Saturday, January 5, 2019

Beloved ones, do not be naive

   Now in joy we begin to accelerate the initiation of our chelas in the flame of God-harmony.  I am the one bearing the office and the mantle of that flame.  I am come into your midst with the refreshing light of universal rhythm of the stars which keep the flow of harmony even as hearts united in love establish this flow of harmony in the very center of the Community of the Holy Spirit….
  And therefore the flame that I keep I do keep out of awe for the inner knowing of the presence of the Word before it is spoken when it is the soundless sound yet still a sound—as it were, a minus sound before the moment of crystallization by Elohim.  Harmony then is the balance of light, of sun-centers, electronic forcefields.  When there is balance then there is harmony; when there is balance and harmony then and only then can there be acceleration….Thus in order to have the key of harmony you must have the key of the acceleration of love.  This love is the absorption into God and unto God of all of the flow of the river having four heads, passing out of Eden and out of the Edenic light into the four receptacles of the four lower bodies.  
  Wherever energy is tied in knots of self-deception, of dissonance, of selfishness, of hatred—all of these manifestations including anxiety itself cause the deceleration of that which is God-harmony within the very fiery core of the threefold flame itself.  Thus when the momentum of dissonance becomes too great the top of the threefold flame cannot spin.  When its three plumes are of differing height/out of balance it cannot spin and therefore the resurrection fires do not glow….
  Now then we will see how the Community of the Holy Spirit is based on the harmony of each of the seven rays….
Thus individuals serving on the first ray who need the extraordinary momentum of the blue-ray masters learn very quickly to cloak the blue flame in the violet light and therefore to establish a larger forcefield of violet-flame diplomacy, understanding, forgiveness and instantaneous transmutation….
  Thus working with the will of God you will come closer and closer to the most beloved lifestream of your own El Morya.  He is the fountainhead of this activity, its sponsor and the Guru of the Messengers.  This should say something to all.  It should say that Saint Germain has entrusted to him, as well as the entire Hierarchy entrusting to him this cosmic dispensation for chelas to be trained and prepared for a mighty service to life….
  Now if you can achieve the balance of the seven rays within the seven chakras whirling and spinning as sun-centers and have the equalization of these centers going forth in equal vibration, rhythm, light and music you will find that the seven mighty Elohim will manifest and project their God- consciousness through your seven chakras and your own causal body of light will be more accessible to you….
  I have brought to you a closer presence of the light of harmony.  I implant this flame within the heart of the community, and this flame will be to you a momentum most necessary in accomplishing all that you would for Gautama Buddha and the hosts of light.       -God-Harmony:  4-5-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
  My beloved, it is most necessary that you understand that twinflames whose marriage is made in heaven have the opportunity and the responsibility always to bear one another’s burden….In addition to carrying the burden of the counterpart you also are bearing the burden of all those who are karmically tied to you individually and to your twinflame—even karmic involvements that have been made in embodiments that were not experienced together in the physical octave….
  The Guru takes refuge in the heart of the disciple even as the disciple takes refuge in the heart of the Buddha.  Understand that this love whereby the Messenger enters in with the Lord into your temple is a love whereby you too, according to the acceleration of your love, may follow that path of intense whitefire, ruby ray, violet flame back to the very heart of the Mother and there abide in the circle of light, in the island of oneness, in the island that is in the very heart of the Gobi Sea, in the Shamballa of the Mother’s heart….
  The Law will not allow you to proceed upon your path unless you are daily pouring violet flame into those conditions, unless you are daily increasing love for God, for Guru, for twinflame.  And until and unless that love become such a burning fire in your heart as to literally set the world on fire you will not have intensified and increased that love sufficiently to burn up those conditions that must go ere the full 100% on both sides of the ledger is sent back to God, transmuted in the whitefire….
  Thus we send that team, and that team will deliver unto us all that we require.  For I place in the heart of the Messenger the inner timetable and all that must be accomplished that the soil of India might ring with the light of the Holy Kumaras, that once again hearts may be quickened.      

               -Gautama Buddha with Maitreya:  4-5-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
 It was my commission from Alpha and Omega aeons and aeons ago to establish the focuses of gold in the matter planes among the galaxies; and thus—to teach elemental life under the four hierarchies and through the Elohim how the balance of forces in the four planes of matter would be anchored through the magnetic quality of this precipitated sunlight.
  Thus the elementals learned to precipitate gold and thus gold does grow in the earth—veins expand and this balancing of energy corresponds directly to, first of all, the blueprint of the Christ consciousness of evolutions of Earth—or of a system of worlds—and then to that which has been outpictured through the threefold flame.
  That which is the gold in circulation represents attainment in the outer; gold that remains undiscovered represents that portion of potential of the Christ mind which remains to be brought forth. You cannot have a demonstration of light and of the consciousness of Christ without a corresponding manifestation of gold in your world.
  What has taken place since the fall of the fallen ones and others who have come as laggard generations is that they themselves have not possessed the Christ consciousness.  In lieu of this they have sought to amass the gold of the world, taking it from circulation, placing it in their own coffers and offering the people of Earth a paper substitute….
 For we also have received the dispensation whereby we may assist you as the avant-garde in the coming Revolution.  I have placed a ring of gold around your third eye chakra to reinforce that focalpoint of energy so that it is less vulnerable to impure seeing and to penetrations of mad demons of insanity and manipulations of your emotional body through the third eye, whereby the flow of harmony is broken and your emotional body is catapulted into the astral plane and the plummeting of your being into lower levels of darkness causing the overthrow of your equilibrium….
  Beloved ones, do not be naive, there are many forces at work in your own subconscious which must be purged ere you can be instruments of conquering of fallen ones and their lies.  Therefore let it happen.   -God of Gold with Tabor:  10-10-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet        
-Shatsa at dawn

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