Thursday, December 2, 2021

because of lack of purity, lack of devotion to my hear

 1)  The best warfare against evil thoughts is to challenge them with the sacred word of truth and to replace them with truth's wise dominion over every thought and feeling.  Then pay them no mind and mightily raise your consciousness to the Creator whose crystal-pure thoughts we find frozen as flowers and snowflakes and captured in the splendor of rainbows and wings of birds.
   Join me now in the most important work of our Ashram!  This is the call and the calling to that work...
   Beware of the snares of  fallen ones who have crept unnoticed into the outer orders that in the past we Brothers have instituted through our work with various lifestreams.  By subtlety and false teaching, some organizations we sponsored have fallen from  standards we set, retaining esoteric authority in name only.
   Their present leadership would bind you by false fears.  While mouthing ancient precepts whose truth is timeless these personalities who direct the physical planet today are not counted among the illumined ones.  Theirs is a sort of dull glory, a dim and dusty reflection of former greatness of the founders who wore our mantle.
   Use discrimination in examining that which projects itself as flawless porcelain but is no longer.  For their cupboards have no cups without cracks to hold our vibration--there have been many a slip twixt cup and lip, you see.  Today's perfunctories shun today's true messengers of our bands.      
  Remember, your allegiance is to the God Presence and not to the human person.  

                  -El Morya:  Ashram Notes, pp. 94-5, 108-9
2)  Precious ones, there are few in every age who can be counted upon by Hierarchy to receive our Word accurately and to set it forth without interference of their own human consciousness, without intrusion of the ego or the attempt to adulterate the sacred Word.
   Here and there fragments of the teaching were given as a test in years gone by, even before the incarnation of this Messenger in this present life.  And in each and every case there was perversion and abortion of the teaching because of lack of purity, lack of devotion to my heart.  And then when some mighty powerful truth would be given by myself or by a member of  Hierarchy gradually, slowly the emissary would become puffed up with pride, and we would begin to see brittleness of  intellect intrude upon the teaching; and by karmic law we were forced to withdraw.    

                -Archeia Mary, Pearl 16:29, dictated 7-22-1973
3)   I tell you this, beloved, for it is an example of the standard set.  And on that occasion the Master chose to dictate through your Messenger a letter to this individual who, upon receiving it and the ray of El Morya, saw his folly.  But it was too late.  And therefore he went forth seeing and confessing later to the Messenger those occasions when he had consciously chosen not to follow the will of God or the voice of Christ but continually to indulge his sense of injustice and criticism of individuals within his department.
  Beloved ones, it is this that is the crux of the matter.  Students of long standing who have the light cannot within this activity ignore the Christ-standard, cannot fail to forge a Christ-victory, cannot fail to be working hard at it day by day!
  There is another individual in this activity, beloved, whose aura and presence I did show to the Messenger—who instead of forging a Christ-victory has literally carved out for himself a cave within his own electronic belt and there has found security.  But the walls of the cave, beloved, are a thousand feet thick, and that thousand feet has not even been touched.  Therefore that individual, though desiring prominence, is rather on a path of scientific humanism—the science of the human accommodating and pretending to be ascending to the throne of grace and all the while functioning at that cleared-out place, a cave in the electronic belt.
  These things ought not to be!  And I, Victory, am delivering from this Messenger this day the weight of those co-workers within this activity who have laid their karma upon her back and heart rather than bear it themselves! And this is my message to you, beloved:  that karma now falls due for your failure to wrestle with the snake of your own human creation!
Therefore let all beware this day:  for you may face the altar of God, you may give with your voices a mighty shout for the binding of that dweller and that snake, and you may put in the work, as the Messenger has put in the work to hold for you a balance which you have not appreciated or understood.
  This Messenger is a chela.  This chela has set the standard of being a chela of El Morya and Mighty Victory.  You can do no less.  You may not find another example.  You may not find a lesser course.  Your striving must measure up, beloved.  This Messenger has not had me to demonstrate to you this effort and this walk of life.  She has done so so that in her absence you might know what is the correct standard and what is the requirement of the Master of Darjeeling.  And, beloved, El Morya is a chohan.  We are cosmic beings; Maitreya is beyond.
Therefore realize that many here have not yet raised the standard as acceptable chelas of El Morya but have fashioned their accommodation!  And you have been warned, beloved, until you may notice that El Morya speaks less frequently to you.  And it is because of this very presence in your life of this vacillation and this dodging of the flame of the ark of the covenant.
  Indeed the mantle of Moses is here and more.  Indeed the flame of Yahweh, the Mighty I AM Presence, is in your midst!  And you must exceed the folly of the children of Israel else be counted with those on the other shore whose jealousies and envies of the seed of Joseph now return unto them as a karma of a continent.
  Let those who have ears to hear, hear.  This is a path that is filled with joy.  It is not without joy!  But those who have not known the joy of chelaship are the very ones who have refused to enter in, to take the sword Excalibur and to slay the nefarious forces that prey upon them.    
          -Mighty Victory, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 20, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 29:70
……………………..........................................................'4)  Know then the message of Chamuel and Charity and understand that they have taught you how the forces of Darkness have sought to separate you from the love of one another.  It is through the Guru, beloved, that this love can be sealed and guarded, protected, unfolded.
  Thus through Padma Sambhava there is established in the earth that focus of [the lineage of] Sanat Kumarain your Messenger.  And therefore realize that the strength and safety and very purpose and fulfillment of your mission depends upon your openness to that heart through her heart.
   [It depends on your] recognizing that without the Mighty I AM Presence and the intercession [through the lineage of Sanat Kumara] the forces of Darkness who oppose vehemently the union not only of twinflames and twin souls but also of other compatible lifestreams would move to destroy every relationship of love upon earth.  
          -Magda:  delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  December 27, 1990 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 34:1

5)   Beloved ones, moments after some seeming tragedy has come upon you, you can [by the joy-flame] see through it to the other side and experience joy because God has shown you that this is something that you must pass through.
  Joy, beloved, cannot be thinking too much of itself, for joy is something that we give. And as we give it begets more within us.  Joy is a flame that is opposed by the very worst side of everyone, for all that is not real about you, all that is less than that God-reality, cringes at the point of dazzling joy that you keep in your house and in your heart.
   If you desire to be home free one day, there are no shortcuts, no roundabout ways, no entering by the backdoor.  Here and now or in another round, beloved, you will choose.  But will you have the capacity to choose?  No, you will not!  Not unless you have cultivated the flame of joy.  

      -Jesus Christ, Pearl 35:69, dictated 12-25-1992 at RTR, MT

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