Tuesday, July 20, 2021

It is indeed the flame of liberty that these insane ones of China have sought to destroy

  The etheric body being the fire body is the last to be affected; and it is only affected when there is gross misuse of sacred fire in black magic itself, in witchcraft.  And therefore when that etheric body is violated, penetrating the higher atmosphere and spheres of the planetary body, there is an interaction with the false hierarchy and their misuse of the fire element.  These indi­vid­uals for a season intensify seemingly great powers at the etheric level.  But I say, in the name of the Holy One of Israel:  they shall not pass!  They shall not pass through the nexus unto the great sphere of the causal body of light!  They shall not pass into the center of the Christ consciousness, but they stand as beggars at the gate!  Recognize this and understand--once and for all!--why it is so difficult to enter into the door of your own Christ consciousness each day and to maintain that lawful position and balance of your own Christ mind.

  There are many others vying for that seat; and when you attempt to enter in they try to slip in the gate.  And they would prevent you from entering in by every ruse, by every aggressive suggestion penetrating mind and heart.  And if you allow yourself to be tempted by their own death consciousness, their fear, their doubt, their procrastination spirals and their deliberate intent to deceive the very elect you will find yourselves, instead of being at the vortex of the Christ mind, being slightly off-centered, off the point of the door and therefore continually embroiled in this or that problem which they succeed in stirring up even as they stir up the dust of centuries to deter you from your path.  Therefore let no thing come between thee and thy God Pres­ence who issues forth the perfect Person of your own Christ Self!  Walk ye in it!  Walk in the robe of righteousness!  Don the bridal veil--sealing purity’s light around the crown, third eye and throat, sanctifying, hallowing the temple of God.

  Stand with the Gatekeeper! stand at the nexus! and understand that in standing you are participating in the alchemical marriage which is not a once-in-a-lifetime event but a day-by-day ritual of coming into the Bridegroom and being fused by love in the figure-eight flow that is a rising light and a descending light--ever moving, ever joyous, ever the issue of God, ever renovating, resurrecting and imploring you to be faithful unto your first holy love!

  My blessed hearts, realize then that at that point of oneness--and only at that point--are you effective in whatever you are doing for God.  Therefore strive! and strike a blow for the Lord.  And put down these enemies of the doorway of opportunity, the doorway of God!

  Seal the gate!  Invoke holy angels to keep the way of the Tree of Life and to guard with a flaming sword.  Call unto the angels given to you by Archangel Michael and seal the gate of consciousness, for none except Christ and his disciples may stand at that point!  Therefore all opposition to the light and life of the Community of the Holy Spirit is one degree removed from that point.

  Let us therefore be wise even as the archangels establish row upon row of legions of light guarding their retreats, guarding their sa­cred alchemy.  Let us now--as you are alchemists of the Spirit/matter universe--invoke daily angels keeping the flame of Life at the door of consciousness.  Therefore you will not experience the life-and-death struggle each time you depart from your house­hold, your office or your place of striving, for there will be tier upon tier of reinforcements of God who were created to rein­force your own Christhood.  I have come then to announce the determined effort of Hier­archy to work with you in seeking, finding and retaining your own Christ consciousness!  This is the will of God proclaimed by the seven archangels.

  Let it be noted well.  For it is the sign of your victory in this year and until the hour of the ascension.  And we perceive that there is all too much contentment on the part of the students to be slightly off that vibration of attunement and to live in those states of imbalance, thereby making yourselves vulnerable to the entire hordes of the astral plane, making our Community and the entire cause of the Great White Brotherhood vulnerable by the entering in of the unseen that is far more dangerous than that which is seen.

  Therefore I return to the subject of diseases of the mental body and emotional body and these diseases being the cause and core of the condition whereby Satanic hordes drive through to the physical the murder and murderous intent of those who are both the just and unjust.

