Monday, December 27, 2021

To Those Who Would Harvest the Abundance

1)  To Those Who Would Harvest the Abundance from the Heart of God: 

  From our retreat in the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs flows the love of our heart’s eye. Beholding immaculately we invoke in all life a greater realization of man’s inner power over the field of his own consciousness.
    Now consciousness is a moving, vital essence that possesses the divine Tao, conducting through the mind’s fingers of contact that Spirit by which men cognize the manifestations of themselves and nature.  All of man’s acts, the great and small, take on new meaning when he realizes that his consciousness is a gift of the Spirit Most Holy.  Wherever consciousness preordains action there is responsibility to the Holy Spirit; and where there is responsibility there is also need for understanding in order that the responsibility might be fulfilled.
    Many have pleaded ignorance while others have ignorantly engaged the teeth of their energies in opposition to the highest plans God has for the Earth planet.  When we pause to consider that attitudes of just plain meanness–and there is no other word for them–have passed among mankind through the educational systems of the world and  marts of commerce, through  exploitation of the credulous and  proliferation of dark designs of thought and horror we realize how important it is that all men be reminded once again, before it is too late, of their solemn responsibility to guard the Christ consciousness in others as well as in themselves.  Those who are concerned solely with their own accumulation of wealth seldom realize that unless they possess the abundant life they will one day lose all that they have temporarily gained; for “the Earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.”
    If any man would shew himself “approved unto God” and to the powers that be, spreading abroad the word of truth from the mountains to the great plains, he should understand that above all is the need to “train up a child in the way he should go, (that) when he is old he will not depart from it.”  All have accumulated karma and records of the past, much of these being shaded in darkness; yet through the centuries all who have had any degree of openness of mind and heart have also absorbed some light.  But when we pause to consider the responsibility of man to accurately teach man we perceive that in order to pass on higher truth he himself must have a more than ordinary training, and his consciousness cannot be limited to the accumulation of things.
   Many of the teachers of the world today are so wrapped up in little knots of their own personal lives and karma that they are incapable of truly caring for the spiritual-material needs of their pupils.  Their outlook is not only worldly-simple but almost vulgar because they are saturated with egoism.  Parents who send their children to be trained by these highly unqualified individuals, who deny God and pridefully strut their designs before the youth fancying themselves architects of a new age, are already reaping the karma of their neglect.
   The saddest part of this misadventure is that humanity seldom realize that into what to them seems a relatively unimportant matter–the education of their youth–goes the entire adventure of their own becoming.  For so long as humanity are kept busy in the toils of their karma which as a treadmill regurgitates their experiences and spills them forth as a vile suds upon one another, so long shall they be bound to the world of form.
   Only when humanity’s teachers understand the true meaning of training up a child in the way he should go, only when they understand cosmic responsibility to cleanse their own spirits so that their teachings may become a vital communication of cosmic ideal wedded to the entire accumulation of man’s knowledge, cleansing and purifying all–only then will humanity begin to build once again a golden age.  Then what some might call Platonistic, but what is actually the divine society of the ascended masters, the kingdom of heaven upon earth, will become a reality because the enlightened potential of the Spirit of man will be not latent but apparent in conscious manifestation.
   We of the ascended masters’ realm, overseeing humanity with the radiation of our love and eye of our attention, pinpoint once again in this unit of cosmic knowledge, this Pearl of Wisdom, the need for all to face squarely their cosmic responsibility to employ the energies of consciousness, the faculties of mind and heart to build a golden age civilization solidly based upon the golden rule.  It is in the hope that loving parents, young people and even the elder stewards will bestow upon the tapestry of the coming age a restoration of prayer in the schools–not as it has been for so many years a mere token offered unto God but as a vital communication of the heart of the child to his Creator–that we advocate the bolstering of faith, hope and charity in the hearts of all.  How sad it has been but how true that where God has been moved out, men with atheistic and damning concepts of dialectical materialism have moved in.  In the asteroid belt of the solar system located between Mars and Jupiter revolve magnetic chunks of the ancient planet Maldek, a monument to the perfidy of laggards and their denial of the power of the creative Spirit of pure Being.   Will you then, parents and teachers of this age, allow your children and your children’s children to imitate their degenerate ways and then to literally destroy this planet before you lift a hand in defense of righteousness and truth?  How men can deny God and expect to build a socialistic, utopian society of antichrist in the place of the kingdom of heaven is difficult to understand; but it has happened in nation after nation while the Scriptures declare “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”
