Monday, February 21, 2022

These are the Four Cosmic Forces who hold the cosmic cross of whitefire

     Therefore we are come, therefore we are one in the Universal Logos.  And therefore we rejoice, coming into Earth in the hour of the Second Advent, in the hour of Messiah born in the heart of God’s own children and in the hour of the Cosmic Christ appearing as THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
    Therefore because he is come into Earth, into the temple of the one hundred forty and four thousand there is the Lamb on Mount Sion.  And the Lamb who stands in Earth is in the very center of the I AM God Presence.  And therefore all who are the mighty tributaries of the Lamb as the wife of the Lamb, all whose souls are redeemed from among men, all who are the hundred and forty-four thousand are positioned in Earth as  manifestation of the living Word.     -Angel of Cosmic Cross of Whitefire:n 4-4-1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 23:21
    Saints of the ruby ray within inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood have assembled now for the past fortnight in deliberation with me. For I AM Nada and I serve humanity with numberless numbers on the sixth ray.  Our service is always the service of the Manchild within each heart, and we have arrived at that point of joyous service through initiation of surrender and sacrifice and selflessness that reveals the magnificent reality of Self within each heart.
  The unveiling of the bride of the soul as the Lamb’s wife is the consummation of path of ruby ray.  You will note that John the Beloved was the initiate among Christ’s apostles of the fullness of cup of the ruby cross; and the Book of Revelation is the extraordinary meditation of his soul upon Christ Jesus in the figure of a Man, a Lion, a Calf and a Flying Eagle.
    Therefore legions of the love ray—angels of Chamuel and Charity, Elohim Heros and Amora and all elemental life, angels of the Holy Spirit and  covering cherubim have gathered in this fortnight to deliberate with me as I serve on the Karmic Board, as to how we might accelerate love in the heart of Earth, in the heart of the people of God that they might feel the all-consuming light that dissolves all barriers to the union of the One and to  resolution of the many problems of life into the one light sublime of the rising fount of ascension’s flame.
    We have assembled in answer to calls and prayers and pleas of millions—in response to those whose chants rise as the morning light dawns out of the East, to the prayers of the West and to the crying of souls of little children.  We have come in response to the call of Sanat Kumara and his renewed declaration to open the way of the ruby ray….I make the sign of the ruby cross where ye are.  Let its piercing light in your heart blossom as a thousand-petaled pink rose.  And let the rose glow, and let it be the word I know.  Let the rose glow, and let it emanate a fragrance that is the heart of the dharma of buddha, of sangha of buddha and of the Buddha himself.  So by trinity of love and by squaring of the circle of love in the heart of Mother and chelas Earth can see yet the roseate dawn of a golden age.      

                 -Nada, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles County, Pearl 55:12
   Holiness to the Lord !
Holiness to the Lord!
Holiness to the Lord!
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
Which was, and is, and is to come.
    The four beasts are the living creatures who worship the Trinity because they have come out of the Trinity, born of the One and of the polarity within the One, Alpha and Omega.  The four beasts are for the squaring of the circle of Spirit that is become the foundation foursquare in matter of the Great Pyramid of Life and of the Holy City.
   I AM in the four beasts and the four beasts are in me and we are one.  These are the Four Cosmic Forces who hold the cosmic cross of whitefire that designates the quadrants in Spirit and quadrants in matter–fire, air, water and earth.  They are the four sacred elements who support and surround the great white throne.  They are the within.  They are the without.  Whither the Spirit goeth they go. And they follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth in the heavens and in the earth.
   They are the guardians of the door that is opened in Spirit and in matter.  They are the guardians of the twelve gates of the Holy City.  In Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva they guard the three gates on the east, the three gates on the north, the three gates on the south and the three gates on the west.  They are the foundation of the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun.  They are the initiators of the hundred and forty and four thousand on the path of the rose cross.
    Now hear the Word of the Lord.  The Four Cosmic Forces sustain the ruby cube whereby the heart of God becomes the heart of man.  Ponder the ruby cube.  Meditate upon the flame of love burning within the center.  Trace the twenty-four right angles governed by the Four and Twenty Elders whereby Spirit becomes matter and matter becomes Spirit. It is the Holy Ghost, the Activator, the Deactivator.  The ruby cube is pure love, fiery love, unadulterated unselfish love perpetually burning all unlike itself.  One must approach with extreme caution, therefore the path of rose cross. Therefore the initiations of the Four Cosmic Forces in the way of the surrender of the image of self that the Self may be All-in-all.  Only the Self may stand in the center of the ruby cube.  All else is self-destroyed. Therefore the four beasts full of eyes of Elohim–openings unto the Great Central Sun–rest not day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”  Thus they intone the sound of I AM THAT I AM, of Elohim, of El Shaddai.  Thus intoning the sound of soundless sound they sustain the vibration of ruby cube in the whitefire core of a cosmos. 

