Sunday, December 19, 2021

Turn this civilization around

 1)  Thus the handwriting is on the wall.  History repeats itself.  The only power that can check the widening spiral of the pride of the people of Israel on the one hand and of deceit and treachery and intrigue of the people of the Arab nations on the other is the authority of the Christ that occupies the position at the heart level to challenge this yin and yang perversion of Alpha and Omega.  Your knowledge of the cosmic clock will show you that these two nations this day represent the malefactors on either side of the Christ--both in manifestation of antichrist–the Christ who came to redeem and restore the laggard consciousness and to give to these nations and their people the opportunity to accept the light and to redeem that karma which they created on Maldek.  

                   -Divine Director:  Pearl 17:5

 2)   And may I introduce the twin flames, the mighty Snow King and the Snow Queen, whose light has graced in ancient time the land known as Greenland, beloved ones.  And thus they ruled there in an era when all was tropical and beautiful, and therefore the name remained.
  Beloved hearts, dwelling in the whitefire core of the holy purpose of this ancient civilization, these twinflames release in this hour the light of a cosmic snow which comes upon Earth as a cloud of infinite energy such as you call forth according to the alchemy and ritual of Saint Germain. 
  It is our desire that you consider [as it] has been our desire for you to hear the reports which have come to you concerning the subjects of aliens and  manipulation of viruses and microbes to the death, [for so it is plotted by the sinister force], of the human race.  In past ages cataclysms have been intensified by the interference of aliens and their technology where they have desired to subjugate or supplant a race; and the karmic return of a civilization has likewise been multiplied by evil minds who have brought plagues upon peoples and nations who have made themselves vulnerable by their neglect of their God and the warnings of their prophets whom we have sent again and again to admonish the people to] “prepare ye the day of the Lord and His coming.”    We then have come.  We then have come and we radiate the Earth with a vibration of protection for lightbearers such has not been known before.  We come to pour out the maximum offering whereby you may walk in the individuality of your God-f lame and know the externalization of a mastery that will restore to you that dignity, that self-respect, that Christhood portion by portion whereby you shall not be traduced.      -Alpha and Omega, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl 31:68


  America is destined to bring forth the culture of the Divine Mother that was once on Lemuria and Atlantis and in previous golden-age civilizations.  The founding pyramid of her civilization is the path of the soul’s reunion with the Divine Mother.
   The capstone of this pyramid is the highest spiritual teaching of East and West which Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ taught to their disciples.  But in order for the capstone to be placed on the pyramid that lost teaching must be regained and embodied heart by heart through the Lord Our Righteousness, whom we address as our beloved Holy Christ Self.  On this path of the putting on of the garment of the Lord, the sons of God in America must become the living Word if we are to see the sealing of the capstone of this civilization. …
   Civilizations do fall for lack of leadership and the real cause of their collapse is always self-destruction.  Historian Arnold Toynbee conducted an exhaustive study of the world’s civilizations.  He recognized that a civilization cannot continue to grow unless it can successfully respond to all challenges.
   This parallels the life of the individual.  When you cease to be able to meet all challenges to your identity, to your life, to your personhood, to your path and to your soul you will cease to grow and you will wither away.
   Toynbee also concluded that as a civilization evolves more of its challenges are internal rather than external.  He wrote in his monumental work, A Study of History, “It has to reckon less and less with challenges delivered by external forces and demanding responses on an outer battlefield, and more and more with challenges that are presented by itself to itself in an inner arena.” 
  The fulcrum for change, change for the better or for the worse, is a civilization’s leadership.  Toynbee sees two types of leadership classes:  the creative minority and the dominant minority.  Here we see the creative minority as the sons and daughters of God, co-creators with Him; the dominant minority as those archdeceivers who subjugate the people by the abuse of power.
  Toynbee explains that the creative minority have the ability to lead civilization up the mountain of self-transcendence.  We see these leaders as the Founding Fathers, the Masons, the lightbearers, those both Christian and Jew who knew they were the descendants of Israel.  A society’s transfiguration, says Toynbee, comes only as its people imitate this creative minority….
  In reaction to the oppression of the dominant minority Toynbee says the people withdraw their allegiance to their leaders and no longer seek to imitate them.  This schism between the people and their leaders marks the disintegration of civilization and heralds an epoch in which it is no longer able to adequately respond to challenges.
  Today Western civilization is the preeminent world civilization and America is its leader.  Since Lincoln was assassinated a dominant minority concerned solely with the interests of the ruling class has gradually replaced the creative minority in America.  With the advent of this new year of ever-new challenges to our integrity as individual sons of God, my friends, that transition is virtually complete.  And the people, untutored by the heart of Christ continue to allow their leaders to make decisions that are not in the best interests of their nation or their world….
  Toynbee found that the character of a nation’s leadership is crucial to the survival of civilization.  He says that if those who lead a civilization, the “creative minority,” lose their ability to creatively meet successive challenges and become a “dominant minority,” then the majority of that society will withdraw their allegiance from the leaders, and the civilization itself will stop growing and enter a “time of troubles” leading to its ultimate collapse.    -

