Monday, December 27, 2021

They will not even remember the reason they let go of that torch

   The Communists have already seized the landed areas corresponding to the other etheric retreats of the violet-flame masters:   
Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, the retreat over Peking--the flow of the energy of that retreat which is the essence of mercy itself, blocked by human tyranny and subjugation of the family.  Saint Germain and the
Great Divine Director, the Rakoczy Mansion--[the retreat] now focused in the etheric plane over Romania, where World Communism has also divided the eastern states of Europe not according to the lines of the culture of the Mother but according to lies of the manipulation of the people, a people born to outpicture the flame of freedom in that house of light, that house that is the focus of the Maltese Cross of your own precipitation of freedom.  Stronghold of freedom in the West--retreat of
Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst in the etheric plane over Cuba.  Why did the forces of World Communism select Cuba and not another nation in Latin America?  Was it strategically convenient?  Physically, perhaps so, but far more strategically convenient from the standpoint of spiritual law.  And thus where are those who would anchor freedom on the island of Cuba? They are blocked by tyranny of the state.
  These are the key focuses of freedom on Terra.  Angola, the land corresponding to the one remaining focus of the seventh ray to be anchored in a people born to be free is now taken over.  And why?  Because the people who are born to be the defenders of freedom have not understood the choices, have not understood that there exists an enemy.
  The philosophy of détente has accomplished its ends.  It is a diabolical philosophy of compromise of freedom of the world.  Its end has been to brainwash the American people so that they now believe the enemy does not exist.  And America is friends with all those who have subjugated the masses, who have murdered millions in order to come to power.
    Without the definition of the enemy the lines of battle cannot be drawn, foreign policy cannot be drawn, domestic policy cannot be drawn.  Without the definition of the lines of battle a free people will be swallowed up, a free and victorious people will be devoured in the jaws of defeat.
  It is not only Angola that they desired in the very desiring of the carnal mind, it is all of Africa.
 It is the control of the resources of the Mother and the light of the Mother chakra.  It is the control of the Indian Ocean, of the Persian Gulf, of the waterways.  It is the control of Earth from that very point, that harbor at Angola.  Yet the American people do not recognize their responsibility to defend freedom. They fear the loss of individual lives.  Again I say, fear not those who kill the body but those who destroy the soul in hell.  Will you preserve your bodies while your souls rot?  This I ask the American people on the birthday celebration of the greatest focus of freedom the world has ever known in modern times.  Will you allow the soul of America to rot by an immorality and a lack of honor and integrity when it comes to the path of initiation and to the flame of life on Terra?
   You cannot see the Earth in any other way but as a unit of Hierarchy, a unit of soul evolution. There is no division; there are lovers of freedom in every land.  People are not evil.  People are not evil!  The wicked are not the Russians or the Chinese.  The wicked are the fallen ones who are in positions of power in every nation.
   Have you not seen the wicked in their manipulations in this dark episode that has covered the land that you call Watergate, and prophetically so?  For it is the gate to the emotional body, to the water body, and that is the gate where the American people stand in their initiations on the path.  Standing at the gate of cosmic consciousness they must pass the initiation of the mastery of the water element.  And the perversion of that mastery is dishonor. It is lying, it is cheating, it is sneaking, it is taking funds and misusing them.  It is the misappropriation of freedom, of position and power.
    And here you are, millions and millions of souls who (inwardly) know the truth.  Your power has been divested from you.  You have forgotten your Source.  You have forgotten the name of God, I AM THAT I AM.  You have forgotten that you are the Christ in action.  You have forgotten what the power of God is! You have forgotten what His wisdom is, His promises, the covenant that he made with Abraham:  “I will make thy seed as the sands, innumerable.”
  This is the seed of the lightbearers who are destined to conquer the earth by the flame of Christ, by the flame of God-mastery.  And in the process of conquering the self that they might become the servants of all they must defend, defend, I say, the bastions of freedom on every continent at the expense, yes, the expense of paltry pleasures, temporary illusions, temporary indulgences which Western society continues and continues to wallow in.
  Where is the dedication?  I will tell you where the dedication is.  The dedication is with the fallen ones and with those of the children of light whom they have manipulated into believing that World Communism is the way of equality and freedom and justice for the masses.  No small wonder that children of light believe this lie, for the sons and daughters of God have not refuted the fallen ones in their midst.  They have allowed them to misuse the very system of freedom and path of initiation that is enshrined in the documents of freedom, in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States of America.
    I say the name with reverence.  For even among those of the Great White Brotherhood we pay homage and reverence to this nation conceived in liberty--not because of wrongs and injustices but because at the core of a nation is Saint Germain, is freedom, is consecration.  We speak the name with the same reverence that we speak the name Jesus the Christ, the individual Savior now become the nation that is intended to be the Savior of nations.
  Can you not understand?  Will you not understand? Will you not put down those who are manipulators of the abundance of the Mother and of her virgin consciousness in this land?  Will you not go forth and rescue souls who are misaligned, who are feeding their pure energies into this and that camp of politics and religion and every manner of involvement that does not lead to the central purpose of creation and the creation of Earth itself--freedom.
