Tuesday, June 1, 2021

an excuse for not allowing the flowering of the blue rose

  To the mankind of Earth I bring greetings of the Great White Brotherhood and the blessed all-enfolding consciousness of the all-seeing Eye of God, which I represent in my special services to the Great Karmic Board!  Mankind functioning as they do in relative limitation, the grossness of which like a veil has isolated and separated the wonderfully made parts of creation into rival rather than harmonizing forces, has presently prevented the blessed people of Earth from having the full enjoyment of those wonderful daily opportunities which exist so abundantly all around them!  That supreme forces for their freedom are now operative, that the Mind of God and all-seeing Eye (consciously enfolding all-knowing presence of divinity) have from the beginning established and decreed their eternal victory and freedom in the light seems poor consolation to these temporarily bereaved ones, whose painful separation from their divinity with its unlimited power seems so real while those same great powers seem so distant and unreal!  Constantly in our longing we have directed mighty healing currents down into the chalice of the human heart!  Beams of intelligent light rays 

have swept the soul of man, probed the depths of human despairs and rendered untold blessings upon millions through the years of civilization’s chronological existence.    -Elohim Cyclopea:  Pearls of Wisdom 4:25    …………………………………………………………................................

  When your hearts are upon the ascended masters you sense that you are a chalice of divinity and so the path seems easy.  When you connect with the vibratory action of the muddied stream of human thought it is ever so much different.  (I come) to remove every vestige and trace of fear from your consciousness and to flood you and flood you and flood you with the fullness of the divine image.  (And it shall be held) securely locked within that miniature replica of myself, the Great Silent Watcher of your own being.

  Beloved ones, have you ever thought and realized that you have a Great Silent Watcher of your own being?...Whenever you feel that you are walking alone and you feel that no one beholds (and I happen to know that human consciousness is often like that–it chooses to feel that there is an absence from its own great God Self), then know that I am watching.  I am by the grace of God the one who is established to observe and to hold an immaculate image for every man, every woman and every child–yea, and for the Earth itself and for all the substance thereon, for the trees, for the elemental life, for the mineral kingdom, and even for society.  There is no competition in God....There is simply an invocation of His precious image, and each one can externalize a different facet of this image.   -Elohim Cyclopea:  4-19-1962, in Elohim and Their Retreats 


   From the heart of the Sun I AM come into your midst this day with a specific purpose at hand.  I come to break the tyranny of human consciousness of self-love and dual vision.  I come to quicken the all-seeing Eye of God in the foreheads of all mankind that they might return to the Edenic Consciousness that comes forth from the Tree of Life....

  What is selfishness, beloved hearts?  It is attachment to the person, to the ego, to its history, to its likes and dislikes.  And therefore the answer lies in nonattachment, in desirelessness.  Take your cloaks, your conscious­ness of the human, your two-eyed vision–take it from you this hour; put it aside.  That is how you put aside selfishness.  Do not act out of sympathy for your wants and the desires of the little self.  Act out of compassion for the soul that yearns to breathe free; act out of compassion for the God within you.  Set the God free; set the Christ free within you; release into the fire now all momentums of personal attachment.  Be neither attached to your own human self or to the human selves of others; and you will know a freedom, a dominion and a power that can come to you in no other way....

  I carry a flaming sword of emerald ray like unto the sword that was placed eastward in Eden to keep the way of the Tree of Life.  This is the sword that you may also invoke; and my legions shall place it before the third eye to protect the coming and the going of the thoughts of God’s consciousness as they spiral into your mind, are adorned by your love and sent back to Him.   -Elohim Cyclopea:  1-1-1972 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 15:27


  The transfer of a man’s vision to its externalization, the transfer of a thought to its realization can be accomplished by a most direct route.  But if the individual would be the director of his own life pattern, the motive behind each vision and each thought must be carefully analyzed and approved by him before he attempts to carry it through.

