Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Blessed hearts of light

 The fallen angels desire to be the first to know, beloved, who is the Christed One.  They carefully monitor the entire world.  They monitor your children with tests and accelerated programs.  They look to see who will not fit into their studies of the social sciences and the chaos they have made of the textbooks.  They are constantly sifting to know where is the child who is born, who is to come, who shall be the one to disengage them from their Darkness.
    •    Beloved ones, the programming of the people of this planet, the programming of Earth is not only to suppress  individual cognition by wisdom’s flame of the heart of the perception that “I AM Christ,” but it is to monitor all lifewaves and to discover who is Melchizedek as soon as he should appear—who is Abraham, who is the one who will upset the applecart of their entire Edenic mirage of temptation and betrayal and subversion of all branches of human/ divine learning.
    •    Beloved ones, I went from the crèche carrying in my heart the great burnishment of the soul who was and is and shall be forevermore the One Sent as the Christ light of the ages.  Blessed hearts, so I bore it to the land whence I had come. And so I bore it in subsequent incarnations, some Christian and some not.  But in each lifetime though perceiving him as Moslem or Hindu or Buddhist or as Christian I would yet have the veil bestowed upon me of those traditions, of the limitations to that Christhood which would be attempted to be imposed upon me by the sovereigns and priests and Orders of the day 

              -El Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1985 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 28:51
  This is why we have dedicated a New World—a New World free from the infiltration of those who are anti-God.  But those who have come here with the light of freedom burning in their breasts have not understood the threat of these tyrants, nor have they understood the seeds implanted in their own subconscious to cause them to sway with the fallen ones rather than to walk with straight spine and straight arrow, with the mighty standard of the original Christ-purity upon which this nation is founded.
Therefore I come with a new freedom and a new light. It is freedom from the original oppressors.
Blessed hearts, we have nothing against the Old World—against Europe or against the British Isles.  Our first love, our original love of freedom was verily born in the very heart of the Alps, even the manifestation of a free people crying out back in the thirteenth century to be free from the Nephilim themselves.
  Blessed hearts of light, the ongoing cause of freedom, nation by nation, is in our eye and in our heart.  And we summon all of you, nation by nation, to overthrow the tyrant where you are—first and foremost, the tyrant of rigidity in the mental body, hardness of heart, and souls encapsulated by strings winding around that self, yarn of doctrine and dogma that does surely encase the individual to darkness and not bind the soul to light.
                           -Saint Germain:  Pearl 24:34
Mwmbers of the Cosmic Secret Service, “devotees of the All-Seeing Eye of God,” are “guardians of the destiny of liberty in America and in every nation on earth.” Mark and Elizabeth Prophet have taught that the Cosmic Secret Service uses “God-vision to warn the citizens of cosmos of threats to the security of the individualization of the God flame—threats to life and liberty, threats to the governments of the world and to the family as the basic unit of the Aquarian society.”  In 1973 K-17 described the work of the Cosmic Secret Service and how we can help:  “My legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ, and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and unfolding Buddhic consciousness in mankind.  We do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the All-Seeing Eye of God with the help of Cyclopea, in calling to the attention of Hierarchy the persons and conditions, the organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are... a threat to the advancement of the light upon the planet.  You know that God is omniscient.  But God’s omniscience is manifest through His awareness of Himself in man.  God uses your hands and feet.  He also uses your eyes.  And thus, it is not out of order for those in embodiment to call to the attention of hierarchy conditions that are in the making and on the drawing boards that require the seal of whitefire—the ring-pass-not.  Many in embodiment ... serve with the Cosmic Secret Service...because many ascended masters who serve on the councils of the Great White Brotherhood have not been embodied recently. Once they ascend they are no longer in touch with the world situation and contemporary society in the same measure that they were when they were embodied on earth.  While they possess the power of tuning in to mankind they don’t spend any more of their energy than necessary to accomplish their service.     
  “My legions have computers recording all types of information on all types of people; for we must be ready, as we serve with the Keeper of the Scrolls, to provide any ascended master at any time with what you would call a dossier on a lifestream.”  This information is used by the ascended masters to determine a person’s aptitude for a specific job they would assign him.  K-17 further explained “The unascended branch of the Cosmic Secret Service assembles information on specific cases, writes reports on world situations and offers opinions as to what should be done about certain matters.  The reports of the various agents are put together and examined.  The masters compare their own views with the suggestions of the unascended agents.  In most cases they pass on the results in concise form to the Karmic Board.  The final actions of the Brotherhood are based then to some degree, on the intelligence gathered by those in embodiment.”  in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 160-61, 160, 161-62).  Pearl 47:38

   Blessed hearts, the Lords of Karma are holding in abeyance and attempting to hold back the threat of nuclear war.  I am certain that you know this is true.  It is their desire to see, before such conflagration or confrontation, the coming together of lightbearers of every continent who will form themselves truly as the armies of light of heaven and earth who will become one body of God upon earth through the science of the spoken Word and the exercise of the sword of peace.
There are many things that must be exposed, even the entire intent of war of the Nephilim.  But it is the intent of Hierarchy—and we require the cooperation of our unascended chelas to see that this intent is brought about—to hold back the precipitation of these momentums, even those forthcoming out of the Dark Cycle, to give another time and a half a time to the children of the light and  sons and daughters of God to multiply and proliferate the teachings and their practice upon Earth.  For, beloved hearts, ere we conclude the battle of Armageddon and resolution of forces opposing on the planet there will have to be a planetary exposure of the Nephilim themselves and the intent of war….
Blessed hearts, that which is being done in America today against this people is frightening and horrendous indeed.  Suffice it to say that the continuing activities of the KGB and the Soviet Union are an ever-present threat, not only to the freedom of America but to the physical health of her people and to their very sanity.  Thus we trust that not by the outbreak of their intent in war itself but by education the people will rise up to challenge and call forth the judgment of these fallen ones before their nefarious intent should actually be precipitated. 

            -Archangel Jophiel and Christine, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  January 1, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:12

  If you will study those three (earliest I AM Activity) books, you will realize and see that the dispensations and teachings that were given were such a threat to the fallen ones that they evolved entire systems—from marijuana to sensitivity training to all sorts of experimentations with the human body and the chakras—to siphon off the light, to deter souls of light from their I AM Presence, to take from them that energy of the crown chakra and of the heart and of the Word itself, to divert it, to amplify and amplify again the miscreations of the lower chakras.  And therefore we have seen the rise of genetic engineering and pollution by the misuse of the light of chemistry, which again is the misuse of the light of Alpha and Omega in the fiery core of every atom of matter substance.  

                  - Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on May 3, 1981, Pearl 24:27

 Blessed ones, God and Goddess Meru tarry here now.  Their great momentum of victory over witchcraft, death, hell and black magic is brought to bear in this hour on the threat of suicide worldwide as an open door to the devastation of the Fourth Horseman approaching. They are ready to turn back and bind the entire momentum of this force in answer to your call.
Keep the vigil then as you also seal your projects in the next fourteen days. Understand, beloved, that Soviet World Communism is organized suicide called the “beast of socialism.”  It is the enslavement of millions to the chains of death, consented to by the many through the philosophy of suicide— Socialist/Communist perversion of the Community of the Holy Spirit.   

-Jesus Christ, cia Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on  December 25, 1986 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana, Pearl 29:78

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