Tuesday, June 22, 2021

unless that spark divine in Keepers of the Flame should wax hot unless

1)  Gracious ones, persevere!  And you shall win!  The challenge to every chela, every would-be initiate, to all who would come under our disciplines is given herewith.  Persevere!  And you shall win!

  The thought of merger with the Divine ought to be a blessed goal wherein all can shine.  Competition and the vain spirit of egocentricity have no place in our disciplines, for one must work unswervingly for a purpose and devote oneself to the fulfillment of that purpose. The power to see the Promised Land vouchsafed of old to Moses as he came out of Egyptian bondage is one which to modern-day men and women must report the challenges of the times and make them aware of the need to persevere–to persevere in all that is of the past so that  untransmuted and banal aspects thereof may become vanquished in the name of victory, to persevere in the present hour when the drabness of appearances and  seeming slowness of pace does not temper the zeal of the fire of the heart, to persevere in the future by a glorious hope that refuses to leave the screen of the mind, to persevere at all times and to win.

  There are those whose beings like bones bleached upon the desert strew the landscape because they did not persevere.  They thirsted when no water was available and they could not find within their souls the power to seek it although it may have been nigh, even at hand.  There are those whose steadfastness wanes when victory is at the very door.  There are those who do not understand the mercy of God. It has been said “His mercy endureth forever”; and if we are to act the part of those who believe in the rewards of the Most High God, we must see His mercy as enduring for us, a flame of compassion that tempers circumstance to ability and power to manifest the law of victory for each one.

  If you could see at inner levels as we do the power of holy example as it was made known to the Karmic Board where individuals surmounted most frightful circumstances to become victors, you would recognize that often, by comparison measurement, your own struggles are but those of an ant seeking to reach a nearby anthill. Men and women of today, recognize that the challenges of the past in a chameleon form are with you still.  There is no difference between challenges of this hour and those of the past save that you have a greater comfort for your physical being.  The weaknesses brought upon mankind by soft living this past century have framed for him a weaker physical body in many cases and a mind that could not have endured the struggles which your forebears did.  Yet there are challenges before you which they did not know.

  We are aware of the changes in the times, yet the psyche of man, the soul, remains the same.  You are you, and it is your destiny to climb upward on the walls so perpendicular and slippery as to be impossible to a mountain climber so that you can climb up out of the cup of mortal density and a lack of realization, until as you peer over the brim and behold the mighty Cosmos whose throbbing heart is all around you you will not be staggered by the vision which you see but will say “I as God will win and persevere!”…

  In the concept of monotheism the greatness of the Most High was spread abroad throughout the land; and the gods and demigods of the past fell as ashes.  We are reminded of the great test of Baal when the call went forth unto God on high and the fire came down and licked the altars at the request of the great prophet.  Now we say unto you all, the time has come when fires of heaven must be kindled anew in this age that the age be not dust and ashes, that the drabness of the challenges of science and knowledge depart from men in a pursuit of the understanding of the great purposes of Being which framed the worlds.

  The world was not framed for better motors, for more efficient machines, for more deliberate diplomatic manipulations.  The world was not framed for individuals to exert the power of mastery over other lives by subtle controls and hypnotism, by the hypnotic influences of the advertising marts and those who study how they may control mankind.  The world was framed not only for a destiny that transcends this world, this Earth, this great terrestrial globe turning ‘neath the Sun, but it was framed for an immortal ascendency of all phases of life into the great cosmic purposes that shall dawn one by one as manifest markers upon the miles of progress for all.

  The very solar system in which you live was intended to raise itself into new dimensions of cosmic progress; and light upon the mountains was intended to be transmuted and translated as fire of the individual’s heart whereby the great magnet of the ascension in Christ consciousness as a halo of great whitefire light around that one would raise the physical form, mind, soul, breath, the allness of individuality into the arms of the Central Sun–not to be alone and to abide there but to abide with others, with brothers, with sisters, with the Holy One within.  