   The youth of the world who have been hypnotized by the dark doings of the Luciferians rampant in this age should wake up to the fact that they have been made the puppets of darkness.  They should understand clearly that they have been manipulated by those who have used television and moving picture industry of the United States and other nations to brainwash them with a decadent philosophy and a decadent music–the same old theme that caused the destruction of Maldek.  They should see before it is too late that the jaws of a vicious trap are closing in upon them–and even if the plot should fail to actually materialize as their perpetrators plan, mankind stand to be the losers because the youth who have defected from the Spirit of the living God will be the ones who will not only bear the coming generation but also set the example for it.  Yet all of this can still be avoided by their parents, teachers and elected representatives, who thus far have allowed the misapplication of cardinal principles of divine reality in school, church and society to go unchecked.
    In heaven’s name do you think that humanity can escape the penalty of their own deeds exacted upon them by an inexorable cosmic Law!  If they neglect the training of their children, they are neglecting the most vital part of the structuring of the social order.  When it is time for them to reembody who will teach them what they have not taught the very ones who shall bring them forth?  Mankind’s current concern with pollution of the elements is a hollow mockery of their pollutions of the human spirit and human mind through their failure to stop the trafficking of dangerous drugs and pornographic art.  The flood of degrading concepts now being released into the world of man at an alarming rate, unless reversed in its course, will destroy this planet as surely as it did Maldek.
    O humanity, hearken to thy cosmic Teachers who are no longer removed into a corner but stand before thee face to face to reveal the truth of the ages and the Law of thy being!  The way of cosmic history is plain.  The way of the great Law is also plain:  “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
   The advent of cosmic truth can be brought to bear upon human needs if hearts will open and respond.  If they will not, and I speak to each little spark of divine Spirit, I am certain that we will not be allowed from our level to interfere with human free will.  The hope of the world lies in man’s acceptance of the grace of God.
   Never fear, the grace is there.  Never fear, the wisdom is there. Never fear, the mercy is there–just waiting for man to appropriate it. Today as never before man must take a good look at himself, at his world and at his life in its universal context. He must realize that in this vast network of universal life which he calls cosmos are framed such mysteries as to delight his eye and to bring wonder to his heart.  But if he is ever to know these graces, if he is ever to become an ascended being, if he is ever to enter into the fruit of holy reason, it will be because he acknowledges that spark of life in himself and in nature as the inviolate creation of a reality so far beyond his finite self as to be labeled by him “infinite.”  If he acknowledges the spark, then I say there is hope.
    I AM Tabor.  My concern is with proper utilization of abundant life that God has placed in the hills.  In reality man is like unto a hill, one that we would till and cultivate; for the cultivation of the spirit of man and of spiritual goals is our desire. “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,” but no one is more eager to bestow it on man than God. It is man and man alone who, by schisms he has created between himself and his God through his doubts of his own immortal destiny and his questionings of the divine plan, has frustrated the grace that God has and is from manifesting right where it is so badly needed.
   “In God We Trust,” written on  coins of the United States of America, is a mantram invocative of cosmic protection to Earth that ought never to be removed and that ought also to be written upon the heart. Then the movement of the nation toward reestablishment of an ascended master culture can rightly begin.  These words should also be enshrined in the hearts of the people of the whole world, for all nations can benefit from the radiance released through this simple yet powerful fiat.  The people of Russia and China dominated as are the people of Tibet and Eastern Europe by the red dragon of Communism have found their dreams of culture, of beauty, of love, of order and of the strength of the law of infinite love suppressed by a godless tyranny that is spreading as a looming shadow across the face of the Earth, blighting the world with a plague of darkness, hopelessness and despair.
   The only pathway toward the light lies not on the altars of Baal or other pagan gods but upon the altar of the living God where there is wrought a golden age civilization through the malleability of man’s freewill and his acceptance of the chalice of opportunity to follow the ascended masters in the regeneration of the Spirit of life that all may be found not wanting but enjoying and progressively assimilating the abundant life.
     Fruitfully I remain 

