Tuesday, January 29, 2019

a sheath of whitefire that is the courage of Elohim

To All Who Would Walk in the Way of Courage:
  Courage is the sign of the coming of age of the heart. The heart that knows no fear–for love is there–is the heart that is mature where perfect love, love perfected in the Law has cast out every fear and the torment thereof.   As the lion roars in the jungle, the king of the beasts, so let the sound of the chela be the roaring of the heart as the fires of creation burning in the bowl upon the altar proclaim the Christ king of kings and lord of lords.
  Courage is for the mastery of the third secret ray, and this ray is the excellence of the divine alchemy of Self-awareness.  It is a ray that requires the God-control of the Christed one of Aries multiplied by the power of ten.  Thus courage and patience go hand in hand as the spirals of Alpha and Omega to complete the action of the secret ray that is midpoint between the first and second and the fourth and fifth.
  And so my friends, friends of Sumedha and of the souls of humanity, let us study together that which makes courage, that which makes patience that you might safely master the secret rays and find the reward of going within to the whitefire core, the end of all your labors.
  Courage is watchfulness.  It is the heart that is full of the awareness of the All–the heart that by intuition is aware of every infringement upon the All, every infraction upon the Whole.  Those who keep the watch as watchmen on the wall of life must have the courage to defend the citadel of consciousness and the secret chamber of the heart.  And the watchman who walks upon the wall of the Lord must be prepared for every foe and every form of consciousness that would leap as a beast in the night out of the depths of the jungle, out of the astral plane where the emissaries of Mara wait to taunt and to tempt the guardian of the heart.
  To be the watchman is to be the lonely one, to be the keeper of the gate of Christed consciousness and of souls aborning in time and space–souls tender, innocent and helpless in the womb of the Mother.  And so as knight champions of old who came to guard the fold and to seek the chalice of the Lord come one, come all who the Buddha would be.  Come to defend the age of God-mastery.
  Courage is the flame of endurance–enduring through the night, overcoming the greatest of all foes that is fear—and the ally of fear that is doubt, and culminations of spirals of fear and doubt which are set forth as the laws of mortality.  These dragons of the deep come forth disguised as ghosts of the mist . They masquerade in all their masks of human questioning and querying, all for one end, and that end alone to take from the watchman the countenance of courage and the roar of the son of God, to deprive him of the victory of Self before the dawn when with the early light angels of the Christ come to ordain the morning of the Mother.
  And so you see, it has ever been since the fall of the fallen ones that denizens of darkness have moved against the souls of child-man with fear and trembling in the hours of darkness and the hours of the moon to take from tender souls the gift of the dawn that is the love of the Mother, Her comfort and Her presence, reborn day by day as promise of fulfillment in love’s own way on love’s own ray.
  Therefore let the answer come forth from the watchman on the wall.  When the cry is heard “Watchman, what of the night?”  let the answer be:   “All is well!  All is well!  For God is whole and I am whole.  And in that Law of harmony I take the rod of power, the scepter of authority, and I mark upon the sand the circle of our oneness.  And I declare They shall not pass; they shall not enter here.  Nay, they shall not defile the virgin consciousness; I am the watchman on the wall of life.”
  Now you see, keepers of the flame of life, of the Buddha for humanity, the enemy is ever ready to send forth waves of fear even while you are winning, even as the light crests unto the victory.  For when all else is lost the enemy will inundate souls of light with tidal waves of fear.  It has well been said “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.”  Just as the sense of struggle makes the struggle so the enemy seeks to win in the battle of life by convincing you through fear that all is lost.
