Thursday, December 9, 2021

the corruption is rampant and rife.

  1)  Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around-  
  In many an Oriental rice paddy there stand blessed ones with feet bared and immersed in chilly waters as they endeavor to render their service which enables at least some of the teeming millions of lifestreams there to have their daily (and so much needed!) bowl of rice.  These who do so serve enjoy to the full the warmth and comfort of the Sun upon their bodies, all the while enduring the discomfort of chilly waters which numb their lower limbs as they work.
  Now as the light and warmth of the Sun comfort the worker in ricefields, so do many basic and elemental Laws of Life which have been revealed and accepted from all great religions and philosophies of the world enable the average mind and consciousness to find certain peace and contentment—just in the considering of the simple aspects of Deity—i.e., the concept of heaven, God and His Son, the saints and angels.
However as the lifestream begins to reach out for a more complete understanding of real truth (which begins to reveal to the seeker the expanding knowledge of eivine Law as well as revealing the limitlessness of the realms of heaven and those who abide there) some of that “first born” happiness and spiritual elation which came with the first finding of truth may seem to take flight.  This widening panorama—the increasing knowledge of truth; the necessity of bringing one’s world into line with the divine Law of balance and limitless expanse of realms above the human—all of this seems at times to overwhelm the new student on the path.  After such a stretching of his spiritual vision he is inclined to long for the simple bowl of rice— the primary ideas of just God, heaven and angels which may have comprised his original consciousness of Deity in this embodiment.
  Now, beloved and courageous chelas of the Ascended Masters of Wisdom!  Just know that such an experience in consciousness often comes about before full mastery is attained by the chela.  It indicates (to some degree at least) that the student, having severed many earthly ties, has not yet found heaven’s anchorage!  Therefore such an one may become entangled in the mooring lines of his newfound freedom in truth and perhaps some confusions in thought and feeling seem to manifest…. for, when so many outer friendships of the human seem to “fall away” the newfound friendship of the outer self with that inner divine One must be cultivated and nourished by frequent, rhythmic attention of the outer self thereto;,,,yet one thing is very sure—there can no unhappiness or confusions abide where dwell the God-qualities which are naturally radiated by the Christ.  Among these, patience, forgiveness and forgetfulness of every human mistake are the very heart and being of divine kove (God Himself!).  These God-qualities, of course, are naturally inherent within the Christ-nature of every man and radiate from the consciousness of every lifestream who will allow them so to do—whether that individual be in a high place; whether he be the average “man on the street” or whether he be a simple coolie or peasant….
 After all, none unascended are yet perfected, and true introspection of self— together with the use of  violet fire—will remove the habit of judging according to appearances from the chela’s world.  Thus does the seeker gradually become more and more master of life through the anchorage of his greater and greater attunement with his own Holy Christ Self and the ascended host.  -Djwal Kul:  Pearl 2:5
2)  I can well remember when in embodiment there the golden domes of some of those magnificent temples.  I remember those faces so different from the faces of most of the individuals embodied in America, those round faces with their eyes turned up, as it were, in a measure of oriental beauty.  And I remember childish voices and glad hands held together, as little children with little tiny golden slippers on their feet would enter into these magnificent temples with God-happiness and a feeling of lightness of spirit.   Those were the golden days of my country of China, an era forgotten through the mistiness of time even by the people of China, a land now held in the grip of mankind’s own fury and unleashed dominance through the power of World Communism.  