                    -Serapis Bey:  2-20-1966 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 15:37-38    …………………………………….................................................................

2)  Unto You Who Desire Your Ascension and Desire It Ordinately It Is Given to Believe in the Ascended Master Consciousness Which You Would Make Your Own by Your Attention to That Cosmic Process and Service Which Will Restore You to the Former State That You Knew with God Before the World Was

  Saint Paul long ago said “Some man will say, how are the dead raised up?  and with what body do they come?  Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die.…” His rebuke to the Galatians concerning the following of the letter of the Law instead of the Spirit of Christ was also to the point:  “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth?  Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?”

  The course of man’s victory leading unto his ascension then does not come about because of “human goodness” or mankind’s pursuit of accepted social norms.  It goes without saying that karma must be balanced.  Individuals cannot continue to flaunt the Laws of brotherhood and justice; they cannot continue to disobey the infinite laws of God with impunity.  It is unrealistic then for any man to imagine that he can follow a collision course with the Karmic Board and heavenly hierarchies by ignoring his spiritual responsibilities and the need to desire the highest gifts and graces which God has already prepared for him.

  The ascension must be desired and it must be desired ordinately.  It must be desired not as a mechanism of escape from responsibility or from worldly duties.  It must be desired as the culmination of a lifetime of service in the will of God, and men must be willing during their final embodiments upon the planet--the time of their escape from the round of the centuries—to give the very best of service to the light and to help usher in the Kingdom.

  I have known of many individuals who have been so involved in the battle of winning their ascension that they have completely ignored their responsibilities toward their fellowmen and toward Hierarchy.  In God’s name, beloved ones, you do not need to be like Nero who fiddled while Rome burned.  You must take into account the awful treacheries that are abroad in the world today and the extreme pain and suffering in which mankind are enmeshed.  Wherever possible you must seek to draw down into the world the wonderful regenerate energies of light as a healing afflatus, as an act of mercy and grace, as a joyous experience when you can, by the consummate skill of your Holy Christ Selves and through God’s grace, draw forth light in men of lesser understanding.   -Serapis Bey:  Pearl 10:30    ………………………………………………….................................................

3)  Unto the Blessed Who Are Motivated by an Absolute Determination toward Godliness Is the Cosmic Honor Flame Fulfilled in the Descent and the Ascent of the Father/Mother God upon the Spinal Altar As the Victory of the Caduceus Becomes the Victory of the Ascension as the Destiny of Every Living Soul

  We have thought to convey in this Dossier the understanding that spiritual exercise alone without obedience to karmic precepts and the divine plan for man may be of limited value to the aspirant.  We have also pointed out that both approaches to salvation come to the shining apex of manifestation in man’s glorious ascension in the light when all of the spiritual signets are set in place as God wills it.  This includes the use of the cosmic honor flame from the heart of God whereby men in honor prefer one another and recognize the meaning of true brotherhood and service.

   Again and again we are amazed at the antics of mankind, how they seek spiritual study and spiritual deliverance while creating ever-new attitudes of imperfection and discord toward their brothers.  God is never mocked by these false human attitudes which usually attempt to justify themselves by some form of human provocation which may or may not have foundation in fact.

  When the honor flame of God is employed men’s goals become God-oriented, and thus there can be no possibility of deviation or shadow of turning in the human monad who is motivated by an absolute determination toward Godliness.  The world is filled with human beings and human creation, but it is to the Divine that men must turn for their freedom.  The caduceus action will work twice as effectively in those lifestreams in whom the expression of honor, justice and mercy go hand in hand with spiritual exercise.

