flame.  Let each thread be woven of love, and then you will have a wedding garment which will enable you to sit down together with the ascended masters at those cosmic feasts of light which We hold in Our octave, those divine banquets which are a feast for the souls of men.
(by Sindelar)
                             -Jesus Christ, directly followed by Michael dictating:

  Materialism and the powers of materialism in this age have run rampant.  And the power of human greed and human error has caused the Christ-image actually to be almost completely concealed from mankind so that in their religious services they cease to recognize the power behind the host, behind the sacred bread, behind the Eucharist.  They cease to recognize the true Christ-image even behind the beautiful paintings that they have in their churches and cathedrals.  And they cease to recognize in their fellowmen the Christ-image that beats and sustains the heart.
  It is this that We would restore!  The forces of the Communist world have today arrayed themselves as Gog and Magog against the Lord of hosts!  They have arrayed themselves against the power of the light!  They seek the destruction and the downfall of mankind, although they claim that they seek the construction of a communal world.
The community which they would build is based upon atheism.  It is based upon the power of shadow and darkness and concealment of the truth from mankind.  It is based upon that which is not divine freedom.  It is based upon that which is base and baseless.
  But, blessed ones, I tell you that Saint Germain, who is the God of Freedom for this Earth, and the beloved ascended master Jesus Christ are those to whom you owe your allegiance, that the forces of the democratic and free world shall stand forth victorious in this day and age!…
  I thank you, and I urge greater vigilance in the name of the ascended Jesus Christ.  I urge greater use of the sword of blue flame.  I urge greater use of the God-powers bestowed upon you.  And thus shall you stand with me to defend the faith.  You shall be a part of my legions.  You shall assist the Earth to its cosmic victory.   You shall glorify the name of the ascended Jesus Christ; you shall glorify the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood; you shall bring rejoicing to all the hosts of heaven.      
        -Archangel Michael:  September 3, 1961 at Woodstock, Ontario, Canada via Messenger Mark Prophet
  I ask that you, making yourselves a committee of one, will attune wherever possible with me daily in the adoration to your Presence and the humble gratitude for all of the blessings which life has bestowed on you and will bestow on you as you make the necessary attunement to bring forth in your personal world all of the victory which God intends you to have and to share….
  Knowing the great Law We sought to magnetize for the world, for mankind, for others the blessings of God.  And We placed Ourselves second in all cases.  This is truly a precept of the Brotherhood and one which is often overlooked by the beginning chela upon the path who enters into a communion with the ascended masters almost solely for that which he or she expects to receive.  

  But when the blessed chela comes to realize that, in kneeling before his own Presence, he ought to invoke for others the precious gifts of God as treasures of heaven brought to the Earth for the relief and the release of the suffering of mankind then there is a manifestation in his countenance of true beauty, and We who perceive the soul of man blooming in mankind’s countenance are then able to behold the true face of a man or woman.     
(by Hawkins)
-Paul the Venetian:  September 3, 1961 at Woodstock, Ontario via Messenger Mark Prophet 

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