Monday, July 12, 2021

the crisis of the age and this is the crux of the matter

   The misuse of freewill by mankind is the cause of all human problems.  Knowing this the so-called brothers of the shadow prepare many traps into which the neophyte or even the more advanced disciple of the light may easily fall.  For some time now we have intended to reveal one of these most dastardly traps which has been sprung by that organization which desires to strip mankind of the full measure of his spiritual protection….

  The rose of Jesus’ service, the love of his heart known by any name is as sweet to mankind; yet the ever increasing power in the use of his name, as in the use of all ascended masters’ names, is keyed to a vibratory action to which they respond.  Desiring to increase the span of shadows in the darkening world and to bring mankind under bondage, the black brotherhood has tricked individuals and organizations, who believe themselves to be servants of God, and has caused instructions to be issued through them signifying changes in the names and divine offices of many of the great masters.  In reality these names have not been changed, nor have these Offices been changed, for the term of the Offices has not yet run out.

  Proclamations have gone forth changing the name of Jesus the Christ from this name to another.  Others have said that I myself ought no longer to be called the Great Divine Director but should be known by another name.  This other name is in reality the appellation of an impostor who long desired to usurp my Office.  Recently an organization sought to change the name of Saint Germain.  Another organization has sought to change the names and Offices of both the Lord Maha Chohan and beloved Paul the Venetian.

  Let it be clear that we have no quarrel with the individuals on the physical plane who have released this information, for they know not in truth that they have been duped by ambitious and calculating minds.  And it goes without saying that we do not speak for the sake of personal vituperation or to harm any part of life.  But we do speak with the authority of Almighty God to proclaim the ringing truth that will retain for the true and earnest disciple that contact with the ascended masters’ vibration which is always indicated in the correct use of their names.

  The power of God has for centuries been vested in the names of these ascended masters, and to use other names does not increase the power of God or the power of truth; for if these new names which mankind have tacked on to the ascended masters are called upon it keys the disciple into the vibratory action of an impostor.  Thus the disciple without realizing it is putting the funnel of his attention into a cesspool and mire of jaded consciousness, while at the same time ignorantly denying the power of the Lords of Light whom mankind have been taught to call upon from their mothers’ knees, in some cases, and in others from the date of their illumination.

  Blessed ones, be not deceived, for the Scriptures have clearly stated that there would arise false Christs and false prophets who would show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect.  The great power of divine love which is in the ascended masters’ octave remains fixed there, and when the key of the correct name of the master is used and the attention flows to that master, it will always return the peace and blessing of that individual Son of God into the world of the seeker….

  You will never know, blessed ones, how great is the power of the cosmic light to sustain you in every moment when tests do come and your wills adhere to their great God-design, for to forsake the ascended masters by “having other gods before me,” whether in ignorance and unbelief or in the search for the curious or the new, will not profit your souls, for great is the Lord, the God of the universe who has said “I AM is my Name.”  In Him all beings merge into the great light but retain the new name which they have been given by God and which is in reality the old name which no man knoweth save he who has received it.

    I AM sustaining the power of infinite truth for you,

                                            Divine Director:   Pearls of Wisdom 9:40    ………………………………………………………….........................

  In the same way as your souls journey to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood those who are committed to the path of ambition and pride journey to other retreats on the astral plane.

  Meeting individuals there who pose as the most advanced adepts on the path they truly are convinced at inner levels that they are working with the elite of earth’s evolutions who are descended even from Almighty God himself. The false hierarchy has an entire evolution--all the way back to the one who sits on the throne of the impostor of the Almighty One, the counterfeit throne of God.

  So the souls who are duped are souls who have not a sincere and pure desire for reunion with God.  Nevertheless they seem sincere in their activities; and those who train them give them to understand, by a very distorted means, what are the goals of life upon earth and how they [the trainers] are concerned for the greatest good, the greatest happiness and the greatest expansion of Earth’s people….

  You will be amazed, beloved ones, to look at the track of your life for many, many incarnations.  Some of you, believe it or not, have never even left port.  You have zigzagged back and forth within the distance of a few knots, yet it has taken perhaps thousands of years.  But somehow in the smallness and the smugness of the human mind, you have stood proudly at the helm of your vessel, considering that you were traversing miles and miles of a journey so utterly important unto the destiny of the planetary evolution.

  We have seen enough Walter Mittys on the Path. We have seen the deluded ones filled with fantasy.  We have seen the more malicious ones who have determined at all cost to control the Messenger, to seize the light but never to bend the knee before the Law of Love.  They take the path for their own way. It is always tragic.

  Beloved ones, there is a certain sickness, a certain insanity, a certain condition of psychology that I would point out to you who serve as counselors and ministers--that of individuals who have compromised their souls.  Somehow a blind spot is within them whereby they never truly understand that the hour comes when, by their denial of the Christ, they are cut off from accessing the energy of our Brotherhood through the Messenger because they have rejected the path of initiation.  And they remain deluded with their quotations of scripture that the mercy of God endures forever.

