Thursday, June 3, 2021

You must test the bridge.

  Beloved ones, therefore with the coming of this Protestant revolt ignited from the fires of hell itself by the fallen angels you see the putting out of this candle of the Mother.  Think of the darkness of Earth as the candle of the Mother goes out one by one, and I personally am expelled from the cathedrals of northern Europe and from Britain.  No longer is there the reverence for Mother, but She has become once again a common, untutored, ignorant young maid who by chance or selection of God became the Mother of Christ by no particular virtue of Her own but merely by an ordination or an immaculate conception.

  Thus not only is there the denial of the Mother but there is the denial of Her path and of the spiral staircase and the welcoming of the Mother when She does appear.  Those indoctrinated in the outer sense may often suffer internally also when they are visited by my angels.  Others however never lose the inner love, for they have known me as friend or Mother or sister or even child.

  Therefore, beloved hearts, in this great mystery of the Word of the Mother I would tell you that the restoration of life on earth depends upon the salutation of the Mother-ray daily.  If you do not find time or space to participate in the rosary, I would request that the mantra alone, the Hail Mary, be on your lips in moments when you must wait here or there for one cycle to end or another to begin, when you are walking or changing modes of service.  The simple mantra can be given without the entire ritual….

  You understand therefore that the Office of Messenger does hold the focus of my flame, guiding you in those dark chambers and canyons of the night, holding a torch, showing the surest way out of the dilemma of thy human creation.  Thus our desire, the desire of the Great White Brotherhood is that by your soul attainment you should be able to mount that staircase from the seat of the soul through the initiations of the solar plexus, to the heart and then the secret chamber of the heart.

  Thus you understand that the journey to the heart from the seat of the soul is the passageway through the turbulent anchoring point of the astral body in the solar plexus--all of the records of violent or disturbed emotions, burdens, karma and so forth.  Thus it is no small wonder that souls do not venture forth, for those who have tried have been met with the most severe setbacks.  These are seen on the road of life.  Some interpret these adversities as karma. They are not all karma.  You may see calamity come to individuals solely because they have loved Christ so much they desire once again to venture forth; and without the hand of the embodied Mother they can scarcely withstand that which does come upon them as the records of their own past….

  The blessed Kuan Yin has become known as the Savioress out of the East performing the selfsame and identical function as my own, yet each of us bringing to this Office of Mother our own past attainment and experience which is different by our very service on differing rays….

  Do not compare the path of the ascended masters and the Great White Brotherhood to any other path, East or West.  Let no man take thy crown in this hour.  Let no man rend the veil of holiness and  oneness of thy life with the living Christ.  Understand, beloved hearts, that this is the new dispensation of Aquarius.  It does not require centuries, as in the past, to come into this union.  Nor should the process be taken lightly. Nor should you so easily forgive yourself your discords--as if it were nothing….

  The commeasurement and understanding of that which is violated when you lose your God-control and that which you lose, in fact, is necessary.  Thus not remorse or condemnation or self-pity, but a more enlightened and alert striving--not rote but a deep entering in and the willingness to go to those weak places of consciousness as though you were a workman repairing a bridge crossing the abyss in the Himalayas and your master had told you:  “The Buddha is coming!  He must cross over this bridge.  You must secure it that it break not with his coming.  There are weak places in the bridge.  You must find them.  You must test the bridge.  You must mend each and every one so that when the Buddha crosses over he will have safe and enjoyable passage.”

  Thus the responsibility is upon you.  But the Buddha is your soul.  With all of your ingenuity you prepare the way of the soul’s passage and you realize, blessed hearts, that if you leave a weak spot in the bridge, a weak link in the chain when the soul must pass the most severe testing and temptation and trial it will not have the strength to endure, and that particular place in the bridge will break--and therefore the soul will fall into the abyss.

  This is why no more light or attainment or initiation may be given you until you mend the bridge for the crossing.  For we dare not give you the light which would assure you advanced initiations, which initiations you would then not pass.  Thus the holdup, you see, comes to the point of your ingenuity, your wisdom and your carefulness in remembering this which I am teaching you.   

    -Archeia Mary: 12-24-1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 27:2    ………………………………………………………….........................................….

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