Thursday, January 18, 2018

Selling-Out Eastern Europe to Stalin, and more

11-26-89     "It's one thing to face the music,'' said Richard Pipes, a Soviet specialist who served in the Reagan Administration, ''but it's another thing to dance to the music.  Roosevelt at Yalta danced to the music.''  (And via secret treaties not exposed soon or easily. -r)
      Eastern Europe was sold out to Stalin by Churchill and Roosevelt, with premeditation, therefore deliberately.  Here is a book containing explosive material that the author gathered during his long and extensive research in political and military archives in London and Washington. There he discovered top-secret documents, only recently released, some of which are of outstanding interest.
  For instance: the minutes of the secret meeting between Roosevelt and Stalin in November 1943 in Teheran; the minutes of the secret meeting between Churchill and Stalin in October 1944 in Moscow, and a sensational letter from Roosevelt, dated February 20, 1943, in which the ailing president promised Stalin, two years before Yalta, all the territories and zones of influence that the Soviet Union annexed later on.
  Beginning in 1939, with Hitler, the claims of Stalin were becoming known to the Allies very gradually.  The British were, in 1941, the first to know and to sanction—in 1942 by the Treaty of Mutual Assistance—these claims.  The Treaty of Mutual Assistance was confirmed to Stalin in 1943 by American emissaries who gave Stalin Roosevelt's verbal—but categorical—promise at the Teheran Conference; the promise was to be sealed by secrecy until the American elections.  It was confirmed first by triangular telegrams—Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin—in May-June 1944, then by the agreements in Moscow between Churchill and Stalin in Oc­tober 1944, and, finally, by Yalta itself, where the fate of Eastern Europe was not even discussed, because it had already been decided.

-N. Baciu:  Sell-Out to Stalin, Vantage, Books, NY, 1984
  Yalta represented Anglo-American capitulation to Russian aggrandizement in Eastern Europe for one simple reason:  both Churchill and Roosevelt, who were responsible for this outcome, openly invited Stalin to establish his own sphere of influence over postwar Eastern Europe.
  Churchill bears most of the responsibility for the Yalta outcome, for he agreed to divide Eastern Europe between himself and Stalin, thereby establishing British-Soviet spheres of influence in the region.  Such an arrangement was reached at the Moscow Conference in October 1944.  The (secret!) talks between Churchill and Stalin embodied the finest elements of naked power politics and ambition; although American ambassador William Averell Harriman attended the meetings, he merely acted as an observer and was not invited to Churchill and Stalin’s more intimate discussions.  During these talks, in fact, the prime minister and the premier agreed to carve up Eastern Europe.  More concerned about Soviet incursions into the Mediterranean—a region the British viewed as their traditional sphere of influence—Churchill gave Stalin parts of Eastern Europe as a diversionary tactic to protect his own vested interests.  By the end of the talks they had divided the region along the following lines: the Soviet Union would have 90 percent control over Romania and 75 percent over Bulgaria; Great Britain would exercise 90 percent control over Greece; and Yugoslavia and Hungary were originally to be evenly split between the two, but Foreign Minister Anthony Eden would later grant the Soviets 75 percent control over Hungary. When forced to rationalize his actions after the Moscow Conference, Churchill emphasized that British interests— particularly protecting those traditional strategic positions in the Mediterranean from the Soviet Union—had motivated him.    –REGAN HILDEBRAND, OHIO UNIVERSITY
  One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars.  As we shall see, however, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain and the United States.  Furthermore we shall see, that the Rothschild Formula played a major role in shaping these events.
  This amazing story begins with the war between Russia and Japan in 1904.  Jacob Schiff, who was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Company, had raised the capital for large war loans to Japan.

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