Monday, January 28, 2019

if someone does not refrain from hasty fluctuations he usually cannot hold the link

II, iv, 18.  Ignorance may conceal a malady, but it is better to consume it with the fire of life--not by an artificial, depleting stimulant but by using the life force to restore the balance.   -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925 
22.   Only complete realization and responsibility will make it possible to inject power into thought.
195.  Again we come to the need for balance, called by Our Teacher the golden mean which may also be seen as the fullness of understanding.
286.  The majority of people are dragged down by their own weakness and inertia. Life is like chains to them, whereas life should be a conquest. The guarantee of success lies in action.    -M:  Agni Yoga 1929
79.  Humanity has violated the law of cooperation and is expiating this transgression.  Each Lord brought back to the planet the balance which had been lost, but the human spirit is so impregnated with the feeling of antagonism that it cannot reach the goal designated by the Lord.  Thus humanity is developing dreadful controversies; and the waves will engulf thinking, which is violated by the denial of light as the Mother of the World.   
160.  We have witnessed how the predominance of one channel disturbed the balance; therefore power lies not in domination by force but in union of forces!
224.  When nations turned toward policies of imbalance the principle of self-destruction was set forth.  Resistance to self-destruction can be established only by balance.  Humanity applies incommensurately the principle of creation and thus disturbs the foundations of Be-ness.  While there is in accordance with the Law of the Cosmic Magnet subordination of the lowest to the highest it concerns only those energies whose essence demands transmutation.   But since the Origins are ordained for the creation of life, people cannot do away with one of the Origins without self-destruction.  Therefore humanity will aspire toward conscious development when it will cognize and acknowledge the two Origins.  All rules of action lacking the two Origins can increase the imbalance.
226.  The attainment of balance takes such precedence in everything that the Magnet manifests the utmost attraction for the sake of this equilibrium.  The rhythm evident throughout cosmos reveals this principle which governs all actions in nature.  Constructiveness depends upon this lofty principle.  How then is it possible not to realize this process of nature?  And in the construction of life the same principle is unavoidable.  Rhythm, explosions, magnetic attraction--all these forces must be converted into the principle of equilibrium.
230.  In regard to evolution humanity never has considered what its progress costs the Impeller of energy.  It is customary to maintain that the energy expended in the progress of evolution establishes the ascent step by step.  But the principle causal action should be pointed out. The Cosmic Magnet provides direction as well as destination.  In the entire evolutionary process one must seek this destination, and the central point of evolution must be ascertained.  Mere ascent is not the impelling force, as the center of evolution is the core of all cosmic activity.  The chain of events accumulates upon the circumference of this core, and unless balance is established between the evolutionary and the devolutionary human striving it will be impossible to establish a higher step.  The center of evolution creates balance, and the center of human thought violates it.  Therefore during the epoch of imbalance between good and evil, prior to the epoch of Satya Yuga, humanity must show exactitude of direction.  Therefore the fiery summons gives direction to humanity.
234.  The attraction of the energy of solar rays is in balance with the soil on which the rays fall.  Similarly governed is the attraction of cosmic fires to the human spirit.  Space is teeming with magnets, and the human aura sustains many magnetic emanations.  It is established that cosmos creates through the Magnet, and the power of attraction gives life to man.  Creativeness is based upon this principle--an immutable law!
256.  The immutability of the Law of Unity of all manifestations evinces the magnetism of the creativeness of cosmos.
308.  Only service to evolution can prove a creativeness which corresponds to the Cosmic Magnet.
349.  The Sun of the heart is the force which determines the balance.  In ancient times this truth was as well known as the laws of attraction.  Therefore We value the centers which glow as the Sun.    -M:  Infinity 1, 1930
54.  Cosmic balance demands striving toward limitless perfecting.  Hence when the spirit of humanity cooperates with the Cosmic Magnet it is itself drawn to that boundary which will assist it in striving into the Infinite.  Thus beyond the wall of its contentment humanity prepares for itself the boundary of cosmic Justice. 
125.  So burdensome are encumbrances that the spirit loses access to the Towers.  Hence those who come to know this advance only through transmutation of the ego.  When the spirit cannot push itself to outlive its encumbrances it piles up solid obstacles.  A balance is maintained between striving and its result.  Thus the wings of Spirit provide the power of flight into the higher spheres, but the weight of a burden marks the steps of him who strides to the lower spheres.
