Saturday, January 19, 2019

the deliverance of Earth and her evolutions

      On June 28, 1970 Hercules spoke of the Staff of God, introducing himself as “one of the seven Spirits by which the great integral cosmic organization of heaven and earth was created and is sustained.”  The Elohim came “in response to the heart calls of humanity for a release from all...that causes them to experience the destruction of fear, confusion, and numbing pain.”
  Hercules explained that “the power of God unto salvation is within the living seed atom from His heart, the beginning of the fiery, cosmic Personage--the immortal soul of every man.  It is up to each one to hold his hands cupped to his ears of hearing in the inward part that he may be able to hear the voice of God.  When you are able to accept in your mind and consciousness that God is in you,...when you are able to accept the faith in Him that knows no dependence on outer conditions then I tell you that the very vibratory spirit of cosmic action born in the forcefield of your being will express the majesty and fullness of the God-flame. And then watch out, precious ones!  For that which gets in your way will be as that which gets before a speeding motor car.”
   The power of faith “will move mountains of adversity,” the Elohim said, even “those activities that have kept the family of nations in bondage to hatred....In its place you will see, gently moving yet powerfully, the flame of Cosmic Christ accomplishment that bends the family of nations and the minds of men to the acceptance of the beauty and perfection of the Father’s plan....The faith in the invincible God-victorious power of the universe will itself be transmitted to the God-flame burning within their hearts, and they will see in that central God-flame the pulsing, identifying factors of the Great Central Sun that has created diurnal worlds turning in space without number.  And I tell you that mankind will never before know such peace or such hope....”
  Therefore Hercules transmitted “a certain portion of the mighty faith I have” in response to the inward cries of the voice of the souls of men. “I AM responding to world need,” the Elohim said, promising to overshadow the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral through the Freedom conference in this year of 1970.  I will keep my cape wrapped around those who are on this staff and I will see that they become the staff of God.  I will be a fire within their souls and minds.  I will be a radiance that greets the stranger within the gates....I will tremble the very stones in the vicinity and I will cause life to quake and shake and to recognize the glory of God in the stones that cry out and say:  ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, heaven and earth is full of thy joy!’”
    On March 16, 1975 Hercules came, Scaling the Mountain of Hierarchy.  The Elohim uncovered certain clues “to mankind’s attraction of solar energy both from the whitefire core of being and from the Sun of this system.”   First, the pattern of the flow of energy seen as the seven mighty Elohim sweep across cosmos “as a parabolic curve.”   Second, the “compartmentalization” of infinity:  “You must not for one moment acknowledge time and space as a confinement, as a limitation, as separation but only as God’s way of compartmentalizing eternity so that segments of His mind might be fulfilled and understood by souls yet having to put on other modes and garments and forcefields of light that will eventuate in their approximation with infinity.”
  Therefore “explore the spheres, endless spheres of God’s Self-realization.  And at any moment when time seems a barrier to unfoldment make the sign of the cross where you are and declare ‘Behold I AM in infinity and all things are in me, and of me, and I AM the Lord, the God of very gods.  I AM the fulfillment of the spirals of eternity.’...To overcome space whenever you have a sense of separation from things or loved ones or from accomplishment, mark the arc of the heart.  Span that space by an arc of love and see how wherever you are you can contact the heart of any child of God or any aspect of the creation.  And by the arc of infinity and by the parabolic curve space is not, time is transcended, and you are everywhere in the consciousness of God.”
  With this exercise then “firmly trained within the soul” Hercules takes us by the hand to scale the mountain of personal karma.  “Either you regard the mountain as an insurmountable height, as a wall of separation in time and space, or you regard the mountain as a challenge to be climbed, to be conquered, to be won.”  And the secret is love.  "It is possible to win, it is possible to fail.  And the alchemical key is love.”  Therefore we must pray for an understanding of love as “the distillation of the Holy Spirit” and give our hearts unto God saying, “O God, fill me with Thy love.  I surrender all lesser loves unto Thy great heart.  O God, wash me clean by Thy love.  O God, let that love as the desire to set life free be the impetus of power, will, victory and the life abundant.  O God, I AM free in Thy love.”
  In order that we might know love “as God willed love to be” the spheres of the identity of Hercules and Amazonia merged “for the wholeness of the Father/Mother God.”  And as they converged “so the twinflame of each one of you in the I AM Presence converges now for a moment with the flame in your heart that there might be ignited the spark of the divine union....And as you experience that love that is your just portion, that is your wholeness now you discover the desiring of God to love all of life free.”
  With the perspective of an Elohim the mountain of personal karma becomes but an anthill.  “Sweep it into the flame!”  Hercules commanded.  “Be swift, souls of God!...Run to greet the mountain.  And rejoice with the strength of the Elohim, the wisdom, the love to put that mountain into the fire day by day.  And thank the Lord God even for karma which keeps you in the planes of Mater on Terra, and thus you can be instruments of love to all life.”  Now scale a mountain “not of karma but of light, of God-momentum that you build cycle by cycle.  God has formed all things as talismans for sons and daughters of fire to outpicture a higher world, a higher life, a flame of Spirit....God has given all things into your hands to command life free.”