           -Kuan Yin, delivered by \Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on July 4, 1960 at Washington D.C., Pearl 59:7
3)  I, Gabriel, am come this day.  I AM here to bring you the radiance of the morning, the splendor of Almighty God as expressed through the natural kingdom and as expressed through the angelic hierarchy and through the perfection of life itself in the eternal realm of inner spheres.
  I AM come to charge you with all  qualities of faith, hope and charity, to bring to each of you an annunciation of the fullness of your nativity, to remind you that you were born of the flame and of sacred fire and that you are a part of God now and forevermore.
  Therefore as a part of the Eternal Presence it behooves you to expand your understanding, to expand your sense of gratitude, to expand the flame of that Presence through all of your four lower bodies and exalt them into the fullness of the Godhead so that you may no longer delay the manifestation of the outpicturing of Deity but that you may arise as a Christ to grow up to the full stature of the measure of  divine manhood—the man of God, the man and woman of destiny, destined to be all that God intends here and now.   
  The eternal cycles of the Father, worlds without end, are a cause of perpetual rejoicing to our being—the continuity of Life, the beauty of announcing to mankind the birth of the perfection within them, the perfection of the Christ.
  And therefore this morning I AM announcing to you the birth of the perfection within the flame of your being.  The pulsations of the resurrection flame, the divine energies that flow forth through you today ought to continue forever to rise in magnification of the Deity.
  I know, blessed ones, that there tends to be in the law of the cycles a rise and then a minute fall.  But, blessed and beloved ones, if you will notice carefully, there is always a continual rate of progression so that, although you may rise to a certain height and apparently descend, you will always continue to ascend a little higher each time.  And so there is cause for rejoicing in that also.  Therefore be not dismayed at the appearance world nor be frightened by it.  Remember the words of the Master, the Christ, who said:  Be of good cheer, O little ones; for I have overcome the world.
  The Christ overcame the world.  And you, beloved ones, by accepting the fullness of his radiance, will feel the pulsation of the resurrection flame.  And that resurrection flame is a flame of destiny.  It is a flame which carries you toward your ascension.  Without the resurrection from decaying elements of humankind you would never be able to reach the goal of the ascension.  And therefore I ask you today to honor the resurrection flame.  Resurrection precedes the ascension, and therefore it is essential in the production of an ascended being.
  Have you ever thought, beloved ones, of the great drama of the ages of an unfolding Christ?  Have you thought of the tremendous cast that was assembled around Bethany’s hill?  Have you thought of the appearances of the Christ to the multitudes, and do you realize the meaning of this?  For this same Jesus which was taken up into heaven has descended from heaven on numerous occasions to manifest even in your time.  And this is no strange fact but a truth that may seem stranger than fiction.
  Beloved ones, the Christ has appeared upon this Earth in visible, tangible form.  He has returned to Earth on numerous occasions.  And I take particular note of the fact, beloved ones, that he declared that he would return and that the angelic host declared that he would return.  And it has been fulfilled, and the end is not yet, for the cycles of the Christ are recurrent, and to each time and to each age the benediction of  Christ consciousness descends.
  Mankind through warped religious understanding of prodigious intellect which is not illumined, persist in thinking according to human thoughts.  And they, beloved ones, feel that there is a certain specific age when Christ will come and that mankind will be left behind and will have no hope.  And they play upon = religious feelings of the multitudes and urge them to do their bidding and embrace the particular theology and tenets of the faith which they advocate.
  Eternal faith in God, beloved ones, is the faith in everlasting resurrection.  The resurrection of the Christ spirit was known to Melchizedek, priest of Salem—and this was thousands of years before the birth and nativity of beloved Jesus.  The eternal cycles of the Father did not begin one thousand, two thousand, even ten thousand years ago; and therefore the great error which mankind make is realized so clearly by the angelic host, who in our sense of eternal devotion, feel no sense of time or span of space.
  And therefore it seems but yesterday that our band descended with glad hosannas and cries of joy and appeared to the shepherds upon the hillsides and announced to them, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of goodwill.”  Beloved ones, the cry of the angelic host is heard through the ages. Therefore the early Christian writers declared “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers:  for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
  You were told recently that several in the Washington group were part of the angelic host descended into the forgetfulness of human consciousness.  Do you think, beloved ones, that those that descend from the pristine purity and the glory of heaven can ever within their being forget the love of God?  I tell you, nay.  They can never forget, and therefore no one will ever be able to forget.  No one who has ever looked upon the radiant splendor of the Father’s face, who has beheld the Father’s face in shining splendor, can ever forget its radiance.
  It would be a total desecration for mankind to think that such a beauteous image, having once been perceived by the immortal consciousness of man, could be forgotten through the maya of human density!  The Gloria in excelsis Deo, the glory of His Presence, is beyond mortal ken—but it is not beyond immortal memory.
