Sunday, December 19, 2021

the quickening of your crown chakras begins with this dictation!

     We, Jophiel and Christine, greet you with all the hosts of angels who come with us not only on the second ray but from the four quadrants of Earth and every point of the compass.
    Therefore rejoice, sons and daughters of God, for the quickening of your crown chakras begins with this dictation! [37-second standing ovation]   Welcome to our hearts, beloved.  We salute all angels who have volunteered to embody on earth, taking on the mantle of sons and daughters of God to rescue the children of light.  The percentage of embodied angels in this organization far exceeds their percentages in other New Age movements. Therefore behold among you angels of God and children of light!  Behold also sons and daughters of God who walk the Earth in the Christ consciousness!
     We are grateful for this Community of the Holy Spirit.  We are grateful for the sponsorship of the God and Goddess Meru and  Lord Maitreya, for this is indeed Maitreya’s Mystery School come again.

     Again we welcome you, beloved, for you have come to be God-taught.  You have come to be stripped of erroneous concepts based on sheer ignorance or on scriptures that have been tampered with by those who would hold the people in bondage.

    I say, let this be the day of your soul’s liberation!  Commemorate it and mark the date and the hour, beloved.  For each year on this date we shall increase and intensify, increase and intensify Cosmic Christ illumination so that in our planetary uplift movement we might lift up the people of Earth from base ignorance to the crown of glory, establishing their reunion with God.

    O beloved, we the hosts of the Lord have come with great determination to pierce the veil of ignorance!  And we are matching your fervor many times over to see to it that this world shall be covered with illumination’s flame and that this flame shall pierce the darkness and the night.  Indeed the quickening shall come because you determine to pursue that quickening.
  Beloved, won’t you be seated.

  This day beloved Alpha and Omega, our Father-Mother God, are sending a message to you via angelic representatives of the Great Central Sun.  Listen well:  Alpha and Omega are fed up with the state of ignorance among the masses--an ignorance that they say is due to an educational system that is bankrupt.  Moreover they deplore the overall decline of children’s self-knowledge and their nonawareness of the world about them.
   It is high time that you understood, beloved, that secular knowledge must be braided with spiritual understanding.  Even so, secular knowledge must have a life and a buoyancy and a joy all its own.  And the path of spiritual understanding through the yin and yang of the great Tao must be complete unto itself.  But the ultimate goal is to merge secular knowledge and spiritual understanding in the left and right brains.  And when that merging takes place educators shall internalize and teach a spherical self-knowledge in God.

    Many would-be students of higher consciousness know that their souls are not being quickened because they are not on a spiritual path. And they regret, and some even resent, that they have not been offered a spiritual teaching and that the true religion of the Spirit is not a part of the curricula of universities of the world.
  Well, I tell you, beloved, those who hunger and thirst after divine wisdom have parched throats!  For they have not found divine wisdom in their fields of specialization.
 Thus we have had placed before you on the altar yellow chrysanthemums, gladiolus and roses in a saturation of yellow flame so that you might gaze upon them throughout this conference as you meditate in your crown chakra.  Be mindful that it is your unfolding of the crown chakra that will give you the golden aura of absolute God-peace.

     Therefore let the thousand-petaled lotus reign!  Let it reign by sacred fire that you raise up on the altar of being.  And thus enter into the knowledge of the Buddhas, enter into the knowledge of the Bodhisattvas--the instantaneous spherical awareness of what is and what is not, of what ought to be and what ought not to be, beloved.
 Inasmuch as beloved Alpha and Omega have expressed to you their ultimate frustration with the methods of education that are being foisted on innocent children, you must focus on restructuring and rebuilding every department of education.

  You have established the literacy army, and it is well.  But it is not enough.  This army must cover the Earth!  And your Father-Mother God are impatient.  For many souls will be lost if you do not make it your business to master the written and spoken word and to teach it as it was taught by the great Mercurians of old.
     The mastery of the spoken word leads to the mastery of many fields of knowledge, beloved.  But those who teach have not been taught.  And thus ignorance begets ignorance.

   It is time then that illumination’s flame be amplified.  For I tell you, it is most powerful and it goes hand in hand with the flame of peace--yes, peace in the solar plexus that eventuates in the reign of supreme wisdom in the crown chakra.
  Know the peace of wisdom and the wisdom of being at peace always.  Know the mastery of God within you.

    The Seven Archangels who serve on the seven rays, the Five Dhyani Buddhas who serve on the five secret rays and the Masters of the Far East come to this conference to empower those who are ready to be empowered.  And we of the three kingdoms—the Elohim, Archangels and Sons and Daughters of God--come today seeking to empower you on the second ray. Blessed ones, you must pursue this empowerment if you would have it!
  Let the violet flame blaze through the crown chakra!  Let it purge the body!  Let sacred fire of your mind contact all parts of the known and unknown universes and beyond into the Spirit cosmos.  Open your mind to God’s Mind and see how the quickening of the crown chakra will come!  Where you have misused knowledge or wisdom in the past, using it to ends other than to the glory of God, you have a karma to pay.  Pay the price of that karma if you would be empowered on the second ray.  And when you give your violet flame decrees call for transmutation of all misuses of the second ray of God’s wisdom, illumination and understanding.  