  Hercules then placed his fire in each heart “as I touch you with a crystal of my own.”  And as the “taskmaster of taskmasters” who trained El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, Hercules demanded “response, effort and a will to win....If you would take on the Elohim as your Guru, come prepared to scale the heights....I thrust a challenge into the teeth of all who have called to be overcomers and to save a planet and a people.”
  Hercules was with us “as tangible as an Elohim can be without becoming totally in the physical as actuality....Neither time nor space nor hopelessness nor darkness will separate my being this day from the chela who claims the Elohim as Guru.”  That chela may experience dizziness, nausea and uncomfortability because “the flow of electrons must find a new course if you would live and dance and love in the body of the Elohim.”  As Earth is reborn in the consciousness of Hercules and Amazonia, as there is “rumbling in the hills” and “the adjustment of the elements, watch and pray and be the focalpoint of balance.”
     On October 31, 1976 Hercules came “to send forth the ray of the government of God.  I come in the hour of treachery.  I come in the hour of the compromise of the will of God.  I come in the hour when mankind unknowing will go forth to elect individuals to the offices of this land....Yet they have not the understanding or the knowledge of the Lord” but are “wooed by the personality cult” and “promises that are not fulfilled.”  Therefore “there is no other way for salvation than by the direct intercession of His Spirit by the very miracle of the Lord’s descent into the midst of this habitation.”
  The Elohim then posed the question:  “Would you have that intercession, O people of God?...Fast then,...make sacrifices....You must be a people marked by the ultimate sacrifice.  For I tell you, there are few across the land who are willing to lay down their life that the flame of liberty might continue to burn brightly.”  The Elohim urged the students to undergo a fast following their noon meal “as a sign that they are willing to sacrifice something as a token for purification, as a token for the welcome of the Holy Ghost.”
  Hercules explained that “the fasting in the physical plane prepares the way for the fasting in the subconscious whereby those forces of darkness are ejected from the very house of the Lord....So let your sacrifice be for the victory of God on election day.”  For “when the people are filled with God then there is a compelling action of the Lord’s Spirit even in those who have been aligned with the forces of Antichrist; and in spite of themselves they become the instruments en masse of the mighty swelling of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit.
  “So it will come but you must believe in the miracle presence of the Holy Spirit to overcome not by entering into and dividing the arguments and the platforms of the candidates but by overriding, by sweeping through, by transmuting and transforming until the consciousness of the leaders themselves is so in the presence of the light that they, in spite of themselves, unknowingly even become His instruments for the judgment, for the overcoming and for the reign of the Prince of Peace....
  “This is hope and this is salvation.  And the Ancient of Days yet lives to rule on earth because sons and daughters of God will yet call upon the name of the Lord, the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony will they overcome all manifestations of the dragon in every avenue of life on earth.”
  In conclusion Hercules explained that the current disturbances in the elemental kingdom and the people on earth are but the sign of the alchemy of the end of the age and the coming of the light.  “Let it come and fear it not.  Let go of your old ways, and let the Lord’s Spirit come unto you and see what miracles of healing love will be within your midst the sign of the Holy Ghost.”
  And yet for want of will and of determination and of the leaping into the joy of the Spirit and the understanding that God’s promises are kept--for want of this it is as though the parts of the puzzle have not been put in place.  They are there ready to be assembled to make the perfect cube.  It requires the alchemy of the key, the turning of the key and the taking of the hand and the performing of the sacred work of the assembling of the soul components.
  Think of this:  to assemble soul components!  Have you ever thought that perhaps the components of your soul were not in alignment with the cube of the heart?  Have you perhaps left a portion of your soul in the past or with another part of life?  Have you given your soul and placed it somewhere where you ought not to have placed it, in loyalties to the human consciousness and to the flesh that ought to be replaced immediately by loyalty to God and to the Spirit?
  Think then of drawing together your solar awareness and your soul consciousness.  Think then of commanding the atoms and cells and electrons of the soul to return to the soul chakra.  Think then of drawing this solar fire and solar evolution and solar consciousness as a magnet in Mater whereby you in the temple of the living God,might experience the wholeness of the Temple Beautiful.
  See then how to command life--how to command life--how to understand that with all the Law that is taught there is a call for ingenuity, creativity, even genius in knowing how to call and what to call.  It is like knowing the next step in a very complex problem of mathematics--how to arrive at the desired solution, what equation shall be used, what method.  It is like the physician picking from the shelf the necessary application, the necessary formula to the problem.
  Well, some of you have not even diagnosed the problem in order to now be concerned with that which must be applied as solution.  And therefore I bring to you a possibility and a probability that the problem is the need to assemble the components of the soul.  In some cases the soul, its forcefield, has been split by very intense fears of the past--traumatic experiences wherein you might say the soul has been driven underground, far into the depths of the subconscious like a frightened child.  The soul must be called back, back to the throne room, back to the three-in-one, back to the place where the trinity of the threefold flame is enshrined in the temple of the heart.     