                        -Sanat Kumara:  Pearl 22:16

  l, Raphael, come to tear the veil from you–if you would see. But some desire not to see, preferring the layers of illusion whereby the world may still be a Disney World fantasy and they may practice denial at every hand and escape reality.  -Pearl 36:15

   Thus the gnomes descend to defend you in the hour of need. They strengthen.  They make straight.  They uphold your right to be in the physical domain, to walk the earth as sons and daughters of God.  Staunch they are, as mighty soldiers, foot soldiers.  They march across the face of the earth and they come to render service.  And in return they ask one favor:     their prayer is that you might also pray for the precious gnomes such as those depicted in the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs—the seven dwarfs who each had an impediment.  Some were grumpy, some were happy, some were fat, some were thin.  You see, precious hearts, the gnomes can be no more than mankind allow them to be, and so they pattern their destiny not after the divine Logos, the Deity established in you, but they pattern their destiny after mankind’s credo, which exalts man instead of God.
    And thus the manifestation of man, imperfect as it is, is taken on and borne as a weight.  Some of these little gnomes walk as hunchbacks in the rocks and mountains and caves of the world, waiting for the coming of the Son of God, waiting for the touch of resurrection’s fires through which one day they shall be free to ascend into eternity.   -Aries, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  September 2, 1973 at Atlanta, Georgia, Pearl 62:8