  All who are of the light understand that if this continue it will no longer be a society having the cohesion of law, love, order,and a way of life that centers upon the glory of God, even the Shekinah glory--though they speak not of it--that descends to give life to the very downtrodden of Earth.  What must be understood is that forces of decay and dis­in­te­gra­tion that are a part of these invading diseases already exist in the fiber of the body politic of Earth.  It is not the mys­ti­cal body of God of which I speak, but it is the collective world community abiding in a twilight zone that is neither heaven nor hell, neither the absolute Christ mind nor the absolute devil mind but somewhere in between in that plane that is called human con­sciousness--which is the very threshing floor where relative good and evil are thrashed out in consciousness until the soul must ultimately stand and be confronted by absolute choices of the absolute God and the absolute tyrant of anti-God, anti-Guru and anti-chela.

  Precious hearts, you might say that the collective unconscious of the planetary body is diseased, that the waters of Earth reflect that disease.  And therefore already before the last stages of the destroyers come through the hordes of murderers and the cannibalistic intent there is a breaking down, a deliberate breaking down by the absence of enough light in a state of flow.

  Light is present at the heart of a cell or an atom, but it is sealed as though by cement; and therefore it cannot penetrate, interact or establish a fiery flow of figure-eight.  There is no devotion or love of light or of God to the extent necessary to penetrate the great, great burden upon humanity in these hours of  Kali Yuga.

  Therefore without the light in flow--as was designed by God to keep every one whom He has made in a state of sheer ecstasy and joy, the very joy of living, the very happiness that comes from well-being in the four lower bodies and from the fountains of the chakras flowing--you can see that degeneration, decay, disease and death (separately within these three lower vehicles) set in.  And when they set in they gather momentum.  And you have observed the last stages of individuals who then out­pic­ture in the physical body those cancers that also are a part of the plagues coming in these end-times. 

  Blessed hearts, mankind’s lower bodies interact.  Someone may be outpicturing a cancer that began in the disease of someone else’s mental body or astral body.  Yes, I tell you, it is so.  And now you know why the angels weep.  There is contagion.  And it is a deadly contagion.  And if you knew it, you would understand why God has said again and again through us:  come apart!  Be a separate people!  Come apart!  Draw the line!  Draw the line of separation and say to the fallen ones:  you may not enter here!  This is the place of the Holy One of God.    

   -Archangel Gabriel and Hope:  12-31-1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 24:9

  Will you understand, beloved, that the flame of liberty and the Mother of liberty are under siege by the hordes of hell in this hour?   I tell you this as I ask you to defend my flame.  The flame of my torch is the flame of Cosmic Christ Illumination….

  Let the threefold flame command your attention each Friday night from now on.  Pursue the balancing of the flame in your heart, beloved.  [Call to your Holy Christ Self to superimpose its perfectly balanced threefold flame over your heart.]…Therefore work on that balance with your decrees but also in your life.  Notice what is wanting in the qualities of these three divine attributes and see that you fill them in and work on them and notice where you may lack will or strength or faith or the power and protection of God.  Let it be filled in.  Notice where wisdom is wanting and true illumination is not pursued so that the door whereby the Dhyani Buddhas might enter yet remains closed by the sin of ignorance.  Notice, beloved, when you could have been more loving or kind, given more of yourself, extended comfort, helpfulness and [a] true upholding of the fire of ruby ray to bring into alignment the self-indulgent ones, the self-deceived ones, the self-blinded ones.  Be willing to stand for your brother and to stand for love and to not let that one go aside into self-indulgence and lose the day for Morya….

  Raise up the shortest one.  For the law of the threefold flame is that the other two must descend to the lowest common denominator, for the threefold flame desires above all else balance.  Thus you will lose what you gain if it is out of step [with the most pressing need of the hour, which is balance,] and if you do not [therefore] raise [up] the lowest level of self [to the highest level of self].  Often, beloved, individuals simply cannot muster the will, determination or strength to Self-correct in those areas where they have little in [soul] development….

  Therefore you see the brittleness of the carnal mind and human intellect which is not based on profound illumination, for there is no love and no love of the will of God to brace it.  And so it goes, beloved, without wisdom and true faith there can be no divine love but a paltry sentimentality, a humanism without a divinity….

