Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Canadian government’s gl obalist spiel

 The Canadian government’s gl obalist spiel (directed through World Bank and IMF) at :53 of this video: 


   I say then, trust not your supply or the wealth of any nation in the hands of the fallen ones, in the hands of the Luciferians. For there are those in every nation—those who abuse the system of individual enterprise, of capitalism, those who abuse the system of the sacred community of the Spirit. And thus in their perversions of economic theory, they abort the flow, the free-flowing life energy.
     Do you understand that the weight of the problem lies more in the heart of a man than in the system?  Understand that there are many workable systems if mankind have the golden rule, have love and the flow of love. But when the light of sun centers, when the light of gold of Alpha, of silver of Omega is hoarded in the hands of the dark ones (for they know the Law and the garnering of energy and the forcefield of energy that is for power and for control), then, you see, the children of the light have not in their hands the stewardship of energy and energy forcefields.  And thus, by their limited vision, they have become the impoverished nations of the world.  For they have entrusted the supply of the fire of the heart into the hands of those who are not to be trusted. 

 An economy for the golden age is an economy based on the golden-rule consciousness and on the light of flow whereby mankind are continually receiving from God and giving to God in manifestation. There is no hoarding.  There is only perpetual flow—flow of light, flow among the masses—where every child of God has an inheritance and a right to hold that inheritance, to be deprived neither of bread nor of education nor of the basic necessities of life.  There is no reason why the abundance of God cannot be fairly distributed to all.   

                 -Godfre, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1974 at Los Angeles, Pearl 52:17

    The most beautiful cups sometimes contain the darkest poisons, and frequently these poisons are introduced via the most pleasant-tasting elixirs.
    The publishing industry of the world, in the hands of a few through cartels and secret agreements, seems bent upon pushing humanity into a one-world government, founded not upon ascended master law but upon the decadent philosophies of the laggards. Many are the couriers trained in Moscow who have gone forth in the name of religion, in the name of brotherhood, in the name of Christ to create an ecumenical attitude in the hearts of men. Concealing their real purpose of world control through a world council, they espouse noble causes—but their motives are dark.… Such a loss of personal freedom, due to the bureaucratic restrictions that would be imposed upon the people, would drive millions to suicide….
     Those Atlantean overlords who have reembodied and moved into the same positions of control which they abused on that lost continent are once again using their power in the press, television, in radio, and in such institutions of financial control as the World Bank and the Federal Reserve System to misdirect the affairs of the nations. These manipulators, who know that to issue and control a nation’s money is more important than writing its laws, are drawing the halter tighter and tighter about man’s destiny in this age.   Their spies are everywhere; and yet, as in the early days of the American Revolution, freedom is a flame that lives in the hearts of the people.       K-17 for cosmic secret service, Pearl 13:24


