Wednesday, February 2, 2022

continued vigilance and diligence in your dynamic decrees there can be sustained the necessary spiritual and physical protection


        Of course human relations are the most serious problem men face today….no human relationship was intended to be a yoke which would interfere with one’s own relationship with their very own God Presence I AM!  The implication is clear that no matter how precious these relationships may be, they are at best only transitory by comparison with one’s closeness to their own individualized God Presence….
        It is always a mistake to let anyone or anything interfere with one’s personal progress in the eternal light.  The scriptures say that friendship with the world is enmity with God—and this is always true when the “world” usurps divine authority.  However when friendship with God or any one of his creatures either ascended or unascended results in an extension of divine grace and love into the world enhancing and hallowing all outer relationships, thereby imparting to them a quality of spiritual permanence, then the dependability of heaven is charged into them.  Such associations are no longer subject to mere human whims, moods or fickle tendencies men so often express….If friendship be genuine it is not so easily sundered.  Those who lean upon their own God Presence will not wish to be swayed by human concepts or whisperings.  You see, real divine friendship always produces universal stability in all it touches—especially once it is recognized by both parties as such!       -Djwal Kul:  Pearls of Wisdom 4:3

  I can assure you that the diminishing of the so-called peace movements in Europe and especially in Germany has to do with the stand taken by students all over the world on behalf of Saint Germain, who had the certain knowledge that this nation ought to be protected.  Ths is an instance where the level of attainment and awareness of the German people themselves was not adequate to deal with dark forces coming through the Green peace party.
      Beloved ones of light, understand that the difference between that level of consciousness of the German people and the level needed for them to deal with the burden placed upon them by these fallen ones was compensated for by the level of attainment of  lightbearers; the gap was bridged.  And the dynamic decrees given by our students in every nation were responsible for diminishing that movement of pacifism and for  ongoingness of the policies that were supported by the United States and by the German government. As a result, the U.S. Pershing II and cruise missiles in place represent the determination and will of God not to allow the Communists to pass into Western Europe and to overtake West Germany.
     Here is a clear example of where a body of lightbearers came together and determined “They shall not pass!” Their light was communicated to the hearts and souls of many of the German people who were not in favor of this party or its activities.  And therefore, by inner consent of their souls, though their ability to know what to do in the face of dark forces was absent in their outer minds, the Law could act and saints of God could intervene.  And thus with continued vigilance and diligence in your dynamic decrees there can be sustained the necessary spiritual and physical protection of Europe and the United States forestalling an impetuous act by the Soviets, triggered by their psychology of fear or other considerations, chiefly economic, that would not be the better part of wisdom and could indeed unleash world war.  

             -El Morya:  via Messenger E C Prophet on 4-22-1984, Easter, at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 27:31a

Mar 17, 1982 — More than any other new American weapon, the Pershing II missile appears ... are aimed at reducing or removing the mutual threat in Europe.
  United States introduce 572 Pershing II and cruise missiles into Europe to balance the 900 SS-20s.  Programs to upgrade the three elements of strategic deterrence were approved only after being cut back, yet they drew complaints from the Soviet Union that the highly accurate MX missile, the new Poseidon nuclear submarines and air-launched cruise missiles for the B-52 force were first-strike weapons.…The European antinuclear movement, however, now officially patronized by the British Labour Party, the Greens in West Germany and Dutch and Belgian social democrats, forced Reagan to link Pershing deployment with intermediate nuclear forces (INF) talks with the U.S.S.R.   
 Pershing II IRBMs deployed in Europe from 1984 until they were dismantled under the terms of the INF Treaty.
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