   Ask yourself what you do with the energies of God daily.  Are all of your actions, all of your thoughts and feelings contributing to your own soul emancipation and to emancipation of all peoples?  If not, I say, eliminate those actions and those thoughts and feelings.  Stop your senseless indulgence and realize that when Earth is carved up and under world tyranny there will not be an emergence from that tyranny for thousands of years. And it will be the decree of the free will of a people who held the torch of freedom in their hands and who let go of that torch!  For what reason?  They will not even remember the reason they let go of that torch, and only the Book of Life will bear the record.
  You cannot say to yourselves, We will invoke the violet flame.  We will make our ascension in this life.  We will not be around when there is world tyranny--the tyranny of a world religion, the tyranny of a world government.  Do you think you will be accepted among the ranks of the immortals?  Do you think you will pass the tests of your ascension if you fail to ratify freedom in Terra?  You cannot take the path selfishly but it must be a selfless action whereby the freedom that you forge within your own soul is then applied to the planetary body.
  Precious ones, I am speaking to souls who understand, and I know well that you understand.  But I am anchoring within the mental belt, the etheric plane, emotional body and physical quadrant of  Earth this message of freedom.  I am stirring the American people through you and through the chakras of this Messenger.  I am stirring them by the quickening action as a spark that leaps from your fervent hearts to the hearts of a fervent people who, if they knew better, would do better.
    Therefore we mourn.  We mourn the loss of the stronghold of freedom, and we are concerned.  Our concern is that if the Congress of the United States of America will not allocate funds for defense of freedom in Angola, then will the Congress of the United States allocate funds for the defense of freedom in Mozambique, in South Africa, in Rhodesia, in every nation in Africa?
  And what of the Middle East?  And what of the warring members of the body of God who are the very ones who embodied here on Terra, remnants of the laggard evolution of Maldek, the very ones who by their relentless struggle refused the compromise of Love and of Christ and therefore caused the destruction of that planet?  All of this is Afra. All of this, the soul of millions of people born to be free, manipulated into hatred.
  Keepers of the Flame unascended, you have a mighty work to accomplish for the Lord God of hosts.  He is counting on you for the flow of energy, the stripes of cosmic consciousness, alternating stripes of Alpha and Omega--waves of energy that precipitate from out the Great Central Sun that are intended to be anchored in the hearts of millions of people by an action of a cosmic maypole where the flow of these ribbons of light is the flow of  energies of Elohim and the solar hierarchies.  Wherever there is tyranny exercised over the people, there is a blocking of flow and the people are severed from the stripes of cosmic consciousness.
      And what of the stars of cosmic consciousness, five-pointed stars marking initiation?  It is the initiation to enter the whitefire core of being.  If a planet and a people do not qualify for that initiation, then ithey cannot go within to release the energies of Christ that are for liberation of the lifewave.  The point of freedom is the whitefire core of being.  To enter there you must pass certain initiations.  If you will not submit to these initiations, then you have not the contact of the fiery core of yourself or of cosmic beings, and therefore you cannot derive the energies of the stars of our cosmic consciousness.
    And so the stripes are for the testing of the people in the way of the seven rays.  And the seven rainbow rays across the sky are the stripes, the stripes of the original thirteen, of Christ and his apostles, of a new nation conceived on the foundation of Hierarchy--thirteen states of consciousness ratifying discipleship, ratifying that here on this soil people shall be free and there shall be a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”
      Stars and stripes of our cosmic consciousness!—the twelve Elohim--seven in outer manifestation, five in the whitefire core of the Great Central Sun--send forth the momentum of the twelve aspects of God-mastery that must be forged and won in America.  And out of the midst of the twelve Elohim is the manifestation of the Cosmic Christ,
Lord Maitreya, the Coming Buddha.  And the Christed One forms the center of our mandala, and by the action of Mother-flame we come to anchor this light among sons and daughters of freedom.
  This is why we have asked the question,  are there sons and daughters on Earth who will declare freedom, who will work for freedom, who will make any and every sacrifice for freedom?
  For in these we will anchor the stars and stripes of our cosmic consciousness, in these Lord Maitreya will anchor the flame of initiation, and to these the Mother will come to minister unto their souls in the hour of victory.
    America, be free!  America, guard the bastions of planetary liberty!  America, review, examine, analyze and see what is real and what is unreal.  I plant my flame in this city!  I plant my flame for the action of the will of God in the voice of the people, in the throat chakra of the spoken Word!  Let the people be represented in this government!  And let the fallen ones who have usurped the places of Christed ones be bound!  Let them be bound, I say, in the power of  Elohim!  And let them be stripped of their facade!  And let them be exposed!
      We have come!  I AM Arcturus!  I AM Victoria!  And we will not turn our backs so long as there are sons and daughters who understand the love, the real love of freedom.  In the oneness of the flame we are within your soul--freedom of Terra, freedom in the Aquarian age.  Now set Hierarchy free to act, act, act through you!           
      -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, delivered by Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1976 in Washington, D.C., Pearls of Wisdom 44:38


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