Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Seek then, beloved, to become the goose that laid the golden egg.

1)   Therefore let those wise ones who understand the meaning of the parables of the Christ be alert to our Words, each one.  You may wonder why, after the release of Resurrection’s Flame and the Holy Regeneration of the Easter season, I AM dwelling upon such an unwholesome aspect of the creation.  Well, let Me tell you, when you are off guard and least suspecting, it is then YOU MUST WATCH.  Following success, STAND GUARD and do not neglect your spiritual Protection.  Precious Ones, the God Meru, in His release of April 5, desired to sweep aside, by the Power of Illumination’s Flame, those misunderstandings which in past ages have caused the sinking of continents, in order that the Children of the Light might avoid the repetition of such cataclysmic actions and thereby usher in the Kingdom of God without unnecessary suffering.

  We affirm that all men are children of God in that they all have the threefold flame within them.  Yet Genghis Khan and Hitler also possessed a Threefold Flame that was designed to manifest the Christ.  The fact remains that those who at the present hour desecrate the Divine Intent by the practice of witchcraft, although they were intended to inherit God’s kingdom, are not only hindering themselves but they are also hindering the planet through the emanations of negation which they release.
  Now one of the factors that I would like to point out to the students that governs the amount of negative radiation taken in is the feeling of self-condemnation.  The Christian Church, in its mission of saving men’s souls, has frequently emphasized the nature of “sin” in the human psyche and thereby many have been burdened with feelings of guilt which they have inadvertently accepted in place of the joy of their own individual Christ Identity.  Those who desire to have dominion over the consciousness of others may seek to achieve it through the imposition of intense feelings of self-condemnation upon their victims who, in their resultant state of self-delusion, are easy prey to those evil designs which the malpractitioner then masquerades as good.   

                           -Morya:  Pearl 7:16
2)   We of India, mindful of the crux of all of these problems, ask in God’s name that men consider who and what they are.  Let them understand that the short period of time during which they live is spent in the schoolroom of earth, a place where they can learn to love to do well.  Here the challenges of life are meant to be overcome.  Each man is intended to become illustrious.  His purpose is “Destiny not dust.”
  May I remind you of the words of one of your American poets, “We can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time.”    If your footprints, beloved ones, are to be followed in safety by those who come behind you—your children and your children’s children, by the posterity of all ages to follow—would it not be well if you understood that to be a Christ or a Buddha in the making is far better than to be a Hitler or a Genghis Khan?
  For India and America and for the world’s freedom from prejudice, I AM  
             Chananda of the Indian Council, Pearl 11:38

3)   And be aware of the geometric forms in space over which the messages of God flow. Just as the bloodstream has its own defense mechanisms, just as the body itself has its own host defense mechanisms, so, in the body of cosmos, God has placed as guardian chalices the consciousness of the Ascended Masters.
  God has placed the beauty of His light within focuses such as this one. God has placed it in the hearts of the people and they, as they absorb this principle, can learn to stop the sting of the asp.  They can learn to stop the sting of the scorpion, whose sting is in his tail.  They can learn to stop the hurt of pain from the beast consciousness, for the mark of the beast, 666, is the inversion of the principle of cosmic purpose. 

              -Sanat Kumara was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on July 4, 1971 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 42:30

4)   And so when I heard of the beheading of John the Baptist I thought upon those days of our togetherness when as the disciple of the great Master I had seen him challenge the wickedness of the prophets of Baal, of Ahab and Jezebel, and then how I had seen him ascend in a chariot of fire in the glory of the ascension.  And I remembered how he had promised to go before me to prepare the way for lowering of the Christ consciousness into its rightful preeminence among the sons and daughters of Israel and among all who would choose to follow that which Is Real.   

                          -Jesus Christ:  Pearl 16:16

 5)  So as the number of the beast has been written 666, so the mark of attainment is the power of the 999.  So the thousand-petaled lotus replaces the mark of the beast, and the crown of Life replaces the crown of thorns. And so you walk with Jesus through levels of the cross, passing through each aspect of the cross of sacred fire, rising higher and higher.  And so you come to understand how, by the power of the three-times-three multiplied again and again, the sacred body temples—the four lower bodies—receive the entering in of the Cosmic Christ, the planetary Christ, and the individual Christ. This is the momentum of the nine, the nine and the nine.  Understand then that Jesus passed the test of the crucifixion so that you might overcome in this age the mark of the beast.  Understand that the mark of the beast is the culmination of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold that has been called the dragon, the devil, and Satan. And thus the beast that ascends out of the emotional body of mankind, out of the physical body and out of the mental body—these three [the dragon, the devil, and Satan] are put down by the action of the Christ consciousness!   