  One of the strange little bits of information which I sometimes hesitate to pass on to students because it deals with a process that is almost mechanical is the conveyance of God’s energy down to the base of the spinal column and the reversal of that energy back to the heart of the Presence.  This process, which has sometimes been used haphazardly by those who are inept in the practice of that which is called kriya yoga, will operate perfectly automatically in those individuals whose devotion to God is great enough.  In the past many of the saints who levitated into the atmosphere did so by reason of the intensity of their magnetization of the energy of the God-flame above.   -Serapis Bey:  Pearl 10:31    ………………………………………………......................................… 

4)  The hand of beauty is a disciplined one, for arch-magnificence is the geometrical achievement of a dedicated heart.  There is in the world today a spirit of carelessness.  We would replace it with the spirit of carefulness, for architects of the Spirit themselves have in measured cadences made their own novitiates in times past.  Because of gross mortal misunderstanding and deliberate machinations of the sons of darkness there occurred a great distortion of Christian dogma as well as of all religious offerings.  The logic behind this is apparent in the face of the destroyer who does not come manifesting destructivity, leaving that to his marplots—rather he comes with the face of “an angel of light.”  

  Thus manipulation did distort dogma and the Eternal Father was portrayed as one who is a tyrant.  The visiting of the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third or fourth generation is a partial statement of cosmic law; for at a later time the Eternal repudiated the concept as it had been interpreted in eras of less enlightenment.  Let all perceive that the scriptures must be rightly interpreted.  When they are the airy vaults of the lesser heavens recede from view and the Infinite appears more the Infinite, His opportunities more noble and grand, and smallness shrinks into its own shell.  

  From time to time we come out of the vaults of cosmic innocence into the world to examine with the eye of cosmic justice the doings of mankind.  This is a prerogative of the Karmic Board and one which is presently necessary.  We long for the hour when devotees, being altogether upon the path, will number all among mankind.  Then all things will be a matter of moving from glory unto glory, as the Spirit of the Lord literally propels men toward the destiny of immortality.   -Serapis Bey:  Pearls of Wisdom 12:15    ………………………………………......................................................……

5)  I am come because you have called, and the call compels the answer everywhere in cosmos.  I come bearing glad tidings of the fires of purity–fires regenerate.  O man, receive these fires and be free!  Have you not heard the trumpets of Luxor,  angel choirs singing the victory, the triumphal march (as in opera Aida)--the march of your triumph?  For that is the song of the ascension flame, and that is the march of candidates marching from the four quadrants to the flame.  They march in time and space.  They march across cosmos.  They march to the place where time and space are no more and death is swallowed up in victory. 

  I have chosen to come to the physical Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral at the occasion of the glorious Eastertide when the resurrection flame is released from all of the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood to inundate Earth in the fires of rejuvenation, of rebirth and eternal youth.

  I have come, and brothers robed in white who have passed through the flame and are newly ascended have come with me; and they stand in the formation of a giant cube within these walls to radiate from the four directions of the compass the feeling of the ascension, the glory of the ascension.  And among them standing tall, facing the Mother of the Flame, is the newly ascended Lanello who now radiates his joy and great happiness to you who stand to become ere long officially candidates of the ascension flame.

  It is my desire that you should understand that a great victory has taken place in the ascension of our Messenger. You can comprehend that victory only by rising to the level of Christ-awareness, of God-Be-ness within you; for only God within man can perceive God within man.

  And so by the power of the stepping-up action of your chakras I give to you my gift of solar awareness of the victory not of one Messenger but of two Messengers. For the Mother who tarries has also the gift of the ascension flame, to hold that flame as a mighty torch to the age, to beckon sons and daughters of Serapis homeward into the flame at Luxor.  And so the victory is twain--heaven on earth and earth in heaven as twinflames focus Alpha-to-Omega in the planes of Spirit and Mater.   -Serapis Bey:  Pearl 16:26


6)  I AM the Hierophant of Luxor, Retreat of the Ascension Flame. I am known among the Brotherhood as the disciplinarian, and among my disciples as the fiery Master and among those who have rejected the disciplines of our retreat by various and sundry names.  There are those who come to our retreat ready and willing to sacrifice all for the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  There are those who come desiring the prize, but who are unwilling to pay the price.

