Sunday, July 11, 2021

these activities are not small, they only seem so.


1)   The Taj Mahal is a dream in marble, but Life is more splendid still.   For it is God’s living artistry--more wonderful than the greatest examples of human love ever externalized.

  “Let not your heart be troubled.  Ye believe in God, believe also in me.”  With these words beloved Jesus explained the intimate contact between the evolving soul personality and the Holy Christ Self.  He admonished that the student should not let his heart be troubled by outer conditions, for as he believes in God as omniscient, so he must believe that such omniscience is in direct touch with him through the great Mediator who is Christ.    

                                  -Kuthumi:  Pearls of Wisdom 5:15    ………………………………………………………….

2)   But at the present time there are in social externalization so many magnificent qualities, so many endowments of the Spirit, so much of achievement that it is the will of heaven that men learn to sift for themselves out of the ashes of manifest reality in the world of form those qualities that ought to be sustained.

  We do not feel that society should be totally rejected by anyone.  For the world today has the basic elements, as Hierarchy has long perceived, that would enable mankind to assemble out of the sifting and out of the experiences of life enough benignity that mankind could utilize in the forming of the golden age without the necessity of passing through further action of Armageddon in manifestation.

  The activity of  leftist groups throughout the world, the current unrest in Turkey, in Saigon, in the Far East, in Czechoslovakia and in your own blessed nation is not something that you should reckon with lightly….every time that you act to rush in, as true angels of the Spirit, and evoke from the heart of God those necessary transmutative fires that will reduce the combustible activities of Earth and preserve it hopefully until mankind can, out of the rubble of civilization (manifest out of astral debris), realize that in the world of form, in the constructive aspects of being they can assemble the elements of ageless wisdom that will make of the world a golden realm of Christed light, of universal illumination--enabling little children to go to sleep at night and dream sweet dreams of angel presences, to hold within their heart as we do the hope for a better world and to perceive the truth in Jesus’ statement, my beloved brother, that except ye become as a little child ye can in no wise enter into the kingdom.   -Gautama Buddha:  7-21-1968 at San Francisco via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 26:13


3)  What is the message of the Taj?  of the Pyramid?  What is the message of life?  Shall men destroy themselves in the search or shall they find themselves?

  The individual is of greatest worth, for the individual is a universe.  The individual is cosmos.  The individual is always the center of it all.  The pure Sun-center (pure son = per-son, or person) is a great seed.  Like the tiny mustard seed it will expand and expand and expand and the birds of the air will come and make their nests in its branches. 

  This parable illustrates the magnificent truths that all things come to him who unfolds the divine seed; for he finds through the light of the Christ, through the light of reality, through the power of the Word, through Logos that he is one with God, that God is one with him.  He finds that there is no darkness in him at all but only the pure light of universal reckoning which finds its way to every particle of reality and immerses it in the Spirit of creative purpose.    

                               -Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 11:38    …………………………………………………………………….

4)   But we who through the ages have wrestled with the same problems full well understand that only by an ongoing of the being of man into the light can he at last provide that full measure of universal devotion to the soul of God within the hearts of all whereby he can raise all into the light from whence they came.

  We understand the hungers of the heart, for we ourselves have become the heart.  We have become the heart of peace, of love, of reality.  For the reality that shines just behind the appearance world is the supreme Atman--the supreme soul of God, glistening with hope and divine imagery, the image of the universal Christ, the universal Krishna, the image of fulfillment.

  Men today in all of their activities and all of their desires are seeking to fulfill the purposes of God.  But the activities in which they engage do not do this but rather create a net of deception and human discord whereby the great solar realities of life that God has planted as sacred-fire seeds within them are actually bypassed; and they fulfill their desires instead as a matter of the course of the senses.

  We full well understand all of these activities. But our understanding has not enabled other parts of life, lesser life-forms, lesser levels of consciousness to actually rise to the state where we are.  There has been however a leveling and a lifting action, but this action has not been enough to meet the requirements in many cases.

  And therefore as your hearts reach out to touch humanity in all of their discord and struggle, remember that the heart of God has reached out before you.  Remember that the heart of ascended master consciousness has gone out into the world time on time again, and the wind of the Holy Spirit has embraced every corner of creation.

