And therefore I send my Messenger before my face. I send white light before me that when I, Serapis, come before you you will know me as I am, for you will have seen me in that rising flame of Mother-light. O chelas of the Universal Mother, chelas of the Mother of the One and chelas of the Mother before you, I AM Serapis. I inaugurate within her and within you new levels of consciousness, of purity that will be for the resolution of Alpha and Omega, East and West, and the confirming by your word unto the Ancient of Days of your own ascension pathway. It is your path, beloved ones. You make that path, you carve it step by step. As the steps are carved mounting Mount Shasta to the very summit of being, to the very light of your I AM Presence you carve that path. You may use the model of others who have gone before, but it is a lonely way of the ones who are one in the aloneness of God.
I, Serapis Bey, commemorate now that great moment of the rebirth of light within you of memory of your wedding day as I don bridal veil and garment. As I stand before you revealing your soul as bride of the eternal Spouse let your meditation be upon the singular light of a rising purity and deep desiring of your soul to fulfill that goal of life.
O my beloved, let not outer distractions distract you from that single course of adoring the Beloved and the great white light. O mystery of mysteries and eternal wonder, ascension flame descend upon this altar of being. Descend now and blaze forth here forevermore as I pronounce this soul one with God.
And so the marriage vow is sealed, and the one in eternal life here and now, as above so below, is reinforcement of the ascension flame for each and every one of you. That flame of Mother and of purity must go before each and every one, ensouled by Gabriel, ensouled by Hope, ensouled by Purity and Astrea, ensouled by the mighty Seraphim and Justinius. Angels of the Goddess of Purity and angels of cosmic beings of purity, descend now as the adornment of the crown of the Universal Mother, descend now in that mighty light. Let Earth be bathed in purity. Let Earth be bathed in purity of ascension flame.
In this hour there is the sounding of a great bell of purity, and there is the death knell of all human creation. It is come to naught--cause, effect, record and memory. Beloved ones, accept this for yourself in the full awareness that the violet transmuting flame is adequate and indeed abundant to the task of consuming all that precedes your mighty victory in this great ascension spiral.
I AM Serapis. I am determined that you the disciples of light will be disciplined ones. I am determined that you will know who you are because I have set before you an example which your souls now behold--the wedding garment filled with light, a Mother filled with joy, a soul rising in that flame of joy and God-happiness. Your souls then witness the mystery of the ascension. Your souls then witness the mystery of mystery, how mighty light can descend in a moment, in an hour. And in the twinkling of an eye now you see and now you see again a translation of the soul of light.
We stand at Luxor, we who are adepts of the flame, ascended masters and all who have gone before. Enter now the one, the crown, the one who stands within the center of that flame receiving light descending from Helios and Vesta and all angels beyond the angels of the Great Central Sun. Earth, a solar system, a galaxy of light rises then to untold victories as that great demonstration of the assimilation of the soul by God is unto you the great conviction of the flaming rod and mystery of twinflames as above and so below.
I AM Serapis. I glow and glow and glow for happiness and joy in the great accomplishment of the chela. Let each chela then take heart that there is a path and there is a start and there is a finish. And as you are living witnesses unto the victory of the ascension, now even within the etheric plane anchored in third eye upon your brow there is the vision, there is the glimpse, there is testimony of that ascension.
I announce to you then the dispensation and means whereby you can increase the great white sphere of your individual causal body surrounding the light of Alpha and of Omega. O immaculate light of the immaculate heart of Mary, now manifest thyself here and there and everywhere.
Let the great white bells ring. There is a bell for each and every one of you, and angels of purity sound that bell that you may hear the note of your own ascension, the note of acceleration when light in you reaches the frequency of ascension flame. It is a tone, my beloved, that you heard when you went forth from Alpha and Omega into outer universes of time and space. An angel sounded the tone, recording in your etheric body a sound that you would never forget, the pitch of the soul, beloved ones.
Now they play to you again that sound that you may hear it. And by hearing it now--listen. As you left the great central altar and the Court of Alpha and Omega in the Central Sun hearing the echo of your own keynote, now, beloved, I hold that note in suspension within you as your very own guardian angel sounds the note of your own frequency in this moment. [14-second pause]
Now that note ceases and as you have just heard--a dissonant jangle of various notes, some reaching higher, some becoming perceptively more clear, some requiring great application to the Law of harmony. For beloved ones, wherever you are on the ladder of life that rung is a legitimate rung. It is your lawful place. And upon that rung of the ladder there is one requirement of the Law and that is that you keep the harmony of that level of God-awareness as small as it may be, even incomplete—yet there is a harmony to your individual expression.
