Tuesday, May 4, 2021

you cannot imagine what it is like to be a fiery salamander or a sylph and to be imprisoned inside of a forcefield of a hex

 1)  Why then do you allow the body of the Mother to be pilfered, to be given away piece by piece?  For this is what they are doing to America today.  First it was this and then it was that--gold being exported, light being exported, fine young men and women being exported to fight in the wars contrived by the Luciferian energies.  How long will the souls of light, who have been given this nation, tolerate the pilfering of America?   They come looking for contracts.  And among you, the dark ones that have been sown as the tares among the wheat are ready--at any call, at any hour, at any time--for the dollar sign, for the money to sell America, sell her to the forces of greed and darkness….O, the proliferation of poison in the food, what a plot, what an insane and contrived plot that mankind like sheep have accepted, and they have infected one another with their science, their great mentality and their hoary wisdom.  O, the masters of this world, how they proclaim how qualified they are with their degrees.   I say, they have not even approached the very first degree of humility before the altar, where Jesus the Christ himself knelt to receive the initiations of the hierarch of Luxor….

  And we have appointed over every nation upon this planetary body our own governors, our own rulers, those in embodiment within that nation who are worthy--by attainment alone, by attunement with the Christ consciousness--to rule, and to rule wisely and well.

  There is a circle of twelve and the thirteenth in the center of the circle, following the ancient pattern that was also followed by Christ and the apostles.   In every nation upon earth there is this group.  They may be shepherds, housewives.  They may be professional people.  They may be educators.  Sometimes you find that they are illiterate, but they carry the light of hierarchy, and they are appointed and anointed to serve their people.  They may never enter the capitol of their nation.  They may never wear the vestments of authority or be recognized by their fellowmen, but they have the investiture of Hierarchy.  

                      -Morya:  6-10-1973 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 52:18    ……………………………………………………………….......................

2)  When man begins to send forth imperfect ideas, imperfect concepts, these are like imperfect geometric forms--forms that do not follow the design of the triangle, circle, square, rectangle, cube or ovoid.  And thus when there are warps in mankind’s thinking, there will be warps in the geometrization of thought patterns that go forth in the mental belt.

  Thus when the energies of the air, which are directed by sylphs, coalesce around these imperfect geometric forms, there is no opportunity for perfection to manifest.  For the original design in the heart of man, who is indeed a co-creator with God, is an imperfect matrix….

  You need not indulge the appetite of the senses.  You need not partake of food for the taste of food, for thereby you are tricked into taking in those chemicals, those poisons and impurities that tear down the house of the Lord.   I say, watch and pray.  For never in the history of mankind has there been such a pollution of food and water that you imbibe.   -Hierarch of air element Thor:  9-2-1973 at Atlanta, Pearl 62:9


3)  Your water is poisoned with chemicals, your air is poisoned with chemicals; and your farmlands and your food are saturated with poisons of chemical fertilizers.  Your children’s minds are being indoctrinated in death spirals, and your own minds are being programmed to mediocrity slowly but surely. The encroachments upon your liberty are legion; and the legions of darkness have but one goal--to deprive you of your individuality before you are quickened in the search for spiritual oneness by the Son of God. The defenses of America are down morally, spiritually, economically, politically, and militarily.  You are not prepared, and preparedness is the supreme requirement of the hour.    

                                              -Lanello:  Pearl 16:20    ………………………………………………………......................

4)  For you see, there is an infiltration of your physical bodies even now which you are not aware of and which is far beyond even the chemical pollution that you are aware of.  And then there is the impure water and impure food.  There is a penetration of your physical bodies of disease, germs and viruses that have not yet even been discovered by medical science.  These are filtering through the astral plane and through the astral body, and they are also a part of germ warfare practiced by those in physical embodiment as well as by those on the astral plane.  And then there is the projection against the brain--the physical brain--in order to cause damage, to cause a lessening of resistance to darkness….   

  Therefore though you take in poisons and toxins and impurities of the world and though these be all around you as you walk through the mire of the dark cycle, remember that the power of light is greater than all of this!  

                          -Nada:  10-12-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:43     …………………………………………………………………….............  

5)   Where elemental life and the earth body itself have not been able to bear toxins, waste materials, chemical by-products and  nuclear by-products, so the bodies of mankind have had to bear that weight, and mankind as a whole and especially light­bearers, walk with the cross on the via dolorosa.   -Pelleur:  2-29-1976 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 19:19  


6)  People are afraid to move.  Even the very instinct of survival has been taken from them by chemicals and poisons and pesticides that are saturating this land as well as radioactive fallout that comes to the people of America and for which the people of the nations of Earth and their leaders will surely receive the judgment.