  Immortal memory deep within the heart of everyone, deep within the heart of Earth, stirs the lethargies of mankind, and there arises a spiral of the Spirit within man which desires to exalt all that is divine within the nature and to transmute energies of flesh into the glories of the Spirit.
  Your beloved Saint Germain, the “holy brother” —he declared to you the message of the violet transmuting flame, known to all the sons of heaven but required not by us who have not descended into human impurity and impiety.  Our use of violet flame is different than the use to which mankind put it to.  Our use of violet flame is to magnify the mercies of God because the mercies of God are great qualities of the Godhead.
It is the mercy of God and the love of God combined that desire to maintain a perpetual creativity in order to give expression and opportunity to those that are the created to become one with the Creator and thus retain a permanent identity and coequality with God!
  We of the angelic host know the Father’s tremendous love.  This is the love of the king who goes to the peasant and places his crown at the feet of the peasant and saith unto him “Come up to my castle, my palace of light.  Take my crown and sit upon my throne and rule.  For I love you so much that I would wash your feet and caress you and anoint you with all that I have and place you upon the throne of my kingdom.”
  The Christ epitomized this idea at various times, but at no time so clearly as the hour when he stood before the apostles and called for water; having received the laver, he proceeded to kneel before them, the Master kneeling before the disciple and saying “I will wash your feet.”
  And the Master washed the feet of all of the apostles. You will recall how Peter balked and said “You cannot wash me.”  And the Christ said to him “If I wash thee not, ye have no part of me.”  And I tell you, this is a chela (disciple) /master relationship, beloved ones.  It is a great cosmic law.
  The words of Jesus to Peter would have bound the universe, and Peter would not have obtained his ascension (which he has not yet done), nor would he have attained the eternal progress in the light at all or entered into the kingdom until he had obeyed the behest of Christ.  This is a very important point, beloved ones.  When a true Guru, a spiritual teacher, utters a request to his chela it becomes binding upon the universe.  And those who refuse to obey that request—made by eivine Law, understand—are only excluding themselves from the kingdom.  But Peter did not.  He said “Not only my feet, Lord, but also my hands and my head.”
  So, beloved ones, there is such hope in the universe. There is such hope that these flowers with all of their beauty are but the dimmest of reflections of that hope. The eternal star-flowers of the angelic host, immortelles—they are dim by comparison to the hope of God for each lifestream, the hope of God that says to each man “You are My son, you are My daughter.  I will give you the kingdom.”
  Although made a little lower than the angels, you are crowned with more glory and honor.  And we are happy that this is so.  Even archangels rejoice to give you our feeling of divine beneficence that you may feel that eternal benefits conferred upon all mankind and upon they who will accept it are without limit simply because the Father’s love is without limit.
  Limitation is human. And those who point the finger at mankind today in search for flaws are outpicturing the greatest human quality that will bar them from the kingdom.  You do not search for flaws, beloved ones, in one another.  You do not search for flaws in the universe.  You recognize God-magnificence in these floral offerings.  Are they not lovely?  They may be dim perceptions of an immortelle, but they are lovely perceptions of God and beauteous to your eyes.
  You may expand your comprehensions of all the offerings of God until unlimited light pours through and elevates you into the octave of the ascended masters.  From thence you will be launched to still higher realms to become cosmic beings; for the Father intends to place every peasant upon the throne, and therefore there shall be many peasant-princes of the realm of the eternal kingdom of heaven.  Only time remains for this realization to become a fulfillment.
  And so there stands now a ship of light upon the sea of time, and all of you are entering into that ship.
The wind of the Holy Spirit billows out and causes the sails to come to fullness, and it moves across a shining sea bound for a shore of transcendent perfection. Mankind may choose to jump overboard and to swim back to human thought consciousness.  But the ship will come again and again and again because it represents eternal hope.  And eventually every son and daughter of God who has ever beheld the face of the Father shall enter into their perfection.
  The only requirement is a maintenance of faith of the fathers—the faith which has already produced countless saints.  We of the angelic host know, for we have attended the coronation of every saint that is crowned by God and exalted into the realm of their ascension.
  I have brought you this morning some of my thoughts concerning the destiny of man.  And they are the thoughts of an angel’s heart, the ponderings of how beautiful God is to extend to His creation all the loveliness and heights of His own loveliness which you shall become.  This is a priceless gift, a treasure of such magnitude as to be scarcely comprehended by an angel.
  How can I expect you to understand?  And yet you shall.  For that spark within you shall respond to the spark within the Eternal Presence of perfection and your destiny stand revealed and annunciated clearly by Gabriel.
  I AM come to announce to all the birth of Christ perfection, the hope of eternal resurrection paramount within every life who will respond to the moving call of divine love poured forth from the heart of God.
  I thank you and bid you good morning.   
    -Archangel Gabriel, delivered through Messenger Mark Prophet on April 22, 1962 in Washington, D.C., Pearls of Wisdom  25:48