     Elizabeth Clare Prophet, delivered on July 4, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, updated for print, Pearl 31:9

4)  I am not His only bride, beloved.  The Holy Spirit is the great Divine Husband of all souls reaching for  divine union with God.  But, beloved, I am a chosen bride and therefore I can also choose—I can choose to raise you up, to place upon you the bridal veil, to restore an ancient virginity whereby consciousness is sealed, chakras are sealed, and you are a vessel holy and pure, ready to receive the light of the Father in all of the seven centers of being.          

     -Archeia Mary, delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  April 18, 1987 in Dallas, Texas, Pearl 30:16

5)  Upon a hillside the Teacher stands and the pupils gather to hear the Word of the Lord.  I am that one who does stand and I speak in His name.  And [I teach in the] retreat [of the Divine Mother] that is over this land, for I have come with those who gather in the etheric octave at my retreat to share His communion cup of love with all [who are here] who drink in the light of this civilization….
    Therefore, beloved, the karma descends upon the abusers of this sacred fire, this light that is the quickening, that is the energy whereby a civilization does function.  Many have abused the very foundations of the system and the elements of the Holy Spirit that have brought forth such a great civilization as America has been.  They have so misused the money of the people that they have forfeited their opportunity to deliver truly the capstone of what this civilization was intended to be.      

