Tuesday, December 21, 2021

microbes may also be deadly

1)   People of America, people of freedom, do you not understand what will take place on this very soil, in this very place if the hordes of the fallen ones are allowed to override the forcefields of light throughout the world?  I say you must not rest day or night!  You must not lay your body, no matter how weary, to rest at night without breathing your prayers to me and to Kuan Yin for the rescue of that island (Taiwan).
   We are not content to rescue souls!  We are not content to have them taken out by air!  We are not content unless we have the land.  For the land is the Mother’s, the land is the focus, the land is the retreat of the Mother of China.  And it must not be given over to any force whatsoever!  It must be maintained free.  It must be defended by the forces of light and the hosts of light in every freedom-loving nation of the world.   

          -Saint Germain was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Colorado Springs on December 8, 1975, Pearl 20:46

2)  I tell you, you would be ashamed to see what you allow to overcome the great light of God that is within you and within the children of God.  They are nothing!  They are phantoms!  They have no power!  They must be stripped of their power by your fiats!  One fiat made by a son or daughter of God can wipe out an entire company of fallen ones.  The fiat even of a child in prayer can reverse the hordes of darkness that come upon the cities with their plagues, their viruses, their germ warfare, warfare of the mind and the soul and of the bodies, weakening, debilitating our servitors.
  Let us see the forts of righteousness established!  Let them be the teaching centers!  Let them be that forcefield for the giving of decrees for the protection of the souls and the four lower bodies of every child of God created out of the light of Alpha and Omega.  Let us see vociferous, untiring calls given by those who know the law for the freedom of every living soul to find the inner law of his own being.  

          -Godfre, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 22, 1976 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 19:17  


3)  We turn over to God our freewill and our freedom and our authority to take dominion!  And we call to God and the hosts of light to take dominion as we have been called to take dominion. So we surrender our authority to take dominion into the hands of the hosts of light. Come forth, hosts of light, and take dominion through us and in us; and use us–heart, head, and hand–for the victory on Terra.
    We demand the reversing of the tide of all Communist forces and spy activities in America, all infiltration and germ warfare, and the release of viruses upon the American people.  We demand the reversing of that hatred, that darkness, that infamy.  We call to the hosts of light!  We call to Mother Mary!  We demand action this day!  We expect action this day!  We demand it!  We expect it!  We determine it!  We invoke it!  We call it forth!
   And by the authority of Almighty God it shall come forth!  And the end of Word Communism shall be this day.  From the core in the etheric plane to the mental, the emotional, and the physical quadrants, we demand spirals of light to turn the tide of this darkness.  We demand it!  We call it forth!…
   The cause and core of the lie of World Communism, all centers of World Communism and their luciferian and laggard backing, the international capitalist/communist conspiracy; all Communist control, infiltration, and spy activities in the United Nations and in every nation upon earth; all Communist and Marxist doctrine for world takeover; plots, plans, preparations, and current activities to occupy or destroy the United States of America, the Panama Canal Zone, or the nations of the free world or in any way–subtle or overt, known or unknown, direct or indirect–to take over the free world through nuclear attack, psychopolitics, brainwashing, tortures, lobotomies and executions of political prisoners, psychic rays, political blackmail, economic sabotage, germ warfare, revolution, evolution or otherwise; all persons, plots, conspiracies and activities that interfere with the Constitution of the United States of America, administrative, legislative, and judicial processes in federal, state and local governments, the free enterprise system, the Christ-education of the youth of the world and the flow of freedom, of cosmic abundance, and of the cosmic honor flame through the governments, economies and military establishments of the free world.  -part of an invocation by Messenger ECP in Pearl 20:46

4)  Beloved ones, all is not well.  And therefore I am calling to the students of light to challenge this darkness, to challenge and call forth the judgment of those who have come with but one motive and that is to use their position in the United Nations to destroy this platform of evolution.  And the manipulation continues, and the eyes and the ears of the Buddha are centered right within the places of infamy and degradation.
   I know their conversations, I know their deadly intent, and I know the germ warfare and the pollutants that are being placed abroad in the land.  I know the manipulation of Earth currents, and I know that in those satellites are deadly energies that can be unleashed.  Beloved ones, much of this is known by representatives in your government as high as the Office of the President itself.  They are ignored, beloved ones.  There are traitors today in this nation and in every nation, and they are traitors of the children of the light. It is not so much that they betray the nation, beloved ones.  It is that they betray the Christ within you and the opportunity of your evolution.   