  Wherever people are, wherever there are hearts, wherever there is love and a sense of hope for reality there the beautiful tendrils of the Divine descend, the beautiful lightwaves come.  And often there is no corresponding response whatsoever, for the stimuli of the Divine do not actually find a responsive chord in the hearts of men whose whole being is surfeited with the idea of the senses and simple corporeal existence.  What is the answer then, blessed hearts of light?  The answer lies in the stimulation of the Divine Presence, in the creation of awareness in the hearts of the people of the world of the great reality of the I AM Presence.  The reality of ascended master consciousness is the full measure of devotion and reality to all of those hearts who seek and know not what they seek.

  We understand that there is a problem in India and we have seen it long ago.  As centuries have rolled by many great masters have wrestled with these problems, both in the objective, physical levels and in the higher council tables of the masters above.  Again and again there have issued forth various cosmic ideas for the upliftment and betterment of humanity.  Again and again,these ideas have borne some fruit.  But often when the final report was written it was said “It is not enough.”  Yet the question always before our hearts, before the conscience of the entire Council of India, has been:  Shall we continue to reach out to touch the hearts of those who need us?  And the answer has always been Yes.

  For the way of peace and way of love is the salvation of a planet.  And those who gaze upon the world from a superficial attitude often are not able to have the same comprehensions that those who gaze upon the world with an inner knowing possess.  The ascended masters then possess the insight of peace, the insight of reality, the insight of universal love.  We see how in past ages just a few souls have wrought great change upon the face of the whole, wide world.

  And as you think now upon my words I remind you full well of the great cosmic purity that emanates from the ascended-master levels, that raises the entire consciousness of humanity upward, step by step, through all discord and errors of the past--until the way of peace and hope is at last a vital reality to the people of every village, of every hamlet, to all little children of men in their small struggles who are reaching up for a greater and more vital reality.

  I remember full well when long ago, near Benares, I began to preach unto the people.  I remember the moments after the consciousness of God filled my being with the vital essence of Self-help.  I remember how as the love poured through my being it would reach out beyond the borders of the land and it became a powerful magnet to draw the consciousness of men toward me.  Unfortunately again and again as they were drawn toward me they failed to recognize the reality that existed within themselves, and it was always this reality that I would stimulate.

  Yet when one becomes a touchstone for God, a magnet for His light they cannot help but draw men toward themselves.  And thus there is some excuse for the fact that some in times past have had to fulfill the role of being Guru to those who looked to them for light--knowing always in their heart that only God was Guru, knowing always in their heart that only God functioned in each heart and would draw each heart apart from the world order and separate it unto himself, a precious vessel whom he would anoint.

  And as the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit flowed over the sea of the consciousness of man the oil of the Holy Spirit would calm the troubled waters.  And the beauty of the voice of He whose voice is as the sound of many waters  was to create the consciousness of peace.

  For the vibratory action of peace is always the vibratory action of the Eternal when by the kiss of His love and devotion to the soul, he removes the sense of turmoil from existence and provides a sense of His ever-living, everlasting Presence.  For then time and space seem to vanish away in the great cosmic currents and the enfiring of internal reality.  Then the light of the heart begins to blaze forth!  And when that light responds in the mind of the devotee it also creates the fire of the eternal magnet to all who are in proximity to it until at last they are, one by one, drawn to the light even from afar.  When the courage then and currents of our light beam forth their radiance into the world it is to stimulate the fire of the Spirit and a spiritual response in all.

  Today the great Darjeeling Council and the Indian Council are meeting.  They are meeting to assist you in your journey as you pass through this land that the great fires of the resurrection flame which you carried here will also join the ancient sacred power of this holy land in its most beautiful aspect until the power and purity of that can become the cosmic blessing of every child of the light, whether he be of this land or of any land.

  For all people upon Earth are in reality pilgrims.  They are moving onward hopefully in robes of light--but sometimes in multicolored robes where their consciousness, not yet fully able to apprehend the beauty of the one light of the God Presence, of the angelic hosts, remains a part of human ignorance and of human struggle.

  May we ask then that you will all accept, with full gratitude in your hearts the power of the Councils of Light which are tonight creating a fiery intensity here in Agra.  We have decided that it is essential, that because your hearts have breathed forth the flame of love, that we should secure a grant from the Karmic Board by the intense love that came to you from the ascended masters’ level--which was also met by your blessed selves in cosmic consonance, that gave you the courage to come upon this journey, that you might assist those beyond the seas to comprehend the reality that has always been the daystar from on high to each of you, to actually create swaddling garments of pure light so that men could be clothed therewith.