   For I give you the key to the word of Sumer—only in the Divine Mother can freedom be found and retained.
    So, beloved, this movement is of the Divine Mother and not of any human.   Our Spirit transcends the form and the Messenger we use. Understand how God in you is greater than any one of us.  So I am here and I stand by the grace of God and his Holy Spirit of freedom!  I stand before this banner of freedom  that still recalls the sign of the God-star Sirius and the power of Elohim in you to become that Word incarnate.
    Children of the Sun who have become the sons and daughters of God, from the beginning unto the ending I am your most belov’d Merlin.  And I say “most belov’d” by way of extending my heart to you for the alchemy of victory that you, Keepers of the Flame, have wrought in this Church Universal and Triumphant.
    Therefore, the angels applaud.  Hear them, beloved! Hear them. [18-sec. applause]
    The lower spirits of the prophets of Baal have seen their day!  They may no longer even dominate the lower channels whom they have used.  Beloved ones, it is a triumphant day for the gift of the Holy Spirit of prophecy itself unto you and all who love God supremely. Therefore in that alchemy come, so now reside in the seat of my heart.  (Won’t you be seated.)
  Where shall we go, Lord, but to the heart of the living disciple?  So we have come, Lord, and so thy Word shall abide here forever.  And thy Word, O Lord, is power.  And thy Word in the hearts of this people shall truly vindicate thy name I AM THAT I AM.
    I pray the Father of all victory and light and freedom, come swiftly, then, to bind the spoilers in North and South America! …O God, deliver these, as they are as the early American patriots taking upon themselves the responsibility to defend a nation against the usurpers of the seat of God-government that belongs to the people, is of and by the people ….It is the prophets, old and new, who must affirm this freedom this day.  For it is the fulcrum, whether of God-freedom to the entire hemisphere or totalitarian encroachment that will not be stopped, I warn you, without bloodshed in these United States.  And this is my prophecy to you!
    They will move to Panama. They will infiltrate.  And there is not the spine or the unity today to turn them back.  Let them be turned back and let our voice, now the minority, become that which sparks the majority to see the vision and to realize it! [17-sec. applause]
     Nevermore was there a cause so great, so espoused by the tears of the beloved Mother Mary and her heart’s fire. Nevermore since the American Revolution has there been a cause that so concerns the nations and the Ascended Masters. Beloved ones, the facing of the tyrant of the Soviet Union now becomes the world enterprise of lightbearers everywhere.  Therefore I say to you: lightbearers of the world, unite! [27-sec. applause]
     We know the plight of those in Afghanistan and elsewhere.  We know of the darkness pitted against black and white and independence in South Africa.  We know of the conspiracies that take lightbearers and enlist them in the causes of the fallen ones by rhetoric, cliché, indoctrination and  foul use of the press by those who have nothing to lose, for they have already lost their souls long, long ago.
    Those who still stand against the international corporations and banks and Communist systems, those who stand with Jonas Savimbi—that handful against the overwhelming odds of support to the enemy, I am sorry to say, by the United States—those who stand with him need your comfort, your prayer, and the empowerment of God.
   Believe me, beloved, your voice does count.  Do not sense a victory won but a victory begun. …    So I also say, let the seed of Serpent then be plucked out of their midst and be bound and removed this day! I, Saint Germain, therefore defy those serpents as infiltrators in America, in the earth and in Holy Church.  Let those, then, who deny the sacred freedoms to any now have taken from them the very thing which they have denied to others.   This law of karma acts this day.  


             -Saint Germain, voa Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles County, Pearls of Wisdom 29:64

   sometimes the one who knows the truth feels drowned out by the babbling voices of error.  These voices are like the crickets. Whether a thousand or ten thousand, they seem to occupy the night air with a certain sound that becomes monotonous and of which many then—becoming so accustomed thereto—also become unaware. And it is the unawareness of error and error as a constant that I come to pierce and to puncture, beloved hearts.  For this droning on of the crickets of error becomes a hypnotic force that moves in the world and prevents those who have the receptivity to truth from embodying that truth now and each day and always.
    I come then to underscore the power of truth and the one who embodies that truth by the expanded threefold flame, by purity of heart and oneness with Lord Maitreya and with our bands.  Truly God-government is seated in the God-star Sirius. Truly, the cosmic councils and those who enforce the light in these several galaxies are centered there.  Thus having the Messenger anchoring the light of Sirius, thus having the chelas giving daily the calls to me, does establish [on Earth] truly an intensity of the causal body of the God-star—the origin of ye all.  

               - Surya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter April 7, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:24 


  Hail, legions of Venus! Come now!  Rally round the Mother of the World.  Rally around her children!  Let them be drawn up now into the levels of the etheric octave where the power, wisdom and love of the music of the spheres is able to transform worlds of the psyche, worlds in the inner earth.
    Let music not be thought of as something that does not have ultimate power.  The great symphonies, the works of Beethoven, Mahler and many others --play these also perpetually in your homes, for they are upholding a certain level of vibration of molecules, of atoms and of Earth.  Know then that music is a mighty powerful force.  And just because it is so, the fallen angels, as you know, have moved in everywhere to take from children and adults alike the original purity of the sound of the Om that originated in the Word in the Beginning, the sound of the Om that calls home to the Divine Mother all evolutions whose day and hour is come for their perfectionment.

  I am Sanat Kumara. I have come and tarried long in the Earth.  I have returned to my home star and returned to Earth again.  I will not be moved from this planetary home until every lightbearer is ascended in the light and free. 

         -Sanat Kumara. via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1996 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 44:46.    .    ………....................................................................

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