Sunday, December 5, 2021

In turning over control of our monetary system to the fallen ones

1)    O yes, beloved, you have had a long, long, long time to develop the serpent mind.  Beware of it, know it for what it is and let the Christ in you displace it, for the brilliance of God far exceeds that which you can contain or attain to.  It is best to reach the ceiling of limitation and say:  Now you see, the fallen ones have determined that mothers will not spend five minutes in meditation daily or even throughout the period of their pregnancy, and by creating all manner and manifestation of outer forcefields they have diverted their attention.  Therefore they have succeeded in using this most amazing forcefield of the computer of the Mind of God to transfer to the incoming child not the harmony of inner spheres but the degradation of outer spheres.  

         -Lord Maitreya, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  July 2, 1978 at  Pasadena and Camelot, Pearl 43:33
2)    because by them [by these systems of international intelligence, these computers, these antenna—by them] their portion is fat, and their meat [is] plenteous [even to the very deals in United States grain which they achieve …You must beware then when you hear coming forth from a friend a declaration of independence which is not a declaration to be independent in God but to go the way of outer darkness.  You must beware and understand how that soul, in some way or another, has accepted into  subconscious levels of being some computer mechanism, some tie to the fallen ones which could even have occurred in a previous life. And it is the voice of the computer speaking while the soul, helpless, believes that voice to be the true word of his own conscience.
  This is happening to light-bearers in every nation.  Take the figure of Fidel Castro, as he has become the voice of many who have abdicated to the gods of gold and silver, the gods that are idols, the wooden ones that have been covered over.  They are the computers of this day and age!  And they speak.  And you can hear them speak.
  Twice now you have seen the clip of the footage of Castro declaring “We are not Communists or Marxists!  We are a nationalistic movement for the people!” I tell you, the very posture, the very stance, the very vibration of the voice ought to be known to you as the sign of the inner computer that has already taken him over.  And he stands as the living computer, commanding all around him to move.
  Beloved ones, you can realize that all that he has done, which is considered genius in the Soviet world, is the work of the giant computer that is behind him.  You can see that the sons of God on earth in general have not mounted to the level of the mind of God to encompass that much world organization.  Well, beloved hearts, that mind which was in Christ Jesus, which is yet in our Messengers, is totally available to you to organize a mass movement of lightbearers far superior to the Castro machine, far superior to the KGB and the entire Soviet complex at the international level!   
           -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, delivered to  Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:13 

3)   Beloved hearts, sometimes the one who knows the truth feels drowned out by the babbling voices of error.  These voices are like the crickets.  Whether a thousand or ten thousand, they seem to occupy the night air with a certain sound that becomes monotonous and of which many then—becoming so accustomed thereto—also become unaware.  And it is the unawareness of error and error as a constant that I come to pierce and to puncture, beloved hearts.  For this droning on of the crickets of error becomes a hypnotic force that moves in the world and prevents those who have the receptivity to truth from embodying that truth now and each day and always.   …    
  You see, to truly take the dark ones from the planetary home, there must be the removal from that home of all of the roots of evil and karma and the interconnection of those lifestreams in a network of darkness.  For they are a part of what is known as a “beast,” which is a conglomerate, an amalgamate of forces and consciousnesses that become part of a computer—a mind that has extensions [tentacles] and works simultaneously in many manifestations of individuals engaged in international organized crime, including World Communism, which is nothing but organized crime on the level of the state. 