   In each one who attains the power of illumination’s flame that flame shall be as the beacon of a lighthouse flashing from crown chakra and illumining people throughout Earth to the truth that there is a summit of being and there is a way to reach it.  Yes, there is a way whereby the soul, through superior attainment, can rise to the level of the crown chakra.  And when she does she also makes contact with the God and Goddess Meru.

    As the soul perfects herself she is escorted by her Holy Christ Self from the seat-of-the-soul to the solar plexus to the heart and throat chakras, thence to the third eye and crown.  But her place of beatitude is the secret chamber of the heart where she communes with her Lord.  The goal of the soul is to day by day become one with God, to day by day become more real, to day by day know herself as one with the allness of God and to know God as His allness in everyone.

  We look at the state of education in every nation, and we say that even in those nations that have superior standards education is found wanting.  There will be no forward movement into a golden age of Aquarius if the twin paths of secular knowledge and spiritual knowledge are not braided together and if children are not taught in their mothers’ wombs and at their mothers’ breasts the meaning of universal life.  They have come from  heavenly realms trailing clouds of glory.  And so they are here.  But what do they hear?  They hear rock music or soap operas or just noise and more noise. 

    Blessed hearts, every child of light who descends to this planet whom you bear in your arms has been to the realms of glory.  Even those with denser karma have been taken by angels to be given a peep at the heaven-world so that when they are born they might retain the memory of etheric cities and universities of the Spirit.  For there their souls may attend “night school,” augmenting courses they may take in colleges and universities of the world.

    You must infuse education with morality, fair play, an honor code and a spiritual path.  You must set standards of excellence that parents, teachers and children can apply in all areas of their lives.  For the state of education in America is so grave that if you do not turn it around, you will see that ere a century has passed so much of the world’s culture will have been lost along with the foundations of community, that should your soul reincarnate on Earth you would scarcely recognize the culture and civilization you once knew.     

  Therefore without fail you must reverse the downward spiral of education!  And you must replace it with all that will afford the world’s children the very best opportunity that heaven would bestow upon them.
   That downward spiral, beloved, is threatening the entire civilization!  For as children slip and slide down the spiral they are losing the momentum of the higher intelligence of the Mind of God that they freely accessed in earlier centuries.  Once upon a time children’s crown chakras were stimulated by stimulating teachers whose auras glowed with the wisdom they imparted.  Yes, those were the days when the five senses were not bombarded with lurid sights and sounds and violence that violates  sensitivities of soul and crown chakra.

  The stimulation of mind and spirit of the child begins well before conception.  For souls meet their parents-to-be and their teachers at the retreats of the ascended masters in preparation for their life’s calling.  Above all the soul must have laid out for her a spiritual path that she may embark upon before she enters her mother’s womb.  And if the fetus does not receive proper stimuli to activate brain development, millions of brain cells will die.  It has been said, and rightly so, that the more the parents stimulate the brain of the unborn child the greater will be the child’s potential for genius.

   Thus accelerated learning goes on at spiritual and mental levels, and the eager soul is never bereft of guardian angels who will tutor her for her next assignment on Earth. You who are committed to  acceleration of soul faculties and mental acumen of the world’s children must broadcast to the world the unlimited opportunities for cultivation of prenatal and early childhood development.  Yet you must keep in mind that accelerated learning techniques must be infused with the Holy Spirit.  They must be infused with divine wisdom!
  For then you will see the balance of the right brain and left brain.  Then you will truly understand that the right brain is the creative brain, the brain that contacts the Mind of God, while the left brain is the logical brain, the brain that is in command of  responsibilities of the concrete world. 

   Yes, beloved, a part of you is in heaven and a part of you is on earth.  And if you think that Earth alone and all who have the consciousness of earth, earthy shall provide the answers to Earth’s problems, then you might as well go back to the Cain civilization, you might as well go back to the time when your soul descended out of the etheric octave to the place where you were no longer immortal but mortal.

   Ask yourself this question:  in all of your incarnations what have you regained of your immortality as you have toiled by the sweat of your brow and engaged in endless karma-making adventures through the rise and fall of civilizations?
  You have trod the neighborhoods of the planet for aeons.  Why?  Because you have not reconnected to or locked in to your spiritual reality.
  Therefore meditate on

the chart of your divine Self and see in the color rings the replica of your causal body, the concentric  spheres of light surrounding your Mighty I AM Presence.  These spheres contain the momentums you have gained in your mastery of the seven rays and five secret rays as you have pursued your calling from God on these paths of learning.  Each of these spheres represents a cosmos all your own where you can accelerate and become an adept and eventually a master of the ray within that sphere of your causal body.