  Therefore the Karmic Board has granted tonight a special dispensation whereby a magnificent, cosmic charge of light would actually infuse the Taj Mahal--that out of its turrets and minarets, that from its very substance sacred-fire light would pulsate, that the ascended masters’ councils could accept the beauty of its imagery and endow it as a focus of the spiritual activity of your pilgrimage.  And therefore in one very real sense, in memory of Shah Jahan, in memory of the beauty of his love for his spouse we urge upon you all to understand that your first love is the Spirit of Truth.

  And for this reason we create the image of a miniature , which we place in the ark of your heart in memory of this journey.  And we also see to it tonight that there is magnified within that ark, within that Taj Mahal in miniature, the same radiance of the light, the love of the eternal Father for the eternal Mother--the love of the Father for Mater.

  Therefore in this love tonight we create a flame in India which also shall span the world, which shall leap from heart to heart, which shall create a fountain of flame in the being of all who have the propensity and desire to respond to the ministrations of the light.  For these activities are not small, they only seem so.

  Size itself is always relative.  And therefore let us judge the activity of the Brotherhood tonight from the standpoint of world need.  For the cosmic response which we are evoking now is one that will have far-reaching effects upon all lands and upon this land.

  We are calling to the hearts of men to awaken!  We are calling to the Christ, to the God within even the little children of this land who in their ignorance and misunderstanding reach out their hands to beg--when God Himself standing ever ready holds over the head of all humanity a cornucopia of cosmic abundance.  He possesses the power to pour out his light and his love everywhere.  He is peace, and on the waves of His peace the future will be borne.  For even though humanity today are still struggling with the gall and bitterness of war, even though greed is rampant throughout the world so that it threatens to actually snuff out the noble aspirations of the Spirit, the flame of our love and our peace goes out to those devotees who will understand that our peace is God’s peace--that God’s peace is the reality of all time, of eternity, of all space, of the everywhereness of God.  Will you then accept that in your heart tonight?  And realize that now and forever this is the hunger of the whole wide world!

  May we send it forth with such power and glory that the world shall never again hunger or be afraid!  May we seek to stimulate the courage and grace of God in all hearts.  And when vicissitudes come, when sorrow and pain comes to humanity let them remember the beautiful moments of peace that the soul has known at the feet of the ascended masters’ consciousness.

  And let men understand that that which they have once experienced can always be re-created again.  Let them understand that the moments of sadness and of imperfection are moments of departure from the reality of God.  They come about as anomalies of life experience, but they are not intended to remain or be perpetuated.  Only the perfection of God and the beauty of his peace is intended to be perpetuated forever.  This is the radiance of our council.

  And now as I prepare to take my leave of you may I sweep wings of peace first around your own being, then around Agra, then around India--and then around the whole, wide world!  And may these waves engulf humanity as a tidal wave of cosmic peace.  And may every beating heart feel the rhythmic balance of cosmic compensation stimulating in the heart the flame of peace and good cheer.  Be of good cheer for it is the I AM in you that is your life, your light and your love.  Peace be unto you.  

            -Gautama Buddha:  4-12-1970 at Agra via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 26:16

5)   As you contemplate slides of focuses of high spiritual places on the planet do you not see the alchemy that has gone into formation of the mountains, of lakes, of Earth itself and the crust of Earth and the interior?  Elohim did create by the exact science of matter to bring about this [manifest] form that is called planet Earth for your habitation and home.    

-Leto:  10-28-1990 at NYC, Pearl 33:45


6)  Though building first began in 1632, it would not be completed until 1653--more than two decades later!  Not only was construction of the Taj Mahal incredibly time consuming, but it also required the skills and work of a great many people.  In fact it is believed that thousands upon thousands of artisans, craftsmen and laborers worked on the structure.

The construction of the Taj Mahal was such a massive undertaking that it required more than just one architect; in fact it required an entire board of architects.  The board, working under imperial supervision and direction, consisted of several major architects of the time, including Abd ul-Karim, Makramat Khat, Ma’mur Khan, and principal designer

Ustad Ahmad Lahauri.

While it is widely accepted that Lahauri served as principal designer and chief architect for the Taj Mahal, there is still some debate as to his exact role and title.  There are no doubts however about the fact that he was an architect in Shah Jahan’s court.

Lahauri who was Persian was definitely heavily involved in the construction of the Taj Mahal, something even those who dispute his status as chief architect/principal designer must admit.  Court histories detail how involved Lahauri was with the construction project, doing work on it daily.  He called meetings to move construction forward and directed other architects.  He would also look at the designs other architects created and make suggestions as he saw fit, demonstrating that whether or not he officially held the lead architect title, he acted as such for all intents and purposes.   ………………………………………………………..

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