And so, beloved, I desire to return in another time so that I may play again and you may hear that, even though the note may not be in the full frequency of your own keynote, yet it will be a harmonious sound because of resolution of certain difficulties within your being, within your consciousness, within your subconscious.
Strive then for resolution of inner and outer conflict with the inward parts of God within and with outer parts of God manifest in family, friends and all the world community. Let there be a resolution of all that is on the surface of all that the Law requires. And then the sounding of a sound will at least be a clear tone of God-determination and of joy where you are and of the light of Serapis Bey. Then wherever you are there will descend a crystal ray of energy and light compatible with your level because you have sustained harmony there.
God’s perfection within you is demanding but not so demanding as human perfectionists who attempt to force the soul and lesser vehicles into a mechanical perfection that stifles the natural budding of the lily at the base of the stalk, fulfilling it unto the crown of life.
And so we see perfection in a pure motive that carries through in action unto the fulfillment of love. We see perfection in the deep desiring of heart to know God and to love one another and to work His works. We see perfection in carefulness, in patience, in the songs of little children, in joy that leaps within you as a cosmic honor flame.
We perceive perfection where you do not, O mortals who yet carry those carping harpies of human gossip. I come to bind them and to bind all individuals who will carry them into the midst of our temple and our sanctuary, for that which is not of the light must go into the flame. Let all then confess and place all unnecessary conversation that is ungodly into the true light of ascension flame.
Beloved ones, the great circle of our awareness beholds in each and every one of you the great joy of your soul. Let that joy fill your conversation with light for, beloved ones, all other conversation of a negative nature will take from you your chelaship and your initiation on the path. Let conversation of the godly be that godly amplification of virtue in every part of life. Until you understand that all else is unreal you have not come into the immaculate heart of Mary. And her immaculate heart sees immaculately into your soul and holds the vision of your oneness with Alpha and Omega.
I make the sign of the cross at the door of the sanctuary and at the door of the sanctuary of each heart. Let no evil enter there, but let only the angel with flaming sword stand to keep the way of the Tree of Life.
Now the great billowing of that ascension light comes forth out of Mu, out of inner chambers of these inner temples. It is a billowing light, a purifying light—purifying air, water and earth, purifying the beings of the elements, purifying your souls when you meet the requirements of the path of the ascension, when you eliminate from your life all that is not pure perception of the Holy Ghost. Let every form of deception and self-deception now go into the flame, the great God-flame of the ascension that consumes all in its wake and leaves you awake, alive, accelerating into the beauty, o the great beauty of inner spheres. What is that to thee? Follow thou me.
I AM Serapis. I am ordained by God for initiation of your souls on the path of the great white light. Therefore hearken unto the angel Gabriel who comes as messenger of the Lord to give to you the keys of the great acceleration of your God-flame. Hearken unto Gabriel and in his name exorcise the dark spirits and demons of the night. Let all of that which has attempted to come out of the astral sea to invade the sanctuary of the temples of chelas now be consumed by the great joy of the living flame.
-Serapis Bey: 12-29-1978 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 49:13-14 ………………………………………………………………......................You will recall that the dragon does persecute the Woman who brings forth the Manchild. Thus you will understand the persecution of the white light within you as it rises and pulsates in the person of Mother. The persecution of Mother upon ancient Lemuria eventuated in the murder of that Mother of the Flame by one who was then embodied, Lucifer himself, and many cohorts of that fallen one who have reincarnated to the present hour with their same momentum of desecration of the light of Cosmic Virgin in all of the sons and daughters of God. Therefore all of that misuse of sacred fire comes to the moment of consuming in the hour when sons and daughters of flame raise up the light and seize the mighty living sword of truth of the Lord Christ himself to slay the dragon and the seed of the dragon and egg of the dragon for the binding of all that would impose itself upon the seed of the Woman. This is the hour of the reckoning, and this is the place of the reckoning, and this is the person of the reckoning, beloved ones.
And so you have come to this outer retreat to learn the first footsteps of the path and to accelerate light. I desire that this contact with our flame should be the open door for you to make that God-determination which will catapult your soul night after night to the Temple of Luxor, to the ascension retreat. For we desire to place in the earth body concealed within the garment of souls who yet walk the physical Earth an extraordinary light of ascension’s flame.