   Think about how many incarnations it has taken you to come as far as you have come on the spiritual path.  Up and down the centuries you have been making karma and balancing karma, like children playing hopscotch on the playground.  Yes, round after round of your incarnations have come and gone.  But today is the day of salvation.  Today is the day in which you shall win.  And the key to salvation that ascended masters and angels of the Lord bring is the integration of God in man and man in God.  Man must rise to God.  And man must pull down the God-flame into his own being by becoming Godlike, by imitating the Christ, Buddha and avatars who have been sent to uplift the consciousness of the race.  There must be a meshing of heaven and earth right within your being if you are to have the victory over death and hell and if you are to rescue  souls of light who are worthy and who can follow your lead and take off in their accelerated paths of learning. 

   Then one day they too will experience the fusion of the Spirit-matter cosmos of their own beings.  And finally both you and they will walk the Earth once again as immortals.  The churches have preached of sin and condemnation, but we preach of glory and of elevation and of forgiveness and of the mercy of God that in the twinkling of an eye can erase all that has gone before in the valley of sorrows.

    Nevertheless if one would embody the flame of illumination, one must set and keep high standards on the path of the second ray.  This requires a fervor, a determination and a willingness to wrestle with what you have called “ignorant animal magnetism.”  By definition this is the ignorance and the sloth of the dense mind that wills not to learn and therefore cannot learn.  So all-pervading is this mentality that the ascended masters have categorized five poisons that infect the dense mind and that must be antidoted by five wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, plus a sixth poison antidoted by the wisdom of Vajrasattva:
ignorance, antidoted by Vairochana’s All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, spiritual, intellectual and human pride, antidoted by Ratnasambhava’s Wisdom of Equality, the passions--all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust--antidoted by Amitabha’s Discriminating Wisdom, envy and jealousy, antidoted by Amoghasiddhi’s All-Accomplishing Wisdom, the Wisdom of Perfected Action,
 (the sixth poison:) non-Will and non-Being--fear, doubt and nonbelief in God the Great Guru—antidoted by Vajrasattva’s Wisdom of the Diamond Will of God.

    The density of a mind poisoned by the five poisons and the sixth, beloved ones, goes back to generations of unwholesome living.  For how you live and what you eat will in part determine your fate.  If you would make your body a vessel of Christ-intelligence, then see to it that you understand the science of nutrition that is meet for those who would be adepts on the path.

     We would see you become adepts not only in human knowledge but in pathways of higher mind that lead the soul to spiritual retreats of the heaven-world, the golden-age cities of light and  universities of the Spirit. Yes, we escort your souls there at night while your bodies sleep so that you may be shown inventions that will be brought forth as soon as educational standards are stepped up.

     Beloved ones, when you take up our assignment to step up educational standards of the nations you must do so with profound compassion for those who have not been correctly taught the three Rs or their ABCs nor been given an understanding of what is the soul and what is the spiritual path.  If three or four generations are deprived of both physical and spiritual knowledge, it will not take long before Earth’s evolutions lose their moorings in the divine Logos and their cosmic purpose is blurred and then blown out.

      I paint this picture because it is a true rendering of what is happening in classrooms of the world.  It can be reversed by certain steps you of your own freewill can take.  You can determine to enter into the cosmic consciousness of God and to convey through it, by your own auric emanation, blessings of illumination’s flame upon children who are not being God-taught and for whom the foundations of life are not being laid.

    Let the weight of planetary ignorance go into the violet flame!
  Let the weight of ignorance that is upon each and every child of God go into the violet flame!
  You, above all, know how to invoke the flames of God and to what purpose. Therefore I say, do it!…

  Beloved hearts, press on to the victory over death and hell itself!  Spread that victory throughout the Earth and astral plane!  For the tobacco entity is the counterpart on the astral plane of the tobacco worm on the physical plane.
  This astral, silvery-colored beast invades every organ of the smoker’s body and eventually kills him.  Not only does it devour the body  but it devours the soul.  And it destroys the body before the soul has had the opportunity to enter the path of higher consciousness.  It is insidious!  It is vicious!
      Blessed ones, conquer this beast!  For it is a beast!  Take out your Judgment Call and affirm that “They shall not pass!”  Call for judgment of the planetary momentum of the nicotine and tobacco entities.  And call for judgment of the cigarette and tobacco companies who are marketing their wares abroad where people are not awakened to the dangers to their health from addictive smoking.