4)  Yet unhappiness was also filling the cup of life to overflowing in past ages, and those among the peasants and peasant classes were often without bread and without  necessities of life that are now held so dear by mankind.  Yet the landed gentry and noble of those ages were also experiencing the bane of unhappiness.  For with all of their ballroom dances and excitement of their control of sectional, national and world situations they did not find the happiness which they sought but found only a temporary feeling of elation when they were victors over some world situation.   

          -Paul the Venetian, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on May 8, 1966 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 62:3
5)  You must understand that I occasionally recall with nostalgia some of the more courtly manifestations which occurred when [the doctrine of] the divine right of kings was in use.  While I assisted the founding of the new republi and have ever sought to expand the bonds of freedom (and I hope you understand the meaning of the term “bonds of freedom”), I assure you that even in the days of the kingdoms of men when good kings (such as you sing about in “Good King Wenceslas”) were in manifestation there was a greater understanding of the flow of nobility than has come to men today, who while claiming freedom are yet peasants in consciousness.
  I do not stand as a peer looking down upon mankind.  But I do look down upon that which is low and mean and ugly simply because it refuses to acknowledge the presence of the King of kings within the domain of its own soul.  You must understand then that for men to esteem themselves as peasants and as serfs is a repudiation of the great right of freedom for every man.  And thus the ascended masters seek only to give infinite bestowal of God-freedom to all that all may embrace nobility, honor and dignity, with justice and truth to the right and to the left, above and below and in total manifestation.  
            -Saint Germain, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on July 17, 1966 at \Colorado Springs, Pearl 60:25

6)   O Mother Russia, thou art the mother of so many souls, even as China and the masses thereof;  and you have brought into manifestation many children.  Their Slavic ways are not always the ways of emancipation.  Searchers for liberty are they, and the icons on the walls together with bubbling pots, tea,  cakes, the peasants, the struggle, the mighty lifewaves all, compose a vast evolution which seeks for liberty and yet creates bondage.  