                           -Theosophia:  1-16-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet
   On July 1, 1977 Hercules stood holding a crystal chalice of “infinite light” to arc the light from the Royal Teton Retreat to Keepers of the Flame gathered at the four-day retreat Only Love.  The dictation is entitled Love, the Dynamo of Action.  “I come for a more than ordinary cleansing.  I come in response to Saint Germain whose mighty fervor for America burns this day in the love and the consummate love of a father and friend who sees the darkness that is coming over the land.  The American people in this hour are the least informed and have the greatest ignorance concerning the great betrayal that is being enacted in this very moment by the heads of state, by the government that is not representative of the people or of the Christ.”
  At the same time Saint Germain was addressing the Darjeeling Council and the Council of the Royal Teton as well as the God and Goddess Meru at a meeting held at the Royal Teton Retreat.  “Children of the light, you do not realize how those who are the smiling ones in office are the very ones who are destroying this nation piece by piece, day by day.  I can tell you that Our hearts think of nothing else except the freedom of the lightbearers on earth and the destiny of this lifewave.”
  Therefore the Elohim came “with a multifaceted purpose.”  First, to energize you with the mighty power of the Elohim which I have brought in this chalice of light”; and second, to be a representative of “many ascended beings who are charging you with the edification of your soul and mind and heart and the necessary action that will stop this betrayal and the downward trend of all parts of life.”
  Hercules emphasized that only “the veritable manifestation of Almighty God Himself incarnate in ye all will suffice to deter these fallen ones who are marching across the Earth at an incredible speed.”  Therefore the Elohim said, we must make the prayer of the Mother our own:  "O God, unless you come into manifestation on earth now all will be lost.  Therefore come into my temple, come into my soul.  Live in me and walk the earth through me.  Almighty God, come.  I will make any sacrifice that is necessary to be the instrument of the Lord God in this age."
  Hercules said that “the great equation then that must be balanced is the mass ignorance of the people.  It is most important that the frequency of the Great White Brotherhood and of the teachings permeate this City Foursquare and this New Jerusalem” through the voice of the Messenger, “the vibration of the voice of the Son of God,” over the media.  Keepers of the Flame must also become emissaries of light, the Elohim said, emphasizing that the disciples of Christ were not tutored or prominent.  “It does not require then the outer sophistication that you think it requires to change this nation and to change the face of the earth.  You must act, act with dispatch…and above all remember that it is the spark of the will of God and the power of the Holy Spirit which the Elohim convey to you, leaping heart to heart, that is the key.
  “It must be a heart manifestation, for America is the heart and the very secret chamber of the heart of the Earth.  I have been with evolutions of systems of worlds in the moment of the victory, and I am conditioned for this very delicate moment when all hangs in the balance of the few and their God-determination.  Therefore I lay my life and being on the altar of Terra....I give my life that you might assimilate the will of God, the action of love, the power of wisdom and all of my momentum for the reversing of the tide of darkness....
  “There is little you need to do but to be at the right place at the right timenand to have your mouth open for the sacred fire breath and the science of the spoken Word, doing what comes naturally, doing what is right, being outspoken and following the heart-call of conscience within you.”
  Hercules warned that if we do not take the full responsibility for the fulfillment of our divine plan in this age, “you will return to the very scene that you now witness, and the playing upon the stage of the Earth of the tyranny that is plotted against the children of light will take a minimum cycle of ten thousand years.  And will be required to return again and again until the open door is there for you to complete the cycle of your divine plan which is unequivocally that of the deliverance of Earth and her evolutions.”
  Hercules then spoke of “the great revolutionaries of light through the ages” who have had “that one common trait” of love.  “There is a moment, there is a cosmic interval that seems as an eternity.  It is the moment of the decision to give your all for the cause of the Great White Brotherhood.  And in that moment of the decision you see neither the past nor the future but only the present.  And therefore you cannot know that the moment that you surrender, God then will infill you with his being and with his consciousness.
  “Therefore fear not....Take the giant step of an Elohim,...the one giant step whereby you leave mortality for immortality, leave the lesser self, all of it, for the Greater Self and God will give to you that Greater Self in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and in the blessings unnumbered.”  The Elohim pointed out however that surrender is never, never, never for the return, else I tell you the return will not come.  But your surrender, as Thomas More has said, is for the very love of Thee--the very love of God Himself.”
  In conclusion Hercules held up the crystal chalice and poured out to us that cup overflowing with light:  “This is God’s game, and God plays to win.”
  In the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Holy Christ Self, Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and World Mother, elemental life--fire, air, water and earth--I decree:
1.  O Hercules, thou Elohim,
I AM a child of love,
Come and seal my being
By might from heaven above

