Sunday, February 27, 2022

the Babylon of human experience must fall

1)   I tell you, blessed ones, for money’s sake and for the sake of filthy lucre some among the mankind of Earth will do almost anything, even [if it means] bringing about destruction and  defeat of great nations.  They will betray their countries. They will betray their homes and families. They will betray their own Divine Presence for the sake of money.  I tell you, blessed ones, this is an action of the money beast whose center—lying over Wall Street in New York City—has caused a manipulation of stock markets, many times to the destruction of many individuals.
  Blessed ones, do you realize what the action of man’s love of money has done to cities of your own country?  Do you realize how it has brought about not only places where individuals act in a manner most unbecoming to their own divinity but also where they deceive mankind and attempt to deceive the very Deity within their own person?
  And yet of course it is a known fact (to you all who have an understanding of the great Law) that this is impossible.  For the Eye of God sees all and knows all that is taking place everywhere!  And the divine hierarchy, through its great cosmic link of angelic intelligences is able to report to the great Lords of Karma upon the instant every single act of mankind so that there is no individual anywhere who is able to proceed, in the darkness of his own being, to perform nefarious acts and then to escape the action of the great Law.    

               -Saint Germain, via  Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on July 12, 1964 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Pearl 60:18
2)   Interfere nce by commercial interests with the natural outflow of rhythmic cycles of God’s grace in food and substance is a source of great destruction in this present time.  The overabundant consumption of carbonated substance interferes with natural digestive juices which, when left alone, function to manifest beautiful body temples to house the Spirit of the living God.  We cannot fail then to acknowledge that the power of human interference has affected man.  To prevent spoilage of goods upon the marketplaces mankind kill the soul of the food and leave husks behind for the hungry bellies of the world.  Is it any wonder then that the Babylon of human experience must fall and that the cycles of longevity which have been so long interfered with must be returned to those diligent ones who will seek perfect balance of body, mind and soul?  
                -Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 16:19
3)  I would point out to you this day that in your analysis of cycles and the cycles of the stock market crash you should realize that in every century mankind is given a hundred-year allotment of energy with which to prove  mastery of the Christ by the power of the ten times ten.  To master selflessness ten times is the victory of each century.  Do you see then that the first thirty-three years of the century are critical?  Likewise the first thirty-three years in the life of man mark the attainment of Christhood or the lost potential for that attainment.  In the perfect life lived by Jesus the Christ you witness how mastery came to the four lower bodies through the four cycles of seven [ending] at t
he twenty-eighth year. 
  -Mighty Victory:  via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1973 in Santa Barbara, California, Pearl 43:9
4)  It is necessary then in taking up the question of gold and its study to be prepared for mass entities that are vicious and virulent upon Earth such as the entities of the beast of Wall Street— the money beast— and all of those manifest tentacles of the money beast.  This beast has been bound and cleared many times by the hosts of the Lord in answer to the calls of the students of light.  It is re-created daily by those who deal in the commodities market and on the stock market and in the Federal Reserve System, for the manipulation of inflation and deflation and putting forth of currency which is not backed any longer in this nation by gold. 
                  -God of Gold with Tabor, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 10, 1977 in Pasadena, Pearl 53:23
5)  And so it is the staying action of the Lord God Himself implemented through your lifestreams that stands between this city and the descent of that judgment which would be a greater calamity than that which was seen in the crash of 1929 and the fall of energies within the stock market by manipulations of fallen ones.  Beloved ones, just prior to that crash those who represented the people were exclaiming that the economy was sound, that all was well.  We hear this again today in the State of the Union Address of your own President.  It is the lie of fallen ones.  The economy of this nation is not sound.  It is in a most precarious situation, and it goes back to the Mother-light itself–the very base-of-the-spine chakra. Unless there be some who hold the action of that light as a pure fountain of living flame the entire superstructure of the nation cannot be built chakra by chakra.  And therefore you see, the key to the deliverance of this nation through third-eye energies anchored over this city is always noted by how many devotees are determined to raise that energy of the Mother-light, for it is the very support of the Alpha-Omega in Elohim of the all-seeing Eye, Cyclopea.
Beloved ones, it is the decrees of students that have accelerated in these weeks that has brought the sudden burst of the stock market as has not been seen in many months.  And it was emanation of the light of the God of Gold that brought  resurgence of the value of that precious element.  So dedicate is the economy, so delicate is this flow of energy–it is like quicksilver.
  Beloved ones, the balance of gold and silver, Alpha and Omega, rests clearly upon the light of God manifest within His peoples.  For you see, that flow which is regulated by the Great Central Sun Magnet is perpetually being abused by those who manipulate the stock market, manipulate stocks and bonds, currency, inflation and deflation–always to their own net gain.  And these are  archdeceivers whose power as they see it is precisely according to their amassing of the wealth and goods of this world.
  When you realize then that the regulatory factor of the governor of life who is the Lord Our Righteousness—who is the Christ Self within you would of its own free light and cosmic intelligence keep the way of the Tree of Life within the economy of the world—is interfered with by subtle manipulations each and every day of those who rise early in the morning to control this day’s prices on the world market of gold, silver, commodities, resources, grain and wheat–all of these manipulations result in skimming off of profits unto those who have not earned that profit by the sweat of the brow, by the labor of the hands.   
                  -Lady Venus, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at New York City on April 23, 1978, Pearls of Wisdom 21:40
6)  Without the sense of the movement of history—where it has come from and where it is going—you may not always be alert to those signs that come upon a civilization just before its fall, even as the sign of the breaking of the stock market and the crash of 1929 were certainly present.  But those who were very close to them did not see the signs.  And many themselves were broken by this break in the economy, in the investment system of the nation, in the banking-houses, and ultimately affecting the very worth of the medium of exchange itself.
  You can see how there has been a change in the nation since the departure from the gold standard.  You can see the change in the nation when the power to determine the course of finance is taken away from the people of the descent of the I AM and put into the hands of those who have made themselves the “Watchers” of this
   evolution.  But they are not Watchers in the divine sense.  They do not come in the tradition of Cyclopea or the Great Silent Watchers, but they are the point of Antichrist of the entire hierarchy of anti-God and anti- all-seeing Eye.
    Having been initiated by Cyclopea,  you ought to recognize that through whomever the initiation may come, the attainment and lineage of that ascended being is upon you as opportunity.  Study then and understand  evolutions of the fifth ray.  The fifth ray contains the science of religion and the religion of science—a Spirit/matter exchange for dominion of the two pillars of Alpha and Omega.   
                          -Queen of Light:  via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:43


