Tuesday, July 27, 2021

every despot and every tyrant has been brought low

1)   The science of electronics which manifests today is but a dim glory of those past ages when the high priests stood in the temples of old in close contact with their own divine God Presence and were able to invoke the power of levitation upon matter, which rose with the lightness of a feather. The heaviest stones would float in the atmosphere and move by the will of high priests and those priests skilled in the art of levitation of matter.  The physical bodies of mankind and all matter were directly under the control of the brilliant flame of divine illumination which flashed forth and linked itself with the ray of power and ray of divine love to produce by the power of the three-times-three, in all worlds of action, the action of the great illumination flame--bringing about ease and peace in the control of matter and energy which mankind has not experienced since the precious golden ages now long past…

 The cerebrum and cerebellum are as the great Milky Way is in the vast starry universe.  These are intended to be mighty continents of power anchored within the head area of every man whereby great currents of illumination may flow through those wondrous folds of your precious brains, creating therein a golden flame of illumination and removing the so-called gray matter from human consciousness, which is but the distortion of the pure white light into the qualities of gray by reason of addition of flecks of shadow created by human ideas of great density and opacity…..

  Mankind are not fully aware of the fact that thought is the creator of those disease-germs called by the scientists “germs” which are in themselves but misqualified energy which mankind have released in a microscopic pattern which--because of its virulence and because of its malice which was actually implanted into it by human thought--yet enters into the human bloodstream.  And there arises therein a tremendous battle between it and the internal nature of perfection which was implanted by God as a protection to every lifestream within the physical body….

  Do you think, beloved ones, that those who would deceive mankind and practice deceit are able to stand long?  Nay, I tell you, every despot and every tyrant has been brought low.  For I tell you, beloved ones, that every tyrant that exalts himself to heaven is brought low; and every child of the light who humbles himself before the great golden flame of illumination is raised up to partake of the wondrous fountain that flows from the heart of God and brings comfort to the nations.    

                             -Archangel Jophiel:  9-9-1963 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 25:46    …………………………………………………………...................................

2)   The very thought of power in Itself brings delight to the hearts of men.  The power of the universe as depicted in the very heavens themselves tells men of that seemingly far-off aspect of God for which their souls hunger but unto which it seems impossible to draw nigh.  Hope together with the element of faith has enabled men to release some degree of power into their worlds and subject It to their control.  Now power has taken many forms: abuses have marred its use, whereas virtue has enhanced it.  Tyrants have exploited it and politics and religion have been molded around the star of power, blazing in the firmament of society.    

                                      -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 7:6    …………………………………………………………………….....................

3)  But we who’ve been
A part of Earth
And felt the lash
Of tyrants bold
For freedom’s sake
We now do make
A call to hearts of gold.

Stand stalwart then,
And let your heart
Be framed by fragrant flowers,
Not earthly substance
That will fade—
Choose immortelles
From heaven’s bowers,

And see thy heart
As altar chalice
Loved by God and man,
And holding forth forevermore
Tripartite flame--
Twill exalt the plan.       -Saint Germain:  Pearl 10:7


4)   There is in the world today a spirit of carelessness.  We would replace it with the Spirit of carefulness, for the Architects of the Spirit themselves have, in measured cadences, made their own novitiates in times past.  Because of gross mortal misunderstanding and deliberate machinations of the sons of darkness there occurred a great distortion of Christian dogma as well as of all religious offerings.  The logic behind this is apparent in the face of the destroyer who does not come manifesting destructivity, leaving that to his marplots; rather he comes with the face of “an angel of light.”  

  Thus manipulation did distort dogma and the Eternal Father was portrayed as one who is a tyrant.  The visiting of the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third or fourth generation is a partial statement of cosmic law; for at a later time the Eternal repudiated the concept as it had been interpreted in eras of less enlightenment.  Let all perceive that the Scriptures must be rightly interpreted.  When they are, the airy vaults of the lesser heavens recede from view and the Infinite appears more the Infinite, His opportunities more noble and grand, and smallness shrinks into its own shell.  

                                               -Serapis Bey:  Pearl 12:15    …………………………………………………………………...................…

5)  So great is the tendency toward idolatry among mankind that mankind will idolize the tyrants and the stars that come across the human consciousness in every field.  How quickly they lay down their lives and their identity for figureheads, potentates and tyrants.  And they do so while sacrificing the soul for the sake of the ego of self or the ego of another.

  This then is why one is taken and another is left.  It is because within the circumference of being the one who is left has not risen in the flame in order to make the determination to be all of God, to be Father, Mother, Christ and Holy Spirit, to be all aspects of divinity.     -Lord and Lady Meru:  2-23-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:26  


6)  Again the Lord has warned “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul:  but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”   This renegade had no power to destroy the souls of the innocent in hell.  But he tried.  While he stands before the Four and Twenty Elders they will live to see the light of day on Earth, once again to challenge and be challenged by human tyrants masquerading as God.

  The path of the masqueraders is the false crucifixion in which Marxists, Leninists and Communists throughout the world have enslaved millions upon millions, replacing the glory of the risen Christ with the glory of a superstate that will surely come tumbling down even as the Tower of Babel was destroyed through the judgment of love.   