  I send forth the call then for we would release more light.  To release more light we must have souls of light who will keep the light, who will hold the light, who will love the light, who will not fear to be dispensers of light in the midst of the people.   

                       -Saint Patrick:  4-3-1977, Palm Sunday, at Pasadena, Pearl 56:2     ……………………………………………………………

7)   We come forth now then to release a certain action of sacred fire that will be for shattering forcefields of black magic and witchcraft which have been for manipulation of elemental life for aeons.  We send forth the ray of the Great Central Sun Magnet.  We send forth the light of God that never fails.  And by the fiat of Alpha and Omega, I say this day, let those forcefields be broken.

  Break them now!  Blaze forth the light!  Break the holds that the fallen ones of the black brotherhood of India have placed upon elemental life to make them go forth and do their bidding, as they have practiced sorcery and made of the elementals the sorcerers’ apprentices.

  We call forth the binding of witch-doctors, practitioners of voodoo in America and every nation upon Earth.  We call forth the light of Sanat Kumara.  And this day we demand the setting free of elemental life, and we are sending forth certain layers of elementals back to the Great Central Sun for repolarization. When they have been repolarized for a period of forty days within the heart of the Great Central Sun, they will return then to transfer that energy and to fight the battle for the freedom of other elementals who yet are remaining in bondage on earth….

  Beloved ones, you cannot imagine what it is like to be a fiery salamander or a sylph and to be imprisoned inside of a forcefield of a hex that forces you to go out and kill life and destroy children and to work against the flowers and natural order of things.  But this is what black magicians on Atlantis have done to the elementals. They have set in motion those certain edicts.  And until sons and daughters of God return to Earth to break those momentums, these elementals then are chained to do the bidding of fallen ones.

  Understand then that we also call forth this day, and it comes forth from the Lords of Karma, the judgment of those who have enslaved elemental life.  And this includes the enslavement of the body elementals of mankind whereby mankind have been forced to take into their bodies all manner of drugs and darkness and the very manipulations of their mental bodies, their physical bodies and their emotions by shock treatments and by injections of chemicals that are calculated to destroy not only the temple but the soul which is housed in the temple.   -Diana with Oromasis:  4-8-1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 53:16


8)   I would awaken you and quicken you from a momentum in which you have become accustomed to trying and then to failing and then to saying “Well, at least we tried.”  To this you have often heard El Morya reply “It is not enough to try.  You must will to win!  You must accomplish and that without stain of sin.”…

  And the Armageddon of Earth is always against the Mother-light.  For the light of Earth is the Mother.  The light of Earth is the light that the Woman places in the heart of her seed.   

                        -Jesus Christ:  12-25-1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 56:23     …………………………………………………………..............................

9)  And where souls have become weakened in their desire to be attached to the body and are easily fragmented and scattered by chemicals and drugs and poisons of the age and misuse of sound, there, beloved, vacancy of body temples does invite the habitation of evil spirits who take over the bodies sometimes vacated by children of light.  Some current authors have called these “walk-ins.”  Beware of them, beloved, for those who take over the temple of another have lost their own.  They have forfeited many times [over] a threefold flame. 

                         -Kuan Yin:  4-2-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:46    ………………………………………………………………….....................................

10)   And therefore revolutions for freedom do fail when they do not have at their root the spiritual reasons, the desire first and foremost of the First Amendment itself, the right of religious freedom.  For this cause did pilgrims come to America.  America is founded upon the desire of those who came [here] to worship their God as they saw fit and as the Spirit would give them utterance.   So, beloved, the very foundations of America, where religious freedom and the pursuit of religion is cherished, endure to the present.  Let it long endure!  And let bigotry and fanaticism and the control of the fallen ones in church as well as [in] state be banished, and let [these poisons] be banished by your calls.

  Thus, beloved, for the victory of the light to succeed in China there must be a turning of her people to blessed Kuan Yin, Kuan Shih Yin, who is indeed their sponsor, who is indeed the one who holds the Mother-flame [on behalf of this people].  And it is principally the Mother-flame that is missing [in China today].   And therefore let us call for them to be cut free to know and desire God and truly [to know and desire] that Divine Mother.  

                    -Divine Director:  5-21-1989 at NYC, Pearl 32:31    ………………………………………………………………..

11)  Now, my beloved, we counsel you not to engage in polemics with those who would establish by argument the mysteries of God and true divine doctrine.  Argument has never established the foundation of the teaching of God but only heart attuned to heart of Christ.  

