Thursday, December 31, 2020

regardless of perpetrations of deluded ones the world has advanced

   True though it may be that the power of destruction and the unleashment of that destruction is in the hands of a few, there are safeguards that can be utilized by the many in effecting the preservation of world peace.

  One of the greatest problems in the world today is that of inertia and division amongst the good people and the tendency on the part of progressive elements of society to underestimate the destructive intent of darkened factions ruled by malcontents.  Because their own motives are kindly and benign, they find it difficult to understand that there is a strong undercurrent of unrest in the world which is marshaling the forces of darkness that have bred a new face of violence, rearing its ugly head through various potholes in the world community.

  To meet force with force, anger with anger, intolerance with intolerance and reaction with reaction is not an effective deterrent to disunity.  You may understand what specific quality of unrest is behind a given situation, you may agree with it or you may disagree with it, but you cannot heal it in the world of rebellious ones by any process whatsoever, for the bulk of those who are behind the current uprisings have sworn to defeat every segment of society that represents law and order.

  They have an ally of great strength in the karmic situation that has denied to the masses in many parts of the world the very necessities of daily living.  They have an ally in the fact that the dollars of the world are in the main in the hands of a few who are often unwilling to relinquish their control of the destiny and economics of the world, failing to foresee that their very clutching, grasping, and hoarding of the supply of mankind will ultimately produce their own downfall.       

              -Gautama: Pearls of Wisdom 10:43 (10-22-1967)


  Meanwhile the Brotherhood of Light, fully aware of massive psychic attacks that are being leveled against the stability of the Earth and its peoples, continues to pour the tenderness of watchful care and salvation to humanity from the hands of the Cosmic Christ.  Because of the conditions of mankind’s karma we are not always able to prevent destruction from taking place.  It should also be understood that all destruction is not physical; one must consider the destruction of ideals and religious and moral covenants to be even more dangerous to civilization than wars and rumors of wars.  Those who seek to destroy the codes and systems of the world that have evolved out of the dark ages of human history, from the old Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments and the golden rule, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States and other instruments of liberty--these would offer the world, in return for its imperfect state, one of nihilism and chaos; they are not the bearers of beauty and happiness to mankind or to themselves, but they are the harbingers of havoc whose name is legion….we emphasize the fact that spiritual destruction through personal involvement in negative aspects of the psyche whereby the individual ignores the mandates of his divine Presence and the fulfillment of the will of God for him--thereby placing in jeopardy the very existence of his soul--is far worse than the destruction of the outer world.

  The scriptures have said “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul:  but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”   God’s law as justice is operative at every level of consciousness, for He is both law and love….

   Yet regardless of perpetrations of deluded ones the world has advanced through the years and continues to move forward toward greater enlightenment.  The order of science has reached forward in giant strides while religion has fallen backward, lagging still in medieval superstitions, in old encrusted hatreds and in diabolical involvements of horror, fear and greed.  To condemn the world does not prepare it for salvation of any kind….Let men learn then to do well and let them not accept the stimulus of a wounded ego as the motive or excuse for creating chaos and destruction….If they would look within themselves first and thence upward to their Presence—to the Presence of God that uniquely belongs to them, the spark of their own happiness, they would find that the means of salvation lie within the domain of life that beats their own hearts.           

-Casimir Poseidon:  Pearls of Wisdom 12:21


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