Saturday, July 3, 2021

the heart of kindness that is the signet of Lord Maitreya

   It must be understood that simply because one aspect of cruelty is prevalent during a given era, all other forms are not dormant.  On the contrary there is often a linking of these forms in tactics of brainwashing and personality control utilized in communist countries and behind the Iron Curtain.  In the name of God how long shall humanity permit such tyranny to dominate nations and peoples?  Can the world be truly free so long as either religion, science or politics seeks to subjugate man to those tenets that are not adhered to as the result of the exercise of his own freewill?   -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:25


  If ever the cause of freedom is to triumph it must find its champions!  If men would be champions of freedom, they must overcome their own personal problems and be able to cast their weight upon the side of truth and justice!

  In the interest of mankind’s personal freedom, in the interest of expanding the body of world servers of heaven’s blessed purposes Beloved Jesus and Mary have released appropriate thoughts and statements designed to illumine men concerning the perils of the hour and how to circumvent them.  I desire to dramatize their effort and make of our combined releases a mighty focus to assist the cause of freedom.

  Men must understand that the four lower bodies of  nan are like the four seasons through which the Earth passes, and that each of these blessed bodies is at one time or another in the center of a test.  History declares how terrible were the physical sufferings of the children of light in past ages.  With the refining of society’s moral code and the enforcement of new laws of property and person physical cruelty was all but abolished, and this accounts for the revulsion with which the “civilized” world views uncivilized physical cruelty today as it yet sporadically bludgeons the head of mankind in divers places.

  With the advent of psychiatry and new methods of probing the human mind an era of intensified mental cruelty dawned, following a nightmare of emotional cruelty which swept the world during the frantic revolutionary periods of history.  A more sinister form of human malice manifests in etheric cruelty whereby men attempt to pinpoint some unfortunate memory in the life of the victim and perpetually condemn such an one for all time.  Sometimes such condemnation is audible, and at other times the sinister force will utilize either projection of thought or an uneducated, merciless conscience to deprive individuals of either mercy, forgiveness, happiness or newness of life….

  The dramatic and cultural channels of the free world have been more and more deliberately committed to the spread of immorality and sordid examples of human turgidity.  It is time this stench were cast out as an unwanted traitor to the aims of freedom.  Do you suppose the people of Russia would desire to have such undermining filth divert them from the purpose of fulfilling their own objectives?  Why then must our own beloved America submit?  Why do not the free world and the churches of the free world seek the downright overthrow of all such calumny?

  I will tell you, blessed ones:  it is simply because lines of economic supply are so linked to businessmen whose livelihood is related to products and services which destroy the youth, that well-meaning individuals do not dare to take a stand for the cause of freedom lest they be deprived of bread, butter or status in their respective communities….

  Initiation is for a purpose.   It is not wrong to be prosperous and healthy, but beloved ones, unless the world be kept tenable for  freedom-loving people of the Earth how can it remain a suitable place of divine expression, and how can the golden age manifest?  Do you see, blessed ones, why mankind must be awake to fight for their own freedom and for the cause of liberty?  No one else is going to do it for you, and as much as we would like to, unless you band together, increase your numbers, cast off your divisions and despairs, render your loving prayers and decrees and make your determination live you will be succumbing to the wilderness voices that seek to negate your mighty efforts on behalf of immortality and the cause of freedom.  Forward march in God’s name!…The vigilant live as Christ did to set the example for thousands of years and for millions yet unborn!    -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:25


  To serve the Christ in all is to receive the reward of the Christ.  To that end I discipline.  To that end I initiate.  And I am concerned with the top flight, the gold of consciousness.  I am concerned with those who have the discipline, the military sense of the geometry of God, the rhythm of the “Triumphal March,” rhythm of destiny, of the conquering hero who conquers self and thereby becomes the champion of humanity.   

                         -Serapis Bey:  12-7-1974 at San Francisco, Pearl 57:20     …………………………………………………....................................…

  Let us consider championing the right of the individual to know the unadulterated truth of the path and Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

  If you would make this the challenge that you take on and the freedom that you champion, think what you will have to do.  You will have to deal with all the negative publicity generated by the press since the ascended masters have stepped through the veil through the early messengers all the way back to Blavatsky.  It has been over a century now that the press has vilified the activities of the ascended masters, their messengers and their students--and not only the press but fanatical religious organizations who are not about to open the way for freedom of religion except it be their own freedom of religion.

  Blessed hearts, understand that to champion a freedom you must challenge the encroachments upon that freedom and restore that freedom to its intended use.  I say this, beloved, for the violet flame is able.  The violet flame is able to consume the assaults against the four sacred freedoms.  It is able to consume the mudslinging against those who represent the Great White Brotherhood.  At every corner you see the rights of those who stand for truth being challenged.

  I say, beloved, speak gently and tenderly and lovingly with an open heart, a loving heart, a compassionate heart--the heart of kindness that is the signet of Lord Maitreya--and speak on those subjects in which you find agreement with another.  But come to the place where you are also willing to take a stand as freedom fighters, even as the wondrous saints have gone forth to fight the battles of this century and many past centuries and have laid down their lives for the honor, freedom and defense of their nations and their causes.…

  And let us champion the cause of all those in the earth to defend themselves against tyrants.  We have won this victory in the United States.  We must maintain that victory.  And we must win it and maintain it in all nations, for freedom of religion and every one of the four sacred freedoms must be guarded.  Yet freedom of the press, how abused it is, beloved!  The press becomes more and more free, and so the lies are told and retold.  And every effort to undo those lies is met with onslaughts of condemnation from those who perpetuate them. There is no point in beating our heads against the wall as the saying goes, for we know who controls the courtrooms of the world and who controls the media.

  Therefore once again we take our case to higher octaves.  And we march with legions of light of God Mercury.  And we do our novenas and we call to Cyclopea and we demand that the truth be made known.  And we call to Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands, and all of his seraphim to bring the lightbearers to the feet of their own Mighty I AM Presence that they might know that I, Saint Germain, have sponsored them for the victory of their ascension in this life….

  This is the meaning of being free and being a freedom fighter.  The role of the freedom fighter is to champion the right of the individual soul to climb the ladder of being, to champion the right of the soul to be nourished by truth and to not have that truth banned and its adherents burned at the stake or massacred, as they have been in the past because their definition of Jesus Christ’s teachings was not Rome’s definition.   

                        -Saint Germain:  10-10-1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl 37:43     ……………………………………………………………………….

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