  Take heart, I say.  Come of age within the threefold flame.  Claim the I AM name as the light of Shamballa, the heart of Buddha where you are.  Shamballa, the heart of a planet, bursts forth the fire of courage.  So be the heart of life where you are, the heart of a family, of loved ones and friends, the heart of a community, the heart of a nation.  And let the sound of the heart be the roaring of the lion.  Then know too that your own beloved Mark who mothers the arc of consciousness here below takes also as his signet the lion of Saint Mark.  The lion is the sign of the attainment of the heart and the one who carries the flame with courage, saying to all who walk along a pilgrim’s way:  “Fear not, for I am with thee.  Take courage.  Be of good cheer, for I am the flame of love and wisdom and power ever near.”
  Let the mark of courage then be energy released with alacrity, with fastidiousness to detail, with a keen sense of timing and an utter awareness of space hallowed by the presence of the Holy Ghost.  Let courage be determined action, a will fired by love, seasoned by wisdom, matured by the flow of integration in the Mother’s love.  By the flame of courage that is closely allied with the cosmic honor flame the greatest victories of all time have been won.  And by the absence of courage, where fear has seized and gripped the hearts of humanity, the greatest defeats of all time are recorded in the annals of cosmic history.
  Courage is the mark of those who will to win and those who have won again and again each battle of Armageddon over thousands of years of the defense of the Mother-flame.  On every front, in every city where souls of light merge their flames for the victory there the eagles gather as the forces of light drawn by the Corpus Christi of the Lord.  There too the dragons come with their fire and smoke, breathing upon the light-bearers of the age.
  On guard!  Draw your swords of living flame!  Stand, face and conquer!  And let the rapier thrust of the sacred Word be the fire that proceeds out of the mouth of the two witnesses, the fire of the Word that devours the enemy.   Therefore invoke the fire of the throat chakra of the Messengers of the Lord and see how the Lord God in this age will turn back the enemies of the New Jerusalem.   See how the Lord God of hosts will defend His people even as He defended the children of Israel and prepared the way unto the promised land. Take courage, take courage, O hearts of fire!  Proclaim your victory!  Proclaim the light of God that never fails. Stand before the tribunal of the world and speak the truth and see how the truth will make you free.
  I rejoice to behold the envelopment of your being in the cosmic honor flame, in a sheath of whitefire that is the courage of Elohim and cosmic beings.  For once you taste the sweet elixir of victory and you know the laurel wreath of the conquering hero you will understand that when you have displayed courage through the unity of the Christ consciousness one with God is the majority of the victory in any battle, on any front, anywhere in cosmos.  And when you have seen the results of courage, determination, forbearance and a steady moving tempo marching into the light of the Sun—God in you and your own soul, like Sumedha, will never ever be defeated again.
  Forevermore may your heart be sealed in the flame of courage.  Forevermore may you dissolve all errors of the past, all failures of the past, all specters of the night in the dazzling golden white light of the courage of the heart–a heart fired in adversity, a heart sealed in the diamond of God’s love.
  To the victors of courage belong the spoils of the human consciousness.  The spoils are all of mankind’s misqualified energies that spiral into the flame of purity.  And in that conflagration, that transmutation there is returned to the victor sacred energy of life purified for the overcoming of all strife.  To the victor also belong the fruits of overcoming of all the saints and ascended beings.  To the victor they gladly give of the momentum of their causal bodies.  Thus in the nexus of the heart of courage there flow the energies of humanity purified in the crystal stream of God-clarity, and in that heart there flows an abundant measure of the I AM THAT I AM.  Thus Christ the victor, Jesus the noble son sealed in the heart of courage did proclaim “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”
  Therefore, O my soul–soul of Sumedha, soul of humanity, soul of chelas on the path of the Buddha–clear the heart, the sacred chamber.  Expand it wide and long.  Increase the height, the breadth, the depth. And when the way is all made clear welcome the mastery of Dipamkara here.  Welcome the Buddha, the lord of lords, the conqueror on the way.  Welcome the Lord of All the World into your heart, into the flaming flame of sacred fire, of honor, courage and purity.  And see how God will dwell within the chamber of your heart.  See how the fire will swell.  See how the white light will swirl to the movement of the pulse of Shamballa.  See how the expansion of consciousness will come to those who have the courage to be.
