Friday, July 2, 2021

The histories that are not taught

   Do you see what this then will mean to men who are presently engrossed in the building of monuments to their own personal egos and in the acquirement of money so that they may cause others to tremble because of their monetary power?

  I tell you, blessed ones, for money’s sake and for the sake of filthy lucre some among the mankind of Earth will do almost anything, even [if it means] bringing about destruction and the defeat of great nations.  They will betray their countries.  They will betray their homes and families.  They will betray their own Divine Presence for the sake of money.  I tell you, blessed ones, this is an action of the money beast,1 whose center—lying over Wall Street in New York City--has caused a manipulation of the stock markets, many times to the destruction of many individuals.

  Blessed ones, do you realize what the action of man’s love of money has done to the cities of your own country? Do you realize how it has brought about not only places where individuals act in a manner most unbecoming to their own divinity but also where they deceive mankind and attempt to deceive the very Deity within their own person?   

         -Saint Germain:  7-12-1964 at Minneapolis via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 60:18

1.  The money beast is the “beast coming up out of the earth,” whose number is 666 (Rev. 13:11-18).  The Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains that this mass astral entity named Jezebella is the consciousness of the greed and power of international forces involving corporate, financial and power elite interests.  It is a misuse of capitalism.


  With a few courses in Keynesian economics and Marxist socialism mere amateurs approach the subject of the nations’ money systems, a balanced budget, taxation and the financial burdens of a federal bureaucracy as though they were experts in the science of supply.

  Inasmuch as the real laws of economics and the God-solutions to the international economy are not to be found in the most elite schools of the day nor in the minds of the experts (if they were, we should have no problems of such immense proportions), it behooves the children of the light to systematically study the disease of inflation and to invoke the God-solution and the God-science to this cancer of the economy before the very life-force of the free peoples of the earth is devoured by its tentacles….The manipulation of the free market and the free governments of nations through monopoly capitalism or corporate socialism will not work.  It destroys individual creativity and snuffs out the fires of hope that ever rest in the heart of the individual as the desire to be self-sustaining in God.     -Saint Germain:  Pearl 23:7


  There is no question in heaven that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, that this Earth is given unto the people of God.  But there is some dissension in Earth and in the lower octaves, to which the fallen ones have been cast, as to whether or not this Earth shall remain in the hands of the children of the light.  And the children of the light do not perceive that they are being challenged in every area of life for the control of natural resources.  And the very oil itself, that is the foundation with wheat, of the economy of life and the very radiation of the Sun and the sun of the atom as nuclear energy and the energy of Helios and Vesta, become focalpoints for the manipulation of monopolies of the power elite.

  Beloved ones, the suppression of the people by inordinate taxation is a fight that must be fought and won.  This cannot endure, nor the manipulation of supply, nor inflation—the tampering with the very lifeblood of the children of the light, as there is the reinforcement from the power elite of those individuals who have determined to put down the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and of the lightbearers from nation to nation and continent by continent.

  Beloved hearts of light, let the people speak in full voice and bear witness unto the truth at every hand.  For wherever you go, you see, there is that attempt to distract, to destroy and to cause degeneration of mind and heart and soul and body of the very nations themselves.  Therefore we send our emissaries.    

-Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  11-2-1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 55:17


  And let the writing of the analysis of current events and matters of state be for the realigning of this people with the true fleur-de-lis of my heart, the true will of God, the true wisdom of God, the true love of God.  Beloved, they love much.  They rejoice much.  They have much fervor of freedom.  But they are disenfranchised by their ignorance and in some cases by their rotten education, which is the education of the power elite to keep the lightbearers enslaved by their ignorance of the living Word and of their place in history and of their identity in God.  And I speak of both secular and religious education that fails to prepare children and youth for this awesome responsibility to be the Keeper of the Flame of Liberty.

  Beloved ones, when the calls went forth during the trial with fervor and all due attention, a mighty reservoir was built and the action of these calls and the reservoir of the will of God built did enable El Morya to act decisively for cosmic purpose in the transfer of this property and in your moving up, then, to that higher ground.   

                      -Goddess of Liberty:  7-5-1986 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 29:65     ………………………………………………………………………….

  There are many ways that nations are conquered and one means is by foreign wealth and power taking over the lands, the banking houses and the [financial institutions] that have to do with the economy of the nation.  Another way of course is by superior intelligence, superior skill, superior mental agility, even the understanding of the strategies of takeover without a war being fought or a shot being fired. 