        -Gautama Buddha, dictated to Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at NYC on April 23, 1978, Pearl 21:44

   Realize then the erratic nature of these fallen ones and therefore the dangers of nuclear weapons in arsenals and the use of nuclear energy by those who do not have the God-control to maintain the necessary protection unto the people.  Realize then that the safety and the security of America and this community is our concern on this Thanksgiving.
  The gratitude of this people must count in place of an astuteness on the part of its leaders in protecting the population from germ warfare and from the outcropping of nuclear fallout and various conditions in the society such as new forms of viruses and disease that enter unexpectedly. Beloved hearts, the absence of the protection of this people from impurities and toxins in food and water--all of this put together renders many hopelessly unalert and unable to respond even when we cry out with loudness and intensity.
  Beloved hearts, there must be a protection of this people from the influence of the very vibrations that pass through the television sets mesmerizing and hypnotizing the people to believe whatever comes through that form of communication.  Thus the lulling to sleep of America even in the midst of the victories of the lightbearers is also a dangerous condition.  Let us keep our eye upon this mighty people!   Let us pray for them daily.  

            -Jesus Christ, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on Thanksgiving, November 27, 1980, Pearl 23:49
6)   I come with Christ a thief in the night.   And when you call me, you will not know and I will never tell what is the meaning of the tolling of the bell that determines what can be locked by my circle and sword of blue flame, what can be taken, and what shall remain until you yourself have divorced yourself from all that is unreal.
   Blessed hearts, the work of Universal Mother, whose work I have made my own, is the precision ray of God removing microbes smaller than eye or microscope has ever seen, yet retaining the fabric of identity.  Is not the whitefire of the Mother in the splintered rays, in the ruby light, in the secret rays inside the needle rays?  Is it not the splendor of our God that comes to heal and to bind up the brokenhearted, that comes in the acceptable day of the Lord  to preach his Word and to summon all of the components of God’s own Body in one flaming light?
  Our circles are spirals that we weave around the lines of force of time and space, of personal and planetary history.  Our fires are for the burning and consuming of all that can be [burned and consumed] and [of] all that is not [real].  Truly the garment of Mother-light is the saving of your soul to meet him, the Universal Son, on the way of life.  
          -Elohim Astrea, delivered by  Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 10, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 24:63


7)  I demand the binding of the consciousness of futility concerning the Mafia in America, organized crime, international drug traffic, all misuses of science to the destruction of life, germ and weather warfare.  I demand the binding now of all misuse of the all-seeing Eye of God by the full legions of beloved Ray-O-Light and fearlessness flame!  Beloved K-17, beloved Lanello, go forth into action for the protection of America!
   Let the mighty flag of light of each individual nation be raised up!  Let it stand as a mighty pillar of fire and freedom at Camelot for the true united nations, where the purest light of the Cosmic Christ is the invigorating, activating power, wisdom, and love, the very central intelligence, wisdom, compassion and will of God. …
   I tell you that the warfare of “yellow rain” has its counterpart in the vast uses of what has been called psychotronic energy.  What you observe physically has already been duplicated astrally.  And the unprotected souls of light have passed from physical embodiment, while those who have listened to the preaching of our Word, lo, more than twenty years now in this dispensation, have thereby established themselves in a flame of regeneration that separates their entire forcefield from the decaying spirals of the world order.  