                 -Cuzco, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 28, 1975 at Los Angeles, Pearl 62:14

6)   Beloved ones, no more should it be said, then, that “the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” If this law be true, and it is, do you not understand that your sufferings are self-created and are not the hand-me-downs of your ancestors?  Your sin is not the result of that which was called original sin but which was not imputed to Adam and Eve [by God].
  Beloved ones, the original sin is the lie of separation from God through disobedience, and that original sin can only leave its mark upon you as the mark of Cain, or the mark of the 666, if you yourself have been part and party to it.
  Thus one and all, men, women and children, you require the spheres of violet flame and golden-white light of Victory. You require, one and all, the forgiveness of Eve.     -Justina,  delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1978 at Pasadena,  

Pearl 43:20

7)    Now all the Earth trembles in the midst of the Dark Cycle, reeling against the returning karma of their affront to the Godhead.  He sent his messenger and, lo, they did not heed him!  But unto the children of the light who have waited for the day when they might prove their victory over this beast of self-idolatry, the Dark Cycle of their returning karma is the sign of their imminent victory in Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ in the person of every ascended master who will once again walk and talk with his chelas as did Guru Maitreya in the garden of Eden.  Now with full God-determination and empowered by the Holy Ghost, they will get the victory over the image of the beast which he has impressed upon their very souls in the place of the image of the Guru, and over his warped engram stamped on the seat-of-the-soul chakra to thwart the archetype of the Christ in their genes and chromosomes, and over the number of his name, 666, which is the perversion of the number of the third beast who had a face as a man. Yes, now is the victory unto the children of the light.   

                       -Sanat Kumara:  Pearl 22:18

8)   Beloved hearts, this is the beast. This is the number of the man that is 666.16  This is the number—and I tell you the number is up!  For we invert those three sixes and we call them the power of the nine-times-nine-­times-nine as the expanded and multiplied threefold flame in the heart of the Messenger and chelas. And therefore by the power of the nine of the Great White Brotherhood the forces of light move in to defeat that beast and that Fallen One and the very number of the man that is a curse upon the Christ-potential of every child of God.  It is the number of the carnal mind expanded and multiplied by the fallen ones to become the entire momentum of planetary Serpent.  It is the number of the man of sin.  


                          -Saint Germain:  Pearl 23:46

 9)  Therefore we direct our chelas of the sacred fire in this very hour to the attention of the calling for the arresting of the spirals of the accumulated momentums of war, the councils of war, famine, plague, pestilence, death itself, the momentum of black magic and witchcraft upon the planetary body—the momentum, the entire accumulated momentum of Satan  and his seed, Serpent and his seed, Abaddon and his angels and the man of sin, of the beast whose name is Blasphemy, of the dragon who gives power unto the beast and heals the deadly wound, of the beast whose number is 666.
  Blessed ones of the light, it is the astral momentum that we would go after in this year of victory.  Let the physical signs always remain as signs of activities on the inner planes. And therefore, let the children of the light enter now into the astral plane—shielded by the Elohim of God, shielded by the seven mighty archangels—to go forth for the puncturing, for the call, for the standing guard and being at hand in the presence of the work of the mighty archangels and Elohim!
 Understand your presence as representatives of God-government on the earth, representatives of the people of light whose vote counts for the victory.  Understand that this is a work for cosmic beings and all elemental life!  And yet you are there as sponsors of the living Word in giving the continuous dynamic decree at inner levels when you are in your etheric bodies as we go forth.
  For it must be done and it shall be done (if we have the necessary support of Keepers of the Flame worldwide) that the accumulated momentums of destructivity upon the planetary body should be bound, should be taken, and should be moved to the Court of the Sacred Fire and the gret sea, that mighty sea of sacred fire  that will contain, then, consume, dissolve, and transmute these conglomerate momentums.
  If this does not occur, beloved ones, we are very concerned!  We are concerned as the manifestation of God’s own consciousness even as the Father is concerned, in this hour, for the Son incarnate.  

         -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, delivered to  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl

10)   Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of each one, we call forth the victory of God for every soul of light upon earth. We demand the binding of the fallen ones.  We demand the binding of the dragon that gave power unto the beast. We demand the binding of the beast that was healed of his deadly wound. We demand the binding of the beast whose number is 666. 