Like a bolt of lightning blue,
Power of God flashing through,
Take dominion o'er me now,
To thy light and love I bow

Purify and guard my being
By thine Eye of grace all-seeing,
Clothe me in thy power real,
Fill me now with holy zeal

 I AM come to do God's will,
Give me grace now to fulfill
All the plan of heaven's son,
With thy light I AM now one

2. O Hercules, thy splendid shining,
Shatter failure and opining,
Ope the way in love diving,
Seal each one in crystal lining.

3.  O Hercules, for strength I call,
Give me victory over all,
Let God triumph over me,
Raise thy scepter, set me free

4.  O Hercules, beloved one,
Crown me with thy blazing sun,
Set thy hand upon my brow,
Raise me to perfection now

 And in full faith I consciously accept this done right here and now with full power, manifest! manifest! manifest!, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free.  Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM.

     Stand, raise your right hand in fearlessness mode and place your left hand to your heart for             Judgment Call by Jesus Christ:
  In the name of the I AM THAT I AM  I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of whitefire it shall be: 
That all that is directed against the Christ within me,
within the holy innocents, within our beloved Messengers,
within every son and daughter of God...
Is now turned back by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
by the authority of Saint Germain!
I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple and I declare 
in the fullness of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
That those who then practice the black arts against the children of the light...
Are now bound by the hosts of the Lord,
Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
within me, within Jesus, and within every ascended master,
Do now receive then the full return—
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ—
of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced
since the very incarnation of the Word!
Lo, I AM a Son of God!
Lo, I AM a flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!
amen.       -after "within every son and daughter of God" one may add "by the Nephilim gods, their genetic engineering, nefarious activities, slaughtering the sons of God and children of the light on the batttlefields of life"    -after "against the children of the light" one may add "namely, the entire interplanetary conspiracy of fallen angels and their mechanization man"

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