Saturday, December 26, 2020

the people themselves cannot find their way out of the mess that has been made for them

 1)  Precious ones of the light, you must understand that when a being such as I AM chooses to [speak] upon subjects which might seem somewhat foreign to a religious activity, I assure you that I am doing so only for the preservation of the eternal values which will keep the fires of freedom burning in America and will cause the children of God here in America to be able to retain and keep their precious freedom.  America is the land of freedom! ...And if America goes down, I ask you, who shall hold the torch? ...I assure you that decrees are necessary, and now!   

     -Elohim Heros:  7-2-1966 via Messenger Mark Prophet


2)  For you must understand that he who holds the reins of darkness, the Liar and the father of lies, controls those who are known as the Illuminati, the secret government and those who are in power by reason of their moneyed interests and their control of the Federal Reserve bank and the international economy.  All of these forces, all of these financiers collaborate to see to it that only a son of darkness can hold that office.  And when a son of light appears he is assassinated swiftly, quietly, while the dark ones enjoy the misery and confusion and havoc that they wreak upon society….

  You see, precious hearts, Lucifer and the Luciferians have caused the destruction of a number of worlds in this galaxy. And now they are concentrating the full momentum of their energies upon this earth to destroy the youth, to destroy hope.  They shall not prevail!  They shall not pass!  This is the edict of God.  Let it become the edict of man and you will see the fusion of light as above, so below.    

                         -Morya:  3-24-1974 at Detroit, Pearl 61:12


 3)  Precious hearts, nothing is so precarious in this hour as the economy of this nation, which spells the destiny of the economy of all nations….The balance is delicate.  If you have ever worked with a balance scale, you will notice that a feather will tip the scales.  You will notice that a ripple of irritation or of condemnation will tip the scales and cause you to be out of harmony with the light and with the Christ.

  In the tipping of the scales there is a loss of light and energy and momentum, and then you find that for a mere triviality a battle is lost.  For a mere expression of the ego or a point of human stubbornness that will not give in, usually over a pea pod, so the entire line of cosmic beings must forfeit this energy, which is thereby assigned to the fallen ones, who are then given the very allotment of energy that should have passed in harmony from your hands to the people of light throughout the planetary body….

  Do you understand that when you break your harmony, when you allow division you prick the tube of light not only of yourself but of the entire organization?  And so it is the leak in the dike that can overcome the unity of life….Do you understand that it is in the unity of a nucleus of light that an entire age can be born?…   

  When we look outside of this circle of fire we see that the misunderstandings, compromise and self-will are too great.  And we know that in the hour of testing and in the hour of the launching of the dark forces in their final attack upon this nation, those who have not come into that circle will not be able to withstand in that hour.    -Saint Germain:  10-12-1974 at Los Angeles, Pearl 61:39


4)  And Holy Amethyst is with me to accent your aura with amethyst hue from the heart of the Mother.  So I AM come, and in the flame which I bear is the energy to solve every energy crisis contrived by the fallen ones and the manipulators.  And how they laugh behind closed doors.  How they reek with the power they have siphoned from mankind.  And how they are greedy for that power, and more power, as they continue to create tension and mounting tension and worry and concern among the nations and strife and division….

  Precious hearts, the opposition of Antichrist is deadly.  It is abroad in the land, as it was prophesied it should come.  And it is filtering through in the most subtle ways to corrupt the minds of children.  That Antichrist takes care to go around the adults so as not to disturb them in their sleep, in their self-hypnosis that all is well or all will turn out well because things always do.  Well, I am here to tell you that things do not always turn out well.  For I have been with this planet for thousands and thousands of years….

  So I commend you unto the Elohim to move, to live, to dwell within the body consciousness of the Elohim.  So then, mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. If you would have true peace then I say, set your mark on the perfect man within, the real man, the real Self.  Mark that man with the cross of the sacred fire.  Mark that place where God is incarnate in those who are around you, in the souls of millions.  So mark that—by the power of consciousness, by the power of love, by the power of wisdom’s law inscribed within you.  So know that the perfection of God is within all, is the reality.  Then claim that reality!  Then affirm it.  Then defend it. Then espouse it.  Then consecrate it.    -Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst:  12-30-1974 at Anaheim, Pearl 52:21


5)  Well, I tell you, the decree of the hosts of the Lord and of the sons and daughters of God on Terra is the effective Word….

  You think there has been compromise in America, you think that the souls of the American people have been sold, sold away to the fallen ones?  Well, it is true!  But I tell you, the great race of Chin, the people of light of China who are sponsored by Archangel Jophiel and Christine and Lord Lanto and Confucius,  they also have been betrayed, and the people of Russia, and the people of Africa….the American people yet have time to rise up and overthrow that system and reclaim the God-given authority that they have vested in the divine document, the United States Constitution, to coin their own money and to print their own (financial) certificates and their own (financial) bills.

  I say to you, it is never too late!  The energies of the Christ-light anchored within your heart constitute the authority, the governing authority for this nation.  All that it requires is enough fervor, enough understanding of the situation, enough faith in the ascended hosts and the armies of light for the children of God to band together and to let nothing--and I say nothing--stand between them and their daily invocations for assistance to Archangel Michael, to Astrea, to the 14 Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, to the Goddess of Liberty, to Jesus the Christ, to El Morya, to Lanello and K-17 and all the Hierarchies of Light who love America with a passion that rolls across the cosmic consciousness of God and echoes in the very throne of the Great Central Sun.

