Tuesday, January 8, 2019

seek balance, know balance and be that balance

  Beloved ones, seek balance, know balance and be that balance.  But let your leaning be the leaning upon the rod and the staff--the rod of Aaron and the staff of righteousness, the staff of the Good Shepherd, the staff that is the raising up of the kundalini fires within you….And when that fire raises it consumes the cause and core of karmic conditions at certain levels within the chakras according to the great Law of the Lords of Karma--only according to that which the great Law will allow….
  Beloved ones, it is the hour of the summoning of the elect into the whitefire core where there is safety and habitation and solace and compassion and love and the true teaching that you require for your ascension and the great mysteries and initiations.  Lo, this is our table that we have prepared in the wilderness for those who elect to be the will of God.
  I seal you in the name of our Father, in the name of the Son the true light within you, in the name of the Holy Spirit that leaps and rejoices and kindles anew your eternal Selfhood; I seal you in the light of the Woman crowned with the Sun.  I seal you in the light of the Law of the One, amen.    
(by Sindelar)
                                        -Jesus Christ:  8-8-1978 at Camelot, Los Angeles
  O yes, you can find perfect love….Love for elemental life reaches a most perfect expression in people of all ages; love of angels; love of one another as I have loved you.
  After all love is something that is not learned; love simply is.  And when it wells up within your heart you know that God is there….Increase the single dewdrop of love!  Make it an ocean of bubbling joy, of waves of light and sine waves….And the energy of love as misuse of the creative fires, of manipulation of the genetic code has produced every variation from the theme of Christ in man and beast.  And the bestial nature of fallen ones is perverted love….
  Therefore judge not but give.  And in your giving be the healing of all life.  Thus I welcome you to Luxor for advanced training in the steps of the Master’s walk with his disciples. [intonation]  It is done from the heart of Helios and Vesta and the heart of Luxor.  The spiral of love (in a 14-month initiation spiral out the pink sphere of causal body of Serapis of stations of the cross of the crucifixion of the Mother and her seed) is released.  I seal you in the magnanimous heart of Lanello for the reinforcement of your will and your wise dominion in being the fullness of God’s love.   
                                 -Serapis Bey:  4-19-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles               (by N. T. Miller)
  From out the heart of love I come.  My love is a concern for your very soul, for the perfecting of your path and for your awareness of those reaches of the Mind of God that are just beyond your present awareness….
  Our Lord Gautama, and Sanat Kumara before him, and so on in the vast hierarchical chain each in his own way has considered this dilemma of the soul that is in the evolutionary cosmos.  The answer that has come forth is the eternal chain of Hierarchy.
  If you do not know that sensitivity that you ought to have but you do not, I can assure you the one who is above you in the chain of Hierarchy knows it!  Therefore listen to that one.  Follow that one.  Acknowledge that one as teacher even if it be in a single field of human endeavor….
  Thus the obvious conclusion is that without the Guru one recedes.  There is no maintaining even of one’s present position.  For what is “present position”?  There is none since Life is the Law of Self-Transcendence, ever unfolding in the Law of Cycles.    
                                                  -Maitreya:  4-19-1981 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 24:26
  Good afternoon, everyone!  I am very happy to see you here in New York, the city of the Goddess of Liberty and the Temple of the Sun. While we’re waiting for everyone to come in, let us meditate upon the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha who will quicken in us our soul’s awareness of the Inner Buddha.
  From this moment on throughout our lecture on the message of the Inner Buddha until the Wesak address of our brother and friend of light, Lord Gautama, we are in meditation to establish our blessed attunement (at-one-ment, hence atonement) with the Buddhic light.  I recommend that you place your feet flat on the floor and hold your spines erect as the altar of God, your hands cupped resting on your knees, thumbs touching lightly the index finger.
  In order to greet the Buddha who resides in the secret chamber of the heart whose chakra is the thousand-petaled lotus of the crown we desire to raise the sacred fire of the Divine Mother (the Kundalini) from the base chakra ofthe Mother to the crown chakra of the Buddha.