             -Messenger ECP:  2-1-1982 at Camelot, Pearl  25:16

11)   Therefore the entire planetary body hangs in the economic balance.  Therefore let us bind the beast—the money beast whose number is 666 —and let him be cast down and cast out! In order to accomplish this, let the light-bearers fast and pray that they be delivered from the records of their own subconscious of greed, of the love of money, which is the root of all evil—and not money itself as the instrument of exchange.
  Let there be the removal from the four lower bodies of that unlawful ambition that seeks greater gain than is necessary to bring in the kingdom of God on earth and in one’s life.  Let a cosmic trust be seized by Keepers of the Flame who hold in trust the supply of Almighty God for the sponsoring of this and future generations, for them to perform their work and their service of the internalization of the God-flame.
  For there is no greater danger to the people of this nation than the loss of personal contact with the Holy Christ Self. This continues at such an alarming rate through the use of drugs and through the manufacture of noise, ground out by grinding mills of noise out of the very pit itself—from rock to every other type of noise—that the lifewaves of this America are not focusing clearly, by the Mind of God and the all-seeing eye, to focus upon this very nucleus of the money beast, which is the third eye, the very point that David hit when he slew Goliath.
   Realize then that the money beast itself is behind all war.  And it is greed to increase money that causes the Western nations to supply armaments and all manner of defensive as well as offensive weapons, mounting a huge spiral around the world.
  It is the money beast that causes the feeding of technology, of grain, et cetera, et cetera, throughout the planetary body.  And that greed has its origin in the fallen angels and the Watchers themselves who long ago lusted after the light of the people of God.  And this lusting after the light is the lusting after their abundance, their supply, their energy, their life-force, and all of the seven chakras which are points of God’s consciousness.
   Therefore lust and greed must be bound, and the planetary dweller on the threshold of the beast and the number and the name of that beast!
  I AM Mother Mary, and I am daily probing the hearts and minds of the souls of light as well as the evil ones.  And therefore I have brought to your attention this day, in all that the messenger has told you, certain details and awarenesses that you must take to heart and review and write down and apply. For here I have given even the mysteries of your own victory and your own overcoming    

                -Archeia Mary, delivered through  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 15, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:45
                     12)    Let it be clearly understood—[the meaning of] the manifestation of the beast that was, the beast that is, and the beast that is to come.   For this references the carnal nature of mankind—that “which was” being that which was in manifestation and is now transmuted; that “which is” being that which is present with you as untransmuted substance and yet will be transmuted; the beast “that shall be” being that which shall be residual and untransmuted in days to come but that which will certainly also be transmuted, so that the whole man may come no longer to the measurement of 666 but to 333, the three-times-three creating the manifestation of the nine as the initiate pauses before the great eternal cycle of the One to return through the symbol of the number ten, dix, into manifestation that disseminates the human and produces out of it, even as the earth produces out of the fruit of the mineral kingdom the manifestation of the flowers and fruits of Earth.
  So then man will spring forth as a flame flower.  But as one divorced and apart from his carnal substance, he will produce, by his own thoughts, a pathway into the God-magnificence of his being, so that he no longer is dependent upon outer manifestation and form-consciousness for his creativity or for his subsistence   
               -Kuthumi, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on August 20, 1967 at Colorado Springs, Pearl  48:40

13)   If God is to give you all of Himself, He must have all of yourself.  Thus the keystone of the arch is the first commandment:  Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.   Thou shalt have no other desire before Me, no other love before Me, no other mind before Me, no other accomplishment, no other goal before the attainment of Myself in thee!  And when you have that you will have the All-in-all.
  Seek then, beloved, to become the goose that laid the golden egg.  Then you will never be without golden eggs.  Then you will have and possess the Cosmic Egg.  Then you will know the true power of the Mother in your midst, the Mother-flame in your heart.  It is the power, beloved, of fertility, creativity, multiplicity, redundancy!  Go forth, beloved. Produce one golden egg and you will be able to produce a million. Therefore seek not the egg but to become the Mother.
  I AM the flame of Mother with you. Portion by portion appropriate my Mother-flame unto yourself.  Do this by being the tender heart, the gentle heart, the great strength of Kali, the great wisdom of Sarasvati, the great abundance of Lakshmi and the full-wielding power of the sword of Kali, of Durga to defeat the enemy of the little ones.
  I tell you how you achieve the power of Durga and of Kali.  You desire it with all your being] because it is intolerable to you that there should be a single abortion on this planet [or] that there should be the abuse of a single child!  And if you feel helpless before [the forces of Antichrist that promote abortion] and can do nothing about [them], take stock of what is in you and in your life and see what you would give up to be able to have the power of the Divine Mother to stop this deadly sin against the Holy Ghost, against the little child upon this planet.  