          -Surya, delivered through Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 7, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:24
4)   In turning over control of our monetary system to the fallen
ones and allowing them to retain it we are giving them the
power to bring about the decline and ruination of our economy.  The Fed’s ability to expand credit is what is behind the out
of-control national debt, consumer debt, farm debt,
domestic energy loan debt as well as the debt bomb–loans to
foreign nations which will likely never be repaid.  These debts
taken together, especially the over $2 trillion national debt
created by deficit spending, are such a major problem that it
would take a president of the stature of Abraham Lincoln and
greater to turn it around….
  If you would like to read the Book of Life this day from the Lords of Karma of the abdication of America’s destiny, you will see how the power elite have made a karma and debted it to the United States and to the common people who share the uncommon light of their Lord. You will see how, by not protesting, these people have accepted the karma of the fallen ones and how America is compromised by their evil deeds…
    On July 4, 1976 in our nation’s capital Saint Germain spoke of the betrayal at Yalta.
  Again and again the master plan of the ages has been brought forth. And in a moment, a moment’s hesitation, a moment being off guard, supply, light and the projects of the Brotherhood have been lost.  In that moment when the Western powers gave way to the black magician Stalin, gave to him Eastern Europe in that very moment when the West was victorious,...I can tell you that in that moment when I saw the spell of the fallen ones reaching out, even on Churchill and Roosevelt and on those who assented to that appeasement, I cried, precious ones.
Woe to the power elite of this nation!  Woe to the fallen ones in the State Department this day!  Woe to the president of the United States of America this day for his betrayal of the peoples of Western Europe and the United States in this INF agreement signed with this betrayer of mankind, this visiting prince who has come from Moscow!…
  You fallen ones who have entered the halls of government calling yourselves Americans–you have abdicated our destiny in our stead!  You are not using trade as a lever to force China to improve conditions in Tibet.  You have betrayed the lightbearers of Tibet and continue to do so with every computer you send to China and every garment you import.  Woe!  to the fallen ones and the betrayers in the White House and in the State Department…Let us hear then the continuing abdication of Saint Germain’s destiny for America by the betrayal of fallen ones and sleepfulness of the people who for want of rallying around the Divine Standard have lost, inch by inch, mile by mile, decade by decade their options….
  This is how the power elite and fallen ones have made fodder of the lightbearers, lined them up on the battlefields of life to fight their no-win wars.  It’s gone on not century by century but ten thousand years by ten thousand years.    -Based on a lecture by
        Elizabeth Clare Prophet delivered on January 4, 1988, at the RTR, MT, Pearl 31:23
5)  Yes, we would move into the entertainment industry.  We would move into communications, computer technology.  We would move that we might find life on the farthest stars.  We are the generation who will supersede this one.  How can we be certain that we will be the winners and the fallen ones will be annihilated?  We are certain of this because we rest our case in Almighty God.     -Sponsors of Youth from Out the Great Central Sun, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1996 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 46:11
6)    One wonders when that fever pitch is going to take place in the Middle East or out of the Eastern bloc or out of northern Korea or China.  Blessed ones, there are so many places in the Earth where there are the fallen ones and evildoers who are determined to destroy the planet that you must realize that they also have this same equipment that you have and by computers may set off nuclear weapons.…
  According to what you observe in your ruby-ray calls and their action in the coming days and weeks, what you will see will so incite you and give you incisive information that I think you will be willing to keep the ruby-ray marathon to keep at bay these fallen ones until the seven mighty archangels and tremendously powerful beings, such as Elohim and gods and goddesses, can remove from this planet the fallen ones, who should not be here at all. Getting them off the planet is our primary concern.    
Therefore we ask you to call for them to be bound—the Watchers, the Nephilim, fallen angels and those who are Antichrists and anti-divine- love.  They must be taken and we need your calls.  Therefore do not forget us, beloved ones, for we shall not forget you…
  In this hour then go within.  Go to your place of service.  Go to the place where the action is in your community.  And know that Hercules and Amazonia will place upon you—and we do place upon you now as you stand [audience rises]—the mighty blue cape on the outer and roseate color inside. That lining of the color of rose with a blue on the outside shows that those of the first ray have great love and compassion for all life but we will not compromise those attributes which are of the first ray.  Therefore if there are those who will deal with us and move against us, we swiftly act, beloved.  For we will not tolerate the challenging of our mission to planet Earth or this cosmos by fallen ones who would move our chelas in this or that….  
            -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1996 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 45:51

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