  To be given the control of one’s life, to have the opportunity to take dominion over one’s world, is a most generous gift.  But it is in its correct use that the gift becomes invaluable.   -Elohim Cyclopea:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:2


  I AM the focalpoint of the all-seeing Eye of God and I serve on the Karmic Board.  And through my consciousness there is released the perception of the Infinite unto the finite consciousness.  I come forth this day to release to mankind the energies of perspective for the drawing into alignment of those energies that have been locked in sockets of selfishness, of blindness and of rebellion.  I call home the energies of God; and by the magnet of the all-seeing Eye, I call forth those energies which mankind have taken unto themselves and then locked in their self-seeking, in matrices that are distinctly antichrist.

  I challenge the forcefields of mankind’s infamy!  In the name of the risen Christ I shatter those matrices!  And I say:  woe to you who have refused to shatter the momentum of human pride and human rebellion!  For you have been given the opportunity to come into conformity with the Law of your being.  And therefore, those who have had a cycle of opportunity to realize the fullness of the Godhead now come under the judgment of the all-seeing Eye.  For that which man does not surrender himself, the Lord God must then take from him.  And in the taking that human consciousness must suffer, whereas by freely giving it could become one with the mind of God.

  There is resistance in this hour across the planetary body to the energies of the Great Central Sun Magnet and of the all-seeing Eye, for men love darkness because their deeds are evil.  And therefore all forces which thrive upon mankind’s misqualified energy are pitted against this release of light from the Lords of Karma.  Yet it shall go forth!  And none shall stay the hand of justice and of judgment.  The winds of the Holy Spirit are for the clearing of the mind, for crystallization of the Christ mind; and thus the cosmic tide is oncoming.

  Mankind have feared the descent of their own karma.  Let them now fear the descent of light!  Let them understand that unless they are prepared to receive the light, the light will create fissures in the pole of being.  The Lords of Karma have released to Keepers of the Flame, through the hand of the Great Divine Director, the warning that all is not well with Terra, that Keepers of the Flame and lightbearers must give freely, lovingly of their energies in service and must meet, erg for erg, that which is necessary to stay the hand of cataclysm at all levels of human experience.  

-Elohim Cyclopea:  2-16-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 19:38


  Hearken unto US!  I AM THAT I AM  We are the Elohim of the Watch.  And we are the point of origination of the Great Silent Watchers who went forth in the beginning to establish the coordinates of creation as those causal bodies of our witness would reflect this immaculate vision of the Lord God Almighty for all that He hath made.

  Therefore the Office of the Great Silent Watchers prevails.  And it is the silence of the inner Holy of Holies whereby the outer manifestation is sustained.  Therefore know, O children of the sun, sons and daughters of the God-Star Sirius, know that the fallen ones who separated out of the company of the Lord’s hosts did go forth to nullify those centers of light.  And therefore they are called “the Watchers,” for their original assignment was to keep the flame of the immaculate concept for all life.

  Therefore know that they have set up in the matter sphere their stations (so realistically unveiled before you)--in the very centers of Soviet espionage activities, in their centers throughout the world, in their embassies and wherever they have deemed it essential to their total worldwide awareness of the activities of the bearers of light!

  Recognize that these forcefields exist on the physical plane, even beyond the spectrum of the five senses and yet still in the physical plane.  They exist on the astral plane and in the mental belt.  They exist on various planets, moons, asteroids in this solar system and beyond.  They are centers of computers that are linked with  spaceships and spacecraft and that are linked with their tools in embodiment, who themselves know not that, in their gathering of information, they are connected to an entirely different level of information-gathering apparatus.  And therefore the law prevails that those at each level in the service of the hierarchy of the fallen ones, in reality, know not whom they serve.  And therefore they may believe in the current philosophy, the political ideal, the ideal of the taking-over of the world “that all men might live forever in peace”; and yet they are serving a gigantic death machine whose technology is far beyond the principles of current science and even those of Nikola Tesla. 