7)  Therefore, beloved, you would say that on a day-to-day basis this commodity of karma does rise and fall almost like the stock market.  When Keepers of the Flame and lightbearers send forth the light, the descending karma of the seed of the wicked is held back for another and another opportunity for souls of light to find their Presence, to find angels of the Lord and to be cut free by legions of light who would take them aside then from those areas of  greatest karma of the seed of the wicked.

                - Goddess of Liberty, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 8, 1987 at Los Angeles, Pearl 30:8

8)  I come then with concern for decisions that are being made in your names and in your behalf by those who have not the capacity to lead. Therefore, beloved, it does take the Mind of God in all areas to outsmart a complex karma whereby the people of light are tied to those spoilers in the Earth and arch­deceivers, tied by economic systems. Whether by bread lines, whether by  stock market, whether by taxation, whether by armies and war, the planet is enmeshed.
  And therefore the call went forth long ago from the heart of Joshua:  “Come apart now and be a separate and chosen people!”  When the avalanche of human karma descends and the seed of the wicked who know they have karma cry out to the mountains “Fall on us, fall on us!” for they desire to die rather than to face the Lord’s judgment, it is then, beloved, that you must indeed be out of harm’s way.       

             -Saint Germain, via Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 20, 1987 at Detroit, Pearl 30:66
9)  Therefore the prize is in my hand and I will give it to you perhaps not today, perhaps not tomorrow but in that moment when you want to be the alchemist more than you want to be the elements of your not-Self.  It is truly a divine exchange–old lamps for new.  Yet this lamp is far greater than Aladdin’s.  This lamp, beloved, is a lamp of true self-knowledge and of science [of the Inner Self.  The lamp that I give you, beloved, is the lamp that was yours to begin with–the lamp of your real Self that sheds the greater light of all-Knowing from your I AM Presence.]
   It is true that I am a scientist, beloved, and the first lesson in science that I give to my pupils at our retreat is on the science of the raising up of the Mother-flame.  Gently, gently souls of light begin to raise that sacred fire. And I show them how to be sensitive when that purity, that pure power of the Mother, does begin almost immediately [as it rises up the spinal altar from the base chakra to the crown] to contact records [in the four lower bodies] of misuses of that very light.   
                        -Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 15, 1990 at RTR, Park County, Montana, Pearl 33:36