You have heard that the pyramid is built in the very center of the earth, the land mass thereof. This was our design that the Mother-flame might rise again upon the landed surface of Earth in this era. The white light of Mother must rise out of Egypt. And that which was death must become eternal life. And all of those evolutions and crosscurrents of lifewaves that meet at that point must ultimately submit to the Mother-flame.
There are challenges that we face--we the Brotherhood of Luxor—as we look to place increments of light as a tiny white cube, an electrode of ascension’s flame within your forcefield. First we must reckon with the balance of light of your own karma, and we must predetermine what will be the response of your being to this accelerated fohat—a new experience indeed to be a walking electrode of ascension’s flame….
The age of Aquarius is rightly the age of the Woman and her seed walking those stations, carrying the Mother-light. The Aquarian waterbearer carries golden-liquid light—elixir of sacred fire. The bearer of the cup is the lightbearer, the Aquarian. And therefore the line of Aquarius in Leo marks the sign of the soul that becomes endued with the light of the heart by self-discipline in the principles of Mother-flame. Hence we begin at Luxor and with a flame in the heart of the pyramid.
Now that you have for many a year sustained the violet flame and made those mighty invocations to Elohim Astrea, now that you have cleared a certain level of being--saturating the heart with light--we desire to open the way for rising, pulsating Mother-flame to be within you a fervent force of acceleration unto all the Earth. This acceleration is to be the resurrection of all of the seed of Christ unto eternal resurrection, of the resurrection of them that sleep and of those who are dead until they are quickened, and the resurrection of the seed of the wicked that their works which are not of the light may be flushed out, brought to the fore, and they and the children of light may look upon those works and choose the pathway of truth.
Therefore when the Mother-flame rises from the depths of Lemuria, from the Great Pyramid, from your own citadel of light within your temple you may anticipate that all that remains in each man’s portion of the 100 percent of allotment of the increment of light—all that remains that is not balanced--will also come to the surface. Mother-light brings to the surface all that is within consciousness.
We then are certain that our methods and our training are such that no one will be given the increment of light in whom that light will cause a disturbance that the individual will not be able to deal with. We know the power of the Mother-light. We know the Mother-light intimately. We know that earnest initiates of the flame are those who will come to Luxor and deal realistically with the light of God and with the portion of that light that yet requires balance. If you are told to go back and accelerate your service and your invocation to violet flame, be encouraged and be of good cheer. For you are being guided by adepts, ascended masters and some who might be ascended masters but are not by free choice, for they have chosen to remain as unascended adepts balancing almost 100 percent of their karma and holding that forcefield in matter so that they might be present to train you in requirements of the Law for holding of ascension flame.
We must also consider what the planet will bear, what its evolution will bear when light begins to increase. Verily I say to you, the coming of the golden age depends upon the few willing to carry the light and to understand that the light will always bring joy. And it will always bring out that which is the anti-joy momentum of the Earth which must be transmuted before it colors the crystal clear stream of life flowing through the desire body.
I speak of your feeling world. How quickly and easily the feeling world becomes depressed or excited or enangered. How easily emotions become a tempest in a teapot. And suddenly the sea begins to roar. This illustrates that the individual yet identifies with mass human emotions and with emotions that come upon the rock of his being, as it were, beating upon the rock of the lighthouse that is your mighty I AM Presence. I say, be not moved by these conditions. The measure of your God-mastery must be your ability to hold the flame when all assails you, when riptides of human emotion, condemnation or persecution or outright lies assail you or this activity of light.
There is a calm center within the heart. And there is a center within the secret chamber of the heart. And there is a center within the solar-plexus chakra whereby you can maintain peace by the sacred fire breath and not follow the turbulence of the world’s turmoil.
We then watch for those who do not allow the ego to be carried away in being offended or disturbed by any word, any accusation or any injustice whatsoever. God in you is justified. And wisdom is justified of her children. And there is no need to go and attempt to solve any problem by emotional substance. Remember my word well. For we come to tell you of those points of the Law that are found wanting and that must be met if you indeed are to accelerate on the path….
But others of you have not carried to the physical octave the soul knowledge, and often it is a point of pride. And that pride that goeth before the fall goeth before the fall of the feeling world as it descends to a point of inharmony because of someone’s offense or someone’s unkind word or criticism. And the sharp sting as it stings not Christ but the ego then becomes a lashing back, and suddenly you know that you have lost that equipoise, that center--that place where the line of the pyramid is drawn in the very center of the earth itself.
