Wednesday, December 29, 2021

the secret cabal against Abraham Lincoln that included Booth

 (Neptune with an orbital cycle of 164.8 Earth years is in Western astrology at 20 degrees Pisces currently.  165 years ago it was thus at this point in its cycle.  Further back another 165 years before 1857 is 1692.  Back another 165 is 1527 or 1528.) 


Abe Lincoln had his debates with Douglas for the office of Senator from Illinois in 1858 and
Dred Scott decision was March 1857.  Lincoln’s “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand” was from the Old Testament which I think he employed in the stumping with Stephen Douglas.  The Gettysburg Address came on 1-1-1863.  By the time of the  battlefield Gettyburg Address  Neptune was nearly to the Pisces-Aries cusp.
  The laws of karma and reincarnation play a role in affairs on Earth.  Astrology which is ancient is a tradition not too well known but popularized somewhat by Alan Leo and Max Heindel from earlier traditions like Rosicrucians.
As to the real fight in the US Civil War slavery was an issue as well as secession.  But there was another one not so well known and that concerned financial control.  Andrew Jackson had already challenged and turned back the central bank of Biddle of Philadelphia.  So Lincoln also had rivalry from the finance lords.  Who were they?  Jay Cooke was one and his brother too.  A network of financiers had formed by Lincoln’s time.  They were looking for more control over the land.  Well, in the Lincoln Conspiracy by Balsiger ad Sellier one may find out that the 18 missing pages cut from the John Wilkes Booth diary were discovered at the Stanton family attic in the Booth code that he used in his diary.  So these missing pages revealed startling info.  There was a cabal at work to displace Lincoln, it was more than Booth, and Northern money and interests and personnel were also involved besudes a number of Southern leaders.  Yes.  

  Now Civil War historian from Indiana

Ray Neff had already in the 1960s turned up a key revelation from Civil War days, and he was asked to look at the stuff from the Stanton family attic which he did in order to understand the meaning.  But many historians in America just bypass or denegrate this Booth diary missing pages stuff.  The handwriting though was authentic, the Booth diary code ws the same throughout, the pages fit precisely to the diary, and Stanton had been War Secretary and boss of the Northern secret service.  Col. Laf Baker reported to him.  Col. Baker was known to Ray Neff very well via some writings in code.  There is also the diary of one of the US Senators that reveals stuff concerning the high-level cabal.  How historians can disagree with so much evidence found is peculiar.  Be that as it may, the 1970s discovery of the missing Booth diary pages and  subsequent publication by Balsiger and Sellier made a mark.  Jay Cooke had an Astor House, NYC meeting with Booth before the assassination, making his mark covertly, but truth will out anyway, like banking records of Booth.     
  Cycles repeat unless enough both realize and apply lessons pertaining to that the game is so often contrived covertly by insiders for their private reasons.  For those with ears to hear, let them hear; likewise eyes.
  This 1-1-2022 is 165 years from 1857.  It is somewhat like a timetable, is it not?   Neptune is of high tuning, its symbol is a trident.  
  Previously on this blog are 6 posts on Lincoln, Booth, Stanton, Cooke, Baker, Neff and so forth: 
On January 1, 1861, just months before the start of the American Civil War, Cooke opened the private banking house of Jay Cooke & Company in Philadelphia. Soon after the war began, the state of Pennsylvania borrowed $3,000,000 to fund its war efforts.
In the early months of the war, Cooke worked with Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase to secure loans from the leading bankers in the Northern cities. (Cooke and his brother, a newspaper editor, had helped Chase get his job by lobbying for him, even though all were former Democrats.)
Cooke's own firm was so successful in distributing Treasury notes that Chase engaged him as special agent to sell the $500 million in "five-twenty" bonds – callable in five years and matured in 20 years – authorized by Congress on February 25, 1862. …
  1868, Cooke backed Radical Republican Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase for President.

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