                                 -Hilarion:  10-7-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:39     ………………………………………………………............................

12)  You will journey to places in the Earth where Earth is violated, elemental life is violated, the resources are violated and toxins and poisons are violating the bodies of all people but most especially those of lightbearers.  Let there be a cleansing in the Earth without major cataclysm!  This is our goal.  To this we call you!  

                           -Shiva:  6-30-1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:31     ………………………………………………………........................................

Protection of Mater decree

  In the name I AM THAT I AM ELOHIM,
Saint Germain, Portia, Guru Ma, Lanello,
Padma Sambhava, Kuan Yin and the Five Dhyani Buddhas;


  In the name I AM THAT I AM, Saint Germain and Portia, Omri-Tas, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Zarathustra and priesthood of Melchizedek, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, 144,000 priests and priestesses of  sacred fire from the heart of the Violet Planet, beloved Maha Chohan and mighty angels of ruby ray, Holy Justinius and the seraphim and cherubim of God, Mighty Victory and your legions of victory, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life--fire, air, water and earth:  [On behalf of the gnomes:]

  In the name of my mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, I call to the gnome assigned to me as my personal assistant to give me Virgo and Pelleur’s direction for what needs to be accomplished for the continuity of life on earth.

  Beloved Arcturus and Victoria, free the gnomes from the burden of man’s inhumanity to man and to elemental life!  Free the gnomes from the strident discord of mankind’s warring--warring amongst peoples and each individual’s own warring in the members.  Beloved Omri-Tas, send oceans of violet flame from the violet-flame sea in the center of the Earth to transmute all pollution burdening the earth body. Clear all toxic wastes, industrial effluvia, nuclear radiation and all that impedes the Spirit-matter interchange of divine energies.  I call for the enforcement of proper waste disposal in all industries, including auto manufacture, chemical processing and manufacturing, electrical utilities, electronics, forest products, health care products, metal finishing, fabrication and use, oil and petroleum, pharmaceuticals and printing.  In the abundant life of Virgo and Pelleur, I trust! (3x)

[On behalf of all elementals:]

  In the name of my mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self I call to the Great Divine Director to arrest the spirals of human infamy that have imprisoned elementals in lower forms.  Let elementals be cleared by the combined alchemy of the resurrection flame and violet flame.

  Beloved Shiva, come forth now and break all curses and all negative images that have ever been placed upon my personal body elemental and the body elementals of all mankind, preventing them from acting in our defense!  Shiva!  Shiva!  Shiva!

  I call for transmutation of all burdens upon elemental life due to human discord and selfishness that manifests at every level of being.

  Beloved Cyclopea, give to every elemental the divine image and divine vision of the golden age, the City Foursquare and Temple Beautiful so that every elemental can hold the matrix for perfect form on Earth.  Let Earth be sealed in the emerald matrix and healing thoughtform.  [On behalf of Earth and her evolutions:]

  Intensify the light (3x) and the violet flame for the mitigation of prophecy and for the counteracting all modern doomsday predictions. Transmute, dissolve and consume the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun and from the core of Earth, new and virulent disease viruses and microbes, genetic mutations, violence, crime waves, riots, arson and terrorist attacks, political instability, economic depression and war.

  Beloved Oromasis and Diana, Aries and Thor, Neptune and Luara, and Virgo and Pelleur:  protect planet Earth, elemental life and all lightbearers from the negative effects of close passes or bombardment by comets, asteroids, brown dwarf stars, meteors and showers of stones, the upwelling of magma, ocean warming, climate changes, extreme weather, freak winds, intense hurricanes, tornadoes and hailstorms, drought, increased frequency and intensity of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, magnetic pole deviations, fire, explosions, lightning, continuous rain-storms and hailstorms; super-tides, tsunamis, polar ice melting, suffocating dust and gases, prolonged overcast, crustal displacement, depletion of oxygen in the air and poisoned water.

  Reverse the tide (3x) and roll back the energy behind these conditions and any other predicted anomaly that could cause global cataclysm.  I AM standing with the lightbearers of the world in unity under God, free of manipulation of fallen ones.  Burn through all fear, doubt, doom, gloom and hopelessness about the future.

  I AM Saint Germain in action. I will not wait for “terrible calamities to fall.”  I raise my hand to that avalanche and I say: “You get back up that mountain!  You will not come down on my planet!”  (3x)  According to the will of God, let it be done!  In the purple fiery heart of Saint Germain I trust! (3x)

  And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free!  Beloved I AM!  Beloved I AM!  Beloved I AM!   -in Pearl 47:46


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