                           -Igor:  Pearl 15:53
7)  Blessed hearts, we have nothing against the Old World—against Europe or against the British Isles. Our first love, our original love of freedom was verily born in the very heart of the Alps, even the manifestation of a free people crying out back in the thirteenth century to be free from the Nephilim themselves.  
          -Saint Germain. delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:34
8)   And I tell you that among these children you will come across advanced souls in the guise of beggars. Truly you never know when you may be turning away a Christ child.  But if you care for all children without discrimination, you shall not miss a single soul who has the potential to contribute mightily to the flourishing of this civilization….
  Dr. Montessori  described these children, who were from among the poorest families of Rome, as   “sixty tearful, frightened children, so shy that it was impossible to get them to speak; their faces were expressionless, with bewildered eyes as though they had never seen anything in their lives,...poor abandoned children who had grown up in dark tumbledown cottages without anything to stimulate their minds–dejected, uncared for.  It was not necessary to be a doctor to see that they suffered from malnutrition, lack of fresh air and sunlight.  They were indeed closed flowers but without the freshness of buds, souls concealed in a hermetic cell.”
 Dr. Montessori described her work with these children:  I set to work like a peasant woman who, having set aside a good store of seed corn, has found a fertile field in which she may freely sow it.  But I was wrong.  I had hardly turned over the clods of my field,when I found gold instead of wheat:  the clods concealed a precious treasure.  I was not the peasant I had thought myself.  Rather I was like foolish Aladdin, who, without knowing it, had in his hand a key that would open hidden treasures....And holding in my hands the torch of faith I went on my way.”  
  I am a pilgrim with you and I remain very close to your walk with God.  I cannot absent myself from the earth in any way, but I walk with the garments of the peasants of Russia, with their worn shoes, muddied from the labor of the fields.  I identify with the spirit of a people who have the creative fires of the Spirit, who are waiting for their brothers and sisters in the West to overthrow first the tyrants that have invaded their own countries and then to come and to join them and to help them to defend their right to pursue God, to pursue reality and to have that government that is of the people and by the people and for the people, whose head is Christ and whose flame is God. 
               -Igor, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 27, 1977 in Pasadena, Pearl 57:6

9)   I AM diminishing your awareness of the burdened self and struggle and strife.  I myself was well weary when I came to the fulfillment of my mission, like an old shoe, an old shoe worn and worn through—the story of my life as I went here and there to present my cause.  And the doors were closed and shut tight, and I retreated to give my wisdom to the few.
  Many of the stories of the disciples are similar. And I tell you, many of the stories of the masters have the same parallel.  And therefore I confide in you that in every master’s heart there is a fervor and a determination to outsmart those closing doors, those noes given in every language—nyet!

      -Lanto and Confucius. delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 26, 1982 at the Inner Retreat, Montana, Pearl 25:58

10)  Beloved ones, someone once said that history is made by the little people and not by those important people. Well, it is so when the little people discover on that mighty day that a William Tell or a David or a single voice or a single one holding the finger in the dike can make the difference.  The little people do not shape history unless some among them get the idea that the power of God is in their hands, that the ball is in their court, and that if they act, truly, nations and continents can be preserved for another day of grace      

          -Saint Germain, delivered through  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 2, 1984 at Washington, D.C., Pearl 27:61

11)   I would ask that this afternoon you turn your attention with utmost concern to the nation of Afghanistan as though it were one of the states of the Union, as though your own nation had been violated, as though Pennsylvania or Vermont or South Dakota were today besieged by such forces.  Must I paint this for you for you to ultimately come to the point of deciding to take action?  Is the world so vast that you cannot see the oncoming approach and the malintent declared long ago by Lenin and the rest to see the whole world under World Communism?  [“We are internationalists. We aim at the firm union and full fusion of the workers and peasants of all the nations of the world into a single, worldwide Soviet Republic” (V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, vol. 24). “First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia.  Then we will encircle the United States of America which will be the last bastion of capitalism.  We will not have to attack it; it will fall like an overripe fruit into our hands” (usually attributed to Lenin). See also Albert L. Weeks and William C. Bodie, eds., War and Peace: Soviet Russia Speaks (New York: National Strategy Information Center, 1983)]    

            -Archeiar Mary. delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1984 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 27:48

12)   Beloved ones, it is such a serious trial for us to observe those whom we might use in this nation beset with drugs that are eating away at the very fabric of the sheaths of the nerves and the brain and the chakras themselves, that we deplore each and every one and all upon the planetary home who are a part of this international drug ring—from the peasants who make the first portions of cocaine and heroin and prepare the marijuana to those who purvey it and sit as king of the mountain with their millions and billions of dollars and therefore are in a position to control nations and military forces and armaments and to give aid to the enemy itself:  World Communism.   