  And so it is the Divine Mother within us, and our souls’ oneness with the Divine Mother in adoration of the Buddha, that causes the light to rise from the base. The Mother is in love with Buddha; the Buddha is in love with Mother.  And the Lord Buddha (yang) draws our Mother to that crown. And our Mother (yin) is rising to greet her Lord.  This is the plus/minus polarity of Alpha and Omega that we would experience in our body temple.  This is the purpose of our giving these Buddhist mantras.  It is an exercise in the science of the spoken Word–that Word who in the beginning was with Brahman:  without whom “was not anything made that was made.”
  I would ask you to center your attention in your heart and to realize that it is the flame of your heart that allows you to participate in the ritual of the union of the Father-Mother God in your chakras.  Once the Mother reaches the crown chakra She escorted by Her Lord descends to the secret chamber of the heart where They give birth to the Inner Buddha.  And so let us begin with the sounding of the aum.             
                                    -Messenger E C Prophet:  5-20-1989 at NYC
  Come to understand the Word as shakti, the manifest feminine form in all life that is the activating principle and the desire in this octave that is lawful to return to the heart of God.  The supreme opportunity of the devotees of Mother and Maitreya must be made plain:  it is to take this entire path, this ancient teaching and to see Spirit rather displace matter than swallow it up.  Though in a sense all of Earth must rise we would prefer that you would regard it as all of heaven descending, that you come to understand the experiencing of the heaven-world in this octave, and that dissolution occur by the descent of light rather than by the abandonment of these worlds.  This forward movement into the new world and the new age can be heard in the silent footstep of the Mother and Maitreya.
  We assemble for a vibration, a cosmic vibration and your attunement therewith. The dynamic decrees have the effect of the stilling of the senses in this octave, or their snuffing out, as it has been taught.  The dynamic decrees create a void suspended in time and space, but yet not [of] time and space.  An interval of infinity comes down as a descending lotus flower and within is the hearing of the Word.
  You have heard this reading in the aura of Sanat Kumara and my own, in the aura of Gautama, Maitreya and the Mother.  And all of the Christed ones worlds without end have lent their auras to your own that you might understand the meaning of identification with the one who has moved from the point of disciple to Master, the one who has overcome the steps and stages described, verily the one who has become the path.  By the teaching of the Great White Brotherhood and the great heart of Saint Germain you have a foretaste of that consciousness even while you are in the process of learning how to overcome the unwanted habits of inordinate desire or simply misplaced attention that has not arrived at that point of dharana perpetual--perpetual seeing, hearing, tasting and affirmation of the Mighty I AM Presence.
  This may not be as hard as it seems, beloved ones, or as far removed or even as undesirable as you may think.  Meditation on the I AM Presence can clearly be a daily experience in the fullness of joy.  You know then that your attention is removed from that Presence when you do not experience the fullness of joy.  Joy is another name for God.  Joy is the fulfilling of light.   Joy is the victory of the arcing of worlds!
  It is not difficult at all for you to understand that through the attention there is the oscillation of the soul into and out of the I AM Presence--yes, even into states of samadhi experienced in split-seconds so that your outer mind may not even be aware of the soul’s journeyings.
  There is an infinite complexity of the Mind of God and your dwelling in it!  That which is outer knowledge is gleaned from such a narrow band of sensory perception that you must realize that you in your soul--one and not separated from the One--are having all sorts of other experiences on this path of Life.  These are slowly internalized, building as from the very deep roots of the Tree of Life until now and then there is a converging of forces of cosmic consciousness and all is very, very clear.  And then again reliance on the outer mind affords one only the fruits of the great illusion, the illusion of separation from the One.
  [When you] get inside of the heart and inside of the heart of the Mother everything that you do, even that which seems mundane, in actuality is the rest in motion of the cosmic Shakti and the Word.  View life from another angle and see how the prisonhouse of desire is really not something that is a part of you or of anything that you would desire to have endure.