        John the Beloved, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 7, 1990 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl 33:38
6)  The challenge to the Hierarchy of Light was how to lead those rebellious ones back to the heart of the Sun.  Thus all parties to that civilization and to  succeeding civilizations of India and throughout the Earth have reincarnated again and again and again, all being led (sometimes pulled by the very nose) to the heart of Christic experience within their very own heart:  their heart one with the heart of God.
Yes, the day must dawn when you find yourself as the mirror image of your own beloved Holy Christ Self.  And therefore the separation will be slight and as that rapprochement occurs wherein the soul no longer fears to enter into complete union, no longer fears the wedding day or wedding garment, I say, beloved, you shall walk the Earth again as Christed ones as you did in that ancient golden-age civilization on Atlantis when you had balanced 51 percent of your karma.  And many did ascend who went on to balance 100 percent of their karma in that time and dispensation, while others, some among you included, did lose ground and therefore did lose the 51 percent they had gained….
  Yes, beloved, civilization will stand or fall.  It will stand only if you determine to bind the force of Antichrist that was in the heart of Herod whereby he sent out his henchmen to slaughter the male babies in order to be sure to destroy the living Christ Jesus.  And therefore the angels of the seventh ray led us in the flight into Egypt and it was indeed a flight from the terror of the powers-that-be of the time.    
            -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 27, 1992 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 35:26
7)  I invite you to take up a new life in the Holy Spirit, to cultivate the gifts of the Spirit that you might lay upon the altar of humanity.  Thus may you be the instrument for elevation of civilization and those of all equations who come to the crossroads of planet Earth….Yes, beloved, and plant your ties deeply in the earth so that your children and your children’s children and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and all the tribes in the Earth who serve the Faithful and True might have a link to you.  They will have it because you have accomplished your mission of preaching or writing down the Word or some other mission whereby you have made your stamp on civilization. And in future centuries all may say:  “I would follow that one on the path of his victory.  For having walked in his footsteps I understand and I am grateful for and I value the process, and I see that humanity has been blessed for the work of that one.”…
Think then about which desires you can cast into violet flame.  Then think about other desires that are constructive in the work of the Great White Brotherhood and to civilization.  Pursue those desires that are deep and lawful and that pertain to your mission, for in fulfilling them you may raise civilization and affect millions with positive good by your service.    
               -Maha Chohan at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana on June 26, 1994, Pearls of Wisdom 37:28
8)   Yes, I come with a message of urgency.  This I do, for I declare to you, beloved, that the acceleration of the descent of karma does increase.  It does intensify. And as you know there is the cofactor of 25,800 years of karma cycling into the physical plane that can trigger the descent of each one’s immediate karma until ultimately you may come face to face with that juggernaut that descends to the destruction of civilization. 
 I say to you, beloved, though you may have heard it before:  you who have known Saint Germain since the hour when he was king of the great civilization in the ancient Sahara—you who have known him then and to the present hour and some few of you who sat at table and drank the elixir that would not allow you to ever forget the God-Self within or the Master Saint Germain or that civilization—you have come to the place of recognizing again the dear friend who has called you, the noble one with his consort, Portia.  Thus, beloved, I bid you give acclaim to Saint Germain, the great deliverer of this nation in this hour. [14-second standing ovation.  Congregation gives salutation:]…
  Mitigation is the option, individual by individual.  One is taken; another is left.  What you do to bank the fires of violet flame in your homes and in the hearts of your children will be a blessing from everlasting to everlasting.  It will assist all to make their transition at the appointed hour when they are called home.  And it will assist all who cleave to it to hold fast, to hold fast again and again so that the continuity of civilization may not be lost.   
            Omri-Tas via Messenger ECP at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana on October 7, 1994, Pearl 37:39
9)   And as you are choosing various matters that are of supreme importance to the world this day, I remind you there is nothing more important than the care an love of children.  Yes, there is balance in life, beloved.  But if I were to pick a topic most dear to my heart that would guarantee the future of this civilization and the age of Aquarius, then I would ask you to go after those situations where children are deprived of balanced food, proper caring for and proper education.  And I do not mean the minimum education, I mean the maximum….
  I have done this, beloved, because these children are my foundation stones.  These are the ones who will build that new-age civilization.  And I pray to God daily that that new-age civilization shall not be limited to the United States but that it shall cover the Earth.  And if it is to cover the Earth, then all people must subordinate their materialism to a spiritual path that takes them nightly into the octaves of light, into etheric cities and universities—yes, where they may increase their awareness of God and put all things of the material civilization beneath their feet instead of being absolutely overwhelmed with desire to make money and more money.  And do they not consider that they will have their ends?  And what shall happen when they have their ends?  What will they have left for their posterity?…You will go for me.  You will erect this civilization.  For I shall be with you.  And my violet-flame angels will guard and tend you.     
                    -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:15
10)  The question arises:  why have we called you to reestablish the golden chain mail?  It is because that evil which came to pass in the last days of Atlantis is come to pass again in your day.  Just as there were black magicians in high places of church and state and priests who used their powers to work evil thousands of years ago, so there are black magicians and priests in embodiment today who are using their powers to destroy civilization.
  The very ones who were instrumental in causing the sinking of Atlantis have reincarnated in this century, and their focus is a staggering agenda of world destruction.  Among them are Atlantean scientists who experimented with recombinant DNA, breaking up and splicing together DNA from human and animal sources, thereby spawning creatures that were half- man and half-animal.  Their evildoings ultimately brought forth the Lord’s judgment….So understand, beloved, that God may cause the Earth to tremble, continents to sink and rise, but that which determines the fate of mankind and civilization itself is the heart quality of each individual member of the human race.…
We desire to see you accomplish, as the Messenger has stated, the corking of the bottle of hell. In other words we desire to see you drive back the antichrists who have wreaked havoc in their determination to destroy this civilization.
   This dawning day of Aquarius is a wondrous time for the alchemy of the golden chain mail!  It is a wondrous time for rethinking and remaking civilization!….Thus we would restore to you a greater quotient of the intelligence of the Mind of God which many of you once had when you lived in ancient golden-age civilizations.  For, millennia ago, many of you walked the Earth in the person of your Holy Christ Self, having balanced 51 percent of your karma.  Aspire to return to that level!…We ask you to accept the challenge we hurl to you to turn this civilization around by the Spirit of the living God!   Begin with diligent study and planning.  Then create a game-plan and follow it.  Gather together stalwart souls who are one-pointed and who will accept the challenge and vow to see it through to the victory.
   Turn this civilization around, beloved, else you will see mankind continue on their downward course, sometimes subtly and slowly and sometimes blatantly and defiantly.  I ask you to make a vow that as long as you live you will offer fervent prayer to God and the blessed Mother that not a single soul who is a servant of the light will be lost.  Again I challenge you:  Out of the golden yellow flame of illumination seize the torch of your victory and turn this civilization around!    
    -Elohim Apollo and Lumina, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 25, 1995 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 38:31

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