Sunday, January 13, 2019

For many must find the way.

         -Macchu Picchu, Peru

    And each turning then of life within this Wheel of the Law does consecrate space and time, collapsing the evil that has ensconced itself therein.  For evil is an energy veil, and when time and space collapse so evil itself must collapse together with illusion.  This may take place first in the mind and the heart of the devotee, beloved ones, then in the hearts of many as nature and the four lower bodies of the Earth become purified, as the ether itself penetrates the four elements and as the five secret rays once again have expression….
  It is not so easy to find that which is lost, beloved ones; it is not so easy to discover and reconnect.  But the thread of contact is reestablished through the devotion of Kuan Yin and beloved El Morya, who also ruled in ancient China….
  Beloved ones, how important it is for youth to be established and for the perversions of the flame and of wisdom and of light to be bound and judged that they not encroach upon the true golden flowers of the crown chakra.  Thus Lord Himalaya and the God and Goddess Meru, thus focuses around the world established by wisdom-masters have set the open door for the banishment of the darkness of ignorance….
  Understand that truth is a quality of seeing.  By the all-seeing Eye of God one may see truth.  But to know the truth one must have the infusion of illumination’s flame for the understanding of that which one has seen….It is well to restore and know the peace of ancient times.  It is well to be in the heart of hearts of God….
   Blessed ones, the inner City of Light, the Retreat of the Divine Mother, is a place called home by many souls.  It is a veritable city, and the light is a golden light upon its streets.  And hosannas are come and the restoration of the Divine Woman clothed with the Sun who is the Divine Mother of whom you are a part, whose messengers you are, whose expression you manifest in all poetic tenderness and in all sternness of the cutting-edge of the sword of Shiva.
  Thus it is well to enjoy grace and beauty, the presence of the Mother.  And it is well to realize that the Mother in all of Her beauty and wisdom must also don the armor, shield and sword to go forth as Kali to rescue Her children in the name of Christ.
  I AM THAT I AM Jophiel, I AM THAT I AM Christine.  We are now accelerating the wavelengths of the crown chakra in each one of you as we are able.  And we have secured the dispensation of the restoration to you from your own causal body of that which you were abuilding in former golden ages which has heretofore been sealed in that second band of your causal body, beloved ones.  For, precious hearts, you realize that your own Christ Self would not release to you the fruits of the Spirit of the crown chakra while you were embodied in dark ages, beset by degeneracy and degeneration spirals….But as you show yourself capable of using wisdom’s flame with equanimity, peace, justice and impartiality more will be added unto you, immediately accessible then in the plane of the Christ mind….The wisdom of God is a most precious oil of gladness and a nectar from the crown chakra….
  Therefore, beloved ones, though cycles turn swiftly the world karma is oncoming and very impatient.  I am patient and you must also be patient with yourselves.  We release then the matrix and thoughtform of the divine architect(ure) and blueprint of the entire Inner Retreat, the Royal Teton Ranch and its auxiliary lands and manifestations….
  You must be able to serve in health and in abundance, recharged by the fire in the heart of the Earth.  Thus we have set a place for your victory and for your going forth therefrom periodically and cyclically as bodhisattvas caring for the suffering and those who are lost who have not found the slippers of their ancient Guru.  Go after them.  Wash their feet.  Place upon them the slippers of their ancient path….
O Maitreya, O Confucius, Lanto, Lao-tzu, Gautama, Padma Sambhava, thy feet have left footprints of sacred fire.   Now will you not uncover a bit the hiding place of your slippers?  For many must find the way.  [Mudras performed for 1 minute, 10 seconds.]  Peace forevermore in the flame of Buddha.  Thus the electromagnetic field is sealed with a heightened flame of illumination.     -Archangel Jophiel and Christine:  2-15-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles   
    Understand, beloved hearts, that too much self-preoccupation takes from you the energy that is necessary and vital to your attainment of the bodhisattva ideal.  It robs from you the dance of the hours in which you take upon yourselves in all sincerity and love the ten vows of beloved Kuan Yin.  When you keep these vows you are accepted into the higher school of Maitreya in the heaven-world where the bodhisattvas are….For some of you forget that every day that dawns is your opportunity to greet Lord Maitreya.  Each morning you ought to bow before his mighty heart and say to him:   “What will you have of me this day?   What may I do for you, Lord Maitreya, and for Lord Morya El, the Messenger and each precious member of your student body?”
  Thus the attainment of the bodhisattva-level is possible to you here on earth, but you must reason with right reason.  When you are setting forth the goals of your life you must reason with the scribe who is your very personal recording angel and be sure to include enough time and space not only to balance your karma but to fulfill your dharma and your calling among your peers in society.  These things cannot be set aside for anything, for anything, I say, beloved.  For if you allow all of the fruit of your Tree of Life to be devoured by those around you to whom you have a false sense of responsibility, then where shall that fruit appear in the day when that fruit is to be counted to see whether the twelve manner of fruits upon your Tree of Life have ripened and are now ready for the feast of Maitreya that they might be plucked, suitable and fit for his assimilation?…
  I speak therefore on behalf of the Lords of Karma.  It is not necessary that anyone among you should be censoring movies or other entertainment.  It behooves each one in your own Christhood to do that censoring and to realize that if too many of you continue to watch too many of these motion-pictures or to engage in other entertainment that is surely below the level of your Christhood, you will see a compromise in this Mystery School of Maitreya that will not be able to be made up.  It will not be made up by El Morya, by the Messenger or by a counterweight of your decrees in this court.  There are some things that cannot take place on this ground if this ground is to remain holy and if you are to be supported as we desire to support you.
  Those of you who do not wish to surrender these lower forms of entertainment as pastimes whereby you can dull the mind and forget about the rigors of spiritual attainment ought to reconsider whether you wish to remain at the Royal Teton Ranch at Maitreya’s Mystery School.  For I tell you, beloved, it is an hour and a season when El Morya is fighting for the continuing dispensation not only of this Mystery School but of other orders in the East that are being attacked from without directly, such as in Tibet.  Yes, beloved ones, it is the Mystery School that is the repository of the patterns to be outpictured in the renaissance child, who shall become the renaissance man and woman of the Aquarian age….
  Let your mind be the very heart of the beacon of the Lighthouse beaming to a world the cadences of the mind of Maitreya, the distillations that you have brought forth from the higher octaves of the bodhisattvas.  There are precious few places in the Earth where such discipline of love is required.  I pray that you will uphold the standards and the Spirit of this Mystery School.  I pray that those who are considering coming here and who are ready for the rigors of the path will not shirk, will not hold back, will not consider the comments of some others who have complained and complained about how hard it is to be at Maitreya’s place.  Let the complainers do their complaining elsewhere, for there are many who will fill those vacancies, who will enter in and who will not even consider that this Mystery School is as difficult as they may have thought it would be.        
                      -NadaEaster, April 11, 1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana 
                                 via Messenger E C Prophet


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