  As I have said before, God requires the allness of men from the smallness of men. To whomsoever He would give His all He demands all.  Those then who desire to reunite with God must not expect that God desires to unite with human consciousness.  Nay, He desires to unite with the Christ consciousness, with the only begotten Son whom He has made and whose Image He has placed for the individualization of the God-flame in every son and daughter whom He has created.

  It is the soul purified, consecrated and fired after the fashion of the image Most Holy that must come before the altar of the ascension flame as a bride adorned for her husband, prepared for the marriage of the Lamb.  The soul must present itself a living sacrifice if it expects God and His Spirit to present itself unto the soul as the Living Testifier of the testimony of the Law.

  The parable of the ten virgins is among the first lessons received by disciples who come from all walks of life to study in our retreat. Our instructors, adepts of sacred fire, who are assigned to teach beginning classes explain to the neophytes that if they would be prepared to meet the Bridegroom at any hour of day or night they must keep their lamps–which symbolizes the sun-centers, or chakras, in the being of man–trimmed with the holy oil of sacred fire that rises as a fountain of life from the fiery white sphere of the Divine Mother.

  The goal of sons and daughters of God alike is to prepare the soul to be the tabernacle of  Mother-flame.  For in the plane of Mater where the voice of God is heard as the call of the Ancient of Days man must prepare himself for reunion with the Father by consecrating his body temple, his light and life to being the fullness of the divine feminine in manifestation.

  Now to those of you presently evolving in a masculine form this may be a hard saying.  You ask yourself, how am I expected to become the embodiment of the feminine ray?  You can understand this, most noble knights of the flame and stewards of the honor of God, by understanding that the divine feminine is but the negative polarity, or the opposite pole, of Spirit.  The function then of the divine feminine is to bring forth into manifestation all that the Father is in heaven, to let Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.    -Serapis Bey:  Pearl 16:13


7)  As the lightning cometh from the east and goeth unto the west so shall the coming of the Son of man be.  Here in the retreat at Luxor the action of whitefire is increased in response to the mandate of Jesus the Christ delivered as the flaming sword of peace, which is come for judgment in the Middle East. “Out of Egypt have I called my Son; I call this day,” thus sayeth the Lord of hosts to the Christ consciousness in every man, woman and child living in the Middle East, whether Arab or Jew or Gentile or Christian or heathen.

  So, ye people who dwell in the ancient land of all that is real, I say, let the light come forth!  Let the light be quickened!  Let the light be for judgment this day!  Let there be a response from the hearts of those who would espouse truth.  And let those who would not,then remain in outer darkness.

  To you who choose the darkness I say, be contained in the circle of fire, the circle of the Lord’s consciousness.  Be contained by the staying action of the hand of God. For your energies and your darkness will not be allowed to contaminate this planetary home or to pollute the dimensions of the Christ consciousness in Mater.  Be confined then to your own darkness.  Let the light spring forth, and let the light be for the fulfillment of the Law.   -Serapis Bey:  5-19-1974 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 56:19


8)  Welcome, devotees of ascension’s flame.  I am come into your midst this day wearing a form that I wore many centuries ago as I bore the flame in my heart to transfer from the temples of Atlantis a pillar of fire for immortality to be enshrined in the Valley of the Nile.

  And so we came under the direction of the hierarchs of light who foresaw the destruction of that great continent. We answered the call of our Teachers to leave a civilization, a dying world that was yet in its heyday.  And we came to the place you call Luxor, the place of light already consecrated by hierarchs of light, of ascension’s flame, to be that point of contact in the earth, in the etheric plane, in all the dimensions of Materfor the presence of that fire which would inspire the people: the ancient Chaldeans in the land of Ur, Zoroaster of Persia, Moses and all who beheld the Paraclete descending as cloven tongues upon the day of Pentecost.