     Let us bring this battle to its conclusion, beloved.  I am well pleased that many Keepers of the Flame and other upright souls across America have determined to challenge the tobacco beast and money beast that is behind it.  For the deliverance of souls from this one substance--which many users say is more addictive than marijuana, cocaine or heroin—will  restore their self-esteem and their freedom to be who they really are without the false identity superimposed on them by the nicotine habit.
  As you know, children have been destroying their brains by substance abuse for decades now.  We want to see to it that all of this is stopped!  And therefore we call to the devout and God-fearing of this hemisphere and of the world and we say:  if all you can do to fight drug abuse is to decree at your altar for  judgment of those who bring their drugs into every nation, then do it!  And if you can take up the cause of those who are actively engaged in fighting the false hierarchy of drugs and drug lords in your neighborhoods, towns and cities, then do it!

     For the abuse of the body through drugs which also affects the soul is an act of self-destruction that denies the individual the full flowering of the God-flame within his temple.  Worst of all it cuts short one’s life span and the extended opportunity most souls require to balance 51 percent of their karma which is necessary for them to achieve their ascension in this life.

     The alternative to life that people choose when they take up drugs, alcohol, nicotine and sugar is death in the fast lane.  Having chosen death, not life, to die and not to live, the individual is weakened not only in body but also in  heart, spirit, mind and soul.
  He may continue in the fast lane until he is no longer able to make a turnaround.  At that point he may look for someone to teach him how to call upon the Lord God and His Son Jesus Christ to send their archangels and legions of angels to rescue him from a very real nightmare.  It is the nightmare of his soul’s willful descent into the astral plane and all of the horror that pursues him.
  Like millions who have perished in the grips of the drug, alcohol, nicotine and sugar entities he discovers that these entities devour body and spirit and return to stalk him when (and if) his soul reincarnates!  Yes, one’s habits and one’s addictions do follow one into succeeding lifetimes until the heart, mind, spirit and soul galvanize to lick them and the planetary beast of death.

     God have mercy on those souls who are thus snared in the astral plane!  If you will call to Archangel Michael to allow you to join him and his legions of light, you can be an instrument of mercy by descending with them to sublevels of astral plane to cut free the souls who have been victimized by fallen angels.

     Do not condemn these souls, beloved ones.  For when one is severely addicted the entities sap one’s life-force and exert a tremendous pull on the central nervous system and brain.  In fact the entire body is under such stress that the addict cannot,  except in rare cases, overcome his addiction without treatment or intercession of angels.

     Therefore pray for the souls of light who have become victims of substance abuse.  And call for judgment of the drug cartels, the drug lords and fallen angels who are behind them.  Call for  judgment of the drug suppliers, traffickers, distributors and pushers throughout the world who are purveying drugs to  children and youth as well as to adults.  And call for judgment of those in the United States who could have long ago stopped the drug traffic and seen to it that those responsible were off the streets and behind bars and the drugs seized and destroyed.

     It could have been done, beloved, and it still can be done—and we have said so many times.  But with few exceptions those in positions of authority, including the drug czars have not waged the war that they should have waged against drugs. Therefore they have left  children vulnerable to drug demons that tempt them and then torment them once they have been hooked.  What needs to be done is not being done, I say!

    And again what is the cause?  It is ignorant animal magnetism.  People are dense from foods they eat and from low vibrations they feed the mind and are content to live with.
    People live in their own sloth.  They live in their own negativity.  So it is written:  “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.”  And that’s why they are not out there on the frontlines fighting the battle for the liberation of the youth of the world, beloved!

     Think of how many people you know whose children have been compromised by taking in these lethal substances.  It is an outrage!  And all of heaven is outraged!  Let all of earth be outraged, I say!  And let us lock arms and do something about it now!     [33-second standing ovation]

    All legions of the second ray join me in thanking you for your standing ovation.  We shall empower you as you empower yourselves.  We shall go forth—Jophiel, Christine, Apollo and Lumina, Lord Lanto, Mighty Victory and Justina and all legions of second ray who serve with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas--to open the crown chakras of  lightbearers of the world.

      Blessed ones, we are fierce in our determination. I say in the I AM THAT I AM:  when you call to God for judgment of those who have done despite to innocent children and adults, remember to address us by name.  When you do this, angels of God of the second ray will respond in untold numbers to your calls, and you will be empowered so long as your heart is pure.

     Whether or not you are empowered is up to you! You are empowered on the second ray by Almighty God each time you offer your prayers, fiats and dynamic decrees for deliverance of souls and for  wiping out of evil and the evil force that in this very moment are murdering the hearts, minds, souls and bodies of all who are enslaved to the false hierarchy of drugs and  drug lords.

   Therefore, beloved, in the name of Almighty God, I, Jophiel with Christine, bow to the light within you. And I welcome you to the ranks of the legions of light of the second ray!  [22-second standing ovation]    

     -delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 25, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 38:30


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