Understand then that these are testings which are repeated day after day after day until nothing—no thing in this world--is capable of moving you from firm attention and joy and love upon your God-Self. And what is the formula for this mastery? It is this, quite simply--that you love God and your oneness with Him more than you love yourself and its pseudo-defenses in emotional tirades, outbursts or mood energies; loving God and loving to be in His Presence, waiting upon the Lord for the next initiation on the path. Watch then. Is there someone in your life, someone who is capable of disturbing you? I say, praise that one. It is the Guru in disguise. You will not be rid of that one until you learn to give the fiat of the living Christ: “Peace, be still and know that I AM God.” That fiat is not spoken to the individual but to your own four lower bodies.
Therefore see how karma and its circumstance evokes the person from whom you learn the most--the one through whom you must conquer or be conquered. Harmony is the key. And when you can guard harmony in the face of aggravation, irritation, even lies and calumny then you will be ready for this acceleration of ascension’s flame that must be carried into all the Earth if this Earth is to accelerate and begin a spin that throws off the greatest darkness and remaining evil forcefields of those fallen ones.
Acceleration is the key to the judgment. You have asked “Why does the judgment not come upon those who have sworn their anti-God consciousness to be their life and to unseat the little ones? Why has the judgment not come upon them?” It is ever so simple. Not enough lifestreams hold the equivalent of light to counterbalance the darkness that must be removed. Darkness is a heavy weight and a forcefield. Light then must replace every erg of darkness that is removed from Earth. If we are to remove strongholds of the wicked and the seed of the wicked themselves, then we must have forcefields of light and sons of light instantly ready to fill the vacuum. For when you remove a large cancer such as a beast or a dragon from the astral plane instantaneously you have an open space. And it must be filled with the Holy Spirit, else a multiplication of greater darkness will occur by remaining elements of fallen ones who will multiply to occupy that given space.
This law may not be entirely understood by you or understandable, but I tell you truly, it is a law. And if you would clean out the Augean stables with Mighty Hercules, you must then be ready to fill them with light. For nature abhors a vacuum. And we will not allow the further proliferation of darkness. Therefore let light increase. -Serapis Bey: 8-11-1979 at San Francisco, Pearls of Wisdom 49:3

The misuse of sacred fire in the base chakra not only by those of Egypt but by those of the entire world results in fanaticism and the out-of-balance state of consciousness that we find in the Middle East. Quite simply the people cannot deal with the sacred fire of ascension’s flame that is present there; yet we may not turn down that fire, for that fire of ascension’s flame is a sign that can be seen by every soul upon Earth. It is a signet. It does tell them “One day you shall enter this flame and your soul shall return to God.”
Now, beloved, consider: consider if all souls understood the violet flame and understood the necessity for personal balance. Consider if in the world’s major religions there could have been a bringing together of all who have been the founders of those religions, rather than there be as it is today the separateness of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism and so forth.
Think of it, beloved. It is as though there were cement walls as thick as Earth itself that would separate all avatars whom God has sent, all world teachers, all saints. What a pity it is, beloved, that the world cannot embrace all. Therefore in fulfillment of the great dream of Akbar he has sent his messenger to bring together the mystical paths of the world’s religions. This has been El Morya’s dream. (As you know he was embodied as Akbar.) It has been his dream, beloved, for you see, the merging of the paths must create by love also a merging of all peoples. As it stands, beloved, each of the separate groups has its own philosophy, its own metaphysics, its own inner and outer court. Yet it is the whole that is needed. It is the seven rays and the eighth ray.
Thus it is all-important, it is all-important that you understand the confluent streams of the world’s religions and that you are fluent in discussing them yet not only in discussing them (for we have seen discussions for centuries) but in truly internalizing the flame of God that is the original founder of every religion. Therefore you who come have with somewhat of ease been able to take in all the major teachings of these religions, and you have been studying them perhaps decades and lifetimes before you found this place where all come together in the heart of the Divine Mother and then can be taught through the Messenger. It is well then for when you understand another you can have true brotherly and sisterly love. You can have true oneness….
I have done this partly because I have received the request from unascended lifestreams that they might be told what it is like to learn and work and serve in the retreat at Luxor. Now attempt to know this by identifying with a chela that is with you. The first thing you would notice, beloved, is how concrete everything is. It is a misnomer to say that the etheric octave is ethereal. It is far more real and far more concrete than the things of earth which are maya and illusion. Thus you step into reality when these initiates place themselves over you.
The second thing that you see is the vastness of how far you really can see. You can see throughout the Earth. You can know in an instant the auras of the people, the intents of their minds. You can read all minds and therefore be instrumental in preventing evil before it manifests.