Tabor, God of the Mountains:  Pearl 14:15


2)  On December 30, 1973 at Mexico City Cyclopea came with The Sign of the Crystal Sword and of the All-Seeing Eye.  The Elohim released “lightning from the heart of God to shatter the stranglehold of the laggards and fallen ones.  In the name of the Christ within all mankind I claim the Earth for the sons and daughters of God,...for the Divine Mother,...for Almighty God.”
   The Elohim said that this claiming of Earth in the name of the Christ ought to be made by every son and daughter of God each day, for “your I AM Presence has the authority over all energy pulsating, vibrating upon the planet.  Do not then stand idly by in the observation of human creation but take your stand in the invincible Presence of the authority of God and say ‘In the name of Jesus the Christ and by the all-seeing Eye of God I claim all energy misqualified for the causal body of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.  I claim that energy for redemption, for purification and repolarization.  I claim that energy for the light that it might be redistributed to the children of God through the hands of the Cosmic Virgin.”
   Cyclopea then explained that “those Luciferians and fallen ones who preach the doctrine of equalization and the redistribution of the wealth of some to the masses pervert that law whereby the sons and daughters of God have the right to reclaim energy....If that which you have is not based upon the law of harmony, then you see you do not have the wherewithal to retain.
   “The great retainer of God- consciousness is this–and I impart to you a secret of the ages–the retainer whereby you retain all of the gifts and graces of God is the very focus of the Great Central Sun magnet which you must consciously invoke and place within your own heart.  A replica of that magnet is bequeathed to each one of you this day.  But in order to keep it it must be used according to the great balance of the scales of the Holy Spirit.”
    The Elohim emphasized that “if at any hour or moment of the day or night you lose your light through discord, the balance scale then tips to the side of your own impending karma and you see, you cannot hold the balance for cosmos, and the balance of Alpha to Omega energies in the focus of the Great Central Sun magnet cannot be retained. invocation and service and devotion keep in one side of the scale that portion of light that is sufficient to the keeping of balance, of harmony and the abundant life within your forcefield.  This is the happy way to the ascension.  This is the way whereby the pain of overcoming and of divine alchemy is dissolved.”
   Cyclopea promised that when the student has made himself “ready through surrender there is no master in cosmos who will withhold his presence from you.  The tinest surrender will cause the angels to rush to your side.” Ask yourself the question:  “Why do I not make greater progress in the light?” and  Elohim Cyclopea answers: “(1) a lack of humility, and (2) a lack of surrender.”
   Cyclopea said that “you can make a decision to put on the robes of immortality and walk the Earth as unascended masters.  The only difference between you and more advanced teachers is application of the Law which you already have....The science of the ages has been delivered unto you through the hand of Mother Mary and the Mother of the Flame.  Why are you reticent to take that plunge, to be unafraid to be stripped of all mortal garments as was Jesus in the face of the mob?”  The Elohim said that the stripping of human personality is “a prerequisite to serving with the World Teachers” and that Hierarchy is limited only by our own “consciousness of limitation.”
   “Why do you not span the stars in your meditations and call forth the fiery energy of a thousand Suns to come forth and capture humanity for the light?  When you call in the name of your Christ Self ought you not to call in the name of the Christ Selves of all who inhabit this plane and all who have every overcome this plane for the victory of Life?  You see, by the action of the all-seeing Eye of God there is given to you that specific tool whereby you can increase and multiply and maximize your calls.”
  Cyclopea spoke to those who covet their neighbor’s goods with the admonishment that “whatever you observe in another–be it beauty or abundance, intelligence or healing powers–all of this can come to you through the Christ-flame in the heart.  But you must invoke!  But you must tie into the source of energy!”  In the time spent “fretting and fuming about what you do not have you could be drawing forth enough energy to be a thousand Christs in manifestation.”
    Yet this rising above  “brainwashing” of the “mass consciousness at its lowest common denominator” cannot be by pride of intellect but by discernment of the Christ mind.  Cyclopea urged lightbearers to look for true leaders who are “tutored of the heart by  angelic hosts” and “visitors from far-off worlds” both ascended and unascended who “will come to Earth again in 1974.” 

                       -Elohim and Their Retreats

3)    But do you know, precious hearts, even with the binding of the carnal mind, souls among mankind have freewill to choose betwixt the Christ and anti-Christ.  And because of their indoctrination and their brainwashing and their wrong education, souls of light are choosing the way of darkness when the way of light is open!  Do you understand how even an angel could be frantic in this hour when the chaos and confusion as perversion of Mother-flame is a rising tide of darkness over the land?  

