Wednesday, July 14, 2021

to break the stupor of silence that may appear as harmony

   …it is solely due to a lack of true religion “pure and undefiled” and a lack of the practice of true religion that civilization has gone down time after time into negative spirals of destructivity, immorality and shame.

  I shun to speak of the great unhappiness that has been produced each time mankind have yielded to baser instincts on a mass scale; I would rather cite here and for all time the wondrous fact that wherever a life of virtue, a life of dedication, or even what men may call a life of sacrifice has been lived for humanity it has made an imprint of marvelous and lasting effect for good upon all peoples.  The world has become the benefactor of each sage, of each avatar and of each disciple whose life has truly been lived for God.  What the world needs today then is not less religion but more of the right kind.  But how carefully dark forces of the world, those who hide so skillfully behind their masks as angels of light--even to the point of convincing humanity that they do not exist--have woven their nets of deceit for the unwary….

  O beloved humanity, as a World Mother I speak to you solemnly with the sternest of warning and say:  regardless of human hypocrisy, regardless of the broken-down altars and the failures of many of the religious leaders to set the proper example, to teach the proper precepts, and to establish the proper guidelines for their followers, regardless of all of the defects that may exist or that have existed in the past in the various religions of the world, true religion must never perish from the Earth….

  It is not a question of age and youth, for what is ‘age’ or ‘youth’ but a figment of men’s imaginations on the ship of time.  All sail through the bounding main, all move as pilgrims on the bark of life; and they are not so separated by these few years as the illusion would have them believe.  Each in himself is able to recognize his frail being; but let him also realize that

 as there manifests a frail seaming outward fragile thing

 so there is an inner strength, an inner purpose,

 a greatness to which we must give wing.

  I urge all to attain self-mastery rather than mastery over the lives of others and to check the widespread practices of control men have one to another.  How determinedly the dark forces have spawned the Machiavellian ideas that men must control other men and their outward destinies.  They have created then not greatness or graciousness but mechanisms by which they divide and subdivide the races of men.  This fragmentation does not result in the unification of purpose that would help mankind to see reality, and to know it when they see it; on the contrary it creates those schisms which breed violence because men think unlike each other.  And because they do not think alike they can exude the poisonous breath of hatred against one another and in so doing feel that they are fulfilling their raison d’être.  Some even dare to consider their hatred to be the product of lofty ideals.   

                                         -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:18     …………………………………………………………………..................... ..

   Thus I come, for a cradle has been provided not alone by Gautama or the Divine Mother or Sanat Kumara but by hearts self-prepared, determined, even by those who by the standards of Eastern paths may not have “apparently” spiritual qualifications to be the abode of Maitreya.

  We see with inner eye.  The rough-hewn or the outer crudities do not discourage us when we see a fire that burns clean within.  Yet this is not to say that we do not then come to tutor and to refine, for what is Buddhahood but refinement of all [that] with which the newborn child of God has [been endowed].

  There are wise ones in the Earth.  There are kind ones. Refinement, including the balancing of karma, is all that stands between these jolly-good folk and the bodhisattvas who are the inheritors as are the bhikkhus and nuns of a tradition that does establish certain givens as being most certainly and most obviously a part of the path….

  Through this gift of fire from my heart you may become all that I AM sooner or later, as you will it, mindful that the sangha does not exist without the living chalice, that dharma does not exist without the living chalice, that the Guru-chela relationship does not exist without the living chalice.  I enter the heart of the dewdrop.   

                     -Maitreya:  6-30-1988 at RTR, MT,  Pearls of Wisdom 31:57     ………………………………………………………………….......................

  True God-mastery, beloved, is God-harmony.  But God-harmony is not the sign of those who cry, “Peace, peace,” and desire to smooth over the war [and the warring in their members] that is beneath [the surface raging in the subconscious] of those who may speak in quiet tones and always properly but have no internal [fount of] harmony or love.

  Thus sometimes in order to restore harmony it is necessary to intensify the voice, to speak firmly [or] to clap one’s hands to break the stupor of silence that may appear as harmony but is [as] deadly as though it were cacophony.  Blessed hearts, do not be fooled, then, by those who walk about with their smiles of peace, for you know better when you look into their eyes and see that they may be deeply troubled or angry or [gripped by] whatever else [may have invaded their temple].

  Therefore as I come harmony may sometimes necessarily be the manifestation of a Christ that does overturn the money changers in the temple of God.   Sometimes in order to have harmony it is necessary to make a ruckus.  But, beloved ones, that harmony is never out of control; it is as you would say staged for a purpose.  Thus in perfect God-control you may appear to be out of control, but it is the only means whereby [the representatives of] Guru may gain the attention of chelas who have become so disheveled and in such disarray that they have long since forgotten what is true [soul] alignment [with the Spirit of the living God].

  Therefore, beloved, Gurus of all ages have taken on many guises.  Thus the appearance when one is a true Guru is not necessarily that which the human mind interprets it to be.  Take care and understand, beloved, that ascended masters use every approach and every means to shock you out of the semi-sleep state into an awareness that all is not peace, that there must be an alertness, there must be an awareness; for danger is present and action is required….

  There are many false teachers abroad in the world today; some of them [come] teaching elements of the Great White Brotherhood’s teaching and yet within there is Darkness. But they have developed a manner of looking peaceful and pious and speaking quietly and assuring everyone that if they think peace and talk peace and plan for peace instead of war, they will be the wise ones who will bring about world peace….

  But if we should have to choose between chelas who sometimes become ruffled or disturbed and those who are all pious and prayerful in their self-styled holiness, we would rather take the rough-hewn chela who is surely becoming the diamond-cut stone of the vajrasattva….Therefore take care.  Take care of the ravening wolves within the body politic and within governments of the nations.    

-God Harmony:  10-7-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:53


  Therefore some of you will find that you must go out from the presence of the Lord for a time and use the violet flame to smooth the rough edges.  Perform your service, balance chunks of your karma and seek the Lord again and again as you embrace the next step and the next.

  Life’s victory isn’t won in a moment, as I think you realize.  Many of you recall personal experiences in ancient civilizations and therefore you know that the path is a process. Obey the rules and you will get there quickly.  When you do not obey them, though you might be the best of the Lord’s servants, you will have to go back down the stairs again and again.  And if your lifespan runs out, then what will you do if you haven’t balanced that 51 percent of your karma?  Well, you will be back, beloved.  That is the Law.  

                      -Magda:  3-30-1997, Easter, at RTR, MT, Pearl 40:36     …………………………………………………………………..

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