  I AM the Buddha in the heart of humanity.  Summon now your divinity.
                                    Gautama                     Pearls of Wisdom 18:23

To All Who Would Enter into the Communion of the Saints:
  Just as courage is the sign of the coming of age of the heart so patience is the sign of the coming of age of the soul.  And patience is the understanding of the saints.  It is the long-suffering of those who above all would harmonize the light of the soul with the flow of cosmic Law.  For this is the patience of the saints–to endure all things until the fulfillment of the Law of Cycles.
  Those who would return to the whitefire core of Being via the sorrowful way and the way of the mastery of the five secret rays must come into alignment with the inner blueprint of life through trial and tribulation and through the testing of the soul in measures of discipline that are for the trying of the patience of the saints.
  There will be times–mark my words well, chelas of the Buddhic light–when you will be required to stand fast against the hurricane of the astral plane.  And you will stand upon the rock of Christ and cling to the Tree of Life as the fierce wind and the storm, violent in its vituperation, becomes the unleashing of the black magic of Mara and his band against the soul who dares to stand in the place where the Buddha has stood to proclaim the Law.
  In that hour of trial remember the Bo-tree and let your refuge and your strength come from God on high who has set His seal upon you to be the Buddha of the Law.  Every erg of energy that seems to be the adversary must be counted as karma and as the dharma of the soul.  Consider then the Law of cause and effect.  Consider that you yourself have sown the wind and that if you would enter in to the fiery core of Being, you must first reap the whirlwind.
  So then in order to pass the test of the ten and of the five secret rays you must know that you are God–God in actuality, God in manifestation, God in every aspect of your expression.  More than knowing you must be the Creator in the creation.  You must render unto Him the things which belong to Him.  Every organ in your body is a focalpoint for the release of God’s light.  Every cell and every system in the physical temple is designed to be the instrument for the flow of God’s energy into the physical octave.
  You must know that God lives in your heart as the threefold flame of Shamballa’s light.  You must know that God is the seed identity of your soul.  You must know that God is a sun blazing in every chakra, but more than that you must understand that even the physical organs are instruments of the Lord’s expression.
  When you declare “I AM THAT I AM” you must not exclude the temple.  Therefore let God be your brain as well as your mind.  Let Him be your physical heart as well as the spiritual chamber therein.  Let Him be your eyes, your nose, your mouth.  Let God be your lungs and your liver, your kidneys and your gallbladder, if you will, and every good thing which He has made as an instrument for the flow of the Law.
  Think not this a desecration.  For I tell you that if you would be the body of God upon earth, you must seal every part of that body in light daily.  And when you call forth the protection of Archangel Michael you must see the physical as well as the spiritual complement of the whole being charged with blue-white lightning flushing out the toxins that are physical and the poisons that seep from astral plane and attach themselves to molecules of light, causing disintegration, old age, disease and death.
  When I went forth from my father’s house and saw for the first time the factors of mortality–the plight of decrepitude, a diseased body, the lingering of death and how these three imprison the flame of being, I felt the power of God welling up from within my soul, and I heard the fiat of my own master declaring the truth of Being:
I AM the life everlasting
I AM the life universal and triumphant
I AM the life overcoming sin, disease and death
I AM the glory of the Law and the glory of the victory
I AM the Word incarnate
Make me free, make me free, make me free, O Siddhartha!

  I heard the call, I heard the compelling of the Logos, and the fire burned within my heart and soul and mind. I saw the mists of maya, I saw the temptations of Mara and I knew that I must take my stand unflinchingly, unceasingly, determinedly.  For mankind must be free from the stain of sin and the sordid aspects of selfishness.  Mankind must know the Law.
  In order for mankind to know that Law I must be that Law through and through.  I must not exclude the body, for the body is Mother.  I must not allow the forces of disintegration to attach themselves to my body temple or to any part thereof.  I must wield the sword of the Mother to defend truth in every atom and molecule of matter.