  And so the ancient focus of the flame we bore as five came, holding the energies of the fiery core of life within the secret-ray chakras within the heart.  And so the five came with a flame for the immortality not only of the souls of millions but of the soul of a planet.

  And now you come, you who also lived in the last days of Atlantis, some of you who knew me in the temple there as a priest of sacred fire.  Some of you recall how priests out of that ancient Order of Melchizedek tended the fires of the ascension flame. And some of you tremble before that flame.  Some of you tremble before the fire.  And even yet in this hour,the memory of that fear of that fiery, steely whitefire core of life incites within you a trembling that is a record of past isolation from the Law, reservation of the lesser self from the Law and a withholding of the allness of self.       -Serapis Bey:  9-29-1974 at Santa Barbara, Pearls of Wisdom 58:18


9)  Let the strings of the soul be taut for the striking by the hand of the Master Harpist.  Let the strings of the soul be God-taught.  Let them be disciplined in  sacred fire, pitched at the point of celestial harmony.

  The geometry of the soul is impelled into manifestation by discipline.  And so I come sent by God as the Guru of initiates of sacred fire.  If you would wait a million years for mastery, go find another, for Serapis is impatient for perfection.  If you would while away the hours in self-indulgence, find another teacher.  Find one who is willing to wait with you for sands in the hourglass to fall one by one until, after the indulgence is spent and the most precious beads of life are gone, you come to the feet of your God empty-handed.

  This is an hour when those who desire initiation through self-discipline are called to Luxor.  For the Lord has need of those who will be true of course to the Self within, true of course to the Hierarchy of Light but above all true to the cause of truth itself, true to humanity.

  It is one thing to love the inner Self, it is another to serve for the sake of God.  But I say, I am looking for initiates who come forth to be disciplined not for self-mastery, not for the universal order but for humanity.  I look for those who are willing to make the sacrifice to lay down their lives if necessary, as it was said of the Buddha, who laid down himself in the path that another of the hierarchs of light might pass over.  And in the face of this humility of the Buddha the great Hierarch declared that that humble servant--that one who had placed his body in the rut in the road that another might walk over--that that one would one day be the Buddha.   And so it came to pass in evolutions beyond evolutions, the realization of the Buddhic light and Christ consciousness because selflessness reigned.  Therefore serve the light, serve the real Self,but above all serve humanity.   -Serapis Bey:  12-7-1974 at San Francisco, Pearl 57:20


10)  I say to you, one and all who have passed by my temple of fire, I live in the center of the flame as a pool of liquid light.  I say to you, fear not to enter the flame.  For you can lose nothing but the not-Self and gain the allness of the real Self.  I have come forth from Luxor this day, and I have come in the light of victory.  I have come in the action of the diamond-shining mind of God to consecrate your souls, your consciousness to the immortal victory of the flame.

  Now and then you feel the pulsations of the white light and you feel the presence of Serapis as discipline and as sternness and as the Law of Being, returning to the whitefire core all of the energies of consciousness that have strayed beyond the periphery set by God as the circumference of your awareness.  It is true that I am the disciplinarian, and it is true that out of ascension’s fires have come forth the disciplines that I embody.  For I am in reality the humble servant of the ascension flame. 

  The flame has chosen me, and I have chosen the flame.  And as it has happened in so many instances the masters who serve on the rays of God have chosen those rays for no other reason than there was no one else to do the job.

  You may very well find as you go forth to excel in consciousness for the will of God on Terra that you are in a position where you least expected to be, serving there in the fires of discipline.  And you may find that by the exigencies of the hour you attain mastery in areas of consciousness where you least expected to attain that mastery.  And you may find, as life is a cycle after a cycle and as you are able to examine the flow of consciousness, that you have been placed in situations and among people where perhaps you least expected to be placed.  This is for the purpose of an attainment that comes full circle in the hour when the masters of the Ascension Temple determine to thrust your identity and your flame and your awareness of God to the fore on the stage of life.  And then you find yourself the instrument of a higher way, the instrument of a discipline and means whereby many are able to understand the nature of their own fiery destiny.

