Saturday, January 12, 2019

fallen ones who control from the astral plane

  Now the fallen ones who control from the astral plane the outer manifestation of the false teachers and their teachings know that if they are to gain their ends, they must often compromise by allowing their representatives to manifest some semblance of obedience to God and to His laws, thereby making just enough positive karma of their own to protect them from their own negative karma…
  Jesus asked, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”  We ask, have the Church and the Society of Jesus within the Church gained the whole world and lost their own soul and the soul of Christ?  In each succeeding embodiment Peter fell on the line of the analytical mind, sacrificing the ultimate spiritual goal for the immediate material gain.     -Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe:  Pearls of Wisdom  19:17
   Every precept and principle of the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood released by the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet in the Pearls of Wisdom and the Keepers of the Flame Lessons as well as in conferences and seminars must necessarily be mastered by those who would reverse the tide of World Communism.
  The ascended masters' teachings are the means wholly justified by a just God whereby every child of God on earth may, through the careful exercise of freewill, triumph over the carnal mind and the Martian condemnation of those who would overtake the children of the light on Terra….
  The Devil has had his day, and his day is over.  The lightbearers are on the march.  They have joined the Faithful and True and the armies of heaven.  They are one with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords--they who loved not their lives unto the death, who overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony.  The final chapter has not been written and it will not be written until the thousand years (of the dispensation granted) are up.
-Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe:  Pearls of Wisdom 19:19 (4-11-1976)  
  And because you have been drawn here by the love of your hearts so I shall give to you, precious hearts, that special dispensation that you shall always be with me through the pattern and blueprint of your divinity which I shall henceforth carry within my heart.  Will you recognize then the mantra:  We are one--we are one--we are one--we are one--we are one [sung by Mary and congregation]….
  If you will weld yourselves together as a mighty body of God upon earth inseparable in service, in thought, in prayer, in dedication you will see a mighty work done upon this continent which has never been accomplished before since the last golden ages of the blue and violet races….These are the precious words of oneness, for in the union you find the strength, the overcoming victory and the power that enables you to withstand all of the fiery darts of wickedness and all the temptations of the world….For that will give you the courage to move onward, to follow the three wise men,  to follow the Christ and the Star of the East that shall come to rest over the continent of Africa  prophesying the birth of a new nation, a new people, a new beginning, a new resurrection, a new opportunity.  That is the star Afra!  That is the star born from Alpha and Omega!  That is the star whose energies shall flow in a mighty release to inspire the hearts of all souls evolving here until they too walking in his footsteps mount Bethany’s hill and rise into the ascension in the air--the return to the very heart of God, their divine destiny fulfilled.  So be it.
  By the power of the Divine Mother I have spoken:  and I AM with you alway even unto the end of the age!        
(by Ruth Hawkins)
           -Archeia Mary:  7-23-1972 at Accra, Ghana via Messenger E C Prophet
    at Accra, Ghana
       lenticular cloud near Shasta, Jan. 11, 2019

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