The third thing you experience is that you can mount the octaves. You can climb the spiral staircase to higher and higher levels until you are stopped because your threefold flame may not be strong enough. The air is too thin, as they say. And so you cannot rise higher than the level of your attainment.
-Serapis Bey: 12-28-1996 at RTR, MT, Pearl 46:50 …………………………………………………………………............................For in the fulfillment of divine destiny life magnifies cosmic purposes and by obedience to the law of supreme peace releases into the world of form in every lifestream, in every chaliced heart the selfsame hopes which God has given to His only begotten Son and transferred in the magnificent at-one-ment of all hearts—as each man accepts for himself his divine Sonship and on the altar of peace drinks in to God-happiness, God-success and the realization of the unity and unanimity of all life when that life is measured by divine ideals.
I recall now from the days of my childhood when, as Gautama, I dwelled within the palace. Siddhartha Gautama was my name. And from me there was kept by the decree of my father all knowledge of sin, of sickness and of death. And a world of relative illusion was spun by human intent around my world—a protective net to shield me from the pain, suffering and distress of man’s aborted, outer-world consciousness….
The love that is not accepted but is diverted and utilized only to further the lusts of the flesh is not the fulfillment of the divine ideals but is a spreading abroad of impurity, distress, confusion and unhappiness in the human domain.
Yet I come tonight even by special dispensation as a World Teacher—as Maitreya from out the East, as Jesus and Kuthumi. For I fulfill their Office this night to say unto all in mankind wise-dominion, that in mankind wise-dominion (as God intends it to be) the light of God manifest in all true religions must come to a consummate unity whereby the confusions of various elements of orthodoxy are laid aside in a vast universal panacea of divine love, healing unguents for the evils of the world, produced by the Spirit of Love inherent within the cosmic gift which God has given to each founder of every true religion. For there is a cosmic pattern which is inherent within them all.
And therefore this year we shall intensify as never before in the wise dominion of mankind’s thoughts and feelings the understanding and comprehension that differences between religions are not as great as the similarities. There is but one God, and each individual is a manifestation intended to be a manifestation of that benign God Presence upon earth—a star of hope to the world!
That individuals do not reflect this light is not the fault of the Godhead, but it is the fault of an ever-spreading confusion of conflicting reports of human discord and of brother pitted against brother in a search for a fraudulent righteousness which does not produce the perfection God intends nor the understanding and spiritual expansion which God intends, because so much of mankind’s energy is diverted into a spirit of vain competition and error—Christian turning against Buddhist, and Buddhist against Christian, Moslem against Hindu, and all seeming to reflect a spirit of fear rather than a spirit of love that produces peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Of late now come from the Christmas season, mankind do not understand the meaning of that which seems to their consciousness to be passed until the turning of another year and the equinoxes fly by. Our intent however is through this twelve-month cycle to acquaint mankind by a special impetus granted by the Karmic Board with the great need to let flow in the world domain the loving intent of the All-Father.
Differences are fanned into a flame that burns and destroys harmony. The true divine flame kindles the feeling of Christ-love in men and women of all faiths and produces the blessing of hope to the world for a magnificent return of the planetary body and its people to the pristine and pure purposes held in the heart of God from Eden unto the present day….
And purity, even God-purity, is the salvation of the Earth throughout the twelve-month cycle to come. And it is the means of purification of the temple of each individual’s world and the universal purification of all upon this planetary body to whom renewed hope then is given that purity and purification are possibilities to every man.
Let no one then in vainglorious and foolish imagining presume that this is an impossibility unto their lifestream. Let them not stoop to a false humility that denies the divine intent and presume that they cannot accomplish it in the days of their purification. For it was by divine decree from the beginning the intention of God, and it has been throughout the ages.
Now as avatars from on high, uniting their energies and forging great cables of light and cosmic reflectors, do beam unto the planetary body of Earth and to mankind here radiant energies of their own momentums of victory and service to God it is our hope that each individual will cognize that this is a precious, divine treasure intended for their utilization, that freedom may dawn first within their mind and heart and then within all facets of their lifestream.
Accept the fiat of cosmic freedom through the purification of your world--beginning with purification of your thoughts. Let your faith be purified! Let your hope be purified! And let your love be purified! so that it is not a love of expectancy turned to mankind upon the planetary body which requires reciprocity and that men shall do unto you some act of benefit to your lifestream in return and recompense for that grace which you give to them. The kingdom of God is not so.
-Gautama Buddha: 12-31-1966 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 26:10 ……………………………………………………………………………..
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