  Where there is the Mother-flame of liberty the Christ is born, and where the Christ is born is Antichrist.  And the forces of abortion in America this day do embody the viciousness of Antichrist.  And in the sophistication and [seeming] calmness of their faces that do belie the inner torment and momentums of darkness there is the simple statement that is the greatest lie of all.  It is the [supposed] right of a woman to own her body and her right to privacy at the expense of the life that is God.  Blessed hearts, this is the philosophy of serpents taken on in some cases by children of the light, who ought to know better.  First of all, beloved ones, you do not own your body.  It is on loan to you by Elohim as a garment for your soul.  You did not create your body, therefore how can you own it? …For you see, they care not for that life which is their own and there is a hatred, a very hatred [of God and His offspring] that is sown into the creation that they bring forth for their own ego adornment.  Knowing then that they are cut off from the light they know that their offspring do not have light.  And therefore they view abortion as [“their right”] simply [because for them it is] the termination of the beginning of creation of a body that has neither soul nor divine spark.

  Go not after them, do not imitate them, do not follow their philosophy.  They have not submitted to Almighty God but have challenged even Elohim….We see then the fallen angels who have created a godless mechanization man; and they desire to control the propagation of this mechanization man.  In fact they consider that mechanization man has gotten out of hand on this planetary body and [that] they have been educated by lightbearers.  They have [gotten] mixed in with the children of light and they themselves have taken up a devotion to the one true God.  And they themselves, [this robotic creation,] in some cases have earned a threefold flame which their creators no longer have access to….

  And so many times their serpent lies are taken up by children of God, who should know better.  And they are taken up, beloved, because of inordinate desire, because of [willful] ignorance, because of greed and avarice, because of ego and pride and lust.…Therefore, beloved, those who would remain free from vulnerability to the fallen ones must swiftly pursue the mysteries and initiations of the Dhyani Buddhas. You can watch yourself, beloved, through your own Holy Christ Self, through the inner eye of the soul who knows everything, through the all-seeing Eye of [God focused in] the third-eye chakra.  And you may observe and you may call to your Holy Christ Self and to the inner Buddha to show you where those poisons are present and how you can root them out and replace them with the glorious image of the golden Buddha!…Behold Maitreya where’er you walk.  Behold Maitreya in the most unexpected bodies, houses, temples, persons….

  For the original sin, which is their original sin of rebellion against God, is insanity.  And from the moment of that rebellion the individual remains insane until the hour comes of the forsaking of the rebellion, the bending of the knee, the calling upon the law of forgiveness and the invoking of violet flame whereby by the Holy Spirit one is washed clean from one’s insanity.  Therefore the rulers of this world, the fallen angels one and all, are insane.  You have seen it, you have known it–insanity in Tiananmen Square, insanity on the part of leadership of the Soviet Union and the United States….For what you have seen in Tiananmen Square, the destruction of my image, is what the forces of hell intend to bring about on this planet when they wreak war and destruction upon Earth, if indeed the karmic cycles come to that and are not first devoured by violet flame.

  That is the intent, beloved.  And I ask you to see to it that by your calls the Flame of Mother Liberty does not perish from Earth!   For I am profoundly concerned that should my presence in Earth be denied and should there be cooperation by the ignorant masses with the fallen ones to remove liberty in the name of restoring order or restoring an economy that has been broken, in the name of taking control of a society in chaos--if liberty is set aside and freedom [suspended] for [“emergency”] control by a world totalitarian government, it may come to pass, beloved, that my dispensation to remain in this Earth be terminated….

  It is indeed the flame of liberty that these insane ones of China have sought to destroy in killing the body.  But they could not kill the soul. They could not kill the attainment!  They could not kill the divine spark!  They could only prevent it from manifesting in the physical body on Earth.  Thus you see now 1.2 million lifestreams from Tibet [sans corps] looking for a home in the haven of the Buddha….

  That liberty shall not perish from Earth I, the Goddess of Liberty, pledge my torch to the victory of this sangha of the Buddha!  So it is done.  And it can only be done for your own offering given, beloved, for this is the Law--to it I bow and it I obey.                    

                 -Goddess of Liberty:  7-5-1989 at RTR, MT via Messenger of the Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 32:41    ……………………………………………………………………

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