Saturday, December 18, 2021

to fully design molecules without the need to use natural components frees vaccinology from mimicking nature

   some infections have proven too difficult to address by the empirical approach.  One of them is the disease caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) which affects most children worldwide and for which vaccine attempts consistently failed from 1967 to 2017. … Finally, the work by Marcandalli et al. represents a quantum leap for the nanoparticle concept because instead of relying on molecules that naturally form nanoparticles, they fully designed from scratch the self-assembling proteins.    The ability to fully design molecules without the need to use natural components frees vaccinology from mimicking nature.  From here the sky is the limit.


    Regina E. Dugan is an internationally recognized business executive, producer, engineer-artist, taskmaster, and product developer.  She has led world-class global teams and hundred-million to multi-billion dollar efforts to deliver breakthrough products at Facebook, Google, Motorola, as  19th Director and first woman to lead the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
    May 12, 2020  Wellcome Leap will be led by Regina E. Dugan as CEO, who is a former Director of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Jay Flatley, the new Chair, is a former CEO of Illumina.  The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik.
    With initial funding of £250 million furnished by the Wellcome Trust, Wellcome Leap is led by former DARPA director, Regina E. Dugan and former Illumina CEO, Jay Flatley.  Wellcome Leap will operate independently from Wellcome to encourage speed, agility, and an appetite for risk-taking.
Ramola D | April 14, 2021
As some may know, Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer Vice- President of Allergy and Respiratory Diseases, scientific advisor and 32-year pharmaceutical industry veteran has been very active lately giving several interviews on video, radio and email, sounding an alarm to all that the experimental mRNA vaccines, which have not been proven safe–as many other doctors including Dr. Carrie Madej have stated–and which are causing deaths, blood clots, paralysis, stroke in thousands of recipients, in addition to less dramatic yet still unnerving side-effects such as rashes, sore arms, lasting headaches, are unsafe and should be avoided. 
    In an interview with James Delingpole, Dr. Yeadon stated that given that people are dying from the mRNA vaccines, seen now to unleash a biological reaction that is unpredictable–the spike protein whose creation is intentionally invoked by the synthetic mRNA pathogen is continually activated and can coagulate blood, as the AstraZeneca vaccines now demonstrate–and no long-term studies have been conducted, there are no guarantees of safety when anyone takes the experimental vaccine:  “You are playing Russian Roulette with your life.”
…………………………………3-26-21   Anti-Vaccinism of course is seen as primordial sin over in the New York Zionist Publishing Industry zone of all-non-science-based literati right alongside the pseudoscience-immersed “experts” quoted often by the fluffy-haired anchors at CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC et al in their quest to lift Fauci to the level of Pharaoh and state Governors citing Fauci to the level of demi-god issuing needed decrees to subjugate citizenry with all the paraphernalia of Psy Op pushed by our current One World Governance disguised as separate-nation-states: suffocation-masks, self-isolating and seriously toxic gene-deforming vaccines.
  The “science” of vaccines is only now being critically investigated en masse online, with numbers of doctors, molecular biologists, journalists, information analysts, historians delving deeper into the history of vaccination in the US and Europe as well as worldwide, the part played by the Rockefeller clan in drug-creation, pharmaceutical-company-promotion, medical-school-industry-creation to promote drugs and vaccines, the general rise of Big Pharma, the eugenicist aims and actions of the vaccine industry, and the sad truth about the horrors of vaccine injury, the vast numbers of vaccine-injured and “SIDS”-deaths, the neuro-degradation, disability-creation, and immune-system-assault accomplished by mandatory vaccines on American children over the past 50 years.
  Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ deep-dive into vaccination history and harms was never more needed than now to educate all as to where exactly the Public Health focus on vaccines has come from, and how it has caused infinite harm to American and worldwide health.
  At the end of this video revealing the many active ingredients in the Pfizer serum, we see the rapid crystalline growth of  graphene oxide nanoparticles under microscopy.  This is the new neural network governments want inside of everybody.  It’s achieved through self-replication of the graphene oxide which is a programmable matter that establishes an artificial neural network or “operating system” as Moderna calls it, throughout your entire body. 
    Graphene oxide being superconductive will enable the synthetic neural network to connect you to the 5G grid, “Internet of Things” and to AI.  This is for the ABSOLUTE subjugation of your mind, body and soul.  Every soul has a unique energetic frequency signature which cannot be duplicated.  Your DNA is the blueprint of your soul whose energy radiates through every cell in your body. 
The pharmaceutical cartel’s Covid-19 Democide is the ultimate rape and bondage of the human species.  This biohacking technology is harnessing your soul’s energetic field to fuel it’s evil “operating system”.  We must fight back or this may end in the total annihilation and enslavement of the human species.  This is a biological attack.
Aug 17, 2021  
Source: Ramola D.’s report with Everyday Concerned Citizen. 
    The evidence of intelligent self-assembly of nanotechnology and intelligent filament-movement is an indicator of synthetic biology and nano-bioelectronics, as per several scientific papers (some listed below) published in various journals, and points to the stealth inclusion of Graphene Oxide in the Moderna vaccine for electromagnetic manipulation of cells and neurons via the creation of synthetic neural networks in the human body and brain.  This is a clear sign of malfeasance and intended transhumanizing and cyborgizing of the human body through the COVID vaccines.
    It must be remembered that both Pfizer and Moderna developed the transhumanist mRNA vaccines for DARPA, on DARPA contracts from 2013.  Pfizer and Moderna’s military connections as well as the mRNA connections with DARPA’s Regina Dugan now directing the Wellcome LEAP ventures and DARPA’s Dan Wattendorf now at the Gates Foundation were discussed here earlier. DARPA’s “Pandemic Prevention Platforms” and ADEPT diagnostic and monitoring platforms are based on bioengineering, gene manipulation, and synthetic biology.  These human-takeover programs envision an infinite future of mRNA vaccines and external control of the human body and brain, which Graphene Oxide would permit.    
  Given the continuous rise in vaccine injuries and deaths reported at VAERS, the CDC database on a weekly basis, and heartbreaking reports such as these, examining the reported death of a 2-year-old child succeeding the Pfizer vaccine in March, it is salutary to examine the history of Pfizer in its rise to pharmaceutical supremacy and its annual 42-billion-dollar revenue as of December 2020, and remarkable to find a distinct connection to military research and operations, as well as a curious interest in real estate takeovers–in addition to all sorts of mergers and acquisitions of other pharma firms, mercenary practices of suing for trademark infringement and so on. 
    Pfizer also appears to have a long association with the military, as do several other drug companies. 
    This unclassified document, Research on New Chemical Incapacitating Agents/Army CRDL Contract, which provides a record of rather inhumane animal research on mice, monkeys, and dogs conducted by Pfizer in 1964 for the US Army shows that Pfizer had whole medical research laboratories dedicated to the Army’s anti-human search for incapacitating chemical agents, focusing on paralyzing the central nervous system and producing “retrograde amnesia.” …
    Pfizer— Recent criminal investigations in November 2020 have been reported to the foreign corruption units at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ), looking into their activities in Russia and China.

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