Sunday, February 20, 2022

Let there be then a ceasing of any and all divide-and-conquer tactics

     Now when Moses saw that his rod became a serpent, he fled from before it.  I used this illustration to show him how the fallen ones have taken the life-force and captivated it in snakelike forms of destructivity capable of penetrating the minds of my children by serpentine logic and sinuous emotion.  The very movement of a serpent’s body produces the sine wave, and this relates to advanced teachings transferred by adepts to their disciples whereby they learn to pass their bodies through solid matter by the application of this principle of motion at the molecular level.
   In order to succeed in his great commission, Moses must demonstrate God-mastery in the exercise of the powers of the king, for it was he who would indeed hold the key to the incarnation of God in the children of Israel.  I instructed him to take the serpent by the tail, and I instruct you to do the same.  Not the head-on confrontation with fallen ones but the challenging of the very base of their operation which is always in the misuse of the base-of-the-spine chakra–this is the tactic of angels of light and sons of God who have never left their high calling to defend the Holy of Holies from the abomination of desolation.
   When you learn to seize the light of the Mother and raise it in God-control to the heart chakra, you will also be able to put forth your hand as the hand of God and catch the seed of Serpent.  And when you shall have seized the light which they have misqualified–to transmute it before it can turn and bite you–then that light will become a rod of God’s power in your hand.  Thus prepare yourselves by dilig ent pursuit of the science of the Mother light (1) to take up serpents by faith in Archangel Michael and his Lord’s hosts, (2) to turn them back by the true wisdom of the Son, and (3) to transmute their hate and hate creation by love’s own violet ray–the sacred fire of the Destroyer (Holy Spirit) who consumes all that is unlike Himself.   ]

                     -Sanat Kumara:  Pearl 22:46 

   On April 16, 1975 Lucifer was bound by Archangel Michael and taken to the Court of  Sacred Fire on the etheric plane of  God-star Sirius where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders over a period of ten days. The testimony of many souls of light in embodiment on Terra and other planets and systems were heard together with that of the ascended masters, archangels and Elohim.  On April 26, 1975 Lucifer was found guilty of total rebellion against Almighty God by unanimous vote of the Twenty Four Elders and sentenced to the second death.  As he stood on the disc of the sacred fire before the court the flame of Alpha and Omega rose as a spiral of intense white light, canceling out an identity and a consciousness that had influenced the fall of one third of the angels of several galaxies and countless lifewaves evolving in this and other systems of worlds.  Many who followed the Fallen One in the Great Rebellion have also been brought to trial.  The ascended masters teach that prior to final judgment at the Court of Sacred Fire and the second death there is a daily judgment weighing each individual’s actions, words, deeds and integrity. It is a sifting process activated by the chastening love of the Lord whereby the individual learns to choose between right and  -wrong.  -notes to 
Pearl 22:5

    Hush!  For in the stillness one can hear the great pause in the heartbeat. There between the sine wave, there between the rhythm of Life, is a point that can only be found by the very consonance of the Word of your own fiery heart.
   Hush!  For in the quivering of the bow of the Archer, there is an arrow sent.  It is the return of the call of the Woman and her seed worldwide.  The hush is the waiting of angelic bands as they know what is in store when all of these fiats, as mighty eagles, return to the very point of release and deliver there a thrust of fire!—there to consume, now to liberate, then again to enfire.   
                         -Kuan Yin, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:33

   Let there be then a ceasing of any and all divide-and-conquer tactics practiced against souls of light.  [And let the souls of light cease to fall for such tactics!] And let there be the realization that when any one son of Light falls upon earth, all others must bend [the knee before the living Christ]; and [they] also [must] go down [to raise up the one] that they may [also] rise; and they must move, then, to that undulating cycle of the sine wave. And yet some will go on and some will remain, some will go on in the battle of life on earth and some will enter into [the] transition [of] higher [initiations].
  Therefore we also pause and send a light to the heart of the pope, that all may know that we are loyal to every brother on the path East and West. And there is a conspiracy of light, a confraternity of light, and a conclave of light and therefore we assemble!   

               -El Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 21, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles County, Pearl 24:68

    Here from the heart of the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral Elizabeth and I, your servants in Christ, would release a twofold spiral of light, a sine wave of our hearts; and we would touch every Keeper of the Flame upon earth with the resurrection flame which we share.  We would, then, be here in this octave together for the rekindling, the refueling, if you will, of the unfed flame that is fed solely from the heart of your own I AM Presence.    