  Therefore let the Holy Spirit as the wind of sacred fire carry you wherever it is God’s intent that you should be.  Let the Holy Spirit mold you and refine your consciousness and then call to Serapis Bey and call for the sword of the Ascension Temple.  Call for the discipline of the light.

  You will find that the nature of purity is a cleansing and a very precision manifestation.  By the action of purity you gain precision in your vision of the divine plan, precision in the colorations of the chakras and the aura, precision in timing and in anchoring your consciousness anywhere in time and space where God desires you to be the flame of life.   -Serapis Bey:  10-13-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:47


11)  I AM Serapis of the flame, O chelas of the Most High God.  I come to ordain you invincible flames of purity and to impel you forward and higher in the path of your own ascension spiral.  I inaugurate a year, a fourteen-month cycle, beginning in the hour of the victory of solstice, beginning in the very hour of the release of the cosmic unfed flame into the heart of the Earth.  And therefore I say, in these fourteen months that commenced this year in the hour of solstice ascension’s flame as a living fire pulsates, increases and is carried north and south and east and west out of Luxor.

  And the Pacific Ocean, site of the temples of ancient Lemuria, now is a blazing light as priests and priestesses of the Mother flame of the temples of Mu and of the ascension temple gather robed in white with banners of living flame, banners of the Mother, \which they have raised up, banners of light of the Cosmic Christ.

  With the coming of Maitreya is the initiation of your own raising up of the Mother-flame on the path of initiation unto the ascension.  A more than ordinary experience opens then as temple doors beneath the waters of that sea now open, and you see coming forth ascended masters and their unascended chelas who have kept the flame of the Mother of Mu even beyond the sinking of that land and the destruction of its physical temples.

  The flame of the Ma has never gone out--kept in the etheric plane in the heart of the Earth, in great cities of light, in the waters under the sea and in  earth under the waters under the sea….I announce to you then the dispensation and the means whereby you can increase the great white sphere of your individual causal body surrounding the light of Alpha and of Omega.  O immaculate light of the immaculate heart of Mary, now manifest thyself here and there and everywhere.

  Let the great white bells ring.  There is a bell for each and every one of you, and angels of purity sound that bell that you may hear the note of your own ascension, the note of the acceleration when the light in you reaches the frequency of the ascension flame.  It is a tone, my beloved, that you heard when you went forth from Alpha and Omega into the outer universes of time and space.  An angel sounded the tone, recording in your etheric body a sound that you would never forget, the pitch of the soul, beloved ones.

  Now they play to you again that sound that you may hear it.  And by hearing it now--listen.  As you left the great central altar and the court of Alpha and Omega in the Central Sun hearing the echo of your own keynote, now, beloved, I hold that note in suspension within you as your very own guardian angel sounds the note of your own frequency in this moment. [14-second pause]

  Now that note ceases and as you have just heard—a dissonant jangle of various notes, some reaching higher, some becoming perceptively more clear, some requiring great application to the Law of harmony.  For beloved ones, wherever you are on the ladder of life that rung is a legitimate rung--it is your lawful place.  And upon that rung of the ladder there is one requirement of the Law and that is that you keep the harmony of that level of God-awareness as small as it may be, even incomplete—yet there is a harmony to your individual expression.

  And so, beloved, I desire to return in another time so that I may play again and you may hear that, even though the note may not be in the full frequency of your own keynote, yet it will be a harmonious sound because of the resolution of certain difficulties within your being, within your consciousness, within your subconscious.