   This day, beloved, the American people one by one are poor by comparison to many [in the West and in Japan], and this is the [direct result of  leadership’s] mismanagement of the abundant life God gave.  And that abundant life is the gift of the Mother as well as of the Father and it is intended for all.  And it has been stripped from this people by manipulation of the stock market, by international bankers and by sending [the people’s] monies everywhere upon Earth in loans that will never be repaid.
   Spending of the people’s money on [everything but] the welfare of the people is shocking, beloved. But what is more shocking is that the women of this nation have not risen up en masse to challenge this    

                       -Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood   Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 26, 1990 at New York City, Pearl 33:41
   11)  Now then keep always the sense of co-measurement of world events and which way they are moving even as you watch the weather. Do not allow yourself to not be aware of the shadings of turns or sudden plummeting of the stock market or of nations or of politicians who no longer represent what they used to represent.  Keep your co-measurement with an eye on yourself and your soul with a true self-knowledge of what it takes to place one foot after the other as you climb the highest mountain.  
                    -Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 22, 1992 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 35:34

  13)     Beware then, be watchful.  Watch then out of the corner of the mind’s eye the behavior of the untransmuted self.  Be the watchman upon the wall of your own citadel of freedom, your own manifestation in this octave and be quick to snuff out the candle of that ego which is not the divine Ego.
   Yes, beloved, some of you are very ready for the exchange whereby you surrender the human ego and receive the divine Ego.  No less of a person shall you be if you do this, no less of an individual, but an individuality in God, a God-manifestation who is always humble and yet bears the strength of the peace-commanding presence that is begotten of the heart of kindness….
  Therefore, beloved, be done with those things that are a trap. They are a mousetrap, I tell you!  Truly do not be caught in a mousetrap, for you have bigger [and better] things before you.  You have promises that you have given and that you will keep.  You have a life to give to God when you are ready.  If you are not ready to give Him your whole life, then I ask you to take stock this day.      -

                  Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 36:2
14)  Karma then can tip the scales suddenly. On one day you have all that it takes to accomplish the feat at hand; on the next karma descends, the stock market falls and you realize that the optimum moment has somehow slipped through your fingers and that which you have proposed is no longer a solution.
   Days will be quixotic.  Yes, beloved, note how events like quicksilver appear and suddenly disappear and you wonder where all of the planning has gone.  Thus it is good to concentrate.  It is good to establish goals and meet them quickly and bring your efforts into physical manifestation so that you have something in hand to show besides many files in your filing cabinets. Many deliberations, many meetings and yet somehow  physical precipitation has escaped you.
                      -El Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1993 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 36:5
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15)  Make attunement with your heart, beloved.  Do not be fooled but recognize that your worth as a Christed being, your worth on the stock market of life is far greater when you are in physical embodiment than when you are in heavenly octaves.  For you can be seen, you can be touched!  You can talk to souls!  You can deliver them by the momentum of your light.  For souls who do not have the spiritual receptors are not able to tie themselves back to their Holy Christ Self without the help of someone they can see or hear.  Thus your worth on Earth is supreme.   

                        -Lanello:  Pearl 36:71
16)      Life does not need to be an emotional roller-coaster especially when you carefully watch over your physical body and your selection of foods.  When you are centered in the sacred fire, beloved, you seek foods that are also centering.  You are not moved.  For there is a greater love, there is the understanding of the great Tao and a cosmic perception, a profound unity with life.  And yet truly you arrive at the awareness of God in you, God around you and all about you, God through you, God as the reality of Selfhood.
   Would you not desire to cease suffering in the ups and downs of returning karma and vicissitudes of the stock market of life itself?  O I know you would, beloved!  It is within your reach.  It is within your grasp. But vigilance is its price along with surrender to the Laws of God.
   Some of you have very little to correct in your worlds to find yourselves truly in alignment with me. As the Messenger has expressed, do rid yourselves of condemnation.  It is a most heinous sin, especially when you practice it against yourselves.  It is truly a sin against the Holy Ghost.   
                   -Maha Chohan, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 1, 1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl 37:15

17)  It is time that you took seriously the danger in retiring at night after having had a heated argument, engaging in discord of any kind or having taken recreational drugs or become inebriated with alcohol.  Some of you become angry with public figures, politicians, those who manipulate interest rates, the stock market, the economy. Some of you hate rock stars or drug lords.  You must come to a greater God-mastery whereby you do not engage the evils of this world, you do not lock in to them.     

                     -Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Thanksgiving  November 24, 1994 at RTR, Park County, Montana, Pearl 37:45

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