           -Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 26, 1981 at Colorado Springs, Pearls of Wisdom  24:62

  I come then that that light in you might increase and that the lesser self might diminish. I come then also to wrestle with the serpents—the serpents of the carnal mind that have sought to enter, as sine waves of energy misqualified, into the very fabric of the soul and the subconscious.
   I come to those who have set themselves in a convenient mode of chelaship, who have designed for themselves their relationship to the ascended masters and to the messenger and have carefully set themselves apart that their interaction with God and with his hosts might only be with that portion of their being and world and life in which the presence of God is convenient. And they have carefully wrapped and put aside even the elements of the subconscious, the human consciousness, that become the difficulty on the    path.  For here is the necessity for striving.  Here is the necessity for travail to give birth to the fullness of the light.  Here is the necessity for confrontation.
    O beloved hearts, that serpent mind—until it is cast out—reserves for itself that position of power.  And it is most clever.  It is most subtle.  And therefore it is kept well hidden behind the smile or the garments.  And some of you, beloved hearts, do not realize that when you wonder why things do not go as you think they should in your life or on the path of attainment it is because you have actually withheld from submitting to the Great Guru those elements of consciousness, those islands that represent the courses of rebellion and disobedience, those mountains of pride and ambition, those peaks of pride from which the ego gazes in the lofty manner to survey the empire of the mind and the desire body and all that it can successfully manipulate in others and in the world.  

           -Lord Ling, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 28, 1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:4
   Our beloved, so know that cycles do indeed turn.  And they turn because you take a strong hand and thrust the prayer wheel and give the decree and establish that momentum in the face of those who surely come (the dark ones and so forth) by many names.  They come, but they also go.  They represent the antithesis of the yin and the yang as they pass through sine waves and then are spent.
   Thus, beloved, the “they” of whom I speak are a breed who for a moment occupy or use or borrow many bodies, and then they are gone.  Beware, then, the rape of the etheric body and the chakras by those who come perhaps not as “evil ones” but as definite tools of Darkness. Beware how they come to poison and turn aside.
   Beware, O children of the Sun.  For I AM that Law that does deliver thee. And the means of deliverance which you have seen as the clipper ship is truly my causal body. It is my Eden of Light, forged, won, created to contain all of you in the Mystery School.
    So it is beautiful to contemplate this area of the nation.  Yet we must be in the mountain for the lowering of the causal body that is the key to the golden age.  And then we must blend the golden spheres of our causal bodies jointly held. For this is the meaning of the Guru/Chela relationship!  
                      -Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 24, 1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles,   Pearl 28:53
     We speak then of the interval of rest from the labor of the hands and the going within to the secret chamber of the heart.  That ‘work’ of which I speak is not the running of the machine until it is worn out, nor of the body.  It is something quite apart from that.  It is goal-fittedness, measured victory upon victory—and understanding the sine wave of the intensity in the heart of the Immensity—and the retirement into higher octaves for the rest that is called the samadhi.
   Blessed ones, ask for samadhi in higher octaves as you place your heart and soul to rest at night.  Adeptship in the path of the Eastern Masters is to be studied and achieved at night.  We are not so much concerned that you step forth as physical adepts, as we are that you have in this octave a sense of balancing personal and planetary karma, mastering the skill that is your sacred labor, and loving one another as brethren in Christ. 
              -Archeia Mary, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 24, 1986 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana,  Pearl 29:76
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  I will gaze upon the Sun of Helios and Vesta with my inner eye, and I will then create a spiral, an undulation. And I will not go up and down the sine wave but I shall cut straight through as an arrow. In my meditation I will pass through the Central Sun of this system of worlds and back again in elliptical orbit. I can do this, for I AM the One.m     I may know all the joys of this life placed here for my commeasurement with Love, but I may simultaneously and without fear build ring upon ring of my causal body here below as is above. I can enter the secret rays by the call to Mighty Cosmos. I am only conditioned to mortality. It has never been my reality.
    I am standing now in the center of the Sun even as I stand upon the altar before the altar of the Holy Grail.  Lo, I AM here and I AM there.  I AM Mother and I AM Child, I AM Father and I AM Son, held forever in the embrace of Holy Spirit’s cloven tongues of fire.

    Now I climb the sunbeam back to the heart of the blue sphere.  I hear in that ray of light the sound of the Great Divine Director.  I am commensurate with the vibration of the will of God, and now I see how that will translates through Mother as surefooted divine direction.  I may leap in the high mountains with those sheep and goats who know the way.  I am so sure that my step is the step of God, for I AM in the heart of the Great Divine Director.   

       Great Divine Director via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1985 at Camelot. Pearl 29:20
     We cannot count on such chelas.  In fact we do not call them chelas, for they are like yo-yos.  One day they are smiling and one day they are frowning.  And one day they come with a black cloud and the next day they are inundated with light.  Beloved ones, you must carry the light through the downward cycles and throughout the undulation of the sine wave.
   Realize then that there is a portent of great comings and great events.  But you will have to understand that all of you must become a magnet of the Great Central Sun, qualified by the action of the violet flame.  You see, the Great Central Sun Magnet is as the white sphere in the center of the Great Causal Body. This Great Central Sun Magnet may then be charged by Elohim, in answer to your call, with a specific type of magnetism of the seven rays.     
                   -Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 25, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 29:11

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