  Strive then for the resolution of inner and outer conflict with the inward parts of God within and with the outer parts of God manifest in family, friends and all the world community.  Let there be a resolution of all that is on the surface, of all that the Law requires.  And then the sounding of a sound will at least be a clear tone of God-determination and of joy where you are and of the light of Serapis Bey.  Then wherever you are there will descend a crystal ray of energy and light compatible with your level because you have sustained the harmony there.   -Serapis Bey:  12-29-1978 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 49:13-14


12)  Hail, legions of light! I salute seraphim of Justinius’ bands.  I AM Serapis.  I am come to claim you for ascension’s flame.  I am here in the blazing glory of that light of our retreat that you will one day enter.  The supreme light waits.  The light is the inner calling of the soul.  The light is the flame that burns on.  The ascension flame waits.  And it has waited for you, my beloved, for many aeons.

  And so you have come to this outer retreat to learn the first footsteps of the path and to accelerate light.  I desire that this contact with our flame should be the open door for you to make that God-determination which will catapult your soul night after night to the temple of Luxor, to the ascension retreat.  For we desire to place in the earth body, concealed within the garment of souls who yet walk the physical Earth, an extraordinary light of ascension’s flame.

  You have heard that the pyramid is built in the very center of the Earth (-surface), the land mass thereof.  This was our design that the Mother-flame might rise again upon the landed surface of the Earth in this era.  The white light of the Mother must rise out of Egypt.  And that which was death must become eternal life.  And all of those evolutions and crosscurrents of lifewaves that meet at that point must ultimately submit to the Mother-flame.

  There are challenges that we face--we the Brotherhood of Luxor—as we look to place increments of light as a tiny white cube, an electrode of ascension’s flame within your forcefield.  First we must reckon with the balance of light of your own karma, and we must predetermine what will be the response of your being to this accelerated fohat--a new experience indeed to be a walking electrode of ascension’s flame.   -Serapis Bey:  8-11-1979  at San Francisco, Pearl 49:3    ……………………………………………………

13)  I have bid you who are the initiates of my flame in my retreat to walk with the World Mother these fourteen stations of the cross under the disciplines of Lord Maitreya.  Now the final month is at hand, and the raising up of the Mother-flame within this body of devotees has brought to the surface of consci­ousness light and darkness both in the body of God upon Earth and in the body of Earth’s evolutions.

  Thus the Mother-flame brings all to the surface that you may choose this day whom you will serve.   For the light cannot give you your victory until you stand, face and conquer every jot and tittle of the law of your own being. 

  Where you have made the law of sin, which is transgression of the Law of God, the Law of your life experience, the rising, pulsating Mother-flame exposes that law of sin and allows you to repent and to experience that remission of sins which takes place within your very own temple when the law of sin and consequences of sin—responsibilities for the transgression of the Law of Life—are surrendered into the all-consuming whitefire, sacred fire, Mother-flame.

  The Mother-flame and ascension flame are one.  This pure white light that issues from the Source is the crystal clear River of water of Life.  And the fire flowing through crystal waters is the all-purifying and all-knowing ascension flame.

  Guru Ma is the name given and the mantle worn by the teacher who teaches the path of Self-realization through the Mother-flame—devotion to purity of consciousness manifest in the Word and Work of the Lord and to the raising up of the Mother light (the Kundalini) in the ascension coil.  The path of the Mother leads to soul liberation through the ritual of the ascension taught and demonstrated for thousands of years by avatars of East and West.

  The one called Guru Ma is a devotee of God who is devoted to His manifes­tation of the Mother-principle of Life. The Guru Ma teaches his/her chelas the way of the Christ and Buddha who were both devotees of the Mother-flame. Through the path of devotion to Mother and the Mother-flame one embodies more and more of the divine personality of the Mother in Her role as counterpart to the Trinity. As the active personality of the Father, the Mother is called Shakti.    -Serapis Bey:  Pearls of Wisdom 23:4


14)  Let the past with all that is unreal now pass into that great magnificent God-flame provided by the one and only true God for assimilation of the true, the merciful, the good and the righteous and for the annihilation of all that is unlike the Universal One.