  …the increase of the light of the eye that must be single in the representatives of the Great White Brotherhood.
    Singleness of eye signifies a singleness of purpose—one-pointed.  Since this generation has had the supplement to their imagination of various forms of the media, blessed hearts, realize that their own “eye magic” or inner imagination has been correspondingly reduced.  For they themselves have not had to produce images in order to see, for images are everywhere bombarding the senses. And therefore the gift of spiritual visualization, imagination, outpicturization of  inner patterns of soul has been taken from the developing ones and all who have sat before the television set for decades now, being spoon-fed images—which images block out the true image of Christ within.
    You read of the image of God in whose image you are made.  The image of God is the Son, is the Christ.  And the hidden man of the heart remains hidden until the soul reaches up, strives to enter in and by that self-sacrificing love proves the worth and oneness and  alchemical marriage.  Thus, beloved hearts, the image of the Son of God within you is the image of one Universal Christ consciousness.  You can imagine then that out of this image are all lesser images necessary to your fulfillment of the divine plan.
   There is no accomplishment without a vision or a goal well-defined.  When you write down a goal and a set of tasks that must be performed to reach a goal you are putting forth in  written word the image of the path.  And this becomes the alchemy—a plan that is numbered, steps that are taken one by one and in the order of the Logos of that hidden man of the heart.      Directing this order of your life is your own beloved Christ Self.  And through that Christ Self you have access to the vast storehouse of attainment out of the causal body of all sons who have ascended from these systems of worlds.
    Now realize therefore that your Christ mind is perpetually fertile in the delivery to your soul of images—images of what ought to be and also pictures in the mind that are a warning of danger.  God communicates to you not only through the voice of conscience but through an image that is given to your mind and heart and soul.  And sometimes when you see those images that are not so nice you tend to block them out because you do not wish to see them, not realizing that the angel of His Presence who is your beloved Christ Self is sending to you a very necessary scene.  On other occasions the warning is not to personal danger but may be a scene of hardship or burden or darkness coming upon Earth. These inner visions are directly the projection of consciousness of your Christ Self upon the reflective pool of soul.
   Therefore when the pool is muddied or troubled you do not see the clear image.  When  there is an agitation of nervous system and chakras through the five senses—overpowering noise, overpowering sound of many kinds, a supersaturation of the four lower bodies with tastes of this world, with its vibrations, with that entering in to orifices of being of all  disturbing conditions—then you are not clear to hear and see the message of your own Christ Self whose messenger in reality you are!
    For when you have stillness in soul, mind and heart and intense desire to be the reflecting pool of the Lord God, then when you do receive the vision you may give that vision to others who have not seen it.  And therefore you become a fulcrum in your field of endeavor of the way in which others ought to go, for all have come forth out of the one Christ.      Thus you go to the mountains, you go within, you go beyond the stars in meditation to come away from bombardment of senses in the physical octave of this world so that you might better define purpose, then to come down from the mountain of meditation and in the action of the sword of truth to forge a God-union, your personal identity, and to value above all the elements of community—the community of family, community of neighborhood,  town, state, nation, the spiritual community of lightbearers.
   For these are nuclei with sun- centers, and the sun-centers must be Christed ones who have the vision.  And unless they will go through the procedure— the one, two, three steps of stilling the mind, tuning-in, clearing channels— then they will forfeit the office of visionary in the center of that community.
    Do not think that the vacuum will not be filled.  It will be seized and snatched from you if you do not fill it by those who are interlopers, hirelings and false pastors.  Thus they will present their vision of a world communal system, of a world totalitarian movement.  They will replace God with anti-God as the supergods of a superstate; and you will see the destruction of the economy and souls blinded by a mass planetary momentum and entity which does cloud people and make them perform for a season acts and deeds which are not native to their own righteousness out of The Lord Our Righteousness or their own soul’s beauty.
   And when the period of their being ensnared by these spirals of illusion is over and they awaken again as though from a dream they can hardly believe they have been instruments not of the light of the hidden man of the heart but of the nefarious forces of the underworld that have stolen from them another round of cosmic purpose, another round of service to my God and to your God.
   Thus the image of the hidden man of the heart is the key.  Wethe ascended masters have inspired upon our messengers and chelas mighty thoughtforms for you to understand inner symbols as well as realities.  For the circle and sword of blue flame that you have seen on the screen over the White House is by no means a mere symbol.  It is a cosmic reality wielded by every ascended master and cosmic being, though beloved Astrea in the Office of Maha Kali does wield the mighty power of that circle and sword effectively as focalpoint and center of that dedication—and Archangel Michael and many of the blue-lightning angels.
    That power to encircle, to draw off by mighty whirling action of the light discarnates, nefarious forces, plots and intrigue, is mighty indeed— as mighty as the Almighty One Himself who has endowed the instruments of Elohim and archangels and servant-sons and daughters on Earth to wield that very power which is the omnipotence of the Godhead.  Thus visualization and riveting of the attention combining with the science of the spoken Word give you an action and an immediate presence at the very point of the forcefield where it is originally given.
   Through this vision of the prayer vigil for the world held in Washington immediately by eye contact you are there!  You are in the sanctuary, you are at the White House, you are at the Supreme Court and in the Capitol building.  You are wherever there is the defilement of the Word, and you are there, dissolving it by the power of Shiva.
   This is intended to reinforce, fortify and also activate your own native imagination.  But you must exercise this faculty of third eye which works hand in hand with the seat-of-the-soul chakra—the soul and third eye together therefore manifesting a God-determination and vision of the entire Great White Brotherhood of that which is to take place….  
    Our message is that you must visualize the circle and sword of blue flame around every area that is a problem, that is a problem area of bombardment of forces not of light preventing divine will and divine solution.  That circle and sword of blue flame will not and cannot remove aught except that which is darkness.  It preserves light—the light of the Son of God, the light of the Almighty and hosts of the Lord.  It reinforces freewill of the individual within his own God Self to make a freewill decision.
   The action of circle and sword of blue flame will only remove that which is bane and preserve the blessing and  freedom, remove the illusion and devastating forces that take over the minds of people when they may regularly take in drugs, cocaine, marijuana, even nicotine coating the brain.  All of these substances prevent right action and right decision on the part of the leaders of the world and ]leaders in Washington.
   We know whereof we speak. We know there is a very high incidence in high places of the use of drugs and the contamination of the chakras and the bodies. Therefore, how can they offer a God-solution? …
    Therefore you will see how the power united worldwide of Keepers of the Flame will cause an intense momentum by eye magic of visualization, by image of Christ within you and by science of the spoken Word.  This is the power of the heart.  This is the power of sacred fire of flow of the Word.  This is the power of vision!  And it is the power of the soul’s desiring in that seat-of-the-soul chakra, and with all of the desiring of solar plexus of that desire body to channel through all chakras of being the mighty power of the Lord’s hosts for the victory of  nations of Earth….
    Therefore once entwined by a tight coil of desire it is most difficult for individuals to free themselves….For the individual cannot hold the balance of his wrong desiring in the presence of desiring of God, and he has no further momentum to overcome the creation of his wrong desiring because he has spent his allotment, both of freewill and of energy from the Godhead.  Thus the individual who has disobeyed the Laws of the Holy Ghost, of the Third Person of the Trinity, which is the universal love of Almighty One, is in the dilemma of the fallen one who must seek the source of threefold flame in order to have the opportunity renewed.
    Many frantically seek the Holy Spirit in this day, and I can tell you why—the demons and discarnates around them cause them to behave in such a frenzy and to gravitate and gyrate in lower forms of music and sound, bellowing sounds out of their bellies that have nothing to do with the sound of the Son of God—those who so weep and moan for the Holy Ghost are possessed of entities who have no light, no energy, no being; and in the individuals themselves there is the loss of the divine spark.      

                   -Nada, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 7, 1983  at Camelot, Pearls pf Wisdpm 26:51

 You all remember the story of Pinocchio—a path of initiation of the winning of a heart.  Thus, blessed ones, who can measure the heart of any soul or of a man?  For only God does know.  The wise assume that the heart requires the burning lamp.  The wise assume that not knowledge alone but a fervent devotion harnessed to a love star is needed—and then of course the will to be:  the will of tiny grasses and forget-me-nots and many wildflowers, the will in every life.  You find that will in the heart of every part of life that beats with a cosmic heart, with the Central Sun.
  Therefore I welcome you to the place of the Heart which I dedicate in this hour to the path of the initiation of the heart.  Let none enter here who will not feed my sheep!  Let none enter who will not give to my sheep true soul nourishment—those who cruelly transfer not the leadings of  soul but a dead doctrine, a serpent philosophy that leads nations to self-destruction, destroys their economies and makes all the world to know the meaning of hopelessness when hope should abound, for He lives and walks yet with His own.  

                      -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet onAugust 25, 1982 at the Inner Retreat, Montana, Pearl 25:56


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