Saturday, December 19, 2020

We come for the healing of the breaches.

1)  101.  some people at times seem alive, yet from the viewpoint of a higher reality they are quite dead.  It might seem puzzling that those defined as dead by a higher reality continue to move about on Earth.  But why should such determinations be limited by only physical manifestations?  When our apparatuses indicate death this indication is more correct than earthly evidence.  We could mention several such "living corpses," each of whom is afflicted by some physical ailment.  But their physical condition is a secondary factor, the primary one being the condition of the subtle body which is ready to leave and may no longer be fully connected to the physical body.  Such automatons can no longer be independently creative and are easily led by others without realizing it.  They are strongly earthbound and dread the idea of death yet sense that they no longer belong fully to physical existence.  Usually they are so-called materialists and fear even a hint of the continuity of life in the subtle body!  They may even fear to think about their own deeds.  One should be able to recognize these living corpses and regard them as empty shells.  I know that they would be enraged if their names were mentioned, and we shall not do this, for you know whom I have in mind.    

                        -Morya:  Supermundane 1, 1938

2)  The fire that you bank in the hearth of the aum becomes the magnet of your own I AM Presence which will magnetize by ineffable love the souls of the living into the joy of givingness that is life in Christ Jesus.  The magnet of love, the magnet of wisdom and the magnet of power that is your heartflame is the essence of your initiation on the path....From out the heart of the great central sun of your own being you must send the lifeline, the cord of God’s energy, to save your soul....Between the light of the heart and the point of the soul’s manifestation in matter is the entire momentum of human creation, of cause-and-effect sequences that make up the karma of the personality of the soul.  The pathway back to the central sun of being is the path of initiation whereby the soul must travel over the cycles which it has created through correct and incorrect qualification of God’s energy–of God as energy.  Line by line, spiral by spiral the soul returns to the heart of the One by the Law of the One.     

                             -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:51    ...............................................................................................

3)  And thus make the call for transmutation of the karma that would magnetize and make you vulnerable to these planetary and interplanetary forces.  The gravitational pull of karma is the same as the gravitational pull of the worlds.  Those who are karma-free are neutralized from that pull when and only when they eliminate from their four lower bodies and mind the momentums that created the karma and the personal human habit patterns in the first place.    -Maitreya:  3-24-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 28:53


4)  And therefore the man who does come with the rod to measure Jerusalem  (Zech. 2:1-2; Rev. 11:1) has indeed come.  And that manifestation of God is the Universal Christ and the twelve mighty archangels who assemble because the ruby-ray judgment has gone forth….

  Now hear this, ye Jerusalem and daughter of Zion--hear this!  For the impostors and the fallen angels and the Nephilim gods, they also sent their own emissaries to join these twelve bands of angels to infiltrate even the tribes of Israel and Judah, and therefore to be dark seed among the seed of light--always con­fusing the issue, always entering in and intimidating and drawing the children of the light into the practices of evil solely for their condemnation, solely that they might hold them up and say “See what the seed of light do!  Therefore we justify our own evil by their error.”…Thus [by specious reasoning] they have sought to enter in--into the very tryst and heart of the Holy of Holies of the Cosmic Christ and the lightbearers of Sanat Kumara….

  But those who are the sympathizers with the same vibration of absolute evil, they also receive their judgment as sponsors and as electrodes for the force of darkness and of the Nephilim in their spacecraft….In the name of the living God, I say to you: when they and their ways are welcomed in the churches of the world and are participated in by those of the faithful, it is high time to take your stand and be worthy of the ridicule of the earth and the praise of the Almighty….

  Let the resurrection flame blaze upon the altar of your being.  And in silent, active protest therefore guard the flame as the 144,000 virgins of God who keep the holy light in the Holy City, who understand that the power of God is the raised ‘serpent’ light.  And the sealing of that light, beloved, is your key in victory, as you must personally and directly challenge in the earth this darkness.  We come for the healing of the breaches.  We come for the healing of the roads within the subconscious, of patterns where energy has descended in any form of discord or misuse of the sacred fire….Thus there is no fanaticism in the activity of the ascended masters and there is no hatred of anyone, there is no condemnation.  There is the centeredness in the very heart of the Goddess of Liberty….

  Remember this:  that the way of the Divine Mother is the fullness of Her fire within your members.  Remember this and intensify your call, beloved.  For you must be found spotless beneath your own Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, embodying that Word and striving in the path of known virtue, acceptance of hope and possibility for self-transformation….You may not accept a former state or level.  And if you fear and quake and tremble at my coming, I admonish you to hasten your own slaying of that substance and to call to me to replace it with love, for you may not remain in that earthquake consciousness, quaking and shaking.  For we will not have a nucleus of those who begin the earthquakes of the earth in our midst, who have some consciousness of fear of the LORD when we have presented nothing but love to you year after year after year….