  Understand then that we unveil these conditions to give you a glimpse of that which is occurring, because your momentum has increased to that level of efficiency where such exposures as we bring forth ought not to incite fear or anxiety, but merely a new determination:  “I will stand upon my watch!”  Realize that the beholding of the Mighty I AM Presence is the greatest scientific achievement of all time that goes beyond all other discoveries that have ever been made, that will ever be made or that are now even functioning in the highest technology of space travel!…

  Therefore the years of descent into the astral plane (as you understand this according to her teachings on the karmic clock) were spent in the registering in these chakras and vehicles of dominion over the Nephilim gods in that level, so that in the hour of the victory when the totality and sum of light of the hundred percent could be delivered you, beloved, could tie into that garment, that mantle and that point of attainment and realize it yourself--and you might become yourselves emissaries of the Great Silent Watchers (for your own Christ Self is the representative of the Great Silent Watcher where you are) and you might have the overcoming victory in that astral plane.   -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:  1-3-1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 25:13


  Learn of the entering in to the Temple of the Blue Lotus.  Learn then of assimilation of that cobalt blue in all chakras.  Learn the stillness of the eye of the hurricane and Eye of God.  Learn the majesty of peace that establishes the light of the heart….

  Now I would have you understand the unfolding of the petals of the blue rose of Sirius, petal by petal until a thousand petals unfold.  A life’s work, beloved, is noted by the number of petals on the blue rose.  Some beings have an infinite blue rose, and the rose of Surya does span a cosmos….Fear has always been a useless item but it is a commodity that men keep.  It is a defense, beloved, and it is an excuse for [not allowing] the flowering of the blue rose of divine love.   -Lord Himalaya:  12-31-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:5  



O Bonnie Blue* dear Silent pow’r supreme 

Watcher of millions O’er this vast domain.  

Majestic mountains Plains and wooded dells 

Their story of this land To thee they tell.  

We love thee for thy Tender, watchful care 

And for thy tossed and Flaxen, windblown hair. 

Master of love and Wisdom’s holy pow’r 

Guard well our Canada Each passing hour.  

Blue as the skies and Clear as golden light 

Thine eyes so dear have Pierced through winter’s night.  Springtime and roses Bring thee closer home To hearts in Canada Where’er they roam. 

*Bonnie Blue is the Silent Watcher for Canada.  She is a magnificent being with beautiful blue eyes and hair like flowing gold.  Copyright © 1963 Summit Publications, Inc.  All rights reserved. Melody: hymn “Abide with me” (hymn tune “Eventide” by William H. Monk)  https://www.myascendedmasters.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Summit-Lighthouse-Songbook.pdf


673-  Kuan Yin mantra

13. Wisdom, Memory and Study Jeweled Sutra Hand NA-MO PAO CHING SHOU KUAN YIN NAH-MO BOW* JING SHOH GWAN EEN 

Hail! (Homage to the sacred name of) Kuan Yin of the Jeweled Sutra Hand “For much learning and extensive study, use the Jeweled Sutra Hand.”  For strong wisdom, memory; extensive learning. 


Hail! (Homage to the sacred name of) Kuan Yin of the Jeweled Arrow Hand “For quickly meeting up with good friends, use the Jeweled Arrow Hand.”  To meet good friends; to accomplish all affairs; to take delight in praising the Name; for joyful praise. 

15. Healing of Eyes Sun Essence Mani Hand 

NA-MO JIH CHING MO NI NAH-MO RE(R) † JING MWAW NEE SHOU KUAN YIN SHOH GWAN EEN Hail! (Homage to the sacred name of) Kuan Yin of the Sun Essence Mani Hand “For darkness and lack of light in the eyes, use the Sun Essence Mani Hand.”  To heal the eyes; to gain comfort and thus emit light. 

16. Kindness and Respect Joined Palms Hand 

NA-MO HO CHANG SHOU KUAN YIN NAH-MO HUH‡ JAHNG SHOH GWAN EEN Hail! (Homage to the sacred name of) Kuan Yin of the Joined Palms Hand  “For causing all living beings to be always respectful and loving towards one another, use the Joined Palms Hand.”  To cause people to be kind and respectful toward each other; to be resolute, supreme, and thus victorious; therefore all becomes auspicious.  *Pronounce ow like the ow in how. † (R) indicates the pronunciation of a light r.  ‡HUH rhymes with the de in coup de grace. Note:  These mantras and the quoted sentences stating their purposes are taken from The Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra.  The explanations following the quoted sentences are from the commentary on the sutra by Hsüan Hua (see The Dharani Sutra [San Francisco: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1976]).


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