           -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, delivered via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:13
8)   And another thing—a sense of the reality of God diminishes the foe to a microscopic level.  But as we all know, microbes may also be deadly, and therefore we must also pierce through and dissolve and pop those microbes so that there is nothing, nothing left—zero!  And the zero becomes an ovoid again, and through that zero you send the light, send the light, send the light!  
                -Lanello, delivered through  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 1, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:30
 9)  I tell you then, beloved, that that which is plotted by these laggard evolutions is germ warfare in its darkest, most hideous manifestation. Blessed ones, these fanatical ones are determined to destroy the United States.  They are determined to destroy nation after nation until they have gained control over what they deem to be their lands, their monies and their strongholds in the earth.  Their plots, as you know, are going on right before your very eyes.
  Furthermore, beloved, as you may be aware, there are types of viruses that are being discovered in the earth today that are so lethal that they can destroy the population of an entire city.  This then is another of my grave concerns.  For while we plant the Tree of Life at this Mystery School and on this ranch, while we raise up in you sons and daughters of God ready to stand on the threshold of eternal life and to enter into eternal life at the conclusion of this embodiment, we see that there is such great darkness in the earth as to potentially eclipse the great good that the Great White Brotherhood is able to accomplish through you and all lightbearers of the world.
  Thus seek protection early.  And know, beloved, that because of the unpredictability of the human consciousness, if the planetary plot of fallen ones in their germ warfare is not exposed and dealt with, no one (including the ascended masters) will be able to say just when or where this deadly warfare will be unleashed.  
          -Lanello, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 26, 1995, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 38:9
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10)   I call now and I summon.  I summon the Five Dhyani Buddhas from out the white fire core of God.  I summon them to this place; for I desire the action of the needle rays and the secret rays from each of the Buddhas to penetrate your four lower bodies as you will to receive that action now.  For the action of the needle rays and the five secret rays is necessary for the quickening of the mind and for the expansion of the heart so that it can contain love and only love and only love.
   We are come therefore to deal with sin, disease and death on Earth.  We come to intensify the action of the healing green flame of the fifth ray.  Let emerald fire descend for the consuming of microbes, viruses and all that is harmful to the citadel of man and woman and child!  

            -Elohim Cyclopea in the presence of the Twenty-Four Elders, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on April 12, 1995, Pearl 38:14
   Omri-Tas and the evolutions of the Violet Planet are intensely motivated. For they know that the violet flame consumes war, the engines of war, universal sin, disease, death and all that lures the youth to the downward spirals of suicide.
   Yes, beloved, there are substances in the Earth that are lethal to humans, animals and plant life.  And these microbes have migrated into human bodies.  Thus diseases for which there are no cures come as the last plagues to burden the bodies of mankind.
   Understand that it was never the intent of Almighty God to shorten your life span or anyone else’s.  But this has happened through the intrusion of aliens, who have come from the four corners of the universes.  
               -Saint Germain, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on March 29,1997 at RTR, MT. Pearl 40:31
11)   So Cyclopea said that you can consecrate his decree, 50.05, and other emerald-ray decrees to him, and he will strengthen you and “show you the vast science of God, even the science of your own ascension in the light.”
   Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia want us to focus on our divine blueprint as well as on the following issues: the healing of the nations, their economies and their peoples; the halting of misuses of music, science and technology, including genetic engineering and cloning; and the counteracting of germ warfare and the spreading of harmful viruses and microbes.
   Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia! Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia!  Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia!  Penetrate planet earth with the emerald ray and the all-seeing Eye of God to heal the nations, their economies and their peoples.
   Move into action now to halt the creation and spreading of harmful viruses and microbes, all germ warfare and all misuses of music, technology and science including genetic engineering and cloning.
   Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia, affix to my soul my divine blueprint. Help me to manifest this blueprint and to fulfill my mission in life to the glory of God and in his service.          
                     -Elizabeth Clare Prophet on ~9-5-1998 at Ottawa, Canada, Pearl  41:42

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