  Realize that the ascended master consciousness and our presence in your midst may be only degrees apart from some aspects of your life.  It is our attitude toward life, our bountiful attitude, our attitude of Be-ness--that Be-attitude that has resulted in our state of perpetual bliss in the Mighty I AM Presence.  Do not think of the ascended state as so far removed or of the ascension process [as] something far down the road.  Dwelling in the bliss of the Presence ought to be a daily affair of the heart, the heart pulsating, expanding whitefire Mother-flame and the peace of the Buddha.  I come to acquaint you with many states of consciousness by touching your hearts that you might enter the heart of Gautama.  I come that you might realize that life is not a long dreary journey in which the soul is chained to laws of mortality where conditions become gods, and humans untrustworthy.
  All of this is part of the illusion that can be broken by the dewdrop at the tip of the finger--the finger that has touched the face of the Mother and known the tear, the tear that drops to the heart of the unascended soul bearing the pain of Her children [who are] yet floundering in the hall of ignorance.  The tear of the eye of the Mother, like the nectar of the flower of the Buddha, is a drop of cosmos transforming [itself].  It is essence; and essence itself is a distillation of the infinite Self.
  Realize that there are things that are accessible of which you have not availed yourself and there are things that are inaccessible because you have not governed thought and feeling.  By the absence of the governing of self you have successfully closed the doors to higher realms.  But you can just as easily unbolt the portals.
  Doing what you will is learning a new freedom, accepting the freedom of the seventh age of Aquarius, which very freedom will teach you the new interpretation of ancient texts.  The new freedom is the acceptance of the “I will” and the “I can,” the acceptance that you can conquer every limiting thoughtform or presence, the acceptance of the freedom to be God here and now, the acceptance that there is a way and there is a path--the willingness to be disciple until thou art master and in humility the reluctance to be master until thou hast been disciple.
  Chant the name of Ra Mu.  Know that I AM the Son of the Mother and that I come to all who would also know Her as the beloved Son knows the beloved Mother.  Much has been written about the Mother, East and West.  You may read it if you will.  But I would acquaint you with the inner path of life where the Kundalini travels, where resurrection is a perpetual fount of Being.  I would extricate you from the pain simultaneously as I would ask you to remain sensitive to world pain as you share the office of the World Mother.
  I would give you a mantle of joy and a bouquet of wisdom!  I would give you golden sandals and the Book of the Law.  I would write it in your heart!  I would etch a fiery love sonnet for your twinflame and your very own self.  I would do all these things.  But I must ask you to take the first step, to lay aside the former garments and be ready to put on the new.  I would ask you to take the second step whereby you never again allow your voice to be silenced by the pressing in upon you of any or all forms of hatred of the Word itself.  The Word that flows forth from your mouth is Mother.  The Mother is a devouring fire.  But fear it not, for thou art Mother also.
  I would see you take the third step of integration with the One, of diligent discipleship before the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.  With the new garment of consciousness, with the pouring of Mother-fire from out the mouth of thy God and with the Trinity as the road to self-mastery you will go far, very far with Saint Germain.  And I will be there!  And I AM there, supporting his cause and bringing to the fore the memory of Mu and all of the teachings of the Mother in the temple bearing Her name.
  Let us move forward!  Let us bring the ancient texts to view. Let us read those which are written and let us write down those which have not been preserved.  Let our disciples of the World Mother become aware of the evolution of souls on this planet and of history of Earth from the beginning.  Let us bring forward then all that is worth keeping.  Let us spare no effort to build Her temple.  Let us consign to the flame the debris that bears no fruit.  Let us harken to the call of Ra Mu from the Inner Retreat!  I AM with the Mother at the summit.  I pray that other sons of God will keep the flame at that summit that she also might remain to transfer the teaching to your heart.  It is not an easy path that she has chosen.  May you have compassion as one stands before you determined to pierce the world dragon of Antichrist that in you the Manchild might be born.

  I AM Ra Mu, witness of the travail of the World Mother for Her children.     
- 11-28-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles 


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