Saturday, December 11, 2021

Beware of the snares of the fallen ones who have crept unnoticed

   In an article published in the New York Times in 1907 Paul Warburg, a successful, German-born financier who was a partner at the investment bank Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. and widely regarded as an expert on the banking systems in the United States and Europe, wrote that the United States’ financial system was “at about the same point that had been reached by Europe at the time of the Medicis, and by Asia, in all likelihood, at the time of Hammurabi” (Warburg 1907). …
  Aldrich quickly hired several advisers to the (US Senate Banking) commission, including Henry Davison, a partner at J.P. Morgan, and A. Piatt Andrew, an economics professor at Harvard University.  Over the next two years, they studied banking and financial systems extensively and visited Europe to meet with bankers and central bankers….
  Aldrich and his colleagues quickly realized that while they agreed on some broad principles -- establishing an elastic currency supplied by a bank that held the reserves of all banks -- they disagreed on details.  Figuring out those details was a “desperately trying undertaking,” in Warburg’s words.  Completely secluded, the men woke up early and worked late into the night for more than a week.  “We had disappeared from the world onto a deserted island,” Vanderlip recalled in his autobiography.  “We put in the most intense period of work that I have ever had.”
       [Finance/economy books are so full of rationalizations and subterfuge that seldom does a ray of golden light surface from that material.  Unbacked paper money and the origin at Jekyll Island in Nov. 1910 of a covert plan to get control of the American economy are two prime examples.  In the above quote from G. Richardson and J. Romero the fact that Warburg was trained by Rothschild and sent to the US in 1900 with the central bank plan is bypassed entired.  The fact that Sen. Aldrich masqueraded his “reform plan” for the US economy as a plan to keep big Wall Street Trusts from running the US economy is totally obfuscated by the slick tale told by Richardson and Romero, also told endlessly by the other deceivers in finance.  Judas Iscariot has been pointed out and the official version of Judas must of course be that he saved us from that terrible tyrant Jesus Christ.  Sure.  Likewise synthetic mRNA and synthetic DNA vaxxes will save the world.  And will Kissinger wuth Chinese elites lead the world to a golden age of peace and enlightenment??  -r.]  
    From the heart of the flame of divine love I descend into your midst as a fairy descends the stalk of a flower.  Through dewdrops and through crystal, through snow and through fire I am come to bring to you the knowledge of the truth that is the captive of divine love….
  And I come to tell you that in the service of God and man is the open door to unity with consciousness of Christ.  As he stands at the nexus of the giant cross of life twixt God and man, as he stands at the nexus of the figure eight, so as you serve you also rise to that nexus and you gain your immortal life, immortal freedom, immortal oneness with your divinity.   -Nada:  via Messenger ECP at Santa Barbara on 7-1-1971, Pearl 54:21

    I am

Nada of the living flame of love.  By the sword of ruby ray--love's own--I cut free many from perversions of love out of astral plane--suffusion in self, in pessimism, in that denial of love itself.
  I come to turn souls right side out.  I come to turn them to the God of love.  Understanding that this love is all-embracing, embracing all of the virtues of God, all of the attributes of God.  Do you understand this, beloved?…Pore by pore let love stream through you.  Love is the transmutation of violet flame, love is all dispensations of God to intercede on behalf of those who have been led astray or strayed.  Many angels gather, and the fierceness of expression on the face of seraphim who now accompany Astrea and hosts of the fourth ray will teach you also another face of love, love that is the fierceness-- razor's edge--that can separate you from false loves without even harming so much as a hair of your very skin.
  Yes, beloved, the true and the false, the light and the dark are commingled.  Thus for the Self to emerge there must be a purging love--it is the ruby ray.  Purging love is to the trial by fire….
     The soul who has been violated is not guilty except in this, beloved--for the failure to develop enough love as all-seeing Eye of God to have  discernment and discrimination not to approach these fallen ones who come to rape you of your light and to tear your children from your breast and womb….
   Thus quickly you may look at those agents of darkness, at those pockets of God-denial.  You shall see them for what they are, for you shall see through the third eye and know that they may go into the flame, they may pass.  Let them pass; be not attached, do not revolve again and then again the old things, the old things of Atlantis and Lemuria and bygone days of darkness.
  The resurrection flame does flush out, does consume away, does refine before it comes to the final work upon your soul, clothing you in garments of the sixth ray, clothing you in that light of Christhood.  Thus  resurrection flame brings to the fore all of the good, all  attainment, all that you have won as victory lifetime after lifetime which the fallen angels have denied and taken from you and mounted upon you again and again the condemnation of death and hell itself….
  Beware of the snares of the fallen ones who have crept unnoticed into the outer orders that in the past we Brothers have instituted through our work with various lifestreams.  By subtlety and false teaching some organizations we sponsored have fallen from the standards we set, retaining esoteric authority in name only.
-Nada:  2-18-1991 at L. A., Pearls of Wisdom 34:12


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