  By thus proving that God Himself can and shall dwell in the tabernacle of matter I would prove for all eternity, for all evolutions descending into this vale of tears that there is a way out.  And that way begins with the flushing-out of all debris and discord of human consciousness.  And that flushing-out can be brought about only by invocation to the flame; for only the flame of God blazing, blazing in every plane of cosmic consciousness has the power to consume all wrong and every desecration of the Divine Mother.
  I AM the Buddha of the Law.  I am patiently waiting for mankind to come into awareness of responsibility and with that the responsibility for bearing one another’s burden, for carrying a balanced burden on both shoulders–to the right the weight of personal karma, to the left the weight of planetary karma.  Thus I wait for mankind to possess their souls in the patience of the fulfillment of the Law.
  This is the great call of the Buddhas of the ages–the call to come into the communion of the saints, to wash your garments in the crystal flowing stream of the Mother-chakra, to dip into the Ganges and to know that God can purify, God can sanctify, God can make holy even the muddied waters of the great River of Life.  And so God in the patience of the fulfillment of the Law can also sanctify the bread and the wine as flow of the blood of Christ and of the body of the Lord.
  Chelas of the Buddha, look up and live in the light!  For miracles are happening every day.  Remember the miracle of finding a four-leaf clover.  Remember the joy of searching, searching and then picking that four-leaf clover and knowing that the Law of God in nature was proof that life is good.
  The miracle of the three-leaf clover is the miracle of the threefold flame, of the sacred trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva which Saint Patrick taught to the good people of Ireland as the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Now understand that when you have found the four-leaf clover you have found the Mother. And the fourth leaf is for the crystallization of the God- flame in Mater; it is for the amplification of the light.  It is the purity of the Mother that releases the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the love of the Spirit Most Holy.
  This is the miracle of life–that the saints in their patience await the coming of the Mother into manifestation, that the saints endure the return of karma, of every astrological aspect, of every effect which they have set in motion as cause.  And the saints receive into their four lower bodies personal and planetary karma, and they draw in to the fiery vortex of the heart all energies requiring transmutation–enduring, enduring all that the Law requires for the fulfillment of the promise of the coming of the Mother.
Run to greet Her on the path of life!  Strew the flowers gathered in the fields; strew them along the way.  Let little children with their chubby hands pick the flowers for the coming of the Mother.  Run to greet Her!  For with every step upon the ladder of Buddhic initiation you approach the fiery center, the womb of the starry Mother.
  She comes along the path.  See Her in the distance descending the mountain, over the hills and into the valleys–She comes to gather Her children.  She comes to receive them, one and all, into Her arms of love. Without discrim­ination the Mother comes.  She sees no flaw at all among Her children.  Each child to Her is a precious flower of the heart of the Father.  And Her love for the Father is such that Her adoration unto Him makes of every child born of His heart a flower in Her bouquet of praise.
  When you greet the Mother give to Her the flowers you have picked, for She will take them gladly and joyously to Her heart there to place them upon the altar of the Christ, a gift of the children unto the Father.  In the name of love then the Mother is the mediator of the flow from the Father unto the children and from the children unto the Father.  She is the intercessor of His great wisdom and of their incomparable innocence.
  To have and to hold the gift of the Mother is worth the exercise of patience.  Therefore patiently, patiently invoke the transmutation of all that the Law doth require of thee.  Patiently search for the four-leaf clover; patiently pick the wild flowers in the fields of life.  And receive both the tempest and the calm as the sign of the coming of the Lord and the turning of the Wheel of the Law–receiving, receiving the fruits of all planes into the fire of the heart for the glorious consummation of Alpha and Omega.
  I AM in the patience of the Law the Buddha forever,

                                            Gautama          Pearls of Wisdom 18:24


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