                                       -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearl 21:49    ………………………………………………………………................................

7)  These billion souls, beloved ones, are children of my heart, and I know that no tyrants can remain in control of any group of children of God upon Earth when those children saturate their auras with the violet flame.  It is as simple as that.  And thus I have revealed to you one solution without compromise: it is to intensify the violet flame.

  Inasmuch as these children of the sun have no knowledge of that violet flame, I give to you the love of my heart and I present to you a dispensation of the Lords of Karma decreed by the Cosmic Council that your violet-flame decrees shall descend upon the people of mainland China and the island of Taiwan and all those whose origin is from the land of Chin, wherever they be upon the planetary body--in Los Angeles, San Francisco, throughout Asia itself.

  The children of the light of Mother China, the mighty race who have been sponsored by Archangel Jophiel, Lord Lanto and Confucius, shall receive a double portion of your very own mantle of the violet flame.  Each time you gather together to intensify your violet-flame calls, your mantle and your portion of that session shall be doubled and it shall drop upon your friends of light and friends of freedom….

  And the resolution of freedom lies in rising by the flame of freedom where together, as angels soaring, all will look down upon their warring and say:  We will no longer fight brother against brother, sister against sister!  We will overthrow the tyrants by God’s Law, and we will unite!  We will become a single diamond of the will of Morya—without flaw.  We will be one, and in our oneness we will be free!…

  We do not count victory or defeat by days, by decades or by centuries.  We count victory by the aeons, each thousand years by thousand years.  And if you can rise above the grasses, morasses and forests of the Earth, you will see beyond and above the tyrants and their tyranny a steady procession of souls who manifest the burning light of freedom in their hearts until it burns so intensely that they cross the line into another octave.    

                                      -Kuan Yin:  6-30-1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 59:14     ……………………………………………………………...........................…

8)  Mark the individual who is discordant and you will know that man to be anti-freedom, anti-Saint Germain.  He may cover over his discord from subconscious levels with an aura of peace or sanctity or apparent support for the causes of freedom, but ultimately, when face to face with the Great Divine Director or Saint Germain or a chela or the embodied Messenger, a rupture occurs and a volcano of psychic discord comes to the fore with demands of fallen ones for their right to be discordant, their right to be tyrants, their right to be free to be Antichrist….

  We see that for the freedom of Earth God Harmony is an irreplaceable, indispensable cosmic being.  For Harmony transmits to you the initiation whereby you overthrow the invasion of invisible tyrants into the world of the self.  All sorts of conditions, all sorts of physical manifestations from drugs and alcohol to sugar, nicotine and poisonous toxins contribute to the inharmony of the body--not to mention the pollution of the astral plane, unseen pockets of rage and anger and the subtle, deafening beat of the demons and their rock beat that resounds on the astral plane and bombards the emotional body and the solar-plexus chakra even when the physical ear does not hear it.   

                                 -Mighty Victory:  7-3-1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 43:18     …………………………………………………………………......................

9)   Beloved citizens of the worlds, here in the midst of life on Terra as we together so identify with the familiar (the customs, joys and trials), here entangled with tyrants and burdened by foe, the children of the light have made their abode for many centuries.

  We come to call many of you to your soul’s liberation. We come to prepare you for the final hours of service, of centuries of your own heart’s anticipation of this victory.  We counsel, we mother, we enlighten and we comfort.  Our desire is to see each and every one of you be the most fruitful tree of life.     -Goddess of Liberty:  10-8-1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 57:13


9.5)   Now in this hour of greater peril than you know our Karmic Board of emissaries of justice and goodwill confer and bestow upon you our Word, the first to be heard in this decade on the eve of the Fourth of July.

  Our hearts have crystallized a grand matrix of truth.  And we are here for the preparations of a life that must be lived as a two-edged sword--a life that must be lived continuing, continuing as the Good Shepherd to draw the sheep into the sheepfold, and yet a life that must take care, a life that must take care for the very survival of the soul, body, mind and continuity of evolution of lightbearers.

  Thus I am reminded of the passing of a torch nine months ago.  I am reminded of the transfer of responsibility to Keepers of the Flame for transi­tion.   Transition into what?  It is into the higher vibration and into levels of the new age.  As they descend so those who are moving as an army of light before the population of Earth must ascend to meet the descending light, to converge with it and thereby in that resplendent glory reflect the oncoming Word unto those yet living in the valleys of life….

  If we could hold a desire in our hearts for you that we would desire to be your desire, it is the assembling of the rods and cones of your varying and manifold light identities in a closer molecule of service and living and giving of self unto God….

  Thus we report to you from the Royal Teton this night that many souls upon Earth have seen the conspiracies of the Nephilim, have been shown the record by the Keeper of the Scrolls at our request of how they have been betrayed again and again.  They have seen the mission of the Mother to go forth into the planes of matter by assignment from Omega to stand guard over the activities of these fallen ones and for a certain season to give them Portia’s own opportunity to return to the heart of the Flaming One….You must realize that in past decades and ages at least one son of God upon Earth has held out the lifeline of opportunity even in the face of an almost absolute wickedness of these fallen ones toward the holy innocents….