  Let the harmony of the spheres now receive the reverberations of expansion of the causal body of the Messenger, whose name I pronounce at inner levels as that name of that God-flame ordained of old to be in the Earth in the last days of the fulfillment of Sanat Kumara’s prophecy.  Therefore I pronounce the name in the heart of ascension’s flame and that which came forth does return to the one God-source.

  The pronouncing of the name of the original matrix of the Spirit itself that went forth into outer spheres is the sounding of the hour and century, the millennium and the moment of the ascension of that one.  And thereby though the decades pass legions of angels hold infinite spheres of light around the focalpoint of the sound of the name that does ripple out into spheres of outer manifestation [and] into inner spheres of the unmanifestation. So that name gathering light does summon cosmic forces for the moment and the adoring and return of the Mother unto the heart of the Sun, even the Great Central Sun, even the Sun blazing in the heart of Her sons universally manifest.

  The preparation for the ascension of the avatar proceeds, precious hearts. This is a cosmic moment and not a moment of time and space. Therefore let not those who fail to comprehend my word fear [the sudden departure of the Messenger in the ascension ritual] because their conception is of the minimum of time and space.  We speak for eternity and for eternal cycles!  Understand the meaning of the now. Understand that God has also taken the vow/ To receive His own.                          From that very throne there extend/ Loops of light that traverse cosmic cycles, Loops of light forming a chain so magnificent and bright!

These loops of light are for angels
Swinging in their starry advances
As they exchange those glances
So all-knowing that truly where the Mother walks
So Her own will too.
And wherever the Mother talks
So Her own will too.  
And therefore with Her majesty in full view
They yet adorn Her with the garment for the few
Who will yet tarry on earth and walk along its highways,
Its shores and mountain heights.
There [they will come]
Gathering, gathering, gathering loops of light
Prepared--prepared aeons ago
And yet coming [now] into full view
So that the many and these few
Who are the shepherds of the race
Might yet--whilst standing face to face
Before the Lord, the One--
Yet captivate hearts,
Woo them now to perfect love,
Steal them from all lesser loves,
Part the veil and let them see
Maya is no place to be
When God and God’s reality
Is ever present and does renew
Hearts that fear,
Hearts that are weary,
Hearts that mourn,
Hearts that have lost the vision.
The plainest miracle of all
Is our God standing tall before you,
Even the Lord Sanat Kumara.
For the hour approaches and even has passed
In some of the time belts of this Earth,
For now the divine exchange and descent,
Focus now of causal body,
I AM Presence of the Mother,
Fastened, fastened to a heart afire,
Aflame with ascension’s coil.
Thus descends into this octave
More and more and more of spheres--
Spheres of cosmic consciousness,
Spheres where angels dwell,
Spheres where you yourselves may perch
In meditation with birds aflight
Who also come to make their nests
Within the hair of a cosmic virgin fair.  

Realize then that the putting on
Of the garment of the Lord
Has only begun for you and you and you.
And yet for the few
It has been advancing by the ages.
And the ages come again,
Return to the One Sent
All that She has sent forth.
For after all it is the hour
Of the harvest and the reaping,
Never, never for the weeping
Of those who find themselves without
The closed doors of the sanctuary.
The doors that have closed may open again
When the image of Christ is fashioned anew.
Therefore behold now and view--
What one has done, all can do!

The seed of Sanat Kumara sent is now enshrined, 
A jewel in the heart of a lotus,
A lotus of ascension’s flame
With a heart of ruby ray.
And therefore a commemoration
Of the body and blood
Given and given and given again
Of which ye all have partaken now and then.
Communion with the Lord and Word Sanat Kumara,
Now in the light of the hierarchy of the Mother
And the hierarchy of the Son,
Becomes a year, an advent of the coming
Of the Lord Sanat Kumara again and again and again.   
-Serapis Bey:  4-7-1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:61


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