165.  The violation of balance affects all planetary manifestations.  An energy which has violated cosmic balance sets up a different direction. 
338.  In the realization of coordination of energies there is contained the entire cosmic creativeness.  That is why it is so imperative to strive to coordination.  The entire cosmic power is comprised in this law. The application of higher understanding of cosmic coordination will give direction to the spirit.  When the spirit asserts its freedom the direction depends upon the choice of paths….Lack of balance of the spirit is very destructive, because each one who approaches Us bears the karma of his attainments.
454.  We, Brothers of Humanity, proclaim that cosmic fires are subject to the receptivity of the fiery agni yogi.  All currents pass through the centers.  Therefore all Our constructions are mighty ones; thus Our blended union is most powerful.  Verily We watch over the balance.    -M:  Infinity 2, 1930
54.  Thus in each action there is one who has taken the responsibility upon his shoulders.  The one in cooperation with others constitutes the balance.  Like a spinning top the rhythm of motion should be kept; thus mechanics is transformed into art.  The display of simple attentiveness, which We pointed out first in legends and symbols, I now ordain in a simple command--merely open your eyes, because there are many signs around.
181.  it is important to realize the significance of fulfillment of the higher Will.  Therefore the power of blending is so greatly affirmed, for only in the blending of consciousnesses is creativeness contained. The disintegration of humanity is so vast because there is no balance.  And the events on the planet indicate disunity with highest consciousness.  Thus it can be confirmed that disciples must strive to realization of Hierarchy; one can attain only through fulfillment of the higher Will.
192.  How can a tree stand powerfully if one tries to uproot it?  Only contact with the pure current gives balance to the forces.  Hence only the roots of Hierarchy can uphold a structure.  Each digression brings harm to the mighty growth.  One should be consciously affirmed in the understanding of the power of Hierarchy.  Through clefts caused by disrespect to Hierarchy black forces creep in.
227.  The vitality of all origins is affirmed by the fiery principle of Hierarchy.  Only the principle of highest Hierarchy affords balance and striving to each affirmation. Therefore in establishing cosmic principles the main impulse is the Chain of Hierarchy….Thus the might of the fiery Hierarchy soars high.  Yes, yes, yes!
268.  Fire is the most powerful conductor.  Certainly the kindling of the fire is not easy, especially when the currents are so tense; but one may be sure that it is just this fire that is the talisman of the alchemists, so carefully concealed by them.
291.  But the fire can be invoked only by an action of the spirit. Thus, let us apply the higher laws to the earthly plan. …The particles of precious energies adhere only to him who strives.
315.  The reorganization of the world intensifies all the forces of cosmos.  If humanity would understand that reorganization requires the striving of the spirit, it would be easy to establish equilibrium in the world.  But the nations do not ponder about what to place upon the scales and where is the balance; hence the chaos of thinking is so destructive to humanity, and thus the dislocated nations sink to the depths without taking measures for spiritual transmutation.  Therefore it is time to ponder the establishing of spiritual quests.  When cosmic perturbations require a powerful tension humanity must know where to look for the center of salvation.
316.  Healing through the fragrance of flowers, resins, and seeds goes back to hoary antiquity….Perfumes are now bereft of meaning like all other desecrated values, yet the origin of fragrance underlies a useful but forgotten knowledge.  Certainly the poisons of antiquity were very subtle.  The newly invented narcotics are comparatively crude; chiefly they destroy understanding--in other words, precisely that which sustains the balance in all finer energy experiments.  A flaming heart without spiritual balance is an impossibility.  Thus one must remember all details that bring one close to Hierarchy.
338.  Thinking is infected so extensively by the poison of conceit that the entire cosmic balance is disturbed.  Thus on the way to Us one should adopt all  affirmations concerning Hierarchy as an anchor of salvation.  Verily Hierarchy is like a wondrous light for humanity!  As a mighty shield Hierarchy stands on watch!  Hierarchy is affirmed as the link between the worlds!     -M:  Hierarchy 1931
10.  We pay attention to the transmitter of prana, to the lungs, which transmit the essence to the heart as the affirmation of world balance... attainment has become undelayable, because the basis of the connection with the Magnet of Hierarchy is violated.  As a help amid the violated balance a new form of fine body is given.