  I call for them (lightbearers who would serve) because I see and read the handwriting upon the wall.  As Morya has told you, most people of light and people in general do not realize how dire conditions are in reality, and most do not realize how much the Earth has been spared by the relentless devotion of those who keep the flame through the science of the spoken Word and the service of enlightenment.   

                      -Goddess of Liberty:  Freedom 1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 23:34    ……………………………………………………………………...................

10)  Hearts of infinite fire, there is the spreading of a disease in the astral bodies of the people.  It is a virus like physical viruses.  It is a cancer affecting the entire astral plane and the astral bodies of those who are already unhealthy in consciousness in that they mis­use the light of purity and they compromise the Laws of God.  And therefore their four lower bodies are not whole, are not healthy, by the natural and harmonious distribution of the light.  There is the clogging and the constipation of the astral body, even as there is this condition within the very tiniest physical cells…. 

  Therefore those who have the least light or no God-flame at all are the most susceptible to the astral viral diseases which create a forcefield that in turn is susceptible to the murderous intent and to the blood rites of the Satanic councils who exist both on the physical plane and on the astral plane and in certain levels of the mental plane.  Therefore the fallen ones who proceed by deliberate design also spawn their viruses in their astral laboratories.

  Therefore understand that those who walk in the way of righteousness, those who respond to the I AM Presence and worship the God of very gods, those who are open and pure in heart and not deceitful are clear channels for that light to flow.  And that light as a mighty waterfall daily cleanses and purifies the four lower bodies, thus displacing any condition whatsoever which would tend to accumulate those forcefields that are con­ducive to the establishment of diseases of the astral body….And death and hell are composed of the misused light of purity.  There­fore it must be lawfully wrested from the abusers of Almighty God….

  Now I tell you another mystery.   For the Office of the Two Witnesses is the witness unto life and death and unto righteousness and unrighteousness daily before the Karmic Board.  Blessed hearts, the Messengers could relate to you by the hour their witness of these fallen ones who have descended from some of our bands, who in their descent and misuse of the light of life, the pure flame of the Mother, have eventually lost their threefold flame and become hollowed out and vacant temples invaded by discarnates….

  I have taken you round about through all of this that you might realize that festering in the fallen ones are the forcefields of these astral and mental viruses.  Unless they be brought to the judgment, unless the calls be made for that lethal substance to be bound--the very essence of death and hell itself--there will continue to be a contamination and a pollution of the stream of con­sciousness in the earth, affecting those who are not nearly so dark but who have only small elements of darkness or carelessness or ignorance of the Laws of God.

  And therefore ultimately from the fallen ones, from the arch­deceivers of the Satanic council and their emissaries, there results in this chain of activity the murder in the streets of Los Angeles, New York and across the Earth.  Therefore we must begin at the beginning.   -Archangel Gabriel and Hope:  12-31-1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:9    


11)   Blessed hearts, souls encountering truth, souls uniting one with the other, forging a union, forging a nucleus, forging a magnet for transition into the new age--when have we ever seen re-created again the original seed of Sanat Kumara gathered together in one place, not merely for human companionship but for the understanding of the components of the capstone and the components of the heart of America, understanding the rising souls, disengaging from the dissonance of the world and its discord, from its momentum of war and bloodshed, oppression, and the clouding of the mind by tyrants?  When have we ever seen gathered together, in the numberless numbers of thousands, the body of light of planet Earth?  Blessed hearts, it has been many centuries.  And the world has not seen yet what can be accomplished by the great gathering of the elect….Even in the hour of transition we look for stability and we find it in the hearts of our chelas.  We find it in the light of the faithful.  We find it in the prayers of the righteous.  We find the sustaining power of the hand of God in government by law and not by tyrants.

  And yet this government and this economy has been seized by tyrants who think nothing of setting aside the law, that they may pursue their own selfish aims.  And thus there has arisen a grave inequality among people and shortages of goods and products that ought to be in abundance unto all.  And the people therefore enjoy not the fullness of riches of the abundant life on Earth because of the hoarding of that very supply, the hoarding of the wheat and the oil--the hoarding then of life itself and the denying of that very life to those who would press through into the physical octave to stand with you as the deliverers of an age….

  And I commend you--all of you who come from everywhere upon the planet--to realize that this hemisphere must be kept free, that the fallen ones must be cast down, that communism must go and that the tyrants sitting in the thrones of capitalism and their capitalistic governments must not be allowed to keep the people from freedom, from unity, from divine union with their Mighty I AM God Presence.   

-Saint Germain:  7-4-1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:34


12)   I ask you to sing with me an anthem unto the lightbearers of all nations, whom I consecrate to God-government in this hour.   For the angels have gone forth already for the binding of tyrants, and they are indeed fallen.  How are the mighty fallen and the stars removed from the heavens?  It is an inner work, beloved, at the astral and etheric plane.  The outer remains for your own good call and work.  Let us sing then to those who must rise, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”    -Saint Germain and

                                  Portia:  10-13-1985 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 28:50     ……………………………………………………………………...................….

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