          Archeia Mary, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 15, 1990 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom  33:36

14)   Therefore say to yourself:  “With so many in such proximity why should we not request some labors from our beloved El Morya?  Why should we not go to work when we have such reinforcement of one another, to go after that force of Antichrist in the world?”  And see and prove here, now if the Lord God Himself and if we will not defeat that force through you, and how mighty numbers and even the number of the 666 will go down!
  See what you can do, beloved!  And be impressed with the fact that your journeying in the inner octaves and your presence here has already, even in the third day of this conference, allowed earth changes to take place without further calamity.
  Blessed ones, it is a delicate matter for elemental life and the attending angels, who must tend a planet in transition, a planet which must be saved, a planet which must be healed, a planet which must be purged all at once–this is a delicate operation. And some of you know that this is directed from the retreat of Cuzco and by the mighty power of Surya as he maintains his focus in the God Star, Sirius.   

             -Holy Justinius, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 28, 1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl  45:2

15)  This meditation can produce in you a feeling of intense heat or a glow over the third-eye chakra and surrounding the head as a halo.  With concentrated visualization daily you can establish such a strong heart-tie to the Great Central Sun as to make you almost oblivious to the darkness of Earth. You must always put this darkness behind you.  And when you invoke your tube of light visualize the rays of the Great Central Sun streaming down upon you within and without.
  Although the Messenger has not known of this thoughtform (for the thoughtform for the year is not unsealed until the moment of my dictation), she was directed by El Morya to place upon the new masthead of the Pearls of Wisdom for the year 1995 a beautiful metallic gold.  Thus the Lighthouse and the Eastern and Western focuses of the Darjeeling Master replicated on the masthead of every Pearl of Wisdom published in the year 1995 will be highlighted in a gold reminiscent of the golden rays of the Great Central Sun.
  Let that golden masthead remind you each week of the thoughtform for the year.  Let it remind you to follow the rays, the beacon of the Lighthouse back to the center of the flame.  And may you also be reminded once a day that Alpha and Omega are drawing your soul into the center of the very womb of cosmos.  Thus, beloved, on the morrow we shall take up again the Great Central Sun meditation, and you will have that experience of journeying to the Sun in meditation.
  In conclusion the teaching on the thoughtform of the Sun is that in Earth’s dark night in the Kali Yuga you must be a Sun, a walking Sun—and a son of God, s-o-n, as the Christ descends into your temple. You must be a Sun that is literally a ball of fire that you can unleash at any moment for any constructive purpose.
  Thus I seal you in the arms of the Divine Mother, Omega, the Divine Father, Alpha.  Ponder yourselves then as Suns lighting the world for the millions who live in abject darkness and abject poverty of spirit.
  Be humble; give thanks; serve all who are in need.  Do not give away the goose that laid the golden egg or you will have no more golden eggs.  So, beloved, do not give away yourself, but give away the fruits of your Tree of Life.  Maintain Selfhood as a pillar of strength unto all who need that strength, and I will be with you. 

             -Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:6  

16)   If I were to take my threefold flame, I would take the fire of love in my heart and fan the blue plume to be certain that my admixture contained just the right amount of love so that in delivering the call to arms, in the battle cry and in keeping things moving we don't go into the same stages that famous people such as Genghis Khan did, who carried yangness to a level of absolute destruction.
  So the quality of charity as love is necessary to each of the three plumes, but love alone cannot stand without wisdom, and so forth.  So when we are engaged in giving of ourselves as charity and in love and in selflessness we go to the yellow plume to be certain that our method is true, that our plans have practicality, that we are going to succeed with this fire of love because we have put study and concentration and our talents to know that the love that we then release will be effective.  So we have to see to it that our exercise of each plume is effective.
  Effectiveness—how effective were you today in your job? Ask yourself when you prepare to go to sleep at night: “How effective was I? Did I make my point? Did I make things happen? Did I do it right?” Those are the moments of self-assessment, when we think through our day quickly, we kneel at our bedside, we have our master's pictures before us, we commune with them.   

     -Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  10-18-1996 at RTR, MT, Pearl 46:8

Mt. Shasta in background


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