  Without the discipline of the law of the Christ, this disease cannot be cured.  It demands a shock that is the very jogging of the cells of the brain and of the body, shocking those cells from their rebellious patterns and bringing them back into alignment with the will of God.  Because their minds are crazed and full of self-pity and a sense of injustice they become angry and intensely malicious when they may no longer drink freely of the milk from the breast of the Mother….

  As the children of God give the fallen ones their attention over the return flow comes the out-of-rhythm cycles of their rebellion, their self-pity and a lifestyle that is incompatible with a Christed one.  All of this feeds subconsciously into souls of lightbearers while they are having an evening of enjoyment applauding their favorite stars…. 

  When the vibration of the seed of the wicked contains within it the desire for self-annihilation--the death wish in psychological terms--that desire momentum is transmitted to all who are a part of an interchange with such an individual.  Beware then of those who have that death wish, the inverted desire that becomes the desire for self-annihilation.  

                                   -Maitreya:  7-2-1978 at Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 43:34    ………………………………………………………………….  

  It is an hour when the very bodies and minds and souls of the people cannot take any more!  They simply cannot take any more and they are being driven to insanity and to all types of manifestations of crime because of this saturation of the four lower bodies.

  Beloved ones, I bring to you my heart and I pour out my heart to you.  This is indeed the crisis of the age and this is the crux of the matter.  The all-seeing Eye in each one in each third-eye center must be rescued and restored to that virgin consciousness. And I implore you to remove your children from before the television sets!  You have no idea what is funneling into their subconscious! Have you not noticed that these precious children, even after a half hour or an hour of watching the television, are changed in their attitude?  They become rebellious.  They become rebellious even to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, with which they are well familiar.

  We are concerned parents of the new age.  We are concerned teachers.  We are concerned with the arresting of the spiral of this false hierarchy--these impostors of Cyclopea and Virginia and of all of the legions who are of the City Foursquare.  We are concerned, as you have heard also the words of beloved Magda, about those fallen ones who are the impostors of the Holy Spirit.

  The all-seeing Eye of God is also an activity of the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is for the precipitation of the New Jerusalem.  And all that becomes manifest in Matter must come through the Holy Spirit, even the very breath of life that is breathed into the nostrils of the tiny child and the lighting of the threefold flame.  This activity of the Holy Spirit is also a function of the fifth ray—the emerald ray of science, truth, mathematics and precipitation.

  What can be done?  I tell you that if it were not for Almighty God Himself, even we would have our moments of despair--that is, in the perspective of the relativity of the equation of time and space.  But because He lives and because He lives within you, we know that there is hope for Earth!

  We come to you then with our program and it is very specific.  It is absolutely necessary that you make invocations to all of the Elohim and Archangels and the  Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, for the arresting of the spirals of energy that is all energy misusing the action of the all-seeing Eye of God, for the binding of those members of the false hierarchy whose time for judgment has come, and for the clearing the way for crystallization of the God-flame in the City Foursquare.  You must use your calls to Astrea, your calls for reversing of the tide, and all that you have been taught as the techniques of the Mother for the specific concentrated effort of clearing all of this misuse that has been going on now far too long.

  We do not wish to see this planetary home overtaken by the fallen ones!  But I tell you, if it is taken over and if there ensues a cataclysm, as there was in the days of Atlantis, it will be for this one reason:  because of the perversion of the all-seeing Eye of God and the failure of mankind to check that perversion and to demand the stopping of the subliminal programming in advertisements for alcohol, cigarettes and all manner of merchandising that has been placed abroad in this land.

  For there is such a momentum of misuse of this Eye that it is reaching the point of the precipitation of that new order of the ages that is not of God but that is held in the dark eye of the Illuminati.  And all of this simply because mankind have not understood that with the simple raising of their hands and the use of the energies of the heart and the head and the hand, the reversing of the tide can take place.  And all of that darkness--I tell you, every erg of that energy--can be turned back again and reversed and be upon those fallen ones who sent it forth.  And immediately then by the reversing of that tide, you will be confirming the judgment.  And these fallen ones will be called to judgment, and their karma and their energy will be upon their own heads and upon their own godless creation….

  Above all I ask you to make calls for the clearing of the pollution of the subconscious as well as for the clearing of the pollution even of the astral bodies and of the mental plane.  The physical plane must be cleared.  The physical plane must be cleared, for it is a burden upon the body of the Mother and her children.  But I tell you, all must be cleared at once.  Let calls be given then that those who are being saturated by the fallen ones be cleared, be receptive….

  If then you lack the vision, you must know that automatically you must surrender.  You must surrender substance.  You must surrender selfishness.  And proportionately as you surrender you will have the vision and the power of the vision of the all-seeing Eye to challenge all of its misuses.

  The key to victory then by vision is absolute sacrifice of the lesser self and surrender of all lesser causes for the one great cause of freedom, the cause which the Great White Brotherhood has espoused--the freedom of every living soul.  

  I commend you into the keeping of the flame of Christ.  I commend you to your own heart’s deliberation upon my words.  And I commend you to the all-power of the Science of the Spoken Word to reverse the tide of the manipulators.  

                          -Elohim Cyclopea:  10-9-1986 at Pasadena, Pearls of Wisdom 53:22    ……………………………………………………………………….....................

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