  And I answer those who say there is no way to turn them back.  I say, there is a way to turn them back!  It is the way of love, it is the same energy released for the confounding of Babel.  Understand then that those very instruments of war can be deactivated and their energies nullified by the call to Charity, by the call to Chamuel and to the Seven Holy Kumaras.  After all, that energy belongs to God.   When mankind have usurped that energy for destructive purposes have you not the right then to reclaim that energy in the name of Saint Germain, the God of Freedom for the Earth?      -Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  12-31-1976 at Pasadena, Pearl 20:20  


6)  With a few courses in Keynesian economics and Marxist socialism mere amateurs approach the subject of the nations’ money systems, a balanced budget, taxation and the financial burdens of a federal bureaucracy as though they were experts in the science of supply.  Inasmuch as the real laws of economics and the God-solutions to the international economy are not to be found in the most elite schools of the day nor in the minds of the experts (if they were, we should have no problems of such immense proportions), it behooves the children of the light to systematically study the disease of inflation and to invoke the God-solution and the God-science to this cancer of the economy before the very life-force of the free peoples of the Earth is devoured by its tentacles.    

                  -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 23:7


7)   Call to me and you will see that the LORD has truly decreed, “Thus far and no farther!  Either the lightbearers of Earth must rise up and be the chalice of this living flame and determine to deny the power of Evil, else the freewill of the laggard evolutions will have their day.”    

          -Archangel Uriel:  12-29-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 29:16


8)  Yes, beloved, from the top to the bottom this government of these United States is a betrayal of the flame of freedom and the hearts of freedom fighters and the very heart of God and the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

  Yes, I tell you, they have one and all failed their tests!  And if they were going to fail them, then be glad that they have failed them [at this juncture] that they may now be judged.  For the hour of their judgment is come and the hour of the rising of the lightbearers is come.     

(Roger Bacon by Gordon Ross, 1941)       -Saint Germain:  7-4-1991 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 34:38


9)  The greater the light to be delivered, the greater the opposition.  And when you deal with it in dynamic decree, then we do not have to offer [our precious energies] in defense of [our Messenger and] our dictations but we may [use them to] get dispensations for you in your path of chelaship and initiation.   

    -Godfre:  8-11-1991 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 34:53


10)   As we deliberate in the Darjeeling Council we must say that the people themselves cannot find their way out of the mess that has been made for them by the elite of the fallen angels--yes, the power elite and those who control the money systems of the planet.  Are these money systems in your hands, beloved?  Nay, they are not even in the hands of your own government!  For you well know that the Federal Reserve banks are privately controlled. 

  Come to a reckoning then, for there must be an answer that is apart from the tower of Babel they have built.  Yes, it is once again the time of Nimrod, yet this time it is the final judgment for [him and for the] many [who have followed him].  Now the people must go around the monolith of the mess [the fallen angels] have made.  The people must go around it and with their Christhood, with their embodiment of God, they must confound those who have created the problems in the earth[--and confound their systems].  The confounding is simple.  It is by the Spirit of the Lord within you.  It defies gravity and logic and the mathematics of this deficit.  For it is a deficit of unbalanced karma.  There are some who have never been willing to pay the price, as I have told you.  

                  -Morya:  10-4-1992 at NYC, Pearl 35:48


11)  [next we observe] the celebration of the coming of your own Christ child, the celebration of the Manchild in your heart and the memory of the inception of my life that set the pace for these two thousand years.  Think then in this hour of the child America, not yet fully matured, not yet come to the fullness of that age of responsibility and maturity wherein a nation does take a major role and each individual joyfully, respectfully does bear his own burden of karma.  Those who agree to pay the price and to understand that I will hold their hand yet not take from them what is their own work--they then pass into manhood, womanhood and ultimately unto adeptship and the full flowering of their Christhood.

  This is the goal, beloved, and none of you here this day began [the process] in this life.  All of you bear memories, conscious or unconscious, of previous lifetimes, the peaks of the sine wave when you were closest to God and yet descended again in the next life to the levels of your karma, so very deep and deeply mired in the astral plane….

  And until they are consumed by the violet flame, until you have the inner sight of the perception of the aura of the individual or the aura of a physical, geographical location, you may find yourself stepping in quicksand in the middle of New York City, in the middle of Los Angeles.  For there are cesspools everywhere of misuse of the light of God, human sacrifice and the violation of children.    

     -Jesus Christ:  11-25-1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 48:3


12)  We must deliver our message on the economy, beloved, for what with the manipulation of interest rates by the Federal Reserve System and war itself and rumors of war and absence of preparedness for same, things are certainly out of kilter.  Yet you are not out of kilter!   And you as one magnet in harmony one with the other, can achieve that throwing off of darkness.

  They are too cocky for their own good, these fallen ones, and therefore they reach the hour of their demise.  They fall on the point of the ego and pride.  They fall on the three o’clock line, where Lucifer fell.  They have seen their arch-overlords, the fallen angels, fall and yet they fall after them.  It is an insanity that the sons and daughters of God cannot comprehend--the insanity of the ego that places itself above the Lord God….So then, beloved, we are not without the resources to turn around the darkness of this nation and darkness heaped upon darkness.  The resource is in your heart.  The resource is in your kneeling in prayer before your altar or at your bedside with such an intense desire that it consumes all lesser desires….

  So then, beloved, we are not without the resources to turn around the darkness of this nation and darkness heaped upon darkness. The resource is in your heart.  The resource is in your kneeling in prayer before your altar or at your bedside with such an intense desire that it consumes all lesser desires.  

           -Lanto:  10-9-1994 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 37:42


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