               -El Morya delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 10, 1975 in San Francisco, Pearl 52:20
 4)   You have heard of all types of infiltration in the body politic, in the nations, in consciousness.  You have heard of brainwashing and manipulation and distortion through lobotomies and all forms of cruelties and torture.  You have heard of  psychic manipulation and of  penetration of rays, of unseen rays even from flying objects, spacecraft, and other vehicles that are used by those who come from other planes and other systems of worlds.   
                   -Nada,  delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1975 in San Francisco, Pearl 62:43
5)    And then there is that planning by those who advocate zero population growth, and there is indoctrination in the mass consciousness against giving birth to children in this age. And therefore those very precious and important lifestreams whom we have assigned to Terra are denied entrance into Terra by freewill of mothers and fathers who have taken the vow to give birth to souls but who have accepted brainwashing of the mass consciousness.   
            -Goddess of Liberty, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  November 22, 1975 in Washington, D.C., Pearl 63:6
6)  All that we require are hearts and voices uplifted, dedicated, willing to make the invocations, willing to give the last breath to those invocations.  There is no other way except by decree and prayer that heaven can penetrate earth.  Precious hearts, the religious people of the world have already given up!  They have followed the lie of the fallen ones.  They have accepted the brainwashing.  They are convinced that there is nothing more to be done but to await deliverance.  And I tell you, deliverance will not come unless it be invoked!  God cannot act except through you.   
              -Saint Germain, dictated to Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Colorado Springs, on December 8, 1975, Pearl 20:47

 7)  I AM Gabriel of the Sun.  I stand in the blazing center of God-reality, and I stand in the very heart of hearts of the children of God on earth.  I summon legions of light and sons and daughters of God in embodiment to enter now the battle of Armageddon with the sword of righteousness and truth.  Our strategy is one of enlightenment unto the people who are held in  bondage of a mass ignorance, the indoctrination and brainwashing that promises the good life through money, science, education and religion without God. 

                      -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearl 21:49
 8)  Were the German people who were hypnotized by the black magician Adolf Hitler inferior in some way or more ignorant than others to the tactics of his brainwashing?  No, their susceptibility is the same that is frightening the parents and teachers of this generation.
  It was the susceptibility of a prior brainwashing that entered through the Protestant revolt.  For with Luther and his ninety-five theses came the damnable doctrine of the removal of the Person of Christ from the sons and daughters of God and the removal of the Lord God as the inhabiter of the temple of the soul and body!  The denial of the proper role of the Virgin Mary and of the hierarchy of the hosts of the Lord as well as of the communion of saints in heaven with the saints on earth has deprived the children of God of the understanding of the great mystery of the Word incarnate both in the ascended masters and in the unascended devotees of God….

  To justify kidnapping and one form of brainwashing in order to counteract another form of supposed brainwashing by the quoting of sacred scriptures and  misappropriation of the Word is verily blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.  To offer lies in defense of supposed truth is once again the age-old tactic of the fallen ones who proclaim:  “Let us do evil that good may come.”  

                   -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearls of Wisdom 21:53 …………………………..........................................................       

9)  There is interference by these rays of the fallen ones—by psychotronics if you would call them that!  And these are the forces that we deal with in answer to your call.  It is mass hypnosis and brainwashing of a people.
    Do you wonder why there is such a loud accusation of brainwashing in the land by the so-called cults?  It is because, beloved hearts, the fallen ones are attempting to turn against the children of the light their own evil deeds.  It is because it is indeed going on from inner levels and from physical focuses. 

            -Saint Germain  via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on May 3, 1981, Pearls of Wisdom 24:27


10)  You must stop and think:  how could you as an individual unique upon earth enter into the mainstream of this our teaching, and accept so fervently the reality of our Word—even that Word that often impels you to do such things as to purchase a land such as this without the ultimate outer knowing of its consequences, of its plan?  Your receptivity, beloved ones, is certainly not due to the personality of the Messenger nor to mind control nor to brainwashing.  Let them say it as they will.  It is not so—and the truth will prevail!  The reason for your devotion (and you need not be ashamed of that devotion) is your own soul’s inner knowing and attainment and flowing with the stream of the Mother upon earth…. 

 Thus the freeing of lightbearers is that which has been feared for centuries—that they will awaken to the fact that the brainwashing and false gurus and false teachings are those which are entrenched in the established world religions as perversion of the original light.  And thus you see, they have projected all that is in themselves into the very true faith, true charity and true hope that we have set forth.  For it is the hope of the world!—the hope of the seed of Sanat Kumara. 

      -Gautama Buddha, delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at RTR, MT on November 8, 1981, Pearl 24:51

 11)  By dispensation of Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty freedom of religion has been guaranteed in America even though that guarantee has been violated horrendously by kidnappings, by deprogrammings, reprogrammings and brainwashing, and by all manner of treachery and intrigue.  Thus [you see] the movements of the Chaldeans and black priests of Atlantis come again to snuff out the true path of Saint Germain and Jesus Christ.  They come to turn the people against that path, and the people unwittingly follow them and know not that in following them they are again rejecting the mighty one of old, the living Jesus Christ, the great emperor of the golden age of Atlantis. 

           -Ascended Master Ernon, Rai of Suern, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 13, 1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:61   ……………………………………..........................

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