  Thus it has ever been the goal of the fallen ones to promote their own in the very best situations of research and study that those who are trained on the path of defiance against God [might take their] place of power [in each generation] to rule over the children of God and the children of Israel, who have themselves allowed [this world domination by a power elite made up of the fallen angels] to happen again and again, beloved….

  Blessed ones, those faults are not as apparent as they should be to those reformers who have come [into embodiment] sparked by Saint Germain with the desire to take up this cause. This cause will be won not by overlords and administrators but by the individual teachers in the individual classrooms.  For when those teachers have the heart and the fire and the full development [of the Christ Mind and the necessary command of their subject], and especially when they are initiates of the Great White Brotherhood, the success of their students year in, year out on their college boards, on their exams and in their academic standing that is rated above their peers will attract the attention [that success always attracts] whereby other schools will desire to adopt those methods.

  Therefore it is absolutely imperative that big government not control education but that education and the schoolhouses of the nation be restored to the control of the parents, the teachers, and the members of the community where those schools are found. And this [bureaucratic control] is the root and the core of the problem, as you know, for thereby the serpents have entered the schoolhouses of the nation and have imposed upon them all of their methods for the manipulation of the minds of the children.

  This is what you must decree for, this very point–[for divine intervention concerning the fallen angels] who have entered the lives of the children and the college students, [for the interdiction of their ungodly deeds] and for the restoration [of the right and the responsibility] to the people themselves [to educate the soul, the mind, heart, spirit and body of their children].  For whatever their imperfections, [the people] do know what is best for their children. …

  I tell you, America is about to be lost this day because several generations have not studied and therefore not known the real history of both the United States and Soviet Union; [nor have they studied] the history of war on this planetary body. Therefore they have made decisions which they never would have made had there been dedicated history teachers in the classrooms who [knew their subject and] could write their own curriculum and could give to the children a true knowledge of how freedom was won, how America was won, how a planet was won for this age by Saint Germain [--and how Mother Russia and Eastern Europe and China and North Korea and Vietnam were lost to World Communism].  The histories that are not taught, even the histories of the saints as the ascended masters who have served in secular [as well as spiritual] positions throughout the ages, would provide the proper role models and the profiles of character that these children can reach for.    

            -Gautama Buddha:  10-4-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:48    …………………………………………………………......................................

  And therefore place now your right thumb and first two fingers on the crown chakra and press in as hard as you can, beloved, on the crown even as you take your left hand simultaneously–the thumb and the first two fingers--and press them to the center of the chest.  And know that the golden pink glow-ray is the power of the crown chakra and the heart [combined], the indomitable power of Helios and Vesta, the indomitable Will of Helios and Vesta–the indomitable Wisdom and the indomitable Love.

  You are children of the Sun, beloved!  You can do anything through that Cosmic Christ consciousness of the Sun.  Anything, I tell you, is possible in God!   Only remember that you are made of sunbeams.  You are made of sun-center energy. You are made of cosmic fire of Elohim in the beginning with the Word.  Therefore I break the boundaries of limitation!   I shatter the old matrices of mortality!…

  Yes, you have come from Venus and other places, beloved, but here you are this day and your feet are planted firmly in the physical octave.  See to it that you draw down all of the sun into the lowest depths of the physical plane.  And if you can draw it down as far as the depths of death and hell into the thirty-three steps, beloved, you can by the power of the Sun rout those fallen ones, bind death and hell, cast them into the Lake of Fire of our Sun of this system [and be done with them]!  Yes, beloved, our Lake of Fire comes in all the rainbow rays of God and it is the powerful energy for the consuming of these ones.  Why should they remain in the astral plane of earth itself?

  Well, I will tell you why.  They will remain until the people of Earth decide to reject them, for they will no longer worship them, they will no longer accept their standards.  Therefore you, it is you who have given them haven!  Therefore divest yourselves of all of that consciousness of the seed of the Wicked One and see how they will no longer be able to abide….

  Do you understand, beloved ones, that I am speaking to you in the frequency of the vibration of the Central Sun?  And therefore you can understand how there can be a stepping up of your mind and a stepping up of your consciousness and how there comes the day when you can no longer speak, for you cannot put into words the rapidity of the Mind of God that does beam to you the cosmic concept that you need to have in order to accomplish that mission upon this planetary body.  I say, beloved ones, you can see how time can be expanded when you are accelerated….

  How long will you wallow in the muck and the mire of mortality?  Tell me how long.  [“No longer!”]  “No longer” is the answer!   From this day forward!   “No longer” is the answer!     

                       -Helios:  7-4-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 34:40     ………………………………………………………………........................

3-11-21  Laura Ingraham:  'Elite privilege is poisoning America' and sabotaging our sense of fairness

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