Thursday, February 24, 2022

in their frenzy and in their fear, people want to enact laws that are absolutist in nature—allowing no room for individual freedom

      Understand then that to ensoul light means to vibrate with that light.  You cannot vibrate in the old ways and expect to ensoul light that will be for the deliverance of a people and the nations.  Understand that the very conditions of earth, the very nature of condemnation itself exists because of the level of vibration of the entire planetary coil of energy—the entire momentum of the consciousness of the people.
You cannot decree for  consuming of that energy if you remain at a low-grade frequency in your consciousness….
Yet we desire to consume and transmute these levels. And it must be done through the Word incarnate in someone, through the threefold flame in hearts of devotees who can pronounce the name I AM THAT I AM into the very midst of world chaos!…
  I make the sign of the ruby cross as the sign of fiery salamanders who in the very center of the crucified heart of Christ do keep the flame of life.  Think upon it.  For the salamanders do keep the flame of the sacred heart of Jesus—and that Jesus in the mode of crucifixion.
As they are devotees of Cosmic Christ and you are devotees of the Mother, can you do any less in her behalf?  -Oromasis and

                           Diana, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:49
  Blessed ones, there cannot become a mechanization of justice or a mechanization of the Law and thereby take from the people themselves the office and role of the individual Christ to be an integrator as well as an interpreter of the Law.  You must realize that in their frenzy and in their fear, people want to enact laws that are absolutist in nature—allowing no room for individual freedom on the part of the people or those who must represent them in justice and in    the legislatures.   
                   -Saint Germain:  10-12-1981 at Camelot via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 24:50
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  You did not have to make yourself a doormat for world energies.  And you thrust forth, and you extend the will, and you say to the proud wave:  “Thus far and no farther.”
This is the seed of attainment.  This is the sign of those who have gotten the victory over the beast.   
                  -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 10, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:48
One cannot understand one’s positioning in life without the very close-up view, nor without the overview.  I would like to show you this day the broad sine wave of cycles that has been proceeding, each sine wave being a two-thousand-year dispensation, and within the two thousand years also the thrust of Alpha and the return of Omega.
understand then that though there have been dispensations and though there have been pleas, each year and each month is a new day unlike any other—a new point on the current sine wave of the decades.…
  While body and heart are chained to the Rock of Christ in his worship and deliverance and grace of the ages, the mind and soul can soar to the Central Sun.  Therefore we understand the meaning of the alchemy of service and we understand the sine wave of returning karma that is the mandate of the age….
  I am here to tell you the disposition of Alpha.   It is indeed the desire of Alpha to see all things come to an end so that the glory of Aquarius might be a two-thousand-year dispensation for the transmutation of all that has gone forth forth in the entire fourteen thousand years of this greater cycle.
                       Saint Germain was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 5, 1982,at Camelot, Pearl 25:65
  Yes, we are God-determined.  Yes, our causal body has flowed in this very hour.  And we are here to tell you of our devotion to your hearts and of our perception of a certain acceleration since our experiment in alchemy of this harvest conference.  For the sine wave to the Sun has been rippled by hearts who have contemplated, and not that alone—aye, who have actually determined to rise upon the sine wave to the Sun!
  I, Saint Germain, touch you fervently—as near to your hearts as I dare come until you also mount another spire on the sine wave.    
                     -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot November 1, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:52

  Heaven and earth may pass away, human beings may come and go, and the flux of the ages as the sine wave progresses may note alternatives to the matter cosmos.  Yet I, Shiva, I, Shiva, do live forever and forever in the heart of the devotee.  Though the devotee be in any octave above or below, yet that spark of devotion, that steadiness of devotion, that purity of devotion in God does establish the love tie to my heart and through my heart, to Parvati.   

                -Shiva and Parvati, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 28, 1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 36:39 ……………..................................................................

 The delicate thread of contact [between the unascended chela and Hierarchy] is strengthened by communication of the Word.  The impulse of the Word from the heart of Almighty God to your soul is a vibration and a vibratory action upon the thread [of contact] itself so that the quivering light and [transfer of] energy is a transmission by the sine wave of God and by the very particles of the Word.
  The transfer of light from Alpha and Omega is thus twofold—impulse creating the wave of light, the wave of light transmitted as though the thread itself had become a beaded string and world upon world should receive the wave of light and even compose spheres of consciousness, though microscopic, yet having the characteristics of the macrocosm of the causal body of the sons of God.    

                 -Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 29, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 24:77

 Thus when you are at the peak of the sine wave know it is the moment for self-transcendence.  Do not let go of it!  Do not be swept away by the astral sea but know that things may not always be as good as they are in this very moment.    

                    Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thanksgiving , November 25, 1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:3
  Blessed hearts, you have, as it were, a momentum on a sine wave that is not ascending.  You have become accustomed to Earth’s merry-go-round and have forgot that the purpose of the sine wave is to get off the merry-go-round and to enter the spiral that leads as a coil of fire directly to the heart of Alpha and Omega.     
              -Lord Himalaya:  October 4, 1987 at NYC via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 30:57

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