       -Surya, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 7, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:24


13)   Blessed hearts, this hour of the trial of that fallen one and the passing from earthly life has been noted by yourselves as being causative of conditions of upheaval and even danger and death to the children of light—as in the case of certain calamities East and West.  Understand, beloved ones, that in the wake of the removal of the roots of evil and pride from the Earth there are those yet committed to darkness who remain and who, in their fear and ongoing vengeance, move to take therefore the holy innocents and to wreak havoc here and there among the nations.      

-Archangel Michael, delivered through Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1984 at Camelot, Pearl 28:2

14)  Blessed hearts, the corruption is rampant and rife. Therefore know that when Mother Mary did appear at Knock she did come standing outside of the Church and not within.  When she did appear at Fátima and [now] at Medjugorje in Yugoslavia, again it [was and] is to the pure heart of the child outside of the edifice.    -Saint Thérèse of Lisieux,  delivered by Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 28, 1988 at Lisbon, Portugal, Pearl  31:72
15)  Beloved, remember the blessed Igor*, a saint ignorant of the Great White Brotherhood and yet devout in the Divine Mother who kept the flame for Mother Russia throughout the revolution of the Bolsheviks.  Blessed ones, by his singular vigil, the solitude of his life in perpetual prayer millions of lives were saved by that prayer force of his heart.     

         -Omri-Tas, delivered by Messenger ECP on February 26, 1988 at Lisbon, Pearl 31:33\

*Igor’s vigil for Mother Russia.  In a dictation given March 25, 1967 the Ascended Master Igor said that as a child growing received many visitations from Archangel Gabriel, who comforted him and promised, “I will guide thee throughout thy life and I will be to thee a friend....Thou shalt no longer be just as a peasant boy called Igor, but thou shalt be a son of the Most High God; for in thee God has generated a flame this day....God is no respecter of men’s persons but in every age and time listens to the heart calls of the children of men.  Know then that God hath heard thy call.”  When Igor became aware of the coming destruction of the Czar and his family and realized that the “red dragon” would march across Russia, he spent hours in prayer imploring God to provide some measure of assistance.  One evening “the beautiful Lady of Fátima” appeared to Igor and spoke of the terror of the red dragon.  She said that only by a great struggle would mankind be able to turn back the oncoming darkness.
16)   Once you have enlisted the aid of the Seven Chohans–who will never fail you, beloved, unless you fail them–let your desiring be to fulfill God’s divine plan under my direction.  For God has ordained me Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius and given me the assignment to do all in my power to make the coming age a golden age.
  In order for me to accomplish this great task I must enlist the aid of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, including, and most especially, dedicated servants of God and country who will pledge to me “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.”
  My beloved friends old and new, I ask of you nothing less than to be myself in action here on Earth–yes, not only to be my hands and feet but to be my purple fiery heart twenty-four hours a day, waking and sleeping.
  The Darjeeling Council has asked me, “Saint Germain, who will go to the nations for us?”  And my answer to them will depend on your response to my plea.  For I cannot speak in your behalf.  Only you can speak in your behalf.  Therefore I commend you to the path of the patriots of the centuries who have stood apart from the rank and file because they could see the end from the beginning.  They knew what they must do to hold together their civilizations, and they did not shirk their responsibilities.
  Patriots of all nations, hear me!  If we succeed in multiplying our numbers here in South America and throughout the nations–and that with the help of the Seven Archangels and their legions–I tell you, there will be a golden age of Aquarius and you shall live to see its dawn!
 You are the foundation stones, beloved.  You look neither to the right nor to the left, for you know that only you, the individual one by one can have the victory.  Others cannot have your victory and you cannot have theirs.  When it comes to winning the victory the soul must fly solo.
  Remember Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis!  Remember his solo (soul) flight from New York to Paris.  Exhausted after two days and nights without sleep Lindbergh temporarily left his body. During this interval his soul, one with his higher aelf, continued piloting the plane across the Atlantic.
You are the spiritual devotees who desire attunement with your higher Self–today, tomorrow and forever. You have left the beaten path of organized religion and launched out on your own.  And yes, you are the ones who have known me down the corridors of the centuries.   

         -Saint Germain:  March 4, 1996 in Pôrto Alegre, Brazil, Pearl 39:14

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