  Representatives of the Goddess of Liberty, I counsel you.  The way of the preaching of the Word is the way of the heart--it is the love of the heart, it is the wisdom of the heart, and it is the power of the heart.

  If you are lacking in these, you must go after the freeing of your heart chakra and the freeing of your Holy Christ Self to manifest there.  You must pursue it!  You must raise your voice on high and be not fearful of injuring yourself in so doing.

  For you must truly go to battle with all of the calls that have been given you from the heart of Archangel Michael and the Messengers.  And these calls are adequate if you put behind them the fervor of your will.  And they are adequate to overthrow all of your human consciousness, all of your doubt and your worrisome ways….And if you desire to be then on the trek and on the trail with Maitreya, El Morya and Kuthumi you will have to keep pace.  And you will have to give the call that is intensified sufficiently for you to resolve all of your human problems and situations….I tell you, beloved ones of the living flame, it is truly the hour of the coming of the Cosmic Christ.  Therefore do not fall back and fail in that fear and say “I cannot.”  You are saying to God that you will not.  And we will not accept it, for you must be doers of the will of God.

  Therefore choose you this day whom you will serve!  For I, Maitreya, will not leave this company or campus or our Ranch, nor will I leave the homes of Keepers of the Flame until and unless they tell me to “Get thee hence.”…

  Experiment another round in your freewill and your human will--it is your prerogative.  But do not expect that you will be able to catch up to the momentum of our acceleration when and if you should ever desire to return.  Thus the fate of those who betray the Great White Brotherhood is well known, and case after case could be pre­sented to you in this hour.           

                    -Maitreya:  7-14-1985 at Camelot via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 28:41


5)   Let light dissolve this core of rebellion in every chela!  I, Maitreya, stand before you.  And I challenge you to enter the true heart of hearts of your being.  I demand that you see and know this dweller on the threshold standing in the door--because you allow it.  The doorway to higher consciousness has been opened by me and by your Holy Christ Self.  But the Tempter remains with arms folded, daring you to slay that dragon of the human will that continually overrides that which you know to be the truth of your homeward path.  And you allow it by continual rationalization.

  Therefore we cannot go forward with the Teachings that will empower you truly in the tradition of the Buddha unless you begin to take seriously what we say in dictation and message and lecture and understand that we are building before your very eyes the pyramid--the mighty pyramid of your life.   -Maitreya:  12-31-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 29:19


6)  For when all the world of thy karma turns about thee truly safety is in the very eye of the vortex of light which thou art becoming, which vortex is also a purging and an accelerating light.  Thus, beloved, when you determine to enter the path, at some point from your first contact with the teachings of the ascended masters to the day of your responsibility for that teaching there is the beginning of the spiral whereby you yourself begin to walk, year upon year, these fourteen stations.  This is why the earlier teachings of the Messenger on this path must be put together and set forth.   -Maitreya:  1-1-1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:22


7)  the soul must review, the soul must review, the soul must review and know, no longer [to remain] in ignorance, what is [that which is] the original cause of all suffering that has ensued by your departure from that interlocking relationship of the figure-eight flow between the true Guru and the true chela, not the false guru and not the false chela but the divine reality of Alpha and Omega [that can be known] in these material spheres [through the Guru-chela relationship].    

-threefold flame of life
               -Maitreya:  7-4-1989 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 32:37


8)  You must engage in problem solving.  If the problem is in the eye of the beholder of this Church and this Community, then correct the image in the eye of the beholder and show the image of reality and truth and what is real and what is not real.  Each one of you wherever you are can become a representative of the mission of the bodhisattvas in all octaves.  You must protect the Pure Land that is in this physical octave.  Treasure it!  Care for it!  Hallow it as you already have and keep it holy.

  For, beloved, how long will there be such places as this Royal Teton Ranch available to those who would form a community under the sponsorship of the Great White Brotherhood, places that are in a pristine state and that can be used by the hierarchy of light to increase the vibrations of light in the earth that earth might know a balance and, in having that balance through the light of mantra descending, so know that healing will come about?   

           -Maitreya:  7-3-1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 37:14


9)  There is no commodity such as pure power, beloved!  Power that is true, that is of God is always qualified by the will of God, by the mind of God, by the love of God and by the Law of the Divine Mother as above, so below….

  Therefore you--building in new beginnings in your individual world, beginning with this cycle of the anniversary of the thirty-three (years)--must build those foundations whereby you can receive that holy light.  And it is not out of the question that you can also have that attainment.   

            -Archangel Michael:  8-11-1991 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 34:47


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