78.  But as you know the mind strove for insulation and thus made evolution more difficult.  The time of Kali Yuga has been difficult, but Satya Yuga must again bring closer the worlds, which were forcibly separated.  One must await this time solemnly as the return to a predestined perfection.  Thus let us decide to apportion sufficient attention for spiritual creativeness.  One should become accustomed to thinking from this point of view. Thus it is necessary to refer to that which is most significant in the direction of life.  Whoever learns balance between worlds will considerably ease his path.
100.  We strive further as soon as We see understanding.  We call a lazy person the violator of the Law of Life.  Healers through the heart current act in the physical as well as in the subtle body. 
190.  People do not know how to find the balance between indignation of spirit and equilibrium.  Both concepts are needed for perfectment, but how to reconcile militant indignation of spirit with wise balance?  Usually these concepts seem incompatible, but is it not balance which reacts upon the indignation of spirit when the latter does not turn into irritation and thus create imperil?  On the contrary an enlightened and self-sacrificing indignation creates the most precious, ruby-like armor. Thus only through correct direction of finer energy is poison replaced by a treasure.  But where is the judge of self-abnegation?  Certainly it is the heart.  And not the heart as such but precisely the heart facing Infinity.
202.  The accumulation of experience, which is of such great importance, always reminds one of an example from early childhood.  A child does not realize the properties of fire until it has burned itself.  Of course adults smile superciliously at this example, but they carry on their own experiences by the same methods.  Nothing will induce humanity to apply more sensitive methods.  Of course they will be astonished as to why the consequences of many of their misfortunes are so lengthy and poignant.  One may be certain that each action is considered necessary for redemption.  This again is not a punishment but the acquisition of experience, and one can marvel at the precision in the scales of karma….It is not without cause that among the definitions of the heart there is also that of “the vindicator.”
226.  Tumult fills the spheres.  Help each one to maintain balance.  The dark ones use all means in order that their front may pierce Our lines.  We shall not tire of drawing your attention to the extent to which vigilance is needed in small details.  Absorb the manner in which one must listen and scrutinize.  One can be aware not only of the cunning of the dark ones but also of all the bells and other cosmic signs. They indicate the tension of the atmosphere and Our closeness and remind one of Hierarchy.  One must not be confused if the bells and strings reverberate softly; there are many reasons for this…Besides being relevant to the Great Battle, these observations are needed for the next advance.
260.  The very concept of rest was invented by those who desired to hide from existence.  They preferred passivity, forgetting that there can be no moment without motion.  Balance is the concept needed.  One should think not of rest but how to preserve balance amidst the whirlwinds. The silver thread is tautened by the power of striving, hence one must know the meaning of balance lest one burden the thread of Hierarchy through faltering.  The thread will not break when tautened, for even a straw resists as long as it is not bent.  The silver thread is founded upon the law of concatenation (a series of interconnected things or events), but if someone does not refrain from hasty fluctuations he usually cannot hold the link.  Thus let us not bemoan the lack of rest, because it does not exist at all.
261.  Let us understand the heart as the focus of the physical laws and the highest Laws as well. This center was called the crossroad and was represented by an equilateral cross; the dorje like the swastika indicated rotation of the fire of the heart.  Rotation and equilaterality are the signs of balance.  In childhood someone has tried to stand on a ball, unaware that this is the great symbol of equilibrium.
573.  The correct measure of giving is the criterion of love and responsibility.  To give too little is contrary to love, but it is no better to give too much.  Niggardliness is unworthy, but generosity that leads even to treason is not goal-fitting.  As insufficient food leads to hunger, so excessive food leads to poisoning.  It can be stated without exaggeration that the extent of treason has increased considerably due to excessive giving.  The Teacher who gives and trusts must take into consideration a great number of conditions.  He must take into consideration not only the personal merits of the one who receives but also the qualities of his immediate surroundings and karmic and astrological conditions as well. The subtle heart prompts one how to discriminate in this complex current of conditions.  Therefore We value so much this criterion of the heart.  The path of the bodhisattva contains this essence of measure.  No logic will safeguard the giving one from excess, but the heart knows this heavenly balance.    
                                                                 -M:   Heart 1932
             -